Interior designers and residential design firms - Sustainable ...

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Mar 31, 2016 - This annual competition honors interior designers who specify sustainable ... Eugene Stoltzfus Furniture
Interior designers and residential design firms ...

#GetYour Green On The Sustainable Furnishings Council is pleased to announce its first-ever design awards, #GetYourGreenOn. This annual competition honors interior designers who specify sustainable and healthful home furnishings for their clients’ residences.

Part awards program, part social media campaign, #GetYourGreenOn launches in 2016 as SFC celebrates its 10th anniversary, a milestone that marks a decade-long commitment to promoting healthy environments both inside and outside the home. Entries will be featured in SFC’s social media channels and educational programming leading up to the fall season. The #GetYourGreenOn winners (six total) will be announced during a special anniversary celebration on Friday, Oct. 21, during High Point Market. Both SFC-member and non-member interior designers and design firms are eligible to enter #GetYourGreenOn. Residential interior design projects completed between January 1, 2015, and March 31, 2016, qualify, and entries must feature at least one product from an SFC-member manufacturer or supplier. The deadline for entries is Monday, May 16 ... #GetYourGreenOn today!

#GetYour Green On


#GetYourGreenOn celebrates interior designers who specify products from SFC-member manufacturers and suppliers in residential projects. (See list below for qualifying brands.) There are three #GetYourGreenOn categories, each with two total-project-cost ranges: • SHARED SPACES (Great rooms, family rooms, living rooms, dining rooms, media rooms, etc.) • $30,000 and under • $30,001 and above

• PRIVATE SPACES (Home office; bedrooms including master, guest and youth; nurseries, etc.) • $30,000 and under • $30,001 and above

• OUTDOOR SPACES (Dining, lounge and garden areas, poolside, etc.) • $30,000 and under • $30,001 and above

#GetYourGreenOn Qualifying SFC Manufacturer and Supplier Members A Circle Home Abner Henry Fine Furniture American Leather ANAZAO INC Aronel Design Studio, Inc. Art in Furniture by Schuettinger, Inc. Asian Art Imports Atlantic Furniture, Inc. Baker Furniture Bamboogle Interiors BDI (Becker Designed Inc.) Beaufort Furniture Co. Inc. Blue Dragon Craft Bramble Company and Steven Shell Brentwood Classics Ltd. Burress Furniture Calligaris USA, Inc. Cherry Pond Designs Cisco Brothers Corp. Classic Home Coco-Mat Company C Inc Comphy Co. Copeland Furniture Copper Instincts Creative Elegance, Inc. Cresent Fine Furniture Crypton, Inc. Currey & Company, Inc. District Eight Design Durham Furniture Inc. Eangee Home Design EcoFiber Custom Rugs EcoFlex Furniture, LLC EcoSelect Furniture EJ Victor EKLA Home Ekornes Inc El Dot Designs Elite Leather Company Eugene Stoltzfus Furniture Design Europe2You

Fashionforhome Feizy Rugs Fermob USA Five Fork Studio fringe studio Function First Furniture G.ROMANO Gat Creek George Nakashima Woodworker Gotcha Covered Greenington LLC Gus Design Group Inc. Harden Furniture HTD/Home Trends & Design Huntington House, Inc. iglooplay by Lisa Albin Itinerant Studio Jaipur Living Jeffan International John Strauss Furniture Design, Ltd. Kammika Import Export Co., Ltd. Kathy Ireland Worldwide Kravet, Inc. Lazar Furniture Lee Industries Leftbank Art Libeco Living Fresh Collection Loloi Rugs Maine Woolens Martha’s Vineyard Furniture Company McCreary Modern, Inc Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams Monte Design Group Inc Nathan Anthony Furniture Naturepedic Organic Naturescast Inc Newton Rest, Inc. Norwalk Furniture Omnia Leather Furniture Organic Weave Limited Pacific Green

Patagonia Legacy Peninsula Home Phillips Collection Prairie Rugs Reclaim Appalachia Red Egg Rowe Brands: Clayton Marcus, Robin Bruce Saatva Mattress Co. Safavieh, Inc. Salamander Designs Selamat Designs Sika Design Simply Amish Smilow Furniture Somerton Dwelling Spaldin Sleep Systems Spindle Mattress St. Peter Woolen Mill, Inc. Stephanie Seal Brown Stickley, Inc., L. & J.G. Suite Sleep Surya The Canvas Nursery, Inc. The Old Wood Co. Tomlinson/Erwin-Lambeth, Inc. Tritter Feefer Home Collection Tucker Robbins Turning Point Furniture Two Sisters EcoTextiles, Inc. TY Fine Furniture Urbangreen Furniture Vanguard Furniture Vaughan-Bassett Furniture Co., Inc. Vervano by Laura Britt Design Vispring Vladimir Kagan Design Group Ways World Wedgewood Furniture West Bros Furniture Wish Designs

#GetYour Green On WHAT TO ENTER: Up to three residential interior design projects that showcase the beauty, versatility and livability of sustainable and healthful home furnishings, specifically products manufactured by SFC-member manufacturers and suppliers. WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Interior designers and design firms are invited to enter residential interior design projects completed between January 1, 2015, and March 31, 2016. Entrants do not have to be SFC members to participate. Entrants may submit up to three entries total, including multiple entries in a single category/project-cost range. WHO WILL JUDGE THE ENTRIES: A panel of leading association representatives and respected media partners will serve as #GetYourGreenOn judges. WHERE WILL MY ENTRY BE FEATURED: SFC will be acknowledging all entries via its social media channels and educational programming leading up to fall High Point Market. WHEN WILL THE WINNERS BE ANNOUNCED: A total of six awards will be announced during a 10th Anniversary celebration on Friday, Oct. 21, at High Point Market. WHAT’S THE DEADLINE: Materials must be emailed or postmarked by Monday, May 16.

PHOTO SUBMISSION SUGGESTIONS Judges will be evaluating entries using entrants’ submitted imagery and entry form responses. Submit at least one photo per entry; images should prominently feature SFC member’s product(s). We recommend you submit professional-quality images that meet the following specifications: • Image files that measure at least 5”x7” • 300 dpi • File formats of either .jpg or .tif Questions? Call or email Julie at 312-371-4645, [email protected].


HOW TO SUBMIT: • ENTRY FORM Mail or email your completed entry form (pages 4-5) to the street address or email address below. A form must be completed for each entry. • PAYMENT Mail a check made payable to: SUSTAINABLE FURNISHINGS COUNCIL to the street address below. Processing fees are: • $35 per entry for SFC members • $50 per entry for non-members • IMAGES Send images for each entry to the email address below via Hightail, WeTransfer or Dropbox. Or, email images to the email address below. Or, mail a flash drive or CD to the street address below. CLEARLY LABEL EACH IMAGE. SHIP TO: #GetYourGreenOn c/o Nine Muses Media LLC 941 E. Benton Ave. Naperville, IL 60540 EMAIL TO: [email protected] QUESTIONS: Contact Julie at 312-371-4645, or [email protected].

#GetYour Green On


2016 ENTRY FORM Company name: ______________________________________________________ Entrant’s name: _____________________________________________________ Street address: ______________________________________________________ City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code: ___________________________________ SFC Member:

☐ yes ☐ no

Category entered (complete a separate entry form for each entry):

☐ SHARED SPACES (Great rooms, family rooms, living rooms, dining rooms, media rooms, etc.) ☐ Total project cost: $30,000 and under ☐ Total project cost: $30,001 and above ☐ PRIVATE SPACES

(Home office; bedrooms, including master, guest and youth; nurseries, etc.) ☐ Total project cost: $30,000 and under ☐ Total project cost: $30,001 and above

☐ OUTDOOR SPACES (Dining, lounge and garden areas, poolside, etc.) ☐ Total project cost: $30,000 and under ☐ Total project cost: $30,001 and above List SFC manufacturer and supplier members that have featured products in this entry. If left blank or companies listed are not SFC members (see page 2 for complete list), entry is forfeit:

In 250 or so words, describe the project including parameters set by the client, the importance of “green” to the project, unexpected challenges, etc.: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ In 250 or so words, explain why you or your client chose the SFC members’ product(s) that you/he/she did: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________





Approximate cost of project: ___________________________________________


Project completion date: ______________________________________________


#GetYour Green On


2016 ENTRY FORM continued Company name: ______________________________________________________ Entrant’s name: _____________________________________________________ Entrant’s primary phone: ______________________________________________ Entrant’s email address: _______________________________________________ Entrant’s Twitter username: ___________________________________________ Entrant’s Instagram username: _________________________________________ Entrant’s Facebook page profile/username: ______________________________ Entrant’s signature: ___________________________________________________ By signing this form, the entrant confirms that the information provided is accurate and meets all the eligibility requirements. By signing this form, the entrant confirms the residential project entered was completed between January 1, 2015, and March 31, 2016. By signing this form, the entrant confirms that he/she is the designer of the project entered. By signing this form, the entrant confirms the imagery provided has been approved (from both the photographer and homeowner) for use by the Sustainable Furnishings Council, especially the promotion of #GetYourGreenOn. Winners will be announced in press releases and on SFC social media channels, and imagery provided will accompany SFC promotion of #GetYourGreenOn.

The Sustainable Furnishings Council is dedicated to promoting healthy environments inside and outside, providing the most comprehensive information about environmental, safety and health issues in the home furnishings industry and championing initiatives that improve products and processes. The SFC and its qualifying members respond to environmental and social issues and offer specific information to consumers, the media and other partners. [email protected] Twitter: @SFCouncil Instagram: _sfcouncil 100 East King St., Suite 1 Edenton, NC 27932 252-368-1098

#GetYour Green On