SCOPE OF THE POLICY. This policy applies to all aspects of the use of IS/IT used in pursuit of Inverness Leisure Company
Internet, Email and IT Policy POLICY STATEMENT The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all users of Inverness Leisure’s Information Systems (IS), Information Technology (IT) and associated data, software and services are clear about what is acceptable and unacceptable usage.
This policy has also been implemented due to the need for network security in relation to the efficient running of the business within Inverness Leisure.
1. SCOPE OF THE POLICY This policy applies to all aspects of the use of IS/IT used in pursuit of Inverness Leisure Company business.
If, in any circumstances, privately owned IS/IT facilities are used within the Company’s
Facility, then their usage must conform to this policy.
This policy applies to Board of Trustees,
Associates and any other person permitted to use Inverness Leisure’s internal facilities.
2. POLICY DEFINITION 2.1 Expectation of Proper Conduct The operation of Inverness Leisure’s IS/IT systems rely heavily on the proper conduct of the users, who must adhere to this policy. 2.2 Requirements to Comply With Legislation The use of all IS/IT facilities must be made in compliance with all appropriate legislation, e.g. Data Protection Act 1998 etc. 2.3 Requirements to Conform With All Inverness Leisure Policies. The use of all IS/IT facilities must be made in compliance with all Inverness Leisure policies. 2.4 Consequences of Failure to Comply With Legislation or Policies If a user fails to comply with any legislation or policy, including any of the acceptable use provisions outlined in this document, use of the system may be withdrawn and future access may be denied. This may impact on the individual’s ability to undertake the duties of their job. Some violations may also constitute a criminal offence and may result in legal action.
Any user
violating these provisions, relevant legislation or Inverness Leisure policies, may be subject to loss of access, to the provisions of the Inverness Leisure Disciplinary procedure and reported to the Police.
2.5 Monitoring Usage and Access to Systems
Inverness Leisure reserves the right to monitor, log and access all computer and network activity including internet access and email, with or without notice. Users should, therefore, have no expectations of privacy in the use of these systems. Monitoring of usage and access to systems will be made with the authorisation of the General Manager.
2.6 Acceptable Use The following criteria will be used to assess whether usage is acceptable: 2.6.1 Be in support of business and service needs consistent with Inverness Leisure policies. 2.6.2 Be in support of an individual’s approved duties. 2.6.3 May be for limited personal usage which should have prior approval of the associate’s line manager. 2.6.4 Access should not be associated with monetary reward in any way whatsoever. 2.6.5 Is undertaken in the user’s own time. 2.6.6 Is not interfering with the delivery of Inverness Leisure services. 2.6.7 Does not violate this or any other Inverness Leisure policy and is a lawful activity. 2.6.8 Use of the internet should have prior approval of the associate’s Line Manager.
2.7 Unacceptable Use It is unacceptable for a user to use, submit, publish, display, download or transmit on or from the network or on any computer system any information which: 2.7.1 Restricts or inhibits other users from using the system or the efficiency of the computer systems. 2.7.2 Violates or infringes on the rights of any other person, including the rights to privacy. 2.7.3 Contains defamatory, false, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, pornographic, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, racially offensive, or otherwise biased or illegal material. 2.7.4 Encourages the use of controlled substances or uses the system with criminal intent. 2.7.5 Uses the system for any other illegal purpose.
Should users indulge in unacceptable use, as defined above, they will be subject to formal investigation under the Company’s disciplinary procedure.
The above cases amount to gross
misconduct, e.g. accessing pornographic or obscene material, which would normally lead to summary dismissal, subject to normal Disciplinary Procedures.
It is unacceptable for a user to use the facilities and capabilities of the systems to; 2.7.6 Conduct any non-approved business. Caledonia Community Leisure Limited Internet Use (Version 2) – July 2008 Page 2
2.7.7 Transmit material information, or software in violation of any laws of Scotland, UK or Europe. 2.7.8 Forge a message to make it appear as if it came from another person or company. 2.7.9 Harass an individual or group of individuals. 2.7.10 Copy material which is protected by copyright laws. 2.7.11 Access or transmit information via the internet, including email, in an attempt to impersonate another individual. 2.7.12 Attempt to view another user’s email account without the permission of that user. 2.7.13 Make any unauthorised purchases. 2.7.14 Conduct any other unauthorised activity. 2.7.15 Use email, internal or external, in an unprofessional manner against fellow associates.
Should users indulge in unacceptable use, as defined above, they may be subject to investigation under the Company’s disciplinary procedure. In certain cases this may amount to gross misconduct which would normally lead to summary dismissal, subject to normal Disciplinary Procedures.
Associates are advised that if they are in any doubt whatsoever about the unacceptable IS/IT use they should first contact their line manager.
3. SECURITY In terms of acceptable usage a user must: 3.1 Not reveal their account password or allow another person to use their account. 3.2 Have a password of at least 8 characters using a mix of uppercase and lower case letters together with figures and/or non alphanumeric characters. 3.3 Change their password regularly or as prompted by their PC. 3.4 Not use their name, date of birth or initials as part of the password. 3.5 Not use another individual’s account without that individual’s permission. 3.6 Not attempt to log on as another user. 3.7 Notify the General Manager or IT Systems Officer immediately if they identify a security problem. 3.8 Not show or identify a security problem to others. 3.9 Take reasonable precautions to protect the system from security issues such as computer viruses. 3.10
Only use properly supplied and authorised systems for undertaking Inverness Leisure
business. 3.11
Must not download and install any material without prior permission from the IT & IS
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4. ETIQUETTE When using IS/IT facilities users must: 4.1 Be polite. 4.2 Do not use vulgar or obscene language. 4.3 Be aware electronic mail is not guaranteed to be private. 4.4 Not intentionally disrupt the network or other users. Associates should be aware that all files stored on the Company’s IS/IT system shall at all times remain the property of the Company.
5.1 Purpose of the Internet The internet (including external email) is a global communications network which provides vast, diverse and unique resources. With access to computers and to people all over the world users can gain access to material that may not be considered to be of value to Inverness Leisure. There may be some material or individual communications that are not suitable for everyone. Inverness Leisure views information gathered from the internet in the same manner as reference materials identified by the Associates. Specifically, Inverness Leisure supports resources that will enhance the business environment. Exploration of resources is encouraged where this benefits Inverness Leisure.
Unacceptable access and the implications for the user are detailed in Section 2.7.
5.2 Approval of Access to the Internet Access to, and use of email, is provided as part of the standard Microsoft Office package which is provided on every desktop system and is available through normal levels of authorisation (usually via Department Heads or Section Heads).
Access to, and use of, the internet and external email is available only through prior authorisation from the line manager, on the appropriate consent form, following a written request outlining the reason internet and/or external email access is required.
5.3 Access to Inappropriate Material Caledonia Community Leisure Limited Internet Use (Version 2) – July 2008 Page 4
Where material, which is not consistent with the policies of Inverness Leisure is inadvertently accessed, Associates are strongly advised in their own interest to report the matter to their Line Manager. If the user is in any doubt as to what constitutes inappropriate material, the user should seek advice from their Line Manager. If a user continues to access inappropriate material this will be treated as unacceptable access as per Section 2.7.
The system must not be used to send or receive illegal material. Illegal material includes, but is not limited to, unlicensed software.
IS/IT users shall not clear, empty or otherwise alter temporary internet folders or cache files. This function will be undertaken by the Admin & IT Manager.
Where appropriate the General Manager or Admin & IT Manager may ‘quarantine’ a piece of IS/IT equipment, if it may form part of an internal or external investigation, without the consent of the user(s) of that equipment.
5.4 Accuracy and Quality of Information Inverness Leisure will not be responsible for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its internet connection.
5.5 Legal Commitments and Email Email can result in binding contracts. Users should be aware that legal commitments can result from their emails and the same degree of care should be exercised as with any other written communications.
For evidentiary purposes, users should file hard copies of emails on paper files when these are maintained or otherwise ensure that emails which evidence commitments are suitably saved.
6. DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION When disseminating views or opinions via Inverness Leisure’s systems on subjects not directly related to their responsibilities, users will ensure that any opinions or views expressed are not attributed to Inverness Leisure by inserting the following phrase:
“The opinions expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of Inverness Leisure”
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The following disclaimer should be attached to the end of every email: STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY: This email and attachments are confidential. If you have received it in error do not retain or disclose it; please notify us immediately. All emails and attachments are virus scanned. However, we are not responsible for any damage caused by a virus or the alteration of our email or any attachment by a third party. None of the contents of this email can be considered to be an agreement or contract. Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Caledonia Community Leisure Ltd (Trading As – Inverness Leisure). The Company actively monitors all incoming and outgoing emails to ensure a satisfactory level of customer service is maintained, to maintain Company security, and to prevent the abuse of the Company systems. Caledonia Community Leisure Ltd is a recognised Scottish Charity No: SC27392. A Company registered in Scotland No: SC181712 Limited by Guarantee.. Caledonia Community Leisure Limited Trades as Inverness Leisure. Registered Office: Inverness Leisure, Bught Lane, Inverness, IV3 5SS. 7. REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION FOR THIS POLICY INCLUDES: 7.1 Data Protection Act 7.2 Disciplinary Procedure
Conclusion: It is the responsibility of each individual IS/IT user to ensure full compliance with this procedure in all its aspects. Associates should be aware that any breach of any section of this policy may result in the instigation of the Companies disciplinary procedures.
I wish to state that I have read, understood and will comply with the contents of this document.
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