Sep 11, 2014 - signing of a MoU between ECORD (the European Consortium of .... cooperation. The preparation of this Atla
Issue 48
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH September2014 HORIZON 2020 Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn attended the meeting of the Informal Competitiveness Council (Research) in Milan. As the end of mandate is drawing near the diary is still full of meetings and events where the Commissioner will obviously continue to promote the Horizon 2020 programme!
I have drawn some clear conclusions: one is a growing determination to put science at the heart of Europe, and Europe at the heart of science. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
For full speeches please visit:
Dear Reader,
The holiday season is over and we are pleased to be back to provide you with information and news about International Research around the world!
> Western Balkan countries and Moldova sign up to Horizon 2020
On this occasion, we are pleased to announce that on 11 September 2014, the Commission adopted a Progress report on the implementation of the strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation. The report can be found here.
> Responsible Research and Innovation needs to go global
We hope you will enjoy reading this issue and once again we encourage you to send us any suggestions you might have about the International Research newsletter! Best regards, The Editors
> Evaluation of EU-JAPAN Joint ICT call and talks to join forces in 5G telephony > Seminar on Japan’s Space Policy > Third Annual Meeting of the Global Research Council in Beijing And many more…
Research and Innovation
Photo: Participants to the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Global Research Council (GRC) among which Mr Jean-Pierre Bourguignon and Mr Leonidas Karapiperis
The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Global Research Council (GRC) was held on May 26-28, 2014 in Beijing, China. The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) were the host organisations. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) were the co-host organisation. More than 110 delegates from about 70 funding agencies and scientific organisations from over 40 countries attended the event. The event was opened by Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang. The topics for discussion included Open Access for Publications and “Shaping the Future: Supporting the Next Generation of Researchers”, on which a Statement of principles was issued. ERC President Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, and Leonidas Karapiperis, on behalf of Robert-Jan Smits, Director-General of DG Research & Innovation, were invited participants from the European Commission. The Global Research Council is a virtual organisation, comprised of the heads of science and engineering funding agencies from around the world, dedicated to
promoting the sharing of data and best practice for high-quality collaboration among funding agencies worldwide. “Open Access for Publications” was a continuation of the topic of the 2013 Annual Meeting in Berlin that endorsed an Action Plan towards Open Access for Publications. Based on a survey among GRC members, the Beijing Meeting heard a presentation on the state-of-play of the implementation of the Action Plan towards Open Access for Publications in different countries and proposed recommendations on follow-up actions. Among them was the decision to set up a working group to further the analysis of the consultation results and make recommendations on how to progress.
Meeting will be held in Tokyo from 2628 May 2015. The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) will be the host organisation. The National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa will be the co-host organisation. Topics to be addressed will include research funding for scientific breakthroughs and building research and education capacity. FOR MORE INFORMATION Leonidas Karapiperis
[email protected] For the statement of principles please visit:
The survey revealed that many organisations had already included open access in their funding programmes and initiated a host of supporting measures. Just before this meeting, the CAS and the NSFC announced important new policies to promote open access through their respective programmes. The 2014 Annual Meeting discussed the training of young scientists and participants stated their commitment to developing and supporting programmes and initiatives targeted at fostering the next generation of professional researchers. They also agreed to share good practice and experiences in all identified action areas. GRC’s Governing Board announced that its 4th Annual
European Commission participates at 3rd Annual Meeting of the Global Research Council in Beijing
Research and Innovation
Five Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), and the Republic of Moldova secured full access to the European Union’s new seven year research and innovation programme, Horizon 2020. The six countries signed, on July 1st, association agreements together with Robert-Jan Smits, Director-General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission. All six countries have experience of cooperation on research and innovation with the EU through the seventh framework programme (FP7), and are seeking to build on this under Horizon 2020. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, said: “The agreements signed today are good for these countries and good for the European Union. Increased cooperation in research and innovation will create new opportunities for growth, competitiveness and jobs in all our economies. Association to Horizon 2020 will facilitate the mobility of excellent scientists, strengthen national research systems, and help the countries integrate into the European Research Area.» Researchers, businesses and other research partners from the six countries are already well embedded in EU research projects and networks. The fact that all the countries are associating at the same time will also increase the opportunities for regional cooperation, To get the most out of Horizon 2020, all six countries need to build upon their experience of FP7 and strengthen national research and innovation capacities. Although participation of SMEs is still limited, the number of small enterprises engaging in research and innovation is increasing, which is another good step towards successful participation in Horizon 2020 given the programme’s greater focus on the entire innovation chain, from the lab to the market. The association agreements, which will apply retroactively as from January 1st, 2014, will allow research and innovation entities from all five Western Balkan Countries and Moldova to take advantage of the funding opportunities offered under Horizon 2020 right from the start. Horizon 2020 runs from 2014 to 2020. Following these signatures, 10 countries are now associated to Horizon 2020.
Photo: Representatives of the Western Balkan countries, the Republic of Moldova and the Commission at the signing ceremony
Evaluation of EU-JAPAN Joint ICT call and talks to join forces in 5G telephony EU-Japan STI cooperation in ICT is starting to accelerate. For the second time in two years, a jointly funded call between DG Connect, Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) was issued. Paco Ibañez, Maria Tsakali, Paco Guirao Moya, and Mario Scillia together with 7 experts came to Tokyo to evaluate the 26 submitted projects on the latest hot trends in the information and communications world, embracing ‘big data and the internet of things in the cloud’; ‘optical communications’; ‘access networks for densely located users’; and ‘federated test beds’. The total budget for the call is around EUR 12m. Talks with MIC also led to a high potential opening to EU-Japan co-operation on 5G for mobile telephony and other devices. This could develop rapidly and lead to a mutual agreement as already achieved with South Korea. The distance between ICT research communities in Europe and Japan begins to narrow.
Photo: Mr Shinobu Nanba, Japanese participant in MiWEBA project at the Wireless Japan Expo
FOR MORE INFORMATION Barbara Rhode - Leonidas Karapiperis -
[email protected] or Lee Woolgar -
[email protected] - EU Delegation in Japan Or visit: calls/h2020-euj-2014.html#tab2
Western Balkan countries and Moldova sign up to Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation
European Science Counsellors exploring the potential of Ocean Development Studies in Japan
Gran Premio Vida y Obra a los Investigadores Eméritos - Colombia’s science award ceremony
On 6 June, the EU Delegation to Japan together with S&T counsellors from Member States (the group consisted of 14 countries, 13 MS: BG, DE, DK, FR, HU, IL, IT, LT, LV, NL, SE, SI, UK and Brazil; including two Ambassadors) visited CHIKYU, the only riser drilling vessel in the world, operated by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) in Shizuoka, on the coast south of Tokyo.
Dr Jan Marco Müller, assistant to the European Commission’s Chief Scientific Adviser Professor Anne Glover of the Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA), served as one of six jury members selecting the winners of Colombia’s most important science award, the «Gran Premio Vida y Obra a los Investigadores Eméritos de Colombia» and attended the award ceremony in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
The visit follows a series of successful exchanges including the signing of a MoU between ECORD (the European Consortium of Ocean Research Drilling, a former ERA-NET that has become independent) and JAMSTEC at the Tokyo Delegation in February this year. Presentations on CHIKYU and its unique capability to bore holes deeper than any other vessel to 7,500m below the sea floor were given by JAMSTEC, followed by presentations by the Delegation on Horizon 2020 and its potential.
The ceremony was linked to a major science conference and a meeting of all Science Ministers of Latin America and the Caribbean on the preceding day, and was organised jointly by the Colombian Research Agency COLCIENCIAS and Colombia’s most important weekly news magazine Semana.
Photo: European Science Counsellors and representatives of JAMSTEC in front of Chikyu vessel
Photo: The Colombian Vice-President (standing) adressing the panel members.
FOR MORE INFORMATION Barbara Rhode - Leonidas Karapiperis -
[email protected] or Tom Kuczynski -
[email protected] and Kaoru Tomihisa -
[email protected] - EU Delegation in Japan
[email protected] - BEPA
photo: JAMSTEC
Discussions confirmed the interest from both sides to engage in international collaboration. Charged also by the political initiative of the Abe administration to promote ocean development, momentum is building towards future EU-Japan collaboration in this field, or joining existing global networks.
Apart from playing an active role in the award ceremony handing over the award for basic sciences - Dr Müller participated in a panel discussing the framework conditions for research and innovation. Other panel members included inter alia the ICSU Director for Latin America Manuel Limonta and the NASA Director for New Frontier Missions Adriana Ocampo. The Vice-President of Colombia, Angelino Garzón, took the floor and congratulated the European Commission on its contribution.
Research and Innovation
The 4th URBACHINA Annual International Conference held in Chongqing URBACHINA is a collaborative research project funded under the EC’s 7th Framework Programme for Research (FP7) and is managed by a consortium of 11 leading Chinese and European research institutions. Coordinated by the French CNRS, URBACHINA provides an analysis of China’s urbanization trends for the next 40 years and aims to define possible future scenarios with reference to concepts of sustainability. One of the main objectives of the project is to strengthen the collaboration between Chinese and EU researchers and policy makers driven by the common goal of building sustainable cities. Located in the Western part of China, the booming metropolis of Chongqing, with nearly 30 million inhabitants, is a unique place for research related to the complex issues surrounding urbanization. The city has thus been selected as one of the 4 case study locations of the URBACHINA project. The 4th Annual Conference provided an excellent opportunity to not only observe the project in action, and to experience the very good relations between the various partners, but also to monitor the impressive progress that has been made in the individual work packages. The URBACHINA project is fully in line with the joint thematic priorities for EU-China research and innovation activities that were identified during an experts workshop on sustainable urbanisation in Foshan, Guangdong province, in May last year. The project has the potential to make a real impact in a top priority topic in the Research and Innovation Pillar of the EU China Urbanisation Partnership.
Visit to Institute for Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) at the Chinese Academy of Sciences On June 30 several S&T Counsellors of the EU Member States Embassies in Beijing as well as the EU Delegation and representatives of EURAXESS Links China organised a visit to the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and spent a highly interesting and inspiring morning at this important institute. As a scientific research institute, CAS RADI was established as a major initiative of CAS «Innovation 2020» Programme. The strategic objectives of RADI are to explore leading technologies in Earth observation and the mechanisms for acquiring and distributing remote sensing information. RADI will focus on the construction and operation of major Earth observation infrastructure and the air-space-ground integrated Earth observation technology system. During the visit the guests could observe quasi-realtime footage from different satellite postings at the Operation Hall of the Remote Sensing Satellite Receiving Network. RADI has also established a wide network of international collaborations with the European Union’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) among them. After the visit through the labs and premises of the institute, a seminar offered plenty of opportunities to discuss prospects for deepened collaboration between the Institute and European partners. Philippe Vialatte, R&I Counsellor at the EU Delegation Beijing, presented Horizon 2020 and its openness to the world. The researchers and heads of department of RADI introduced their research activities and collaboration interests with international partners. The visit provided great insight into the Digital Earth and Remote Sensing work being in done in China and allowed visitors to establish new contacts and networks for future collaboration.
Photo: Philippe Vialatte introduces Horizon 2020 to CAS RADI key research staff
FOR MORE INFORMATION Philippe Vialatte -
[email protected] - DG RTD C or Alexandra Lehmann - Alexandra.
[email protected] - EU Delegation in China
FOR MORE INFORMATION Philippe Keraudren -
[email protected] - DG RTD B or Philippe Vialatte -
[email protected] - DG RTD C
Research and Innovation
Together with the French Center for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) and the Sino-French Academic Center at Tsinghua University (CFC), EURAXESS co-organised a two-day conference (2-4 July) for young researchers called «New European Research on Contemporary China». The main purpose of this event, which took place for the second time in Beijing, was to provide a forum for young researchers in the field of China studies at the European level. The conference attracted the attention of 149 applicants, out of which 45 young researchers were invited to present their work. Next to the speakers themselves, the conference attracted around eighty other guest attendees from universities, research institutes and European embassies as well as the EU Delegation. The topics of the eleven panels were related to current and emerging problematic issues in China studies from a multidisciplinary social science perspective, concerning a range of topics from religion to monetary policy, from alternative spaces in urban China to grassroots politics and international relations. All panels, as well as breaks, were filled with lively discussions. The event brought together doctoral candidates, post-doctoral researchers and recent PhDs based in China. It provided an outlet for European researchers as well as Chinese researchers who are affiliated to a European university or a research institution. As such, it was also a great opportunity for the participants - who will be the future of European research in contemporary China studies - to expand their network and make new contacts leading to potential research collaborations, the construction of European research networks, and promotion of EU-China academic dialogue. In his concluding remarks, Mr Mattias Lentz, Head of the Political Section of the EU Delegation, reminded participants of the importance of similar events for strengthening European research, Europe-China informationexchange, and fruitful contribution to the overall EU-China relationship through young researchers’ activities. FOR MORE INFORMATION Philippe Vialatte -
[email protected] - DG RTD C or Alexandra Lehmann - Alexandra.
[email protected] - EU Delegation in China
Visit of the Russian Space Mission Control Centre in Korolev On 12 August 2014, the Head of the EU Delegation to Russia, Ambassador Vygaudas Ušackas, visited the Russian Space Mission Control Centre in Korolev, Moscow Region, where together with other high-level guests he witnessed the docking of the Automated Transfer Vehicle 5 (ATV-5) «Georges Lemaître» with the International Space Station and attended a presentation about the ATV-5 project by Eric Conquet, ATV-5 Mission Director. The presentation and the visit were organised by the European Space Agency (ESA) Moscow office. The event was well attended by the Russian and European science and space communities, including H.E. Vladimir Remek, Czech Ambassador & first Czech cosmonaut, Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, Russian Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev as well as EU Ambassadors and Science Counsellors, and representatives of the Russian, U.S. and Japanese Space agencies, Roscosmos, NASA and JAXA. As Ambassador Ušackas said in his interview on EU-Russia relations to Interfax on 16 August after the docking «Let’s follow the good examples of our cooperation in Space where we help each other and work jointly, as demonstrated by the recent docking of the spaceships at 17:25 Moscow time last Tuesday».
Photo: Russian Space Mission Control Centre in Korolev, Moscow Region
[email protected] - EU Delegation in Russia
HORIZON 2020 - In brief now available! The EU Framework programme for Innovation
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU research and innovation programme ever. Almost €80 billion of funding is available over seven years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private and national public investment that this money will attract. This guide explains the Horizon 2020 programme in more detail. It is available in 24 languages. Download it for free at the following address:
EURAXESS Connect event «2nd EURAXESS Conference on New European Research on Contemporary China» successfully took place at the EU Delegation in Beijing
Research and Innovation
PACE-Net+ to facilitate researchers in the Pacific
One of PACE-Net+’s tasks is to disseminate information on new developments within Horizon 2020 to facilitate the participation of research actors in the Pacific in this framework programme. The last InfoDay organised by Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd (partner of PACE-Net+) reunited most of the project partners as well as 15 research and funding organisations from New Zealand, at the University of Auckland, on the 10th and 11th of June 2014. The networking and information event, which brought together research managers and researchers from New Zealand research institutes and universities with official representatives from the Pacific and Europe, was opened by Sir Peter Gluckman, Chief Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of New Zealand. The talks that followed outlined the major opportunities in Horizon 2020, provided an overview of the New Zealand funding environment, and discussed examples of the lessons learned through earlier EU-NZ or EU-Pacific collaborative projects. It was also an opportunity to present the PACE-Net+ 2014 roadmap to the participants. Finally, the event was also an occasion to network among attendees in order to combine resources and identify further opportunities for research collaboration in areas of priority for the Pacific. The event was made possible through funding provided by the New Zealand Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). FOR MORE INFORMATION Armand Beuf -
[email protected] - DG RTD C More information on the event:
Scientific bridge between the JRC and CELAC countries The Ambassadors and diplomats of the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Brussels had the opportunity to learn about the JRC’s activities at a meeting held on 1 July 2014. The event gathered 24 CELAC countries, of which 19 were represented by Ambassadors, as well as Commission Directorates General Research and Innovation; Development and Cooperation, and the EU External Action Service. Mr Vladimir Šucha, the JRC Director-General, introduced the JRC’s work, illustrating the crucial role that science plays in decision-making. He underlined the importance of international cooperation between scientific organisations in response to global challenges. H.E. Mr Istvan Alfaro, Ambassador of Costa Rica, whose country holds the rotating presidency of CELAC this year, and H.E. Ms Vera Machado, Ambassador of Brazil, addressed regional and national perspectives of EU-CELAC scientific cooperation. Ms Cristina Russo, Director, DG Research and Innovation introduced the Horizon 2020 programme. The JRC pursues fruitful collaboration with scientific organisations in CELAC countries, in particular in the fields of water resource management, agricultural monitoring, disaster risk reduction, nanotechnologies, forestry, bioeconomy and Earth Observation applications. These interactions result in knowledge-sharing and foster regional networks, putting science and technology at the service of the people. The Soil Atlas of Latin America and the Caribbean, published by the JRC in 2014 is an example of such cooperation. The preparation of this Atlas involved 30 CELAC countries, it aims at raising awareness of the need to protect soils, helping to shape land management policies.
How to contribute to the International Research Newsletter?
An article relating your event (maximum 2200 characters - spaces included - with picture - 2500 characters without picture);
A good quality picture (free of rights).
Do not forget to mention the title of the article and the caption of the picture, and a Commission internal contact point.
Photo: H.E. Istvan Alfaro, Ambassador of Costa Rica delivering his speech
FOR MORE INFORMATION Monika Nauduzaite -
[email protected] - JRC More information on the Atlas:
Should you wish to contribute to the next issue of our publication, kindly send us:
Research and Innovation
EuroScience at Questacon highlights the work of European scientists in a fun, family-friendly experience! During the week of 14-18 July 2014, Australia’s National Science and Technology Centre, Questacon, held a special programme showcasing the wonders of science through the eyes of Europe called «EuroScience at Questacon» featuring activities that highlight the work of European scientists past and present in a fun, family-friendly experience. EuroScience at Questacon was presented in collaboration with The Australian National University Centre for European Studies, which is one of five Europe Centres in Australia funded by the EU. Questacon is also a member of the European Network of Science Centres and Museums (ECSITE). The week involved 29 science shows; guest presentations, including a theatrical presentation of the life and science of Marie Curie-Skłodowska based on her own notebooks and letters; Q Lab demonstrations drawing on key work from past European scientists; and a free professional development session for teachers where they received an insight into some of Europe’s most famous scientists with experiments from Newton, Pascal and Archimedes that can easily be replicated in any classroom.
Joint mid-term seminar and review of EU-India projects in the field of water A joint mid-term seminar and review of 4 EU-India projects in the field of water was organised in Brussels on 12 and 13 June 2014. The four projects (ECO-India, NaWaTech, SARASWATI and SWINGS) resulted from a dedicated EU-India research topic on water purification and wastewater reuse. In the framework of the EU-India S&T Cooperation Agreement, this topic was included in the 2012 FP7 Environment call with an allocation of 10 M€ to support the European participation in these projects. A complementary call was launched by the Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST) to support the related Indian participation. All four projects are implemented jointly by EU and Indian consortia. The purpose of the review event in June 2014 was to take stock of the projects’ progress and to facilitate cooperation among them. It was attended not only by participants from Europe, but also by some 15 Indian participants including representatives of the Indian DST and senior Indian scientists. The meeting was successful, demonstrating the relevance and potential of EU-India research cooperation. While it is still too early to assess the results of these projects, some achievements can already be highlighted. First of all, the projects are to deliver practical wastewater treatment and water purification solutions to some 18 sites throughout India. The sites have been identified, construction works are underway and in some cases, operational testing is taking place. A compendium of water treatment technologies was prepared for interested stakeholders and exchanges of researchers and students are taking place between the EU and Indian partners. Finally, a significant number of SMEs is taking part in these projects. For them, the projects provide a unique platform to test and implement technologies, developed in the EU, under different climatic, cultural and societal conditions. This should provide them with additional expertise enhancing their market competitiveness.
[email protected] - EU Delegation in Australia Photo: Participants in the mid-term seminar of the EU-India water projects
[email protected] - DG RTD I
Photo: Archimedes with representatives of various EU Member States, the EU Delegation, the ANU Centre for European Studies and the Australian Research Council
Research and Innovation
The international FP7 project SMARTLAM develops efficient technologies for the production of small series for custom made microsystems. The production of micro parts is currently dependent on expensive equipment that does not allow flexibility in production and is consequently used only for large quantities. Within the SMARTLAM project, a consortium of eight international technological research partners are conducting research in order to produce efficient high quality 3D micro-scale systems. The main aim of the project is to benefit small and medium-scale manufacturers. Current outcomes of the SMARTLAM project enable cost efficient production of micro-scale systems in small batches. The goal is accomplished with a combination of technologies from prototyping; 3D printing and nanotechnologybased surface structuring. Examples include aerosol jet printing, laser based technologies, structuring of surfaces, micro welding and micro cutting. SMARTLAM uses polymer films as the basis. Modified and/or structured polymer foils serve as a base substrate for these microsystems. Editing these films is achieved through nanoimprint lithography, inkjet or laser prints. The technique of combining multiple layers to systems is called Laminated Objects Modeling. The main focus of the project is not on high volume production, but on production of small series, up to batch size one. All processes are carried out in easily-configurable individual modules and are independently combinable. These micro -production-stations are adaptive and configurable modular cells. All processing, control, and handling modules can be compiled optionally. The industrial capability is demonstrated by means of two use-cases in the fields of life sciences (electrophoresis chip for bio-analytic) and optics (custom tailored LED systems).
Responsible Research and Innovation needs to go global Horizon 2020 is the European Commission’s most ambitious funding programme to date. Matching this ambition is the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which aims to pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility. RRI is an inclusive approach to research and innovation (R&I), to ensure that societal actors work together during the whole research and innovation process. It aims to better align both the process and outcomes of R&I, with the values, needs and expectations of European society. Today, social awareness and responsibility cannot stop at national borders. Global instruments such as the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) recognise that the grand challenges of humanity affect everybody and that all relevant actors need to receive fair benefits from the innovation process. «RRI cannot succeed if it only deals with the governance of emerging technologies in affluent countries; a global perspective requires a framework for research and innovation that is linked to citizen needs and humanity’s challenges» said Prof. Doris Schroeder, Coordinator of Progress, at ESOF 2014 in Copenhagen. The Progress project (PROmoting Global REsponsible research and Social and Scientific innovation 2013-2016) leads debates on all continents to integrate RRI with other governance frameworks. For instance, in emerging economies such as China, India and South Africa, the concept of inclusive innovation emphasizes the role of poor citizens as contributors to and beneficiaries of innovation.
Photo: Participants at Progress RRI Workshop with traditional knowledge holders, scientists and policy makers in South Africa
Photo: Researcher develops new micro-production-technologies
[email protected] - DG RTD D or visit
[email protected] - DG RTD B or Doris Schroeder -
[email protected]
SMARTLAM, an FP7 project - Researchers develop new micro-productiontechnologies. While other approaches still print components, SMARTLAM prints complete systems!
Research and Innovation
International cooperation context of Responsible Research and Innovation In an increasingly globalized world, efforts to foster the take up of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) could lead to positive and durable impacts provided they are not restricted solely to national or European boundaries; but rather, are implemented worldwide. Furthermore, activities dedicated to support and govern RRI should be bundled in order to engage multiple stakeholders with a view of international cooperation, creating a common language and understanding for the co-creation and advancement of a persuasive and effective RRI-labelled governance of research and innovation - one that ensures that both the research and innovation process and outcomes are responsive and relevant to the needs of society. The EU-funded project RESPONSIBILITY brings together ten European partners from eight EU countries, as well as three partners from Asia and South America. Additionally, the Advisory Board members from three European and associated countries, Australia and UNESCO enrich the consortium with international experience and advice. RESPONSIBILITY is creating an RRI Forum and virtual Observatory, which facilitate a network of stakeholders to adopt and diffuse a common understanding of RRI between different actors in Europe and around the globe. The project’s vision is to become an effective knowledge transfer tool that diffuses scientific knowledge and simultaneously involves researchers, policy makers as well as societal stakeholders in a user-friendly manner, to further the concept and practice of RRI. The strategy for fulfilling this vision is to integrate the RESPONSIBILITY Observatory in an innovative way that will assist the research community to develop and implement RRI in their own research and innovation process.
Upcoming events Destination Europe is a forum for leading European research organisations and funders to present the opportunities they offer to researchers and innovators from anywhere in the world. For more information and future events kindly click here. Leading international innovators will meet in Belem from 22 to 25 September at the EU-Brazil Technology and Innovation Forum & Tour of Brazil. For more information on this event kindly click here. INNO INDIGO Policy - The EU is funding two new INCO projects in science, technology and innovation between Europe and India. On 12-13 November 2014 the Fifth edition of the EUIndia STI cooperation days will be held in Chennai, in India. For the detailed programme of the event and more information about the projects please visit: LET’S 2014 «Leading Enabling Technologies for Societal Challenges» conference - 29 September - 1 October 2014 in Bologna, Italy. This major event is organised in the context of the Italian Presidency of the European Union in the fields of NMBP programme of Horizon 2020. For more information please visit:
NSF Director Dr. France Córdova addresses EU Member State Science Counsellors in Washington DC
Photo: Opening of the 1st Asia Pacific responsible business innovation 2014 workshop
[email protected] - DG RTD B or Aki Menevidis
[email protected] or visit
Dr Córdova gave an overview of NSF’s international cooperation efforts and, in the discussion, among other things, mentioned some of the emerging cross-NSF priority themes – the waterenergy-food nexus, understanding the brain, broadening participation in science – plus some other multi-directorate priorities including optics/photonics, instrumentation and cyber-x (x = security, learning, infrastructure, systems, etc.). She also offered to host the EU in a discussion at NSF with her Assistant Directors at some stage in the future. FOR MORE INFORMATION James Gavigan -
[email protected] - EU Delegation in the US
National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Dr France Córdova attended the June meeting of the EU Member State Science Counsellors in Washington DC. She was welcomed to the EU Delegation by Chargé d’Affaires Antonio de Lecea on behalf of the Ambassador who was absent.
Research and Innovation
The EU Delegation to China and EURAXESS Links China have published a series of brochures providing useful hands-on information on how to deepen EU China cooperation in research and innovation - either through participating in the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 or through mobility schemes of the EU Member States, the European Union and China. The Horizon 2020 - Practical Guide for China is available in English and in Chinese languages and tries to answer the most pertinent questions of how to participate in Horizon 2020 – the EU’s 80 billion EUR Framework Programme for Research and Innovation which is fully open to the world. The Funding Guide on Researchers Mobility introduces the latest funding schemes that exist to support mobility, research collaboration, research exchange and relations between Europe and China. Finally, to provide a TESTIMONY OF EXCELLENCE, a third joint publication between the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the European Union on their R&I cooperation with China has been released in order to illustrate the richness of Europe’s ties with China in research and innovation. A better knowledge and understanding of the European policies and instruments for international research and innovation collaboration with China will contribute to the widening of existing cooperation and to the development of new synergies between Europe and China. FOR MORE INFORMATION Philippe Vialatte -
[email protected] - DG RTD C
[email protected] Tel + 32 2 295 6944 VALÉRIE DIERCKX
[email protected] Tel + 32 2 298 7748
Seminar on Japan’s Space Policy During the last EU-Japan Summit in Brussels in May, leaders agreed to start a Japan-EU Space dialogue and emphasize the importance of safety, security and sustainability of outer space activities. They agreed to further cooperate on the International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities. With a number of EUJapan space technology projects on the way, on 13 June the Tokyo Delegation organised a talk by Mr. Shinichi Isa, Member of the House of Representatives, Committee on National Security. The discussion on Japanese space policy and the potential of EU-Japan space science and technology collaboration was given more weight with the participation of Counsellor Karimiya from the Cabinet Office, responsible for the EU-Japan space policy dialogue.r the EU-Japan space policy dialogue.
Photo: Mr. Shinichi Isa, Member of the House of Representatives, Committee on National Security
FOR MORE INFORMATION Barbara Rhode - Leonidas Karapiperis
[email protected] or Tom Kuczinski -
[email protected] - EU Delegation in Japan
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION DIRECTORATE Directorate-General for Research and Innovation European Commission TO SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE please send an e-mail to
[email protected]
«Cooperation between Europe and Siberia in Science and Higher Education: Record, Stake, Foresight» conference On 19-20 August, the Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation participated in the conference «Cooperation between Europe and Siberia in Science and Higher Education: Record, Stake, Foresight», which was held in the Siberian cities of Kemerovo and Barnaul. The conference was organised in the framework of the EU-Russia Year of Science by the French-Siberian Centre of Education and Science together with the Russian Kuzbass State Technical University and the Russian Altai State Technical University. The conference was attended by representatives of all major universities and research institutes of the Kemerovo and Altai regions. Among the main topics of discussion were possibilities to further develop research cooperation between Siberia and Europe. In this context, Horizon 2020 was presented and explained in detail to the participants of the conference in both cities. The events provided a unique opportunity to reach out to the scientific and academic communities in two of Russia’s far-away regions (over 3,000 km from Moscow) and to share with them information about cooperation opportunities with Europe. FOR MORE INFORMATION Richard Burger -
[email protected] - EU Delegation in Russia
FOR ONLINE VERSION KINDLY VISIT cfm © European Union, 2014 ISSN 2315-358X
Practical Guide on Horizon 2020 and Funding Guide for Mobility available online!
HORIZON 2020 Excellent Science Global Challenges Competitive Industries
(c) European Commission 2013
This page will give you a regular update on recent Research and Innovation (R&I) policy news from our network of R&I Counsellors in the EU delegations in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, India, Israel, Japan, Russia, the United States (US) and the African Union (AU). A particular focus is on developments related to international cooperation. Each month different policy related themes are highlighted in relation to a number of countries to illustrate trends, similarities and different approaches. Recent policy news includes this time high-level meetings among groupings of countries with possible impact on international R&I cooperation, and developments in marine and arctic research with potential for increased cooperation with the EU in relation to Brazil, Canada, Egypt, Japan, the US and the AU. Research and Innovation
Policy News from the Delegations
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Recent high-level meetings among groupings of countries have had increased R&I cooperation as a topic on the agenda. On 27 June, the 23rd African Union Summit approved a Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Strategy for Africa (STISA-2024) and the formal establishment of the African Observatory for STI. However, the planned formal establishment of the African Scientific Research and Innovation Council (ASRIC) and the Pan-African Intellectual Property Organisation (PAIPO) was postponed, thus delaying the launch of these new institutions that are vital for the development of African research. Egypt, which was allowed to participate at the AU summit after the lifting of an 11 month suspension, was the host of another grouping of countries. An orientation session to establish a regional center for health research - «The Arab Reference Research Center» - which is a collaboration between the Ministry of Health and Population in Egypt, the Ministers of the Health Council and the League of Arab States took place in Cairo in June. This can be seen in the context of the strategy to establish a formal basis for S&T cooperation throughout the Arab world which was endorsed by research and education Ministers earlier this spring. At the 6th BRICS Summit on 14-16 July,
in Brazil, STI themes such as agricultural development and clean and renewable energy were discussed. The BRICS Ministers of Science and Technology were instructed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on STI at their next meeting to provide a strategic framework for STI cooperation (Fortaleza Declaration). Another event related to Brazil is the launch by the federal government of the new National Programme of Knowledge Platforms (PNPC), which aims to stimulate research in 23 areas during a ten year period (estimated total budget: ~€7 billion). 27/11/13 17:19
Recent developments also include a focus on marine and arctic research with potential for increased cooperation with the EU. Two significant ocean-related events in the United States in June included the nationally-focused Capitol Hill Ocean Week, and a 90-country ministerial conference «Our Ocean» hosted by Secretary of State John Kerry. In addition, in Montreal, a «Smart Ocean/Smart Industries» workshop including Canadian, US and European academic and private sector participants took place, contributing to the shaping of the Transatlantic Ocean Research Alliance launched in 2013. Also in Canada, the EllisDon Corporation in a joint venture with NCC Dowland Construction Ltd has recently been awarded the contract to manage the construction of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS). In July, site preparation work began in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. CHARS aims to
attact international scientists to Canada, and could represent an interesting Arctic research infrastructure for collaborative projects. Arctic and Marine research are two main priority areas in EU-Canada R&I cooperation. Also related to marine research, the Financial Year 2014 cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Programme (SIP) budgets have been revealed in Japan. A sizable budget is allocated to «marine resources». This is an interesting topic for possible increased cooperation with the EU. FOR MORE INFORMATION Anne Haglund Morrissey
[email protected] - DG RTD C
KI-02-13-727-EN-P — © European Union, 2013. — Images source:
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