Food Science and Technology International
Evaluation of antioxidant, rheological, physical and sensorial properties of wheat flour dough and cake containing turmeric powder SH Park, HS Lim and SY Hwang Food Science and Technology International 2012 18: 435 DOI: 10.1177/1082013211428220 The online version of this article can be found at:
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Evaluation of antioxidant, rheological, physical and sensorial properties of wheat flour dough and cake containing turmeric powder SH Park1, HS Lim2 and SY Hwang3
Abstract The effects of addition of turmeric powder (0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8%) were examined in order to obtain an antioxidant-enriched cake with good physico-chemical and sensorial properties. The rheological properties of doughs were evaluated using dynamic rheological measurements. Physical properties, curcumin content, radical scavenging activity (RSA-DPPH assay) and sensory analysis (hedonic test) of the supplemented cake were determined. Addition of turmeric powder up to 8% caused significant changes on dough characteristics and on cake rheological properties. The highest curcumin (203 mg/kg) and RSA-DPPH activity (45%) were achieved in the cake having the highest percentage of turmeric powder (8%); however, this sample showed the worst results regarding the rheological properties. Moreover, by sensory evaluation this cake sample was not acceptable. A 6% substitution of wheat flour with turmeric powder showed acceptable sensory scores which were comparable to those of 0–4% turmeric cakes. This indicated that up to 6% level of turmeric powder might be included in cake formulation.
Keywords Turmeric, cake, rheology, curcumin, radical-scavenging activity Date received: 11 April 2011; revised: 28 July 2011
INTRODUCTION Free radicals can usually be generated by several biological reactions in the body, and these are capable of damaging crucial bio-molecules. The harmful action of free radicals can be blocked by antioxidant substances, which scavenge the free radicals and detoxify the organisms. Current studies into free radicals have confirmed that foods rich in antioxidants play an essential role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancers and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as inflammation and problems caused by cell and cutaneous aging (Finkel and Holbrood, 2000). Natural antioxidants may inhibit lipid peroxidation in food and improve food quality and safety. As food additives, the synthetic antioxidants are commonly Food Science and Technology International 18(5) 435–443 ! The Author(s) 2012 Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/1082013211428220
used. The safety of synthetic antioxidants has been questioned due to toxicity. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in natural antioxidants in human diet, because of possible negative effects of synthetic food additives on human health. Natural antioxidants such as -carotene, -tocopherol, phytate, ferulic acid and ascorbic acid have been used in various bakery products (Hix et al., 1997; Park et al., 1997; Ranhotra et al., 1995; Rogers et al. 1993). Bassiouny et al. (1990) studied the effects of some spice materials and their 1
HanSung Co. Food Research Center, 222-69, Nae-Dong, Ojeung-gu, Bucheon City, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 2 Food Additives and Packages Division, National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, Korea Food and Drug Administration, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea 3 Department of Food Biotechnology, Hankyong National University, 67 Sukjeong-dong, Anseong, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Corresponding author: SY Hwang, Department of Food Biotechnology, Hankyong National University, 67 Sukjeong-dong, Anseong, Gyeonggi-do 456-749, Korea. Email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
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Food Science and Technology International 18(5) extracts on the stability of fat in biscuits. Biscuits were processed using a fine powder of marjoram, spearmint, peppermint, and basil and their purified ether extract of each of the four plant materials gave an excellent antioxidant effect on the biscuit compared with the effect of BHA. Recently, hexane and chloroform extracts of turmeric powder was used in biscuit preparation in the place of synthetic ones, and their carry-through properties were evaluated during processing and storage (Nanditha et al., 2009). The extracts of turmeric powder were found to be suitable for use in biscuits as natural antioxidants and results were comparable with BHA. Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is one of the most popular spices and natural colorants in the world and its consumption is increasing recently. The powdered rhizome of turmeric has been widely used as a coloring agent and spice in many food items. Three major coloring substances, as components of nonvolatile oil from turmeric, are curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin. Turmeric is reported to possess antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties (Azuine and Bhide, 1992). It is therefore a potentially good source of natural antioxidant in functional foods. In the scientific literature a large amount of information is available regarding the nutritional properties of turmeric and its use to develop sweet bakery products (Braga et al., 2003; Jayaprakasha et al., 2005; Lim et al., 2011; Singh et al., 2010). To our knowledge information regarding the effects of this spice on dough and cake rheological properties is scanty (Lim et al., 2010). In this direction, this research was aimed to evaluate the effects of different amounts of turmeric powder on rheological properties of wheat flour based dough and cake. Moreover, the possibility to obtain an antioxidant-enriched final product with good physico-chemical and sensorial properties was studied.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials Korean turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) rhizomes were harvested in fall from Jindo, Chonnam, South Korea, washed, cleaned, cut into small pieces, dried using a forced air drying oven at 40 C for 2 days, ground to a powder form using a blender (KMF-360, Daewoo Co., Seoul, Korea) and passed through a 150 mm sieve. The final moisture percentage of dried turmeric powder was 14.8 0.12 (w/w). Wheat flour having 9.7% protein and sugar were purchased from Cheiljedang Inc., Incheon, South Korea. Emulsifier, butter and baking powder were purchased from Seoul Dairy Co., Seoul, Korea. Salt and fresh eggs were purchased from the local market. Gallic acid,
Folin-Ciocalteau reagent and curcumin standards were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). All other chemicals were analytical grade and purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Methods Preparation of dough samples. The different dough samples of wheat flour (g) were added with turmeric powder at the 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% level and were designated as the control, T2, T4, T6 and T8, respectively. White wheat cake formulated without turmeric powder (0%) was used as control. The main ingredients of the dough were kept constant: sugar (518 g), whole egg (822 g), butter (78 g), emulsifier (39 g), salt (7 g), baking powder (12 g), water (73 g). The wheat flour and turmeric powder quantities used in the different samples were respectively: 494 g and 0 g (0% turmeric level sample), 484.2 g and 9.8 g (2%), 474.3 g and 19.7 g (4%), 464.4 g and 29.6 g (6%), 454.5 g and 39.5 g (8%). Totally the final weight of each dough was 2043 g. A single-bowl mixing procedure was used to mix all the ingredients using a professional mixer (K5SS, Kitchen Aid Inc., St. Joseph, MI, USA) at speed 6 for 12 min. Baking. Four hundred grams of cake dough was poured into a cake pan (20.3 cm in diameter and 7 cm high) and baked at 195 C for 30 min in preheated baking oven. After baking, cake samples were cooled down for about 2 h at room temperature (22 1 C) and were submitted to instrumental and sensory analyses. Baking process was performed in triplicate. Rheological properties. The dough properties of cake flour containing turmeric powder were measured on a farinograph (M81044, Brabender Co., Duisburg, Germany) according to the standard AACC methods (2000) and an alveograph (NG, Socie´te´ Chopin SA, Villeuneuve La Garenne, France) according to the standard AACC methods (2000). An optimum amount of water was added to dough during mixing in the farinograph to obtain 500 Brabender Units (BU) of consistency. Water absorption, dough development time, dough stability, time to breakdown, farinograph quality number and mixing tolerance index were determined by farinogram. Cake flour-turmeric powder blend (250 g) was used for alveograph and Parameters recorded were tenacity (P), extensibility (L), configuration ratio (P/L) and deformation energy (W). The pasting properties of cake flour containing turmeric powder were measured on a Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA-4, Newport Scientific, Warriewood NSW, Australia). Viscosity profiles of samples were recorded using suspensions (sample: distilled
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Park et al. water ¼ 3.5 g: 25 mL). A programmed heating and cooling cycle was used where the samples were held at 50 C for 1 min, heated to 95 C at 6 C/min and held at 95 C for 2.7 min, prior to cooling from 95 C to 50 C at 6 C/min and holding at 50 C for 2 min. Parameters recorded were pasting temperature, peak viscosity, trough viscosity (minimum viscosity at 95 C), final viscosity (viscosity at 50 C), breakdown viscosity (peakholding strength viscosity), and setback viscosity (finalholding strength viscosity). Physical properties of cake. Cake volume was measured using the rapeseed displacement method. Cake density was also calculated and expressed as g/cm3. The texture profile analysis (TPA) of samples (3 3 3 cm3) taken from the midsection of cakes, with no crust, were analyzed for texture using a texture analyzer (Compac-100, Sun Scientific Co., Tokyo, Japan). The textural parameter considered was hardness (expressed as g/cm2). A 35 mm diameter aluminum cylinder probe was used to compress cake sample 50% of its original height at a speed of 0.8 mm/s. Preparation of powdered dough and cake. Sliced (1 cm thickness) cake and 50 g of dough were dried in an electric convection drying oven (40 C) for 48 h. The dried dough and cake were ground and screened through a 0.5 mm sieve to obtain the powder for the determination of curcumin content and 1,1-diphenyl-2picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical-scavenging activity test. Determination of curcumin content. Samples for HPLC analysis were prepared by mixing 1.0 g of powdered dough and cake in 40 mL of ethanol using a vortex mixer followed by extraction at 50 C in ultrasonic water bath for 3 h, respectively. Two mL filtered extracted solution was diluted with 8 mL distilled water and treated with Sep-Pak C-18 cartridge (Waters, Milford, MA, USA). The cartridge was washed with 10 mL distilled water and turmeric dye from cartridge was collected using 20 mL ethanol. The collected solution was concentrated under vacuum at 40 C and filtered through a 0.45 mm Nylon-66 filter disk. In order to prepare standard solution, 0.05 g of commercial curcumin was dissolved in 100 mL ethanol and diluted with ethanol to give a final concentration of 0.1 mg/mL. The standard was filtered through a 0.45 mm Nylon-66 filter disk prior to HPLC analysis. A modified method (Hiserodt et al., 1996) was used to quantify curcumin content. An Agilent Series 1100 (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) HPLC equipped with a photodiode array detector, a quaternary pump and a manual sample injector was used. A Supelcosil C-18 column (5 mm C18, 250 4.6 mm2 I.D.)
from Supelco (Bellefonte, USA) was used for separation. The mobile phase for elution consisted of acetonitrile–water–acetic acid (50:49:1 v/v/v). 20 mL of sample and standard solution were injected into HPLC and the flow rate was 1 mL/min. The isocratic elution was monitored at a wavelength of 425 nm for 25 min. Scavenging ability on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radicals. Turmeric powder (10 g) or dough powder (10 g) or cake powder (10 g) was extracted by stirring with 100 mL of ethanol at 25 C for 24 h and filtering through Whatman No.1 filter paper. The residue was then extracted with washings of ethanol as described above. The combined ethanolic extracts were then rotary evaporated at 40 C to dryness. Extract (1 mg) in ethanol (4 mL) was mixed with 1 mL of methanolic solution containing DPPH radicals, resulting in a final concentration of 0.2 mM DPPH. The mixture was shaken vigorously and left to stand for 30 min in the dark, and the absorbance was then measured at 517 nm against a blank. A control consisted of ethanol and the reagent solution without ethanolic extracts added and the procedure was carried out as described above. The scavenging ability was calculated as follows: Asample, 517nm Scavenging ability ð%Þ ¼ 1 100 Acontrol, 517nm
Sensory evaluation. The sensory evaluation was carried out on cake samples with the different percentages of turmeric powder 2 h after baking. To determine acceptability of turmeric-enriched cake samples a nine point hedonic rating scale was used to determine the degree of texture acceptability and overall acceptability for the cakes. Sensory evaluation was carried out by 80 persons selected among students, staff and faculty members of National HanKyung University, Korea. Each evaluator received five cake samples (3 3 3 cm3) randomly numbered and was asked to classify them based on the degree of liking on a 9-point hedonic scale (1: dislike extremely, 5: neither like nor dislike, 9: like extremely). Statistical analysis. Manufacturing treatment and physicochemical measurements were carried out in triplicates except for sensory evaluation (n ¼ 80). The experimental data were subjected to a statistical analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA) for a completely random design using statistical analysis system software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Duncan’s multiple range tests were used to determine the differences among means. Significance was defined at p 0.05. 437
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Food Science and Technology International 18(5)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Influence of turmeric powder on farinographic properties Farinographic studies were conducted to determine the rheological properties of cake flours with turmeric powder (Table 1). These samples had significant differences in their farinographic properties (p 0.05). Highest water absorption (69.4%) was observed in cake flour with 8% turmeric powder followed by cake flour with 6% turmeric powder (64.5%) while the control (0%) had the lowest water absorption (49.6%). The increase in water absorption indicated an action of turmeric powder as oxidizing agent in dough environment. Water absorption is considered to be an important characteristic of wheat flour, as Simon (1987) suggested that high water absorption is required for good chapatti (unleavened flat bread) characteristics which remain soft for a longer time. Dough development time (DDT) is the time from water addition to the flour until the dough reaches the point of the greatest torque. Higher dough development time reflects strong flour while its lower value is an indication of weak flour. DDT increased from 1.2 to 3.5 min with substitution of turmeric powder from 0 to 8%. An increase in dough development time may be due to slow rate of hydration and development of gluten by the addition of turmeric powder. Similar results were found by Zaidul et al. (2004) who showed that DDT might be increased according to the increase in water absorption. Dough stability (DS) of cake flour with turmeric powder varied from 2.2 min (8%) to 4.3 min (0%). All samples were significantly different from each other. It is an indicator of flour strength. Dough stability beyond 10 min may be more suitable to the baker as it can withstand mixing for longer period (Anjum and Walker, 2000). Breakdown time (BDT) is the time to the nearest half-minute form the start of the mixing until there has been a decrease of 30 FU from the peak point.
Highest value (63.0 s) was observed in the control followed by cake flour with 2% of turmeric powder (59.0 s) while 8% sample had the lowest breakdown time (11.3 s). Farinograph quality number (FQN) is a measure for the flour quality. Weak flour weakens early and quickly shows a low quality number, whereas strong flour weakens late and slowly shows a high farinograph quality number. FQN decreased as turmeric powder content increased. In case of mixing tolerance index (MTI) is the difference in Brabender unit between the top of the curve and the top of the curve measured 5 min after the peak is reached. Highest value (306 FU) was observed in 8% sample followed by 6% sample (216 FU). The MTI values increased as the level of turmeric powder increased. Generally, higher the MTI value, weaker is the flour. Increase in DDT, MTI and decrease in DS indicated the decrease of dough strength, it may be due to the dilution of gluten proteins in cake flour upon the addition of turmeric powder. As generally presented in the published reports, the Farinograph parameters of DS, BDT, and FQN decreased, whereas the MTI increased with increasing amounts of different non-gluten additives in the blends (Liu et al., 2004; Sudha et al., 2007; Wang et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2005). This was also the case in our experiments. The reason for this may be that the addition of hetero flour diluted the glutenins in blends, thereby weakening the crosslinks between the proteins, and reducing the interactions between the chains, influencing the formation and expansion of a gluten network. Influence of turmeric powder on alveographic properties The statistical evaluation of cake flours with different turmeric percentage for alveographic properties is summarized in Table 2. The addition of 2–8% turmeric powder showed a significant effect on alveographic
Table 1. Farinographic properties of cake flour containing turmeric Substitution level (%)
Water absorption (%)
Dough development time (min)
Dough stability (min)
Breakdown time (s)
Farinograph quality number (mm)
Mixing tolerance index (FU)
0 2 4 6 8
49.6 1.4 e 55.1 1.5 d 60.3 1.6 c 64.5 1.3 b 69.4 1.8 a
1.2 0.5 e 2.2 0.7 d 2.5 0.2 c 3.1 0.4 b 3.5 0.3 a
4.3 0.3 a 3.5 0.2 b 3.0 0.3 c 2.6 0.2 d 2.2 0.1 e
63.0 4.8 a 59.0 3.2 b 29.2 2.1 c 15.0 1.7 d 11.3 1.5 e
26.5 0.3 e 24.4 0.2 d 23.0 0.1 c 22.5 0.2 b 21.8 0.3 a
102 15 e 136 17 d 158 14 c 216 12 b 306 10 a
Data are the mean SD (n ¼ 3). Means followed by different letter within a column are significantly different (p 0.05).
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Park et al. parameters (p 0.05). Tenacity (P), commonly known as resistance of dough to deformation, is an indicator of dough resistance to deformation. This parameter increased with the addition of all the turmeric powders tested, highest value (77.6 mm) was observed with 8% turmeric powder addition followed by 0% turmeric powder addition (53.0 mm). This indicated that cake flour with 8% turmeric powder had the highest ability of dough to retain gas. The extensibility of dough (L), an indicator of the handling characteristics of the dough, was reduced by the addition of 2–8% turmeric powder. Extensibility values decreased from 67.1 to 27.5 mm. This may be due to the dilution of gluten proteins. As resulting of the turmeric powder action on both dough resistance and dough extensibility, the configuration ratio (P/L) was augmented in doughs containing turmeric powder (Table 2). Deformation energy (W) was not significantly different (p 0.05). The data indicated that the dough became stiff with increase in turmeric powder in the blends. Influence of turmeric powder on pasting properties The effect of turmeric powder on the pasting properties of wheat dough is shown in Table 3. Significant
differences were observed in all the parameters of RVA (p 0.05), and the values in the parameters increased with increasing turmeric powder content. Pasting temperature, which is the first deflection of temperature in RVA, where the curve begins to rise, increased from 60.3 C to 64.2 C with the increase in turmeric powder content from 0% to 8%. Increase in pasting temperature on the addition of turmeric powder might be due to the prevention of breaking down of crystallites, which resulted in requirement of higher energy for gelatinization to occur. Peak viscosity, trough viscosity, final viscosity, breakdown viscosity and setback viscosity increased as turmeric powder percentage increased from 0% to 8%. Increase in peak viscosity might be explained by the fact that turmeric powder with antioxidant ability prevents oxidative polymerization of cake flour slurry and this lack of polymer cross linkages lead to higher viscosity of cake flour slurry (Loewe, 1993). During the holding period of the viscosity test, the material slurries are subjected to high temperature and mechanical shear stress which further disrupt starch granules in the grains, resulting in amylase leaching out and alignment. This period is commonly associated with a breakdown in viscosity (Ragaee and Abdel-Aal, 2006). High values of breakdown are associated with high peak viscosities, which in turn, are related to the degree of swelling of the starch granules during heating. More starch
Table 2. Alveographic properties of cake flour containing turmeric Substitution level (%)
Tenacity (P, mm)
Extensibility (L, mm)
Configuration ratio (P/L)
Deformation energy (W, 104 J)
0 2 4 6 8
53.0 0.4 e 59.2 0.7 d 66.0 0.5 c 71.4 0.7 b 77.6 0.9 a
67.1 5.7 e 59.0 4.2 d 41.3 1.4 c 38.1 3.5 b 27.5 1.3 a
0.7 0.1 e 1.0 0.2 d 1.5 0.1 c 1.8 0.3 b 2.8 0.3 a
89.2 16.4 a 87.1 13.5 a 84.4 15.7 a 81.3 10.7 a 88.5 15.2 a
Data are the mean SD (n ¼ 3). Means followed by with different letter within a column are significantly different (p 0.05).
Table 3. RVA properties of cake flour containing turmeric Substitution level (%)
Pasting T ( C)
Peak viscosity (RVU)
Trough viscosity (RVU)
Final viscosity (RVU)
Breakdown viscosity (RVU)
Setback viscosity (RVU)
0 2 4 6 8
60.3 0.2 e 61.7 0.6 d 62.9 0.7 c 63.9 0.5 b 64.2 0.4 a
225.2 2.6 e 229.3 2.2 d 236.2 2.1 c 242.0 3.7 b 259.7 4.2 a
146.1 0.8 e 147.3 0.5 d 148.3 0.7 c 151.0 0.6 b 153.7 0.8 a
249.2 2.1 e 252.3 3.3 d 256.0 1.8 c 262.5 2.6 b 275.7 3.2 a
79.1 0.8 e 82.0 2.2 d 87.9 0.8 c 91.0 1.8 b 106.0 1.7 a
103.1 1.9 e 105.0 1.5 d 107.7 1.3 c 111.5 1.4 b 122.0 1.8 a
Data are the mean SD (n ¼ 3). Means followed by with different letter within a column are significantly different (p 0.05). RVA: rapid visco analyzer; RVU: rapid viscosity units.
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Food Science and Technology International 18(5)
Influence of turmeric powder on physical properties of cakes The addition of 0–8% turmeric powder showed a significant effect on physical properties (p 0.05, Table 4). As the concentration of turmeric powder increased from 0% to 8%, the volume of the cake significantly increased from 606 (0%) to 814 cm3 (8%) and the density of the cakes decreased from 0.58 (0%) to 0.43 g/cm3 (8%). Cake hardness decreased from 470.7 (0%) to 171.8 g/cm2 (8%). During the baking process, baking powder generates gases, which should be retained in order to guarantee good cake volume, and in that respect flour blend quality has an important role to play. Another important factor is the gelatinization temperature of the flour, as Howard (1972); Howard et al., (1968); Miller and Trimbo (1965) pointed out for cakes. The starch gelatinization at low temperatures would prevent the correct expansion of doughs. As shown in Table 3, cake flours with turmeric powder presented higher gelatinization temperature and higher peak viscosity than control, thus higher gas retention and higher expansion of the product could be expected. Curcumin contents of dough and cakes As expected, curcumin was found in dough and cakes. Curcumin contents of dough and cakes significantly increased with the increasing levels of turmeric powder (p 0.05, Figure 1). The highest curcumin content was found in T8, which was prepared with 8% replacement of cake flour with turmeric powder.
Table 4. Physical properties of cakes prepared with turmeric powder replacement for cake flour Substitution level (%)
Volume (cm3)
Density (g/cm3)
Hardness (g/cm2)
0 2 4 6 8
606 13 e 726 14 d 757 16 c 796 12 b 814 10 a
0.58 a 0.48 b 0.46 c 0.44 d 0.43 e
470.7 12.1 a 314.0 14.6 b 249.5 15.5 c 195.3 10.4 d 171.8 17.7 e
Data are the mean SD (n ¼ 3). Means followed by with different letter within a column are significantly different (p 0.05).
Curcumin content (mg/kg)
granules with a high swelling capacity result in a higher peak viscosity. This was the case in the 8% substitution sample, which had the highest peak viscosity (259.7 rapid viscosity units (RVU)) and breakdown viscosity (106 RVU) than all other samples. During cooling, reassociation between starch molecules, especially amylose, resulted in the formation of a gel structure and, therefore, viscosity might increase to the final viscosity. This phase is commonly referred to as the setback region and is related to retrogradation and reordering of starch molecules (Tukomane and Varaviit, 2008). The cake flours with turmeric powder progressively increased in setback viscosities as the ratio of turmeric powder inclusions from 0% to 8% increased. The low setback values indicated low rate of starch retrogradation and syneresis. The final viscosity is the most commonly used parameters to determine a particular starch-based sample quality. It gives an idea of the ability of a material to gel after cooking. The final viscosity of the 8% sample recorded the highest value of 275.7 RVU.
Figure 1. Curcumin contents of doughs and cakes containing turmeric. Control, T2, T4, T6 and T8, prepared with 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% replacement of cake flour with turmeric powder, respectively. Values are the mean SD (n ¼ 3). («) Doughs, (#) cake.
Curcumin contents of dough were higher than that of cakes. After baking, substantial amount of curcumin remained in cakes, which could be related to changes in pH values (6.12 in dough, 8.05 in cakes; data not shown). It has been reported that curcumin in aqueous media is highly stable at pH below 7.0 at ambient temperature, while at pH > 7.0, curcumin is extremely unstable even at ambient temperature (Tonnesen and Karlsen, 1985a). Alkaline degradation of curcumin has been reported to give ferulic acid and feruloyl methane, and that the feruloyl methane part of curcumin rapidly forms condensation products which are yellow to brownish yellow in color (Tonnesen and Karlsen, 1985b). Wang et al. (1997) also reported the degradation of curcumin under various pH conditions. A series of pH conditions ranging from 3 to 10 were tested and the result showed that decomposition was
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Park et al.
Influence of turmeric powder on antioxidant properties of doughs and cakes The antioxidant activities of cake prepared with different levels of substitution of wheat flour with turmeric powder were analyzed using the DPPH free radicalscavenging assay and results are shown in Figure 2. The antioxidant activities of cakes also increased significantly with increase in turmeric powder replacement levels up to 8% (p 0.05). The DPPH free radicalscavenging activity of turmeric powder extracts was 88%. Curcumin contents of doughs were higher than that of cakes, as shown in Figure 1. However, the antioxidant activity of cakes was higher than that of dough. This might be due to the effect of the Maillard reaction. The reaction products also possess the antioxidant activities; however, antioxidants formed during Maillard reaction were found to be unstable when exposed to air (Lingnert and Waller, 1983). The results showed that addition of turmeric powder greatly enhanced the antioxidant activity of cake. The improved antioxidant activity of turmeric cake might be due to the phenolic compounds including curcumin naturally existing in turmeric powder, which had been shown to possess strong antioxidant activity (Jayaprakasha et al., 2006). Tuba and Ilhami (2008) found the total antioxidant activity of curcumin, BHA, BHT, a-tocopherol and trolox as determined by the ferric thiocyanate method in the linoleic acid system, demonstrating that curcumin had a marked
60 Scavenging effect (%)
pH-dependent and occurred faster at neutral-basic conditions. Trans-6-(40 -hydroxy-30 -methoxyphenyl)-2,4dioxo-5-hexenal was predicted as major degradation product and vanillin, ferulic acid, feruloyl methane were identified as minor degradation products. Differences in curcumin content between doughs and cakes could be also related to high temperature reached in cakes during baking. Suresh et al. (2007) found that curcumin loss from heat processing of turmeric was 27– 53%, with maximum loss in pressure cooking for 10 min. Whereas, Prathapan et al. (2009) reported that concentration of curcumin heat-treated turmeric powder did not vary significantly at any of the treated temperature (from 60 C to 100 C) and time (from 10 to 60 min). Even if there were difference in curcumin content between doughs and cakes, the turmeric curcumin was relatively stable during baking and their high contents remained in cakes. These curcumin was not detected in the control cake samples containing no turmeric powder. Turmeric is one of the highly recommended sources of functional food components such as curcumin (Shishu-Maheshwari, 2010) and its use in cake would be beneficial in improving functional properties.
50 40 30 20 10 0 Control
Figure 2. DPPH free radical-scavenging properties of ethanolic extracts. Control, T2, T4, T6 and T8, prepared with 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% replacement of cake flour with turmeric powder, respectively. Value of turmeric powder ¼ 88.4 %. Values are the mean SD (n ¼ 3). («) Doughs, (#) cake. DPPH: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl.
antioxidant effect in linoleic acid emulsion. At similar concentrations, the hydrogen peroxide scavenging effect of curcumin and four standard compounds decreased in the order of curcumin > trolox > BHT > BHA & a-tocopherol (Tuba and Ilhami, 2008). We observed that addition of turmeric resulted in significant increase in curcumin content and antioxidant properties of cake and turmeric curcumin also reported to be heat stable, which makes turmeric as recommendable source for developing cake with enhanced functional properties. Sensory evaluation of cakes prepared with turmeric powder The overall acceptability of cakes with turmeric powder at substitution levels of 0–6% had the highest liking score (Figure 3). The results pointed out that a partial replacement of wheat flour with up to 6% turmeric powder in cakes gives satisfactory overall acceptability. However, cake with 8% turmeric was rated comparatively lower, which might be due to excessive amounts of volatiles and phenolic compounds, which can negatively affect the taste of food (Drewnowski and Gomez-Carneros, 2000). No significant difference among control, T2, T4 and T6 was not observed in overall acceptability. For the texture acceptability, no statistically significant difference was observed among the samples. The previous results on the physical properties of cakes showed that cake hardness significantly decreased from 470.7 (0%) to 171.8 g/cm2 (8%, Table 4). Thus, it was indicated that cake hardness did not affect the acceptability of texture of cakes 441
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Food Science and Technology International 18(5) FUNDING
Sensory evaluation (nine-point hedonic scale)
9 8
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Control
Figure 3. Sensory evaluation of cakes containing turmeric. Control, T2, T4, T6 and T8, prepared with 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% replacement of cake flour with turmeric powder, respectively. Nine-point hedonic scale with 1, 5 and 9 representing extremely dislike, neither like nor dislike, and extremely like, respectively. Each value is expressed as mean SD (n ¼ 80). («) Texture acceptability, # overall acceptability.
with turmeric powder. The results suggested that substituting turmeric powder in a cake formulation would not interfere with cake acceptability, with the exception of high substitution ratios (8%).
CONCLUSIONS In this study, turmeric powder blended wheat cake was developed and analyzed for curcumin content, rheological properties and antioxidant activities as affected by different substitution levels of turmeric powder in cake. The results showed that up to 6% turmeric powder replacement level can be included in a cake formulation without interfering with the sensory acceptability of the cake. In general turmeric powder affected the elastic properties and pasting properties of the cake flour dough as well as the pasting properties. The addition of turmeric powder also showed a significant effect on physical properties such as the volume, density and hardness of cake. On the other hand, the incorporation of turmeric powder markedly increased the curcumin contents and antioxidant activities of cake. The turmeric cultivated in Korea thus can be utilized as a source of natural antioxidants to develop cakes as functional foods.
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