International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Keywords: Cassia fistula, Antidiabetic, Alloxan induced, Ethyl acetate fraction. INTRODUCTION: ... recommended for the treatment of diabetes inspite of other.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences INT.J.PH.SCI.,JAN-APRIL 2010;2(1):382-385 ISSN 0975-4725

Original Research Manuscript

Antidiabetic Activity of Cassia fistula Linn. Bark in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats.

S.N. MALPANI*, K.P. MANJUNATH, HASANPASHA SHOLAPUR, R.V. SAVADI, KUSUM S. AKKI AND S.S.DARADE Dept. of Pharmacognosy, K.L.E.S’ College of Pharmacy, Vidyanagar, Hubli-580031, Karnataka, India. Corresponding [email protected]

ABSTRACT The antidiabetic potential of the total alcoholic extract & its ethyl acetate fraction of the bark of Cassia fistula was studied in alloxan induced diabetic rats. The ethyl acetate fraction exhibited significant reduction in blood glucose levels than alcoholic extract & was also found effective in restoring the blood lipids to normal levels. The activity was found comparable with standard drug glibenclamide. The present investigation of the plant established some pharmacological evidence to support the folklore claim and effect of glycoside containing fraction that is used as an antidiabetic. Keywords: Cassia fistula, Antidiabetic, Alloxan induced, Ethyl acetate fraction.


Cassia fistula Linn. also known as golden shower, Indian

Diabetes is one of the most prevalence chronic diseases in the

laburnum, belongs to the family Leguminoceae. In traditional

world. This is a chronic incurable condition due to insulin

medicine, it is used in the treatment of hematemesis, pruritis,

deficiency that affect 10% of the population. The number of

intestinal disorders, leucoderma, diabetes, & as antipyretic,

diabetic people is expected to rise from present estimate of 150

analgesic & laxative.3-4 Cassia fistula is a moderate sized

million to 230 million in 2025. For a long time, diabetes has been

deciduous tree, distributed throughout India. It is 8-15m to 24m

treated with several medicinal plants or their extract based on the

in height, with greenish grey smooth bark when young & rough,

folklore medicine. Nowadays herbal medicines are highly

dark brown when mature. Leaflets 8–12 pair, flowers yellow,

recommended for the treatment of diabetes inspite of other

long drooping racemes. Pod cylindrical & pulpy. Seeds light

therapeutic option, which can produce serious side effects & in

brown, hard & shiny.5-7

addition they are not safe during pregnancy. Therefore the search

So attempt has been made to study the antidiabetic activity of the

for the more effective and safer hypoglycemic agents has

glycoside containing fractions.8-10

continued to be an important area of active research. Furthermore, after the recommendation made by WHO on


diabetes mellitus, investigation on hypoglycemic agent from



medicinal plants has become more important.


Int.J.Ph.Sci.,Jan-April 2010;2(1)

S.N. MALPANI et al: Antidiabetic Activity of Cassia fistula Linn. Bark in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats.

The bark of Cassia fistula L. were collected from the local areas

The blood glucose was monitered after every 24 hr of

of Hubli, Karnataka and authenticated by Dr. B.D. Huddar,

alloxanisation. The diabetic condition was observed after 48 hrs.

Head, Department of Botany, H.S.K. Science Institute, Hubli.

The animals with sugar level more than 200 mg/dl were selected

Preparation of the extracts:

for study.13

The Cassia fistula L. bark was shade dried at room temperature,

Experimental design:-

pulverized, and extracted with 95% ethanol at temperature 30-

The animals were segregated into five groups of six rats each.


50 C, in a Soxhlet extractor for 48 hours. It was further

Group-I served as Normal

concentrated using rota flash evaporator giving a dark brownish

Control, Group-II as Negative control, Group-III as Standard (5

residue(27.39%) which was stored in dessicator. The total

mg/kg), Group-IV received Ethyl acetate extract; Group-V

alcoholic extract was dissolved in water & fractionated with pet

received Total alcoholic extract. All the doses were given orally

ether, benzene and ethyl acetate (9.12%). The ethyl acetate and

for 14 days.

alcoholic extract were selected for study on the basis of

On 15th day of treatment, blood samples were collected

phytochemical screening.11 The suspensions of alcoholic & ethyl

by retro-orbital plexus puncture method under mild ether

acetate extracts were prepared by using 1% Tween for the study.

anesthesia & serum was separated by centrifugation. The serum


was analysed for blood glucose level, total cholesterol and total

Wistar albino rats of either sex weighing around 200-300gms

triglyceride level.14-15.

were used for the Antidiabetic activity. They were housed in polypropylene cages & fed with laboratory diet & water ad

Statistical evaluation:

libitum. All the protocols were performed in accordance with

The quantitative measurement were made on six animals in each

Institutional Animal Ethical Committee.

group & the values of biochemical estimation were expressed as

Toxicity studies in mice:

mean + SEM. The data obtained were subjected to one way

Albino mice of either sex weighing between 20-30gm were used

ANOVA followed by Dunnette multiple comparison test.16

during investigation. The mice were supplied by KLES COP, Hubli-31.The animals were fasted over night. As per following


the OECD guidelines fixed dose method procedure, the effective

The diabetic animals showed significant decrease in blood

dose for both extract was found to be 200mg/kg body weight.


glucose level after 14 days treatment. However the ethyl acetate

Standard drug used:

extract was more effective & results are comparable with that of

Glibenclamide tablet (Daonil Tab.) manufactured by Aventis

reference drug, gliblenclamide (Table–I). Alloxan treated rats

Pharma was used as standard drug. It was purchased from Nandi

shown substantial weight loss & affect carbohydrate & lipid

Pharma, Vidyanagar, Hubli-31. The tablets were suspended in

metabolism. Diabetic rats treated with alcoholic extract & ethyl

distilled water using tween-80 as suspending agent & used for

acetate fraction were also found effective in normalizing blood


lipids like cholesterol & triglycerides (Table-II). The

Induction of diabetes:-

phytochemical screening of the extracts revealed the presence of

The albino rats 200-300gm of either sex were allowed to fast for

tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, phenolic compounds,

24 hrs prior to experimentation & induced diabetic by injection

carbohydrates, steroids & triterpenoids.

of single dose of Alloxan 120gm/b.wt. (Spectrachem Pvt. Ltd. Company) in normal saline by I.P. route. After one hour of alloxanisation the animals were given feed ad libitum & 5% dextrose solution for a day to avoid early hypoglycemic phase.


Int.J.Ph.Sci.,Jan-April 2010;2(1)

S.N. MALPANI et al: Antidiabetic Activity of Cassia fistula Linn. Bark in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats.

Table 1: Effect of fraction and extract of cassia fistula linn. Bark on blood glucose levels & body weights of the rats. Blood glucose levels (mg/dl)

Groups Normal control

Body weights (gm)

Before the treatment

After the treatment

Before the treatment

After the treatment

90.17 + 2.12**

87.28 + 9.17**

163.66 + 8.83*

176.33 + 3.84*


352.68 + 97.01

369.05 + 69.85

283.33 + 2.90

264.33 + 8.64


387.76 + 31.95***

124.66 + 6.12**

210.33 + 12.99*

198.00 + 20.13*

Ethyl acetate fraction

475.47 + 71.11***

183.00 + 67.18***

254.66 + 5.69***

248.67 + 4.17***

Alcoholic extract 424.04 + 43.30*** 293.23 + 65.48*** 216.33 + 10.86* 208.67 + 9.20** Values are expressed as MEAN + SEM. *P < 0.01, **P < 0.05, ***P > 0.05, when compared with diabetic control. Table 2: Effect of fraction and extract of cassia fistula linn. Bark on biochemical parameters. Groups

Biochemical Parameters Total cholesterol (mg/dl)

Total triglycerides (mg/dl)

36.70 + 3.01**

73.99 + 18.11*

Normal control Untreated

50.85 + 1.71

150.7 + 11.20


40.15 + 8.29**

81.15 + 12.76**

Ethyl acetate fraction

36.99 + 6.65**

85.62 + 22.85***

Alcoholic extract 45.75 + 8.87** 81.79 + 22.47** Values are expressed as MEAN + SEM. *P < 0.01, **P < 0.05, ***P > 0.05, when compared with diabetic control. Discussion:

2. Venkatesh S, Thilagavathi J, Shyam sundar D. Anti-diabetic

From the above results we can conclude that ethyl acetate

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Linn. at the dose of 200 mg/kg body weight possesses significant antidiabetic activity in rats. It was also found effective in normalizing blood lipids like total cholesterol & total

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Sivanesan K. Effect of Cassia fistula Linn. leaf extract on

presence of glycoside or flavonoid may be responsible for the

diethylnitrisamine induced hepatic injury in rats. Chemico-

antidiabetic activity of the ethyl acetate fraction and total alcoholic extract.

Biological Interactions 2007; 167:12-18. 5. Orient Longman, Indian Medicinal Plants, A compendium of 500 species, Vol-2 (Orient Longman Ltd., Madras, 1994)11-12.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The authors are thankful to the management KLE society, Belgaum & principal KLES College of pharmacy, Hubli for providing the necessary facility to carry out this study.

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Article History: Date of Submission: 12/01/2010 Date of Acceptance: 17/03/2010 Conflict of Interest: NIL Source of support: NONE


Int.J.Ph.Sci.,Jan-April 2010;2(1)