The International Business Division (IBD) of ITC group in charge for ... GODREJ- Acquired and merged HLL's (Hindustan Lever Limited) agribusiness entering.
IJMRR/ April 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 4/Article No-16/2826-2834
ISSN: 2249-7196
Director, Krishna Institute of Management, Mawana Road, Meerut, India.
Assoc Prof, School of Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
ABSTRACT The present paper an attempt to explore the possibilities of implementing the E-Choupal in Odisha. Here we tried to highlight the various challenges faced by the farmers in rural area. These challenges need to address before implementing the project in Odisha. For this purpose we had conducted a pilot study considering various variables and at the end eleven variables identified which are relevant for the study. 600 questionnaires distributed in 4 districts of Odisha and out of those 393 responses received. The response rate is 65.5%. Keywords: E-Choupal, Perception, Farmers, Rural area. INTRODUCTION “CHOUPAL” is the Hindi word for village square where elders meet to discuss relevant issues. The E of E-Choupal stands for computer with an internet connection for farmers together around, interacted with global market. It begins with ITC installing a computer with Solar-charged batteries for power and VSAT internet connection in selected villages. The computer functioning is independent from the instability of power and telecom facilities at the village level. A local farmer called as “SANCHALAK” exclusively for farmer. It is different from contract farming. The International Business Division (IBD) of ITC group in charge for procurement, processing and export of agricultural commodities which includes soybean, wheat, shrimp and coffee has created an IT enabled rural channel that covers more than 27,000 villages. This channel has been used to drive enormous efficiency in the procurement of commodities resulting in value creation for both the company and the farmers. In addition, the channel had created social impact through internet penetration and global commercial awareness has been possible despite of several limitations. The E-Choupal offers farmers and village community the various distinct services and these are free of charge. These are as below: Information- Daily weather forecast, price of various crops, e-mails to farmers and ITC officials and news and all this in their own vernacular language. Knowledge: Farming methods specific to each group and region, soil testing, expert advice mostly sourced from Agricultural Universities. Purchase: Farmers can buy seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and host of other products and services ranging from cycles and tractors to insurance policies over 35 companies have become partners in E-Choupal to sell their products through the network. *Corresponding Author
IJMRR/ April 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 4/Article No-16/2826-2834
ISSN: 2249-7196
Sales: Farmers can sell their products to the ITC centers or the local market, often checking the price on the net. Developmental work: NGO’s working for cattle breed improvement and water harvesting and women self help groups are reaching villages through E-Choupal. The various companies involved ITC- reaches 4.1 million farmers, adding 40 new villages a day. TATA- Tata Kisan Sansar spreads over 15,000 in three states. GODREJ- Acquired and merged HLL’s (Hindustan Lever Limited) agribusiness entering rural retail. MAHINDRA- Sells farm inputs and equipments through “ SHUBHLABH” present a corporate farming and rural financing. BHARATI- Entering food processing and exports of fruits and vegetables. PEPSI- Revolutionized horticulture in Punjab. SHRIRAM –Setting up a chain of rural malls of which 13 are operational. RELIANCE- Entered cropping and sale of medical and herbal plants Considering the importance of E-Choupal as an instrument to improve the life style of the farmers, its impact and modus operandi in rural area which ultimately helps in the rural development, it is felt to carry out a detailed study with regard various challenges for implementing the E-Choupal in Odisha in general. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Odisha is primarily an agricultural state. Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy. About 74% people live in villages and 69% of total working population depends on agriculture for livelihood. The rural labour household forms the hard core of rural poverty. Most of this consists of backward cases like scheduled caste and scheduled tribes and about 70% of rural labour households are under the pressure of indebtness. The broad contours of rural poverty clearly indicate that the poorest sections of rural population belong to families of small and marginal farmers, agricultural labourers and rural artisans, scheduled caste and scheduled tribes. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To study the various existing challenges before implementing the E-Choupal project in Odisha. To suggest some plans to overcome the challenges. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The study is restricted to the selected districts of Odisha i.e Ganjam, Puri, Khordha and Cuttack district of Odisha. The period of study is restricted to 6 months i.e July 2012 to December 2012. The sample size is also limited; it may not represent the views of all.
Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved
ISSN: 2249-7196
IJMRR/ April 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 4/Article No-16/2826-2834 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND SAMPLE SIZE
For the purpose of study a survey conducted consisting of eleven different variables. The variables were finalized after conducting the pilot study. Simple percentage method used for reaching the research outcomes to the majority of readers. In total 600 questionnaires distributed in various areas of 4 districts of Odisha under study. For each district 150 respondents targeted, however finally, 393 respondents responded. They are 87 from Ganjam district, 96 from Puri district, 104 from Khordha district and 106 from Cuttack district of Odisha. The sample size includes 288 male and rest are female. ANALYSIS OF THE DATA 1. Population and illiteracy are the one of the challenges for implementing E-Choupal in Odisha. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 199 55 254
% 69 52.4 64.6
A 50 25 75
% 17.4 23.8 19
DA 17 5 22
% 5.9 4.8 5.6
SDA 7 17 24
% 2.4 16.2 6
N 15 3 18
% 5.3 2.8 4.8
Source: Compiled from field survey, SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDAStrongly disagree & N- Neutral
Interpretation: Responding to this question 64.63% of the total respondents strong agree, 19% agree, 5.59% disagree, 6.61% strongly disagree and rest belongs to neutral. Taking strongly agree and agree together for the male respondents only it comes to 86.45% and the same for the female respondents comes to 76.18%. 2. Method of cultivation is one of the challenges for implementing E-Choupal in Odisha. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 170 62 232
% 59 59 59
A 79 18 97
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 27.4 17.1 24.7
DA 19 15 34
% 6.6 14.3 8.7
SDA 8 5 13
% 2.8 4.8 3.3
N 12 5 17
% 4.2 4.8 4.3
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved
ISSN: 2249-7196
IJMRR/ April 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 4/Article No-16/2826-2834
Interpretation: Responding to this question, 59% strongly agree, 24.7% agreed, 8.7% disagree, 3.3% strongly disagree and rest belongs to neutral. Considering strongly agree and agree together for male respondents comes to 86.4% and same for the female respondents are 76.1%. 3. The irrigation facility is one of the challenges for implementing E-Choupal in Odisha. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 182 54 236
% 63.2 51.4 60
A 74 21 95
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 25.7 20 24.2
DA 21 14 35
% 7.3 13.3 8.9
SDA 10 16 26
% 3.5 15.3 6.6
N 1 0 1
% 0.3 0 0.3
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Interpretation: Answering to this question 60% strongly agree, 24.2% agree, 8.9% disagree, 6.6% strongly disagree and remain belongs to neutral. Combining strongly agree and agree together for female respondents, 71.4% and same for the male respondents 89.9%. 4. The more disguised labour is also one the challenges for implementing E-Choupal in Odisha. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 173 58 231
% 60 55.2 58.8
A 76 22 98
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 26.4 21 24.9
DA 12 10 22
% 4.2 9.5 6
SDA 9 12 21
% 3.1 11.4 5.1
N 18 3 21
% 6.3 2.9 5.1
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved
ISSN: 2249-7196
IJMRR/ April 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 4/Article No-16/2826-2834
Interpretation: Joining to this question 58.8% strongly agree, 24.9% agree, 6% disagree, 5.1% strongly disagree and 5.1% remain neutral. Taking strongly agree and agree together, for male 86.4% and same for the female are 76.2%. 5. Migration of labour from rural to urban areas is also one of the challenging factors for implementing E-Choupal in Odisha. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 182 51 233
% 63.2 48.6 59.3
A 63 24 87
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 21.9 22.9 22
DA 29 21 50
% 10 20 12.7
SDA 13 8 21
% 4.5 7.6 5.3
N 1 1 2
% .4 .9 .7
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Interpretation: Answering to this 59.3% strongly agree, 22% agree,12.7% disagree, 5.3% strongly disagree, and remain are neutral. Considering strongly agree and agree together 71.5% for the female respondents only and same for the male respondents are 85.1%. 6. The living conditions of children and women are below par which may create problem for implementing E-Choupal project. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 178 59 237
% 61.8 56.2 60.3
A 71 25 96
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 24.7 23.8 24.4
DA 25 12 37
% 8.7 11.4 9.4
SDA 10 5 15
% 3.5 4.8 3.8
N 4 4 8
% 1.3 3.8 2.1
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved
ISSN: 2249-7196
IJMRR/ April 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 4/Article No-16/2826-2834
Interpretation: Answering to this question, 60.3% are strongly agree, 24.4% agree, 9.4% disagree, 3.8% strongly disagree and remain neutral. Taking strongly agree and agree together for male it comes to 86.5% and same for the female are 80%. 7. No proper medical facilities available are available in rural areas. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 168 61 229
% 58.3 58 58.3
A 60 21 81
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 20.8 20 20.6
DA 30 15 45
% 10.4 14.3 11.5
SDA 14 3 17
% 4.9 2.9 4.3
N 16 5 21
% 5.6 4.8 5.3
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Interpretation: Responding to this question, 58.3% strongly agree, 20.6% agree, 11.5% disagree, 4.3% strongly disagree and remain are neutral. Considering strongly agree and agree together, 79.1% for male and the same for the female are 78%. 8. No proper education facilities available in rural Odisha. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 171 55 226
% 59.4 52.4 57.5
A 75 30 105
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 26 28.6 26.7
DA 28 14 42
% 9.8 13.3 10.7
SDA 7 5 12
% 2.4 4.7 3
N 7 1 8
% 2.4 1 2.1
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved
IJMRR/ April 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 4/Article No-16/2826-2834
ISSN: 2249-7196
Interpretation: Answering to this question, 57.5% of the total respondents strongly agree, 26.7% agree, 10.7% disagree, 3% strongly disagree and remain are neutral. Taking strongly agree and agree tougher for the male respondents it is 85.4% and same for the female respondents are 81%. 9. No proper infrastructure facilities available in rural Odisha. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 163 67 230
% 56.6 63.8 58.5
A 65 23 88
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 22.6 21.9 22.4
DA 24 5 29
% 8.3 4.8 7.4
SDA 13 6 19
% 4.5 5.7 4.8
N 23 4 27
% 8 3.8 6.9
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Interpretation: Joining to this question 58.5% strongly agreed, 22.4% agree, 7.4% disagree, 4.8% strongly disagree and rest is neutral. Considering agree and strongly agree together for female are 85.7% and same for the male are 79.2%. 10. High cost of production and marginal returns. Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 189 52 241
% 65.6 49.5 61.3
A 36 28 64
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 12.5 26.7 16.3
DA 42 11 53
% 14.6 10.5 13.5
SDA 15 7 22
% 5.2 6.6 5.6
N 6 7 13
% 2.1 6.6 3.3
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved
ISSN: 2249-7196
IJMRR/ April 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 4/Article No-16/2826-2834
Interpretation: Answering to this question, 61.3% of the total respondents strongly agree, 16.3% agree, 13.5% disagree and 5.6% strongly disagree and remain are neutral. However the strongly agree and agree taken together for female respondents only are 76.2% and same for the male respondents are 78.1%. 11. No proper storage facilities Gender Male Female Total
Total 288 105 393
SA 164 58 222
% 56.9 55.2 56.5
A 51 27 78
Source: Compiled from field survey, Strongly disagree & N- Neutral
% 17.7 25.7 19.8
DA 31 11 42
% 10.8 10.5 10.7
SDA 22 6 28
% 7.6 5.7 7.1
N 20 3 23
% 7 2.9 5.9
SA-Strongly agree, A- Agree, DA- Disagree, SDA-
Interpretation: Answering to this question 56.5% strongly agree, 19.8% agree, 10.7% disagree and rest are remaining category. Considering strongly agree and agree together for the male are 74.6% and for the fame are80.9%. CONCLUDING OBSERVATION The need of the hour is to revisit the various challenges exist the rural Odisha. The various players those are involved in E-Choupal should be provided with proper platform before something takes place in this part of the country. The scenario has changed drastically over the years; however the rural mass remains untouchable with the development in the remote areas of the state. The other major challenge is political will of the ruling party and opposition parties who are in the power. Most of the times it is seen in this part of the country that because of stiff opposition of vested interest groups no major project is able to initiate
Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved
IJMRR/ April 2013/ Volume 3/Issue 4/Article No-16/2826-2834
ISSN: 2249-7196
and some of the existing projects are preparing to pack off. So the need of the hour is to provide proper infrastructure facilities and be open to new challenges. There is also need for connecting rural mass to the mainstream of the development. With these efforts there is ample scope of implementing the E-Choupal in Odisha. This will not only improve the standard of living of the rural area but at the same time socio-economic profile of the farmers will improve to a great extent. REFERENCES Sreenivas VB. CSR at ITC Ltd- Viewing through strategic lens. Banerjee A. The ICT in agriculture: Bridging Bharat with India. Global Media Journal, winterissue 2011; 2(2). Sharma A. ITC- E-Choupal: Empowering Rural India. Upton DM. ITC E-Choupal initiative, Havard Business Review. Ali F, Bhatnagar S. ITC E-Choupal: CSR in Rural India. Dash SB, Mishra H. Rural E-governance model and its impact on decision making process in agriculture: A study of ITCs E-Choupal. ASBM Journal of Management 2008; 1(1): 2008: 39-46. Rao SS. Role of ICTs in Indian Rural Communities. The Journal of Community informatics 2009; 5(1).
Copyright © 2012 Published by IJMRR. All rights reserved