Intermediate Macroeconomics. Econ 302. Summer 2013. Instructor: N. Kundan
Kishor. E mail:
. Time and Location: MTR 5:30$8:50 PM, AUP ...
Intermediate Macroeconomics Econ 302 Summer 2013
Instructor: N. Kundan Kishor E-mail:
[email protected] Time and Location: MTR 5:30-8:50 PM, AUP 179. O¢ ce Hours: T 10AM-12 PM, or by appointment. O¢ ce: NWQB 4511
Course Objectives
Welcome to the world of formal macroeconomics. This course deals with the macroeconomic issues like income, unemployment and in‡ation in much broader detail than the principles class that you have taken before. We will formally discuss macroeconomic models using the tools and techniques that you have learnt earlier. The main goal of this course is to familiarize you with the current macroeconomic issues, and try to analyze those current economic phenomena by using the models taught in the class.
The prerequisite for this course is Econ 104. You should also be comfortable with algebraic manipulations and solving simultaneous equations. If you haven’t mastered the prerequisite skills, then you must expect to spend additional time.
Required Materials
N. Gregory Mankiw, Macroeconomics 7th Edition, NY: Worth . Various readings to be assigned I will use D2L class web page to upload all course related material on the web. Readings are very important part of this course. I will not follow the text book very closely, so you will be responsible for everything that will be covered in the lectures.
If you have special needs, requests, requirements, please let me know immediately.
Your grading is based four assignments, one midterm, and the …nal exam. I will give 15% weight to assignments, 40% to midterm and 45% to …nal exam. I will also upload practice multiple choice questions for each chapter on the class web page. Your understanding of the subject material will be greatly enhanced if you participate actively in the class. Class participation can make a big di¤erence. Actively talking and thinking economics may be the most important element to further your economic intuition. To promote class participation, I will talk about latest economic issues regularly and I would expect you to spend some time reading …nancial news for that purpose. I encourage you to come to my o¢ ce hours. If you have a time con‡ict with my o¢ ce hours, let me know and we can arrange an alternative time.
Policy Regarding Make-up Exams
There will be no make-ups for the exam with two notable exceptionsIf you are sick and you can’t take the exam, you have to let me know as soon as possible (preferably prior to the exam ) and you will need a medical certi…cate in order to take a make-up.
If you are a student athlete, please talk to me early in the quarter and let me know if you will not be able to make any of the exams.
Our Road Map Lecture 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Chapter 1,2 2,3 3,5 5 4,6 9 10 11 12 19
Topic Introduction,Measurement of National Income Measurement of National Income Measurement of National Income, Open Economy Open Economy Money and In‡ation, Unemployment Short-run Fluctuations: Aggregate demand and Aggregate Supply Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a closed economy Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a closed economy Monetary and Fiscal Policy in an open economy Money Supply, Money Demand and Banking System
Exam Schedule Midterm August 2 Final Exam August 16