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doctors, dvil servants, traders, applicants, elderly, handicapped and imbecile. The kidnappers stock-in-trade In taking hostage of the relatives of the rich people ...

Published by CARDS Journal International, Centre for Advanced Research and Strategies Studies, Zongo, Koforidua Central Region, Ghana.

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INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION AND PERFORMING ARTS Volume 5, Number 1, 2017 ISSN: 2201 - 0181 Table of Content Exterminating C a s e s of Kidnapping Through The Use Of P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s Techniques in Nigeria Amadi, Richard Nlemanya Globalization and t h e C h a l l e n g e s of D e v e l o p m e n t in Africa Amoke Emmanuel Ikechukwu D e v e l o p i n g Creative Potentials in the Child for Sustainable D e v e l o p m e n t and Poverty Eradication i n the Third World Obadiah, Salamatu Asabe, Lawal, Lamidi Aduozaua, &Ejiogu, Fidelis Onyekwuo


Martin H e i d e g g e r o n Authentic Existence: It's R e l e v a n c e to N i g e r i a n S o c i e t y Peter Alawa. M a s s M e d i a and D e m o c r a c y in Nigeria: Matters Arising F r o m O w n e r s h i p Polarization Izuogu Kingsley Chukwuemeka and Onwuzumigbo, Dom Ugo


African Literature, I s l a m and Social Change: a Study of S e m b e n e O u s m a n e ' s the Money Order Abdullahi KadirAyinde Photographic and Written Pornography in Nigerian W e e k e n d N e w s p a p e r s : A Content Analysis Kenneth, Asor Tsebee


M a s s M e d i a and C h a l l e n g e s of Sustainable D e v e l o p m e n t in N i g e r i a Santas Tsegyu


The E n r o l m e n t of Children in Primary Schools in N i g e r State: I m p l i c a t i o n s for A c h i e v i n g M i l l e n n i u m D e v e l o p m e n t Goals on Education. Joel Kolo


V i s u a l Arts F r a m e Work i n M i l l e n i u m D e v e l o p m e n t G o a l s (MDGS) For Sustainable D e v e l o p m e n t Adeoti Adebowale A c a d e m i c F r a m e Work in Entrepreneurship and Studio P r a c t i c e Intextile Arts for Sustainable D e v e l o p m e n t Adeoti Adebowale A., Okechukwu Roseline and Nduka Rita



International Journal of C o m m u n i c a t i o n and P e r f o r m i n g Art«, V o l u m e S, N u m b e r 1, 2017 ISSN: 2201 - 1181 ©2017 CARDS Publications EXTERMINATING CASES OF KIDNAPPING THROUGH THE USE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS TECHNIQUES IN NIGERIA Amadl, Richard N l e m a n y a D e p a r t m e n t of Mass C o m m u n i c a t i o n , Rivers S t a t e University of S c i e n c e and T e c h n o l o g y , N k p o l u - O r o w o r u k w o , Port Harcourt HchnlcMmadlonaO vahoo. com ABSTRACT This study investigated techniques adopted by the Nigerian government to tackle cases of kidnapping in the country. This study was guided by two major public relations theories/models namely, transfer process and two-way-asymmetrical models. Population of the study comprised 800 Nigerians who responded to the 18 item questionnaire transmitted through a web page. Findings shows that the war against kidnapping is yet to be won as a result of total neglect by the Nigerian government in the utilization of public relations strategies in fighting cases of kidnapping in the country, therefore, recommended adoption of research oriented formuiar to ascertain the needs and aspirations of the citizens through well fashioned communication strategies to lay to rest cases of kidnapping in the country. K e y w o r d s : Kidnapping, criminal, public relations, strategies, Nigeria, government, economic, development, war, exterminate. INTRODUCTION One major problem confronting Nigeria today has been the cases of kidnapping and governments at all levels have m a d e concerted efforts to exterminate t h e cankerworm but to no avail. Kidnapping is criminal and inimical to development. Kidnapping is abducting and holding anybotf/ captive, typically to obtain a ransom. According to the 10th edition of the Black's Law Dictionary, to kidnap is to seize and take away (a person) by force or fraud, often with a demand for ransom. It is, against t h e will of a person and confining him or her to a controlled space for illegal purposes. Kidnappers take hostage their victims for days, weeks and months. Some of t h e victims die in the kidnappers' c a m p and ransom still paid by the kidnappers for t h e release of their victims. The amount collected by kidnapped relations generally depends on the perceived importance of the person either in business, politics, government official etc. Apart from the payment of t h e ransom, the victims are subjected to various inhuman treatment via harassment, molestations, deprivation of food and medical care while their eyes are tied. The country is presently experiencing drift. Numerous multinational corporations and expatriates including Nigerians are relocating to other countries for the fear of being kidnapped. This, however, is currently affecting t h e nations' economic, political and social development. The agricultural sector is not left out as farmers and fishermen and women have abandoned their business following incessant cases of rape, killings, stealing and harassment etc perpetuated by these kidnappers both in t h e rural and urban areas. Also, medium and small scale businesses are shorting down, number of school drop-out are on the increase, prostitution is on the high side, hunger and poverty are t h e order of the day as a result of the vices. 1

Exterminating C a s e s of Kidnapping Through The Use Of Public Relations T e c h n i q u e s in Nigeria No doubt, successive administration of States and Federal Government In order to exterminate the situation have promulgated various laws against kidnapping in the country. The penalties for kidnappers ranges from seizure of properties acquired by the kidnappers, demolition of their properties, life Imprisonment to death penalties. Despite these dangerous laws enacted by the various Houses and National Assemblies, kidnapping still remain a brisk business as there seem to be no respecter of persons, in view of the above, they kidnap the poor, the rich or family members of the rich. Not us than 1,000 persons are kidnapped on annual basis In the country thus, making kidnapping a new "cottage" Industry. According to the 2015 April edition of the Street Journal, Nigeria has more potential kidnap victims than most African countries; Kidnapping In Nigeria however, Is attributed to bad governance, unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, greed, religion, politics, corruption, wickedness and demonic etc. The negative effect of kidnapping has always resulted to psychological trauma, lack of trust and fears. The kidnapping cases have continued to flourish and the Nigerian government has not succeeded in combating the vices as a result of neglect of the administrators to adopt the public relations strategies in wining the war against kidnapping in the country. As pointed, out at an International Conference of Public Relations Organization held in Mexico city in 1978, public relations Is described as the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organization leaders, and Implementing planned programmes of action that will serve both the organization's and the public interest, (Jefkins, 1994). Public relation is also the process of making a heartfelt connection between a person, organization, government and the people who can truly benefit from and care about their message in other to better the society. The public relations is one of the leading profession, the-world-over, that utilizes research and communication oriented strategies to ensure the achievement of peace, understanding and progress. No society strives towards eradicating challenges that could be detrimental to development without adopting the public relations strategies in solving the problems. The spate of kidnapping in Nigeria Is now on the Increase. Enacting punitive laws and prescribing punishment against the scourge may not be the appropriate solution but by advancing Investigations to the remote and immediate course(s) of kidnapping and finding lasting solutions to eliminate the cankerworm can be found In public relations whose role includes handling emergency situation and adoption of appropriate communication channels and strategies to conscientize kidnappers to have a change of mind and discourage them from engaging in the illicit business. As Amadi (2014:109) would posits, apart from the traditional responsibility of public relations, it is a potent means and avenue to showcase public accountability and social responsibility, therefore, should be utilize In every activity to achieve set objective.

Objective of the Study The objective of this studies among others was to examined the strategies adopted by the successive Nigerian government in curbing cases of kidnapping and ascertain the public relations strategies necessary for the extermination of the vices In the country. 2

International Journal of C o m m u n i c a t i o n and P e r f o r m i n g Arts, V o l u m e 5, N u m b e r 1, 2017 The research questions addressed In this study sought the strategies, the Nigerian government utilized in fighting cases of kidnapping, the extent the strategies yielded good results and how the public relations principles if utilized or adopted can yield desired goals. The significance of this study Is to enable policy makers and implementers in Nigeria to utilize the best international practices in tackling cases of kidnapping and other challenges with a view to encourage investors to still have confidence in doing business in t h e country.

Theoretical Foundation The transfer process and two-way symmetrical models of public relations helped shaped this study. Jefkins (1988) shows how public relations principles can be utilized to change hostility among organization's target publics to sympathy, other prejudices to acceptance, aparty to interest and their Ignorance to knowledge. The transfer process model theory has been variously applied as a guide to eliminating numerous public relations problems such a s crises, campaigns, programmes. According to Amadl (2014:110), the theory has a practical application and value hence, It Is very pragmatic In nature. Nwosu (1994) x-rayed how this theory can be used in ending often unhealthy rivalry between academic and non-academic staff of tertiary institutions. He opines that the transfer process model of the public relations has proved to be best in guiding organizational crises. The two-way asymmetrical model as propounded by Grunlg and Hunt (1984) is the use of communication to negotiate with publics, resolve conflict and promote mutual understanding and respect between the organization and its publics. This model is all about persuasion that could trigger a transaction. Although, the two-way asymmetrical model advocates two-way-communication ( d i a l o g ^ ' therefore, the goal is to get into psychology of their audiences so that the messages can betailored to get the most effective reactions which in-turn will be utilized to change attitude ar.o behavior of the public. In the case of this study, the two-way-asymmetrical model or theory becomes relevant in view of the fact that those who engage in the kidnapping probably has reasons, as such needed to be identified and discussed with in a round-table, the result of it, could motivate authorities to institute palliative actions to ameliorate the situation In the attempt to changing their behavior towards the vices. The above theories, however, have shown that they are relevant for this study. The study employed research survey design. The survey method best suit the study because it enables researcher to elicit the opinion of the public on how best to eliminate kidnapping in Nigeria. The population of the study is the entire Nigeria, the sample size was eight hundred (800) which comprised the six geo-political zones via the North Central, North-East, South-East, SouthSouth and South-West respectively. The instrument for collection of the data was the questionnaire structured on the open-ended and multiple choice questions that elicited responses from the respondents. This was transmitted online to the respondents through the creation of a web page purposefully to generate reactions from the respondents which lasted for six months.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data Table one sought to ascertain respondents awareness of the cases of kidnapping in Nigeria. The showed an overwhelming result a s all the 800 or 100 percent respondents acknowledged awareness of cases of kidnapping in the six geo-political states of Nigeria. Kidnapping, however, is 3

Exterminating C a s e s of Kidnapping Through The Use Of P u b l i c Relations T e c h n i q u e s in Nigeria not a new phenomenon, it also takes place in order advanced and third world nations, but the spate of kidnapping In Nigeria makes It look as If that Is the only problem affecting the country. Table two ascertained the respondents views on the frequency of cases of kidnapping in Nigeria. The data indicated that 764 or 95.05 percent acknowledged that kidnapping in Nigeria was a regular phenomenon. This result Is an indication that Nigerians are prone to be victim at any point in time. And this phenomenon Is capable of inciting fears among the people in caring out legitimate their duties. The fact that fears is a negative treat, could lead to mutual suspicion amongst the people even their spouse. Table three ascertained the caliber of victims of kidnap cases In Nigeria. The result of the findings showed that the rich and their relatives apart from others are major target/victims of kidnap cases in Nigeria. Relatives of these rich people some of whom were the vulcanizers, teachers, medical doctors, dvil servants, traders, applicants, elderly, handicapped and imbecile. The kidnappers stock-in-trade In taking hostage of the relatives of the rich people was to illegally collect ransom of different magnitude. Table four ascertained reasons for kidnapping in Nigeria, the respondents generated numerous reasons why people venture Into kidnapping business in Nigeria. The respondents attributed political vendetta, act of wickedness, poverty, corruption, bad governance and greed as factors responsible for the incessant cases of kidnapping in the country. The above, however, are negative apd negates a country's economic, social and political development. It is capable of derailing the nations' Gross Domestic Product (GDP), especially in a nation whose propensity to consume out-way production by its citizens. Table five showcased government efforts to tacking cases of kidnapping in Nigeria. The data indicated that the Nigerian government has only enacted the laws against kidnapping in the country through various States Houses of Assembly, this followed the overwhelming response as showed (630 or 78.75). Despite the establishment and promulgation of numerous laws against kidnapping, the business still persists. The government need more to do by adopting the public relations principles and strategies as anchored by Frank Jefkins (1988) six points public relations models. This Including situation analysis, defining objective, defining the publics, selecting appropriate media to reach the target people, budgeting adequate funds, implementing and communicating the situation to the public. The Implication of the above, however, calls for a thorough research and dlaloglng with the kidnappers with a view to eradicating the vices. Table six sought to ascertain respondent's, views on the effort of the law enforcement agency in curbing kidnapping In Nigeria. The respondents claimed that the law enforcement agents on their part have always made some arrest, but could not disclose, If they have procured convictions from the law court. The Implication of the above is that the country's judicial system, may hamper conviction of culprits as some, the dedded cases were based on "technicalities" which invariably led to freeing culprits. Similarly, friends and relatives of the kidnap suspects due to their connections in the political arcles might also hamper police investigation and prosecution. Table seven ascertained appropriate strategies in curbing kidnap cases. The respondents maintained that government can created job opportunities, provide enabling business environments and provide soft loans to Its dtlzens.


International Journal of C o m m u n i c a t i o n and Performing Arts, V o l u m e 5, N u m b e r 1, 2017 The findings Is in complete agreement with Amadi (2014) when he posits that public relations activities includes a government showcasing accountability and social responsibility by establishing and executing programmes and projects that have direct bearing with the whims and caprices of its citizens. There is hardly a village, community or tribe in Nigeria that has not experienced cases of kidnapping. For instance, in the Yoruba ethnic nationality, Influential traditional rulers have been kidnapped, In the Ijaw areas of Bayelsa many traditional rulers and retired military officers have also been victims of kidnapping. In the Northern part of Nigeria, many politicians have also been taken to hostages for ransom, hence a national calamity. The effect of this, Invariably contributed to the nations economic disorganization.

SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Kidnapping has been acclaimed as major criminal activities perpetuated mostly in Nigeria as a result of the government inability to adopt appropriate public relations strategies in initiating programmes which geared towards engaging the citizens meaningful. Several reasons abounds that instigated kidnapping as a brisk business. According to the results of the data gathered bad governance, greed, Illiteracy, politics and wickedness among others have been identified as factors responsible for t h e vices. Also, the Inability of the leaders to accord research a pride of place by refusal to investigate why people engage in the illicit business. Based on the above premise, the study is advocating an all encompassing national convention to dialogue on ways and means of tackling the menace of kidnapping in Nigeria. The government should also enact legislations that would make politics a part-time business in Nigeria and also ensure that appropriate public relations strategies are adopted In carrying out their assignments. The paper believed that Nigeria will regain its pride of state, if it adopt the findings and recommendations of this work to mitigate the vices.

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