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Architecture and Ornament: A Visual Guide NA31 .W44 1990 Concise Encyclopedia of Interior Design NK1165 .D58 1988 Elements of style: Encyclopedia of Interi‐ or Architectural Details, 1485 to Present NA2850 .E44 1991 Decoration Defined N33 .W5 1970 Western Architecture NA200 .S88 1999 Greek Architecture NA270 .L36 1996 (Eagle Commons Library) Etruscan and Roman Architecture NA295 .B6 (Eagle Commons Library) Medieval Architecture NA350 .C65 2002, (Eagle Commons Library) The Triumph of the Baroque NA590 .T75 1999, (Eagle Commons Library) Classical Architecture NA260 .C87 1992, (Eagle Commons Library) The Language of Post‐Modern Architecture NA680 .J457, (Eagle Commons Library)
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Books on Interior Design, Architecture & Designers To find books the UNT Libraries, search the UNT Online Catalog. h p:// Keyword search examples: "space planning," interior design and ligh ng, postmodern and architecture, Gehry, Frank.
Architects & Interior Designers: Biographical Books *These books are located in Art Reference, Eagle Commons Library (unless otherwise noted).
Interna onal Dic onary of Architects and Architec‐ ture NA40 .I48 1993 2 vols. American Architects from the Civil War to the First World War Z5944 .U5 W63 American Architects from the First World War To The Present Z5944 .U5 W635 Biographical Dic onary of American Architects NA36 .W5 1970 Contemporary Architects NA680 .C625 1987 MacMillan Encyclopedia of Architects NA40 .M25 1982 Makers of 20th‐Century Modern Architecture NA680 .J628 1997 Who's Who in Architecture: from 1400 to the Pre‐ sent, NA40 .W48 Contemporary Designers NK1166 .C66 1990 Designers Interna onal Index (Remote Storage) Interna onal Women in Design NK1154 .I58 1993 Who's Who in Interior Design NK2004.2 .W46 American Furniture Cra smen Working Prior to 1920 Z5995.3 U6 S45 1984
Interior Design & Architecture: Books *Located in Art Reference, Eagle Commons Library (unless otherwise noted). Encyclopedia of 20th‐Century Architecture NA680 .J628 1997 Interior Design of the United States of America NK1705 .I58 1991 Dic onary of Building Preserva on NA31. D55 1996 Dic onary of Architecture & Construc on NA31 .H32 1993 The Design Encyclopedia NK1370 .B93 1994 Encyclopedia of American Architecture NA705 .H86 Encyclopedia of Architecture: Design, Engineering, and Construc on NA31 .E59 1988 Encyclopedia of Interior Design NK1165 .E48 1997 2 vols. Landmarks of Twen eth‐Century Design NK1370 .H44 1994 Resort Design: Planning, Architecture, and Interiors NA7820 .H84 2000, (Eagle Commons Library) Interior Graphic & Design Standards NA2708. R49 1986 Time‐Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning, NK2110 .T48 2001 The Power of Color: Crea ng Healthy Interior Spaces NK2195.P8 M37 1995 (Eagle Commons Library) Color in Interior Design NK2115.5.C6 P46 1997 (Eagle Commons Library) Color for Interior Architecture QC495 .M47 1997 (Eagle Commons Library) Interior Color by Design NK2115.5.C6 R34 1995 (Eagle Commons Library) Color in Interior Design and Architecture NK2115.5.C6 L34 1989 (Eagle Commons Library)
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Journal Ar cles on Design, Architecture & Designers Search the following databases for journal articles. Many contemporary designers do not have books published about them; therefore, the best information is usually found in journals.
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*Keyword Search examples: Ando, Tadao, John‐ son, Philip, glass house, interior design, "form follows function".
Art & Architecture Complete 1984‐present Bibliography of the History of Art 1973‐present Grove Art On‐line Grove is an art encyclopedia. It is a great place to get a quick bio. of a designer, or info on an art movement. Design and Applied Arts Index A great database to find journal ar cles on designers and the design world.