Sep 23, 2013 ... NEWS BULLET. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. To stimulate
and facilitate international cooperation in physics and the ...
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics To stimulate and facilitate international cooperation in physics and the worldwide development of science
Commission on Quantum Electronics C17 NEWS BULLETIN, July 2013 Prepared by Cecilia Jarlskog IUPAP YS-QE IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Electronics 2013 ThisPRIZE Bulletin gives a 2013 brief account of Quantum some events that have taken place since the latest General Assembly (GA), 31 October - 4 November 2011, London, and some news. The items included are:
Call for nominations
The IUPAP Commission on Quantum Electronics C17 (C17) is presently soliciting Contents nominations for its biennial Young Scientist Prizes in Quantum Electronics to be presented 1 Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 at the International Optics&Photonics Taiwan Conference in Zhongli, Taiwan, on December 2 ( Personnel issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .These . . . . are 2 the two prizes awarded for 5-7, 2013 outstanding contributions quantum electronics 3 Commissions andtoWorking Groups . . . . . and 2 its applications made by young scientists with a maximum of 8 years of research experience, counted from the nomination 4 Contacts with ICSU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 deadline5 (excluding career interruptions) following the PhD. One of the prizes is for IUPAP & Global Science Forum (GSF) . 4 fundamental aspects and another one is for applied aspects. 6 Report on ICSU Unions Meeting, Paris, 28-30 April, 2013, by Bruce McKellar . .
7 Report on an African School (ASSESMA) by Kennedy Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The prize winners receive a medal prepared by IUPAP and 1000 Euros each. Nomination procedure
Nominees for the Prizes be. .nominated member of the research 9 The mission of must IUPAP . . . . . . . . . .by . . .a. senior 8 community. Self-nominations are not accepted. A nomination for the Prizes must contain: 10 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 • • • • • •
A cover letter by the nominator (please indicate fundamental or applied aspects prize); A citation for the Prize (not more than 25 words); A brief description of the nominee’s achievements (not more than one to one and a half pages); A one page CV of the nominee; A list of key publications, patents, etc.; At least two additional letters of endorsement of the nomination.
The nomination must be prepared in English and combined into a single consolidated PDF file or a ZIP archive, which is to be sent in email message to the IUPAP-C17- YS Prize 1 Committee Chair at
[email protected]. The deadline for submissions of nominations is October 20, 2013. Selection procedure The winners of the competition for the IUPAP YS-QE Prizes will be selected by the Prize Committee, which consists of the chair, vice chair, secretary, and a few more members of the IUAPAP C17 commission. The Chairman of the Prize Committee for 2013 is Prof. Victor Zadkov. The winners will be announced by the Chair of the Prize Committee in the beginning of November 2013 and invited for the award ceremony arranged at the International Optics&Photonics Taiwan Conference in Zhongli, Taiwan, on December 5-7, 2013.