international journal of the sociology of language

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this part ofthe historical origin of the German Gemeinsprache, cf. Konig. 1978: 93). ...... Konig, W. (1978). dtv-Atlas zur deutschen Sprache. Tafeln wrd Texte.

General Editor JOSHUA A. FISHMAN


Mouton de Gruyter Berlin· New York

Merging and drifting apart. Convergence and divergence of dialects across political borders FRANS HINSKENS, JEFFREY L. KALLEN, and JOHAN TAELDEMAN

Dialects arise not because of the mere fact of individual variation but because two or more groups of individuals have become sufficiently disconnected to drift apart, or independently, instead of together. Sapir (1921: !50) The fact tlrat diversity is not automatically cmmected with isolation suggests that it may also be connected with the normal processes of face-to-face communication. Labov (1972: 324)


From 1995 until 1998, the European Science Foundation funded an international research network of sociodialectologists working on aspects of "The Convergence and Divergence of Dialects in a Changing Europe." The Network, which was founded and chaired by Peter Auer (Universities of Hamburg and, subsequently, Freiburg) and Frans Hinskens (Universities of Nijmegen and, subsequently, Leipzig), and in which eleven European countries were officially represented, organized three workshops (in Nijmegen, Gent, and Heidelberg), an open conference in Reading, and a summer school for Ph.D. students in Malaga. There is also a series of publications relating to the theme of the Network, some of which have appeared already (Auer et al. 1996; Auer 1998b), while others are still in preparation. Further information about the activities of the Network, the electronic first versions of most of the papers presented at the workshops, the abstracts for the open conference, and a number of reports can be traced through the ESF homepage: a European areal phenomenon. Folia Linguistica 33(1), 11-18. Aitchison, J. (1981). Language Change: Progress or Decay? Douglas. Isle of Man: Fontana. Appel, R. (1999). "Ik mix gewoon, no span." De straattaal van jongeren in Amsterdam. Onze Taal68(1), 140-143. Aubin, H.; Frings, T. ; and Muller, J. (1926). Kulturstromungen und Kuiturprovinzen in den Rheinlanden. Geschichte, Sprache, Bonn: Rohrscheid. Auer, P. (1998a). Dialect levelling and the standard varieties in Europe. In Folia Linguistica 32(1-2): Dialect Leveling and the Standard Varieties in Europe (special issue), P. Auer (ed.), 1-9. -(ed.) (1998b). Dialect Levelling and the Standard Varieties in Europe (special issue). Folia Linguistica 32(1-2). -(1999). Das versteckte Prestige des Tiirkischen. Zur Verwendung des Tiirkischen in gemischtethnischen Jugendlichengruppen in Hamburg. In Migration, gesellscltaftliche Differenzierung und Bildung: Resultate des Forschungsschwerpunktprogramms FABER, I. Gogolin and B. Nauck (eds.), 97-112. Opladen: Leske and Budrich. Auer, P.; and Hinskens, F. (1996). The convergence and divergence of dialects in Europe. New and not so new developments in an old area. · In P. Auer, F. Hinskens and K. Mattheier (eds), 1-30. Convergence and divergence of dialects in Europe (=Sociolinguistics 10). - ; Hinskens, F.; and Mattheier, K. (eds.) (1996). Convergence and Divergence of Dialects in Europe (special issue). Sociolinguistica 10. Bailey, C.-J. (1973). Variation and Linguistic Theory. Arlington, VA: Center for Applied Linguistics. Bakker, P. (1995). Over convergentie in een Sprachbund. In Artikelen van de Tweede Sociolinguistische Conferentie, E. Huls and R. van Hout (eds.). Delft: Eburon. -;and Cortiade, M. (eds.) (1991). In the Margin of Romani. Pub!ikaties van bet Instituut voor Algemene Taalwetenschap 58. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam. - ; and Mous, M. (1994a). Introduction. In ML>:ed Languages. P. Bakker and M. Mous (eds.), 1-11. Amsterdam: IFOTT. 11. - ; and Mous, M. (eds.) (1994b). Mixed Languages. 15 Case Studies in Language Intertwining. Amsterdam: IFOTT.

Barden, B.; and Grosskopf, B. (1998). Sprachliche Akkommodation und soziale Integration. Sachsische Ubersiedler und Ubersiedleri1men im rhein-(moselfrl'inkischen und alemannischen Sprachraum. Tiibingen: Niemeyer. Bausinger, H. (1972). Deutsch for Deutsche. Dialekte, Sprachbarrieren, Sondersprachen. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer. Bickerton, D. (1996). The origins of variation in Guyanese. In Towards a Social Science of Language: Papers in Honor of William Labov, G. Guy, C. Feagin, D. Schiffrin, and J. Baugh (eds.), vol. 1, 311-327. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Binchy, A. (1994). Travellers' language: a sociolinguistic perspective. In Irish Travellers, M. McCann et a!. (eds.), 134-154. Belfast: Institute of Irish Studies, Queen's University of Belfast. Bloomfield, L. (1933). Language revised ed. London: Allen and Unwin. Boves, T. (1992). Speech accommodation in co-operative and competitive conversations. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Nijmegen. Chambers, J. (1995). Sociolinguistic Theory. Oxford: Blackwell. , -;and Trudgill, P. (1980). Dialectology. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress. Chomsky, N.; and Halle, M. (1968). The Sound Pattern of English. New York: Harper and Row. · Daan, J. (1985). Dialectologie en sociolinguistiek. In Dialect, standaardtaal en maatschappij, J. Taeldeman and H. Dewulf (eds.), 11-22. Leuven and Amersfoort: Acco. Deprez, K. (1981). Naar een eigen identiteit. Resultaten en evaluatie van tien jaar taalsociologisch en sociolingulstisch onderzoek betreffende de standaardtaal in Vlaanderen. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, KU Leuven. Ferguson, C. (1959). Diglossia. Word 15, 325-341. Fishman, J. (1985a). Readings in the Sociology of Jewish Languages. Leiden: Brill. -(1985b). The sociology of Jewish languages from a general sociolinguistic point of view. In Readings in the Sociology of Jewish Languages, 1. Fishman (ed.), 3-21. Leiden: Brill. Frings, T. (1936). Die Grundlagen des meissnischen Deutsch. Halle: Niemeyer. Gal, S. (1979). Language Shift: Social Determinants of Linguistic Change in Bilingual Austria. New York: Academic Press. Gerritsen, M. (1999). Divergence of dialects in a linguistic laboratory near the BelgianDutch-German border: similar dialects under the influence of different standard languages. Language Variation and Change II, 43-65. Giles, H.; Mulac, A.; Bradac, J.; and Johnson, P. (1987). Speech accommodation theory: 'i}.; the first decade and beyond. In Communication Yearbook 10, M. McLaughlin (ed.). ~~ ·' Beverley Hills: Sage. ·~{ Gilles, P. (1998). Virtual convergence and dialect levelling in Luxembourgish. In Folia ,;;'~~~ Linguistica 32(1-2): Dialect Leveling and the Standard Varieties in Europe (special issue), P. Auer (ed.), 69--82. : Gold, D.L. (1985). Jewish English. In Readings in the Sociology of Jewish Languages, - ~ J. Fishman (ed'.), 280-298. Leiden: Brill. Goossens, J. (1981). Zurn Verhaltnis von Dialectologie und Soziolinguistik. Der : Standpunkt eines Dialektologen. Zeitschriftfiir Dialektologie und Linguistik 48, 299-312. Grant; A. (1994). Shelta: the secret language of Irish travellers viewed as a mixed language. · In Mixed Languages, P. Bakker and M. Mous (eds.), 123--150. Amsterdam: IFOIT. Gumperz, J.; and Wilson, R. (1971). Convergence and creolization: a case from the lndoAryan/Dravidian border. In Pidginization and Creo/ization of Language, D. Hymes ·' (ed.), 151-168. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Halliday, M.A.K. (1976). Anti-languages. American Anthropologist 78, 570-584.



F. Hinskens, J.L. Kallen, and J. Taeldeman

Haugen, E. (1968). Dialect, language, nation. In The Ecology of Language. Essays /:>y Einar Haugen, A.S. Oil (ed.), 237-254. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Hinskens, F. (1985). Versjtrunkelt diene tuuen wat e keeaneske oop e huuevelke drait? Enkele structurele en functionele aspecten van het "Groenstraat-Bargoens." Mededelingen van de Nijmeegse Centrale voor Dialect- en Naaml.."Unde 19, 17-56. -(1992). Dialect levelling in Limburg. Structural and sociolinguistic aspects. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Nijmegen. (Revised and abridged version [1996]. Tiibingen: Niemeyer.) -(1993). Dialect als lingua franca? Dialectgebruik in het algemecn en bij grensoverschrijdend contact in het Nederrijnland en Twente. In Diglossiesrudien. Dialekt und Standardsprache im niederltindisch-deutschen Grenzland, L. Kremer (ed.), 209-245. Vreden: Landeskundliches Institut Westmiinsterland. -(1997). De Nederlands-Duitse staatsgrens als belangrijke toekomstige isoglossenbundel. In Recente studies in de contactlinguistiek, W. de Geest (ed.), 65-79. Plurilingua. Bonn: Diimmler. -(1998a). Das Auseinanderwachsen von deutschen und niederliindischen Grenzdialekten, dargestellt an der Geschichte eines Derivationssuffixes. In Niederlizitdisch am Niederrhein, H . Bister-Broosen (ed.), 147-68. Duisburger Arbeitenzur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft. FrankfnrtamMain: Lang. -(1998b). Dialect levelling: a two-dimensional process. In Folia Lingut5lica 32(1-2): Dialect Leveling and the Standard Varieties in Europe (special issue), P. Auer (ed.). 35-51. -(1998c). Variation studies in dialectology and three types of sound change. In Sociolinguistica 12: Linguistics of Variation (special issue), U. Ammon (ed.), 155-193. - ; van Hout, R; and Wetzels. L.W. (1997). Balancing data and theory in the study of phonological variation and change. In Variation, Change and Phonological Theory, F. Hinskens, R . van Hout, and L. Wetzels (eds.), 1-33. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Hock, H. (1991). Principles of Historical Linguistics, 2nd ed. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. -;and Joseph, B. (1996). Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship. An Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Hoffinann, J.-P. (1985). Standardsprache und Dialekt in der saarltindisch-lothringischluxemburgischen Dreilanderecke. Luxembourg: Publications de Ia Section de Linguistique, de Folklore et de Toponymie de J'lnstitut grand-ducal. lvars, A.-M. (1998). Urban colloquial Swedish in Finland. In Folia Linguistica 32(1-2): Dialect Leveling and the Standard Varieties in Europe (special issue), P. Auer (ed.), 101-114. Jakobson, R. (1962 [1930]) Uber die phonologischen Sprachbiinde. Selected Writings I: Phonological Studies 137-143. The Hague: Mouton. Jastrow, 0 . (1997). The Neo-Aramaic languages. In The Semitic Languages, Robert Hetzron (ed.), 334-377. London: Routledge. Jespersen, 0. (1964 [1946]). Mankind, Nation and Individual from a Linguistic Point of View. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Katz, D. (1993). The phonology of Ashkenazic. In Hebrew in Ashkenaz. L. Glinert (ed.), 46-87. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kiefer, Ferenc (1975). Linguistic change, language acquisition and morphology. In The Nordic Languages and Modern Linguistics 2, Kari-Hampus Dahlstedt (ed.), 93-118. Acta Regiae Societatis Skytteanae 13. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell. Kloeke, G . (1927). De Hollandsche expansie in de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw en haar weerspiegeling in de hedendaagsche Nederlandse dialecte!l. Proeve eener historischdialect-geografische synthese. The Hague: Nijhoff.

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F. Hinskens, J.L. Kallen, and J. Taeldemcm

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