Study different parameters for Energy conservation in Lighting at Technical .... output for 2 x 40 W - 4 feet long tube light fixture is same as for that of 1 x 65 W - 4 ...
Scientific Journal of Impact Factor(SJIF): 3.134
e-ISSN(O): 2348-4470 p-ISSN(P): 2348-6406
International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development Volume 2, Issue 11, November-2015
Study different parameters for Energy conservation in Lighting at Technical textile production units H. N. A min 1 , D.V.Bihola 2 1
Textile Technology Department, Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology, Surat-395001,Gujarat. 2 Textile Manufacturing Technology, R.C. Technical Institute, Ahmedabad -380060, Gujarat.
Abstract: Lighting is an essential service in all the industries. The power consumption by the textile industrial lighting varies around 2 - 12% of the total power depending on the type of industry. The quality and quantity of lighting affects the ambiance, security and function of facility as well as the performance of employees. Innovation and continuous improvement in the field of lighting, has given rise to tremendous energy saving opportunities in this area. This study gives overview of lighting characteristics, different lighting systems a nd effective ways to conserve energy in lighting at Technical textile production units. Key words - Lighting, Technical Textile, Energy Conservation, Quality, Renewable Energy I. INTRODUCTION Lighting in textile industry covers a wide range of different wo rking interiors and tasks: fro m s mall workshops to huge factory halls, and from fine precision work to heavy industrial tasks. The lighting quality should always be high enough to guarantee sufficient visual performance for the tasks concerned. 1.1 Effects of Poor lighting quality Working in poor or low quality lighting, people can suffer eye strain and fatigue, resulting in poorer performance [1]. In a number of cases, it can lead to headaches. Headaches may sometimes be caused by lamp flicker. In some cases, flicker can also cause stress in people. 1.2 Good quality Lighting Criteria sufficient light at the visual task good uniformity of the lighting over the whole task area balanced luminous distribution throughout the room lighting without flicker good colour rendering and appropriate light colour 1.3 Effects of increased overall quality of lighting increase in task performance reduction in number of rejects/failures accident reduction
Incandescent [2] Fluorescent [3,4 ] High Intensity Discharge (HID)[5] Mercury Vapor (M V) Metal Halide (MH) High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Low Pressure Sodium (LPS) Solid-State Lighting
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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD) Volume 2,Issue 11, Novem ber -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406
IV. THE MEAS URE OF LIGHT Color temperature is a measure of the light bulb's color when illu minated, and is measured in degrees Kelvin (Tab le 4). The higher the number, the whiter and then bluer, the color. “Table 4: Bulb Color Temperature Chart”
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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD) Volume 2,Issue 11, Novem ber -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406 V. EN ERGY CONS ERVATION IN TECHNICAL TEXTIL E PRODUCTION UNITS Lighting can account for up to 12% o f text ile industry’s total electricity bill. By reduction in this through conservation means can also contribute to lower carbon emissions, a major cause of climate change. Different ways to conserve energy in lighting are as follows : 5.1 Efficient light source The standard 60 watt incandescent light bulb provides 13 to 14 lu mens per watt. An equivalent CFL p rovides between 55 and 70 lu mens per watt. An equivalent LED can range between 60 and 100 lu mens per watt[8]. (Efficiency is measured by the number of lu mens per watt a bulb provides. Lumens tell us how bright a light bulb is. Watts tell us how much energy the light bulb uses.) Two types of fluorescent lamps are available, namely the cool light (colour 54) with a colour temperature of 650CTK and the white (colour 33) with a colour temperature of 420CTK. For the same illu mination level, 10 % saving of energy is possible with white fluorescent than with cool day light fluorescent lamp[7]. Different Energy efficient alternatives are shown in Tab le 5.1 [9]. “Table 5.1: Different E nergy-efficient alternatives”
Energy efficiency cannot be obtained by mere selection of more efficient lamps alone. Efficient lu minaires along with the lamp of high efficacy achieve the optimu m efficiency. The mos t efficient light source (ENERGY STAR qualified) must be selected while planning new lighting systems or modify ing the existing ones. In many cases, replacement of the existing lo w efficiency lamp types with lower wattage, more efficient types will result in reduced total costs and improved lighting. 5.2 Efficient light distributi on Mirro r-optic lu minaires with a high output ratio and bat-wing light distribution can save energy. For achieving better efficiency, lu minaires that are having light distribution characteristics appropriate for the task interior should be selected. The lu minaires fitted with a lamp should ensure that discomfort glare and veiling reflections are min imised. Installation of suitable lu minaires, depends upon the height - Low, Mediu m & High Bay [10]. Low bay, for heights less than 5 metres. Medium bay, for heights between 5 - 7 metres. High bay, for heights greater than 7 metres. System layout and fixing of the luminaires play a major role in achieving energy efficiency. This als o varies from application to application. Hence, fixing the lu minaires at optimu m height and usage of mirror optic lu minaries leads to energy efficiency. 5.3 Efficient Light Control
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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD) Volume 2,Issue 11, Novem ber -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406 5.3.1 Installation of microprocessor based controllers Another modern method is usage of microprocessor / infrared controlled d imming or switching circuits [10]. The lighting control can be obtained by using logic units located in the ceiling, which can take p re -programme co mmands and activate specified lighting circuits. Advanced lighting control system uses movement detectors or lighting sensors, to feed signals to the controllers. 5.3.2 Installation of "exclusive" transformer for lighting In most of the industries, lighting load varies between 2 to 10%. Most of the pro blems faced by the lighting equipment and the "gears" is due to the "voltage" fluctuations. Hence, the lighting equipment has to be isolated from the power feeders. This provides a better voltage regulation for the lighting. This will reduce the voltage re lated problems, wh ich in turn increases the efficiency of the lighting system. 5.3.3 Installation of servo stabilizer for lighting feeder Wherever, installation of exclusive transformer for lighting is not economically attractive, servo stabilizer can be installed for the lighting feeders. This will provide stabilized voltage for the lighting equipment. The performance of "gears" such as chokes, ballasts, will also improved due to the stabilized voltage. 5.3.4 Installation of high frequency (HF) electronic ballasts in place of conventional ballasts New high frequency electronic ballasts have the following advantages over the traditional magnetic ballasts: Energy savings up to 35%; Less heat dissipation, which reduces the air conditioning load; Lights in stantly; Imp roved power factor; Operates in lo w voltage load; Less in weight; Increases the life of lamp . 5.4 Replace ol d one Most discharge lamps display a gradual reduction in light output with years of service[7]. While light output may fall, energy consumption remains the same. It fo llo ws therefore that lamps should be replaced at the end of their economic life rather than waiting for them to fail. 5.5 Lamp Arrangements More supplementary lights, e.g., twin tubes luminaries should be provided in the region further from the windows and less supplementary lights, e.g., single tube lu minaries near the windows. It should further be noted that the illu mination output for 2 x 40 W - 4 feet long tube light fixture is same as for that of 1 x 65 W - 4 feet long tube light fixture. 5.6 Lower the ceiling heights The number of light fixtures that are required can be reduced by lowering the height of the light fixtu re or false ceiling. I f lowered by 1 m, about 20 - 30 % electrical energy can be saved. 5.7 Switch off lights The least expensive way to reduce lighting cost is to remove unnecessary lamps and switch off unnecessary lights - lights in storage and toilet areas should be switched off, preferab ly by a timer switch[7]. 5.8 Maxi mise the use of natural lighting Daylighting often provides a highly directional source of light, and excellent three dimensional modeling. Natural light can be effectively used by : (1) Installing large fibre glass sky lights in the roof. (2) Providing high opening in the entir e length of the walls. (3) Providing facilit ies to switch off electric lighting when natural light levels are adequate or dimming the lighting according to changing needs. 5.9 Periodic Cleaning Period ic clean ing of the lamps and window panes at 3-4 months interval will be useful to ensure full utilisation of day light and artificial lights. 5.10 White washing Paint walls and ceiling with light colour to reduce artificial light requirements. Amount of light reflected fro m d ifferent colors & materials are g iven in Tab le 5.7 [11].
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International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD) Volume 2,Issue 11, Novem ber -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406 “Table 5.7 Reflectance Table”
5.11 Building Lighting Design & Landscaping “Design” is the science and art of making things useful to humankind, and lighting design is the application of lighting – including daylight when it is specifically used as source of lighting-to human spaces [12]. With the ability to modulate light levels, appropriate electric light energy should be used at all times, maintaining a minimu m necessary light level and therefore, min imu m necessary lighting energy consumption. A well-designed landscape can not only add beauty to business area but it can also reduce heating and cooling costs. On average, landscaping for energy efficiency provides enough energy savings to return an initial investment in short time span. 5.12 Renewable Energ y At the time of designing or remodeling a new business building, consideration of constructing what's called a high performance building is also a matter of energy conservation. For building's electricity needs, one can buy clean electricity or make own electricity fro m a renewab le energy source. Solar energy is a clean alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power. Solar energy is free. It’s silent. Solar power can be captured anywhere without creating noise pollution. One of the greatest advantages of solar energy, of course, is that there are no carbon dioxide, methane or other emissions that warm the at mosphere. 5.13 Implementation of Advanced Industrial Lighting Gui deline Design lighting systems that are based on a dynamic, rather than a static, model of vision and natural light. Design amb ient lighting to illu minate the majority of the space to about one -third the task illu mination level. Scotopic/Photopic ratios can be used to determine the relative sense of brightness from d ifferent sources. Provide task lighting that is under the control of each worker. Avoid distinct patterns, especially patterns that are irregular or harsh. Use night lighting only when and where necessary. Use the minimu m amount of light needed rather than the maximu m. Use sources with cutoff optics that restrict light to the intended area of illu mination. Consider use of : Easily re-configured controls, Portable lu minaires, Modular wiring, Lighting tracks and Lightweight suspended luminaires. Find lighting systems that embody the project’s style or aesthetic…wh ile using high -efficacy sources and efficient principles. Work with higher color temperature and higher CRI sources (CRI 80, or better) to produce beneficial vision effects. Use light colored room surfaces and min imize the use of dark surfaces. Ensure that the average room surface lu minance is at least 10% of the task background. Be the most concerned about sources of glare in relation to stationary tasks. Blend direct and indirect lighting to provide a comb ination of co mfort and modeling. Use lighting techniques that reveal texture to enhance visual perception. @IJAERD-2014, All rights Reserved
International Journal of Advance Engineer ing and Research Development (IJAERD) Volume 2,Issue 11, Novem ber -2015, e-ISSN: 2348 - 4470 , print-ISSN:2348-6406 VI. CONCLUS ION Technical Text ile industrial lighting is where the necessity of light meets the challenges of environment, dirt and practicality. It is an area, which provides a major scope to achieve energy efficiency at the design stage, by incorporation of modern energy efficient lamps, lu minaires and gears, apart from good operational practices. Advances in state -of-theart lighting technology and effective steps for energy conservation in lighting can significantly reduce energy use and costs while provid ing light levels and quality as per requirement. Mounting and ceiling heights vary fro m close -in task lighting to out-of-the-way locations 20 to 30 feet or more, above the floor. Moreover, lighting costs are critical, and there is an expectation of efficiency in every way. REFERENCES [1] lab/luz/ld/Arquitetural/interiores/ilumina%E7%E3o %20industrial/industrial_lighting_and_productivity%5B1%5D.pdf (August 2002, Philips Lighting,The Netherlands)
N. Balasubramanian, P.B. Jhala, G.A.Gandhi & S.Govindarajan, (Chapter 1-Less power for Spinning & Weaving) 25th Technological Conference on Energy conservation and management in textile industry published by Bombay Textile Research Association, Bombay (India) Ju ly 1984.
[8] L_4-11_ EPA.pdf
[9] (Energy Saving Fact Sheet-Lighting)
[10] Guide%20Books/book-3/Chapter%203.8%20Lighting%20System.pdf
[12] lab/luz/ld/Arquitetural/diversos/Lighting%20design%20considerations.pdf
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