To Register Call 866-676-7689 or Visit Us at V7 MS 10/20/17. CMPP. CREDIT
INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION PLANNING MEETING Strategies to Improve Operations and Compliance in Medical Communications FEBRUARY 5-6, 2018
A strong publication plan involves the strategic management of interdisciplinary teams over a multi-year cycle to help disseminate data. Easier said than done. With a variety of moving parts and perpetually evolving guidelines, it’s easy to get lost in the grey areas of publication planning. Join colleagues from pharma and medical device companies to discuss current trends and challenges facing publication professionals.
Featuring In-Depth and Interactive Sessions on the Following: • Supplemental and enhanced journal content for scientific publications • The latest guidelines for data sharing and transparency • Best practices in writing lay summary publications • Overcoming the challenges of HEOR and RWE integration • The latest on authorship and compliance requirements for publication professionals
Attendees Can Expect: • Professional development skills that can improve your company’s publication practices and the industry as a whole • Insights into working with the non-publication professionals who impact the planning process • Models for streamlining the publication lifecycle • Guidance from journal editors on the latest trends in article acceptance • Networking opportunities with publication professionals from across the globe
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V7 MS 10/20/17
Shifting regulatory environments and emerging business practices have placed increased pressure on publication professionals. Join veteran pub planners from across the globe in dissecting current standards in transparency, authorship guidelines, adoption of enhanced content, and efficient communications with other departments affected by the publication. Intimate in scale and in-depth in nature, The 17th Annual International Publication Planning Meeting features hot-button issues and offers faceto-face interactions with pharma and medical device publication professionals looking to improve their skills and advance their careers. • • • •
Learn new skills for working with non-publication professionals in order to smooth out pain points Hear from editors on the publication trends for 2018 Get insights into successfully writing lay summaries Network with industry professionals from across the globe
Make sure to add February 5th and 6th to your calendar and save your spot at the 17th Annual International Publication Planning Meeting. Register today!
Who Should Attend? This program is designed for pharmaceutical and medical device publication professionals, including (but not limited to): • Publication Manager • Director of Publications • Medical Writer • Director of Medical Communications • Global Publication Manager • Medical Affairs • Scientific Communications
Top Reasons to Attend • • • • •
Hear about the latest ethical standards and regulations affecting publication planning Get the latest information on transparency trends and requirements Learn current standards on data sharing Compare publication processes from small, medium, and large perspectives to discover new management techniques Network with publication professionals from across the globe
Distinguished Speaking Faculty Fran Young, Director, Scientific Publications SHIRE PHARMACEUTICALS Jamie Weiss, Associate Director NOVARTIS Lisa DeTora, Assistant Professor in Writing Studies HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY Richard White, Commercial Director OXFORD PHARMAGENESIS Lynne Gordon, Director, Medical Affairs THERAVANCE BIOPHARMA, INC. Debra Mayo, Vice President, Global Scientific Communications TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS John Smith, Clinical Information Science Director ASTRAZENECA Val Injev, Global Medical Publications Lead, Surgical, Research & Development ALCON Dheepa Chari, Senior Director/Team Leader, Global Medical Communications PFIZER ONCOLOGY Jodie Sherman Gillon, Senior Director, Advocacy & Professional Society Affairs ACHILLION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Renu Juneja, Senior Medical Communications Executive MEDIMMUNE Yaming Wang, PhD, Director, Scientific and Client Services PRIME MEDICA, Part of PRIME GLOBAL MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS George Samman, Director of Operations PFIZER Tim Collinson, Business Unit Head, West Coast FISHAWACK Art Gertel, President and Principal Consultant MEDSCICOM, LLC Leslie Citrome, Editor-in-Chief INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE Tanya Stezhka, Senior Editor TAYLOR & FRANCIS William Glass, Senior Director, Global Medical Affairs Publications ALLERGAN Steve Carney, Editor DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY Tanya Brinsden, MA, CMPP, VP, Group Account Director, Publications THE LOCKWOOD GROUP Charlotte Singh, MD, CMPP, VP, Group Medical Director, Publications THE LOCKWOOD GROUP
DAY ONE – FEBRUARY 5, 2018 8:00
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Issues for 2018 • What’s On the Horizon for Publication Planning Professionals? • How has GPP3 and ICMJE guidelines changed the role of the publication planner? • FDA guidance on off-label and pre-approval access • What do the end of CIAs mean for publication practices? • Are there upcoming regulatory changes that publication professionals need to be aware of?
Luncheon for All Attendees
Procurement Practices for Publication Professionals George Samman, Director of Operations PFIZER
Lisa DeTora, Assistant Professor in Writing Studies HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY
Art Gertel, President and Principal Consultant MEDSCICOM, LLC
Lynne Gordon, Director, Medical Affairs THERAVANCE BIOPHARMA, INC.
Improving the Publication Lifecycle • Factors that contribute to publication strategy development at each stage of the product lifecycle • Infrastructure building to anticipate future publication team needs • Tactical execution tips to deliver immediate and longlasting impact
Debra Mayo, Vice President, Global Scientific Communications TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS 2:45
Afternoon Break
HEOR, RWE and PRO Studies: Opportunities and Challenges for Publication Planning and Development • Building confidence in HEOR and RWE study concepts • Understanding the external concerns over HEOR and RWE study data • Managing internal challenges to HEOR and RWE study publication planning • Communicating HEOR and RWE studies clearly
Yaming Wang, PhD, Director, Scientific and Client Services PRIME MEDICA, part of PRIME GLOBAL MEDICAL COMMUNICATIONS 10:45
Morning Break
Professional Development in Publication Planning: What It Takes to Bring You and the Industry to the Next Level • Building your individual development plan in publication management • Communication skills that help convey ideas laterally, downwards, and upwards • How your development will impact the industry
Richard White, Commercial Director OXFORD PHARMAGENESIS 4:00
Dheepa Chari, Senior Director/Team Leader, Global Medical Communications PFIZER ONCOLOGY
Skills for Working with Non-Publication Professionals in Your Company • Who are publication planners interacting with? How can we smooth out these pain points? • How much impact do publication planners have on other departments? How can publication planners do a better job of pressing their needs? • What role does authorship and publication planning have on steering and executive committees?
Lisa DeTora, Assistant Professor in Writing Studies HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY 5:00
Val Injev, Global Medical Publications Lead, Surgical, Research & Development ALCON
Cocktail Reception For more information about sponsoring this event, please contact Jennifer Clemence at (704) 341-2438 or
[email protected].
John Smith, Clinical Information Science Director ASTRAZENECA Renu Juneja, Senior Medical Communications Executive MEDIMMUNE
The Increasing Presence of Lay Summaries in Publications • Impact of plain-language summaries on publications • How to write lay summaries that can be easily understood by the public • What effect does patient input have on a publication? • Experiences with patient voice/ patient journey publications Jamie Weiss, Associate Director NOVARTIS
Jodie Sherman Gillon, Senior Director, Advocacy & Professional Society Affairs ACHILLION PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 11:45
Issues in Authorship and Ghostwriting • Establishing equitable authorship guidelines • Balancing internal and external authors • Global partners and the impact on ghostwriting and authorship
Continental Breakfast
Chairperson’s Review of Day One
Journal Editor Panel: Publishing Trends in 2018
• What cutting edge technology and materials are being utilized? • Current trends in article acceptance – what kinds of articles are journals looking for right now? Leslie Citrome, Editor-in-Chief INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE Tanya Stezhka, Senior Editor TAYLOR & FRANCIS Steve Carney, Editor DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY
Supplemental and Enhanced Journal Content for Scientific Publications • The increasing role of social media and other apps to share medical information • Developing a social media policy – best practice guidelines • Utilizing technology for a more streamlined research process • Leveraging technology to broaden readership comprehension Fran Young, Director, Scientific Publications SHIRE PHARMACEUTICALS Tim Collinson, Business Unit Head, West Coast FISHAWACK
Morning Break
Measuring the Impact of Your Publication • How have companies traditionally measured the reach of their publication? Is this changing? • Are alt-metrics a valid tool for gauging dissemination? How does it change your publication strategy? • What other strategies have been used to disseminate data? Tanya Brinsden, MA, CMPP, VP, Group Account Director, Publications THE LOCKWOOD GROUP Charlotte Singh, MD, CMPP, VP, Group Medical Director, Publications THE LOCKWOOD GROUP
Luncheon for All Attendees
Research-Based Communication Planning – Strategy is Not a Dirty Word • Traditional Publication Planning is Really Publication Management • Competitor Publication Forecasting • Publication Leader Analysis • Author FingerprintsValue-add Metrics • Comprehensive Communication Strategy William Glass, Senior Director, Global Medical Affairs Publications ALLERGAN
Data Sharing and Transparency • Current regulatory guidelines for data sharing and how it will affect publication activity • Compliance and open-access publication distribution • Redacted clinical study reports and their impact on data sharing • How should planners be thinking about data sharing when drafting their strategies for a publication? Conference Adjourns
Venue Details Paradise Point Resort & Spa 1404 Vacation Rd San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 274-4630 We have a block of rooms reserved at a special rate of $189/ night. This rate expires on January 11th, 2018. We expect the block to sell out prior to this date, so please book well in advance. Upon sell out of the block, room rate and availability will be at the hotel’s discretion. Mention the “TIPPA” when placing your room reservation by phone to receive the negotiated rate. Please call (858) 274-4630 to book your room.
Team Discounts • • •
Three people will receive 10% off Four people will receive 15% off Five people or more will receive 20% off
In order to secure a group discount, all delegates must place their registrations at the same time. Group discounts cannot be issued retroactively. For more information, please contact Kathie Eberhard at (704) 341-2439 or
[email protected].
Refunds and Cancellations For information regarding refund, complaint and/or program cancellation policies, please visit our website:
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities Enhance your marketing efforts through sponsoring a special event or exhibiting your product at this event. We can design custom sponsorship packages tailored to your marketing needs, such as a cocktail reception or a custom-designed networking event. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jennifer Clemence at (704) 341-2438 or
[email protected]
Rave Reviews from Previous TIPPA Meetings: “The smaller sizes seems to foster greater willingness to share real-world experiences which is usually not felt at ISMPP.” Theresa Peterson, Takeda “Diverse and relevant content, mix of attendees.” John Czekanski, Fishawack “Good meeting. A good meeting for new professionals.” Rajashree Dhamanaskar, Achellion Pharmaceuticals “Great interactions, venue, food. Talks all relevant.” Jamie Weiss, Novartis
Gold Sponsors Prime Global is a group of six full-service Medical Communications agencies and specialist consultancies. We provide the world’s leading biotech, pharma and healthcare businesses with professional communications and strategic consultancy services.Through our offices in Manchester, London, New York and San Francisco, our exceptionally highly qualified scientific teams deliver expertise across a wide range of therapy areas, with a passionate belief in the value of creative, innovative science communication. People are at the heart of everything we do. From the colleagues we work with to the clients we support every day, and ultimately to patients everywhere whose lives we help to make better.
Oxford PharmaGenesis are the HealthScience Communicators. Founded in 1998 and now with more than 160 employees across offices in Oxford, London, Philadelphia, Cardiff and Basel Oxford PharmaGenesis specialize in creating compelling communications and publications in HealthScience – the new discipline of clinical, economic, social, behavioral and political understanding that is essential to demonstrating value in the healthcare systems of today and tomorrow.
Silver Sponsors The Fishawack GrouzAct. In addition, we have 17 Certified Medical Publication Professionals across the Group.
The Lockwood Group provides a rich heritage of successful publication planning from conception to acceptance. Our collaborative approach ensures seamless integration of your relevant internal data with detailed analyses of the external publications landscape to deliver strategic, timely, and relevant communications. Our in-house MD- and PhD-qualified medical writers comply with Good Publications Practice guidelines to ensure that we act with integrity on your behalf in delivering first-rate, peer reviewed, medically accurate publications in support of your brand.
Bronze Sponsors
Media Partners
Check our website for more CMPP Credit information– www. P716 aspx?ccode=P714
ISMPP CMPP™ CE Credit Disclaimer “The faculty are fully responsible for all content presented. The ISMPP Certification Program assigned CE credit for the activity based upon information provided at the time of review and is not responsible for the accuracy of the content.”
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Strategies to Improve Operations and Compliance in Medical Communications FEBRUARY 5-6, 2018
T O R E G I S T E R C A L L 8 6 6 - 6 7 6 - 7 6 8 9 O R V I S I T U S AT W W W. H E A LT H C A R E - C O N F E R E N C E S . C O M