Bellevue Community College. Summer 2010. Interior Design 194B: SketchUp.
Page 1. Class Session: Mon / Wed 1:30p-4:20p. Credit Hours: Three (3). Location
Bellevue Community College
Summer 2010
Interior Design 194B: SketchUp Class Session: Credit Hours: Location: Instructor: Office: Hours: email: Phone:
Mon / Wed 1:30p-4:20p Three (3) L116 Dan Beert L122 by appointment or email
[email protected] (425) 564-4041
COURSE DESCRIPTION Basic skills for beginning-level SketchUp users. Prerequisite: Permission of program chair or instructor.
Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: 1. Identify and apply the basic concepts required to navigate, draw, and modify three-dimensional objects in SketchUp 2. Prepare accurate, organized, efficiently constructed three-dimensional models of objects, architectural forms, and interior spaces 3. Employ a variety of methods for creating three-dimensional models of objects, architectural forms, and interior spaces, including direct construction within and importing measured drawings and other objects into SketchUp REQUIRED TEXTS Assigned online tutorials will roughly approximate the order of information you will receive in class.
REQUIRED FOR EVERY CLASS SESSION: Sketch book, Roll or pad of tracing paper, drawing tools, in-progress work, and completed assignments. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING
Attendance and active participation is required. Contact me if you cannot attend. As much as possible, we will limit the assigned work to what we can accomplish in class. That’s why it’s important that you be here every week.
Assessment: Completion of all assignments is required to pass this course. All assignments will be reviewed in class to assess student progress toward achieving the course outcomes. Regular consultations with the instructor will serve as the student’s source of evaluation, assessments, and feedback throughout the term. Students will submit all assignments at the end of the quarter for final evaluation. Each project will be assessed according to expectations for individual students, based on the expertise they possess at the beginning of the class. DEMONSTRATE PROGRESS. The goal of each project is to demonstrate that you know HOW to do what was covered in class, regardless of how elaborate your execution may be. “Complete” is irrelevant.
Assessment distribution: Attendance and class participation Assignments completed and submitted
30% 70%
INSTRUCTOR’S EXPECTATIONS: Your conscientious attendance and on-time arrival. (If you are unable to attend class or miss part of a class, speak to your fellow students, borrow notes, etc. to find out what you missed.) Please contact me if you will not be attending, or may be late to class.
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Bellevue Community College
Summer 2010
Interior Design 194B: SketchUp Your involvement and attention in class lectures and discussions is required to pass this class. You may be sharing your SketchUp work with other members of the class, as well as me, so you must have work to present each week that demonstrates your progress. RESPONSIVENESS: Please let me know if you have difficulty understanding an assignment. If you have specific concerns with the expectations of the class, your work, or the method of instruction, bring them to my attention. I will do my best to make sure you understand the requirements of the class. I expect students to take advantage of my office hours to cover personal issues relating to the course. If you have questions about how you are doing in class, make an appointment to talk with me. Do not expect such consultations before, during, or immediately after class.
SPECIAL NEEDS: If you require accommodation based on a documented disability, emergency medical information to share, or need special arrangements in case of emergency evacuation, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. If you would like to inquire about accommodations and counseling you may call 564-2498 or go in person to the DRC (Disability Resources Center) in B132. Refer to the handout Student Procedures and Expectations, Arts and Humanities Division regarding eligibility for accommodation.
DIVISION POLICIES: Refer to the handout Student Procedures and Expectations, Arts and Humanities Division for additional information, including requirements for special needs. With regard to Academic Honesty, note that for studio courses ALL WORK MUST by performed by the individual.
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Bellevue Community College
Summer 2010
Interior Design 194B: SketchUp Week 1 Navigation Basic Concepts Basic Drawing and Modification Tools Demonstration Model: Bedroom Simple Room Assignment
Week 2 Basic Commands More Advanced Commands Introduction to Groups, Layers, and other Management Tools
Week 3 Importing and Working from AutoCAD Drawings Creating Walls, Doors and Windows Basic Presentation Tools Positioning the Camera Scenes and Walkthroughs
Week 4 Start Final Model Creating and Editing Components Importing 2D Images and 3D Models Shopping for Components: 3D Warehouse and other Sources Managing the Process
Week 5 Creating and Managing Multi-Floor Models Creating Sections and Other Presentation Views Printing and Exporting for Presentation and Graphic Production Simple Photoshop Enhancements Create your own “Mini Me”
Week 6 Styles: Assigning, Creating and Modifying the “Look” Creating Light and Shadow Using and Managing Materials in a Model Using 2D Images as Materials and Backgrounds
Week 7 Plug-ins and Third-party Software for Rendering Photo Match Animation Tips from the Experts
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