. Meet the Interim Board of Governors. Harr
Issue 1 - October 2017
Message from the Co-Chairmen Welcome to the first issue of our Newsletter. The coming year will be a year of significant change in secondary school education in Carrickfergus as the current schools, Carrickfergus College and Downshire Community School, close their doors as separate schools for the final time on 31st August 2018 and open as an amalgamated school on 1st September 2018 with a new name, new uniform etc. More about those matters in future issues! As your interim Board of Governors (iBoG), we invite you toembracet hischangewithconfidence and enthusiasm in order to ensure that the new school gets off the ground successfully and meets the educational needs of young people in Carrickfergus for coming decades. Change, of course, is always challenging, not least of all due to the uncertainty it creates. Therefore, our aim in this Newsletter (which we plan to produce every two months) is to keep you informed as schools, teachers, parents, pupils, and feeder schools. We hope that by giving you information directly we will be able to allay some of your fears and quash any rumours that are circulating, both of which often flourish on the back of change. If you have questions or concerns we will do our best to answer them as quickly as possible. Please email us with them to either email address:
[email protected] or
[email protected]
In this issue Meet the Interim Board of Governors Appointment of Principal Designate Message from the Principals Split-site school What is the name of our new school?
Meet the Interim Board of Governors
Harry Coulter Co-Chairman
Alan Winsby Co-Chairman
Helen Boyd Teacher
Jim Brown Education Authority
Sam Crowe Education Authority
Gabrielle Farquhar Transferor Rep
Dorothy Kinkaid Transferor Rep
Denise McClure Teacher
Glen McCord Parent Rep
Helen Rankin Education Authority
Glen Rodgers Parent Rep
Joanne Rodgers Transferor Rep
Appointment of Principal Designate
Brian Shields Transferor Rep
Diane Sloan Parent Rep
The position of Principal for your new school has been advertised and the Interim Board of Governors will be conducting interviews during the second half of November. We hope that in our next issue we will be able to introduce the person appointed to you.
SCHOOL OPEN NIGHT for P6 & P7 will be held on the
Thursday 4th January 2018
at the Downshire Road Campus between 6.30-9.00pm Message from the Principals As Principal of Downshire Community School, I am fully in support Having taught in Carrickfergus College (High) from 1986, I am of the amalgamation with Carrickfergus College. I realise that it will heavily invested in the delivery of education in Carrickfergus. be a journey full of challenges and will pose some concerns for all I believe that the amalgamation of Carrickfergus College and involved in the process. Downshire School is the best thing for both schools and the local However, we will work tirelessly to ensure everything is in place for community. the new school to open on 1st September 2018. I am completely There will, of course, be anxieties for pupils and parents around this committed to lending my assistance in every way possible to ensure period of change and a phenomenal amount of work for all involved a smooth transition. to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible. This is now my 12th year as Principal of Downshire and my 35th as I can assure you that all staff in both schools, along with the Interim a teacher in this school. During this time providing the best possible Board of Governors, are putting their best efforts into ensuring that education for young people under my care has been at the centre everything is completed before 1st September 2018. of everything I have done. Their well-being and sense of security is Pupils are at the heart of every excellent school. Consistency is paramount as we move towards amalgamation. also the key to achieving excellence. And both are at the heart of I truly believe that the new school will create many exciting everything the IBOG are presently working on. opportunities for the young people of our town, present and future, and urge you to support both current schools and the new school for Finally, I would urge all parents to take an active role in ensuring the new school is the excellent school Carrickfergus needs and deserves. the good of our most valuable resource – the children. Mrs J E Stewart - Principal, Downshire School
Mr H Webb - Principal, Carrickfergus College
Split-site school
What is the name of our new school?
Neither school building is large enough to accommodate the merged school population of approximately 1250 pupils. That means the new school will operate on a split site in the interim though it will be treated as a priority by the Department of Education for a new state of the art building. In the meantime, your Board is seeking to make decisions that best facilitate the education of pupils using the existing buildings at North Road and Downshire Road. In September 2018 pupils will be accommodated at these campuses on the following basis. Pupils entering Year 8 - Downshire Road campus Year 9 - Downshire Road campus Year 10 - Downshire Road campus Year 11 - North Road campus Year 12 - at the school they currently attend Year 13 - North Road campus Year 14 - at the school they currently attend The Board, in agreement with the current Principals, believes this is the best option to limit the disruption to pupils who are taking GCSE or A-2 exams in June 2019. From September 2019 all pupils in Years 12 & 14 will be accommodated at the North Road campus.
The Interim Board of Governors has launched a competition among pupils and teachers of both schools to identify possible names for the new school. The School councils jointly will select the five best names and submit them to the iBoG for their final decision.
In the next issue (December 2017) we intend • to introduce the new Principal • to have a name for the new school • to give information about the uniform of the new school