Internet of Things Architecture: Recent Advances, Taxonomy, Requirements, and Open Challenges Ibrar Yaqoob, Ejaz Ahmed, Member, IEEE, Ibrahim Abaker Targio Hashem, Abdelmuttlib Ibrahim Abdalla Ahmed, Abdullah Gani, Senior Member, IEEE, Muhammad Imran Member, IEEE, and Mohsen Guizani Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Recent years have witnessed tremendous growth in the number of smart devices, wireless technologies, and sensors. In the foreseeable future, it is expected that trillion of devices will be connected to the Internet. Thus, to accommodate such voluminous number of devices, scalable, flexible, interoperable, energy-efficient, and secure network architectures are required. This paper aims at exploring the IoT architectures. In this context, first, we investigate, highlight, and report premier research advances made in IoT architecture recently. Then, we categorize and classify IoT architectures and devise a taxonomy based on important parameters such as applications, enabling technologies, business objectives, architectural requirements, network topologies, and IoT platforms architecture types. We qualitatively analyze the enabling technologies of IoT based on the different parameters. Furthermore, we identify and outline the key requirements for emerging IoT architecture. A few prominent case studies on IoT are discovered and presented. Lastly, we enumerate and outline future research challenges. Index Terms—Internet of Things, Communication, Network architecture, Smart devices, Wireless technologies.
in improving the living standard of the citizens. It is anticipated that more than fifty billion deIn recent years, Internet of Things (IoT) has vices ranging from smartphones, laptops, senemerged as a new computing paradigm, in sors and game consoles will be connected to the which continuum of devices and objects are Internet through several heterogeneous access interconnected with a variety of communica- network technologies such as radio frequency tion solutions such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Zig- identification (RFID) and wireless sensor netBee, and GSM, to name a few. These commu- works. As identified by [1], IoT can be recnication technologies enable the connectivity ognized in three paradigms, namely internetamong heterogeneous IoT devices that can help oriented, sensors and knowledge. Normally, it can be realized that the implementation of IoT • I. Yaqoob, E. Ahmed, I.A.T. Hashem, A.I.A. Ahmed and A. Gani technology is very close to modern society, are with the Department of Computer System & Technology, where people and things are integrated virtuUniversity of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Email: {
[email protected],
[email protected], tar- ally to information systems via wireless sensors
[email protected],
[email protected], and ab- [2].
[email protected]) The purpose of connecting devices and ob• M. Imran is working with the College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. (Email: jects is to serve as the backbone for
[email protected]) tous computing, enabling smart environments • Mohsen Guizani is working with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Idaho, USA. (Email: to recognize and identify objects and retrieve
[email protected]) information [3]. Moreover, ubiquitous technologies like RFID and sensor networks will rise
Smart People
Smart Waste Management
Smart Applications
Smart Grid
Management and Security services
Gateway and Network
Sensors and connectivity
Fig. 1: Architecture of Internet of Things to address these emerging challenges, which port premier research advances made in centers on embedding information and comIoT architecture recently. munication systems within our environment. • Then, we categorize and classify IoT arFigure 1 illustrates the architecture of IoT. It chitectures and devise a taxonomy. also provides a blueprint for data abstraction • We qualitatively analyze the enabling and the quality ”quadruple” trust that includes technologies of IoT based on the differprotection, security, privacy, and safety.” Furent parameters. thermore, this standard provides a reference ar• We identify and outline the key requirechitecture that builds upon the reference model. ments for emerging IoT architecture. • A few prominent case studies on IoT are Although several studies on IoT [1][4][5] discovered and presented. have been conducted, however, none of them • Finally, we enumerate and outline future is specifically focused on architectural comporesearch challenges. nents of IoT. With the aim of exploring the IoT network architectures, this study is conducted. These contributions are given in separate Thus, this work is motivated by the need of sections from 3 to 7 respectively; the conclusion network architectures, as it would be required is provided in 8. in the future to accommodate the trillion of devices. The contributions of the paper are nu- 2 M OTIVATION merous: With the rapid adaptation of modern smart • First, we investigate, highlight, and re- technologies, IoT has gained much attention
from the industries and the IT communities in terms of networking and communication aspects. IoT devices depend completely on the network connection that demands high speed, high reliability, and availability. However, existing networking architectures cannot provide smooth connectivity to the voluminous amount of devices, as in IoT paradigm different types of networks are involved that can cause serious problems. The motivation for new IoT architectures can be seen in [6] that presents how much demands for new network architectures are in the market, as in the future, the existing will not be fully applicable to provide ideal services. In the foreseeable future, the number of connected devices to the internet will be huge in numbers. Cisco predicted that the number of connected devices will rise to fifty billion by the end of 2020 1 . IDC predicted that global spending on the IoT will also rise to 1.7$ trillion by 2020 2 . Telefonica estimated that 90% cars will be connected to the Internet by 2020 3 . Gartner estimated that until 2020, a quarter billion vehicles will be connected to the internet with the aim of enabling new vehicle services while having the capabilities of automated driving 4 . As the statistics have revealed that the voluminous number of devices will be connected to the internet, therefore existing network architectures are no longer able to accommodate the IoT devices. Thus, scalable, flexible, interoperable, lightweight, energy-aware, and secure network architectures will be required in the future for IoT. Due to the involvement of heterogeneous devices that have multi-radio capabilities, can cause interference problem.The existing networking architectures were only designed to support a limited number of devices.
the section is to critically investigate the existing solutions. 3.1
General Architecture
A generic IoT architecture consists of three layers, namely application, transport, and sensing. Application layer employs intelligent computing technologies (e.g. data mining, cloud computing) to extract valuable information from processing voluminous data and provides an interface between users and IoT. Transport layer is responsible for network operations and sensing layer collects data. Sensing layer is responsible for collecting the information and the matter of recognitions. Despite advantages such as easier problem identification and management, flexibility, lack of application layer security is prime limitation. A scalable and self-configuring peer-to-peer based architecture for the large-scale IoT network has been proposed in [7]. The objective was to provide automated services and resource discovery mechanisms, which demand no human intervention for their configuration. The solution is based on local and global service discovery that allows successful interaction and keeping the mutual independence. The main importance of this solution is that its experiments are conducted on the real-world devices which make the result more trustable. However, possibility of occurring an error is the main factor of being a higher reliable solution in terms of IoT architecture. 3.2 Software-Defined Network Based Architecture
Z. Qin et al. [8] designed a software-defined network (SDN) based architecture for the IoT with the objective of providing the high-level 3 R ECENT R ESEARCH E FFORTS QoS to the different IoT tasks in heterogeneous This section reviews recent research efforts di- wireless network environments. Although the rected at IoT network architecture.The aim of proposed architecture provides many benefits, namely flexibility, effectiveness, and efficient 1. in terms of flow and task reof-things-in-2016-6-stats-everyone-should.aspx 2., the management of the layer designed market-to-reach-17-trillion-by-2020-idc-2015-06-02-8103241 by the controller is difficult to be managed for 3. IoT multinetwork. On the other connected-car-penetration-by-2020/ hand, several existing studies also reveal that 4.
wireless SDN-based architecture can help to meet the objectives of IoT in terms of better quality of service (QoS), scalability, quick and easy deployment of the resources, and contextaware semantic information retrieval. 3.3
A new IoT architecture called 3G-PLC has been proposed in in [9]. The architecture combines two sophisticated communication networks: power line communication (PLC) and 3G network. The motivation behind using these two networks was the scalability factor. The objective of this work was to integrate the IoT framework layers such as perception layer, aggregation layer, network layer, and application layer. Although the proposed architecture offers notable merits such as reduced cost of network construction and improved services compared to backhaul network competitors. However, lack of incorporation of network heterogeneity parameters is one of the prime limitations. 3.4
In [10], the authors have shown that by using name-based future Internet architecture (FIA) called MobilityFirst can help to address many challenges associated with the mobile phones when acting as spontaneous gateways of WSNs in IoT systems. The capacity of the system is analyzed and compared with the sensor data rate at a given hotspot. Although the proposed work can provide many benefits such as high security and ad hoc services, however, lack of incentive mechanisms for the mobile contributors to the system is one of the disadvantages. 3.5
J. Zhou et al. [11] presented an IoT-enabled smart home scenario to analyze the IoT application requirements. In this context, CloudThings architecture has been proposed based on the cloud-based internet of things platform. The architecture accommodates CloudThings PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS for accelerating IoT applications. The integration of cloud with IoT offers a viable
approach to facilitate application development. The fundamental developments for approaching CloudThings architecture are based on the previous running and composing IoT applications. However, the system requires dealing with the heterogeneity of the wireless network communications that embedded in the IoT.
Figure 2 depicts the taxonomy devised based on the parameters such as applications, enabling technologies, business objectives, architectural requirements, network topologies, and IoT platforms architecture types. 4.1
Some of important IoT applications are named as smart transportation, smart home, smart healthcare, smart grid, smart lighting, and intelligent building, to name a few. These applications facilitate the people in different aspects of life. The smart transportation system helps in reducing the traffic congestion by providing the alternate route. Moreover, the predictive analysis of smart transport data helps in minimizing the road casualties (e.g. accidents). Smart homes allow inhabitants to remotely control appliances. Through smart healthcare applications, diseases can be diagnosed earlier, which lead towards saving the lives. In a smart grid environment, smart meters are used to measure the energy consumption level and readings are automatically sent to the grid. Through smart lighting application, low-cost sensors and wireless connectivity can be integrated to lamps and luminaries. Intelligent building is another important IoT application where the building is empowered by information and communication technologies (ICT). In short words, IoT applications are facilitating the people in their daily lives. 4.2
Enabling Technologies
IoT devices cannot operate without the network connectivity. To enable the connectivity among heterogeneous smart devices different networking and communication technologies are used
Internet of Things Taxonomy
Enabling Technologies
Business Objectives
Architectural Requirements
Marketing Automation
Reduced Business Cost
IoT Platforms Architecture Types
Event processing
Event Notification
Network size Smart Transportation
Mobility Rate
Number of Events Distributed
Smart Healthcare
Sale Data Access
Targeted Customer Services
Quality of Services
Improve Supply chain Processes
Smart Grid
Smart Lighting
Intelligent Building
Real- time Analytics
Heterogeneity Smart Home
Network Toplogies
Peer-to-Peer Messaging
Decentralized Auditing Decentralized File Sharing
Fig. 2: Taxonomy of Internet of Things such as Sigfox, Neul, 6LowPAN, LoRaWAN, cellular, and software-defined networks. Sigfox is a wide range technology, as its coverage is in between Wifi and cellular. The objective of Sigfox is to support the limited power devices in terms of data transfer. Neul is a weightless and a new wide range wireless networking technology designed to support IoT. 6LowPAN (Low-power Personal Area Network) is IPbased network protocol which defines the new encapsulation and header compression mechanisms. It can be used in multiple communications platforms such as Wi-Fi, 802.15.4, and sub-1GHz ISM. LoRaWAN (Low Range Wireless Area Network) is also designed to target wide area network. Moreover, it supports low-cost mobile bi-directional communication in IoT by strengthening the security. To support the long distance operations of IoT applications, Cellular (GSM/3G/4G) communication capabilities are used. It is considered as the most ideal for the sensors-based-lowbandwidth-data projects. Software-defined networking is an emerging technology that can help to intelligently route the traffic, eliminate the bottlenecks, and induce efficiencies to help the data generated by IoT to be processed without placing a larger strain on the network.
Business Objectives
IoT can provide many benefits to the businesses. The business objectives of IoT are as follows: marketing automation, reduced cost, sale data access, targeted customer services, and improved supply chain processes. The smart IoT-enabled applications create the knowledge about the customers in terms of knowing the history of the customer (e.g. buying patterns and preferences). This can allow the businesses to find out in real-time that what are the needs of the customers and in the future what products would be more demanding; in this way marketing automation can be enabled. Through online connectivity, anything can be ordered online that can help in saving the money by reducing the traveling cost. As IoT devices generate tremendous amount of data, by analyzing this data businessman can easily know that how, why, and where the products are being used and purchased that can lead towards making the best strategic plans for companies. Furthermore, customers’ services and supply chain processes can also be improved through analyzing the data generated by the IoT devices of each individual. In short, IoT can help in meeting the many business objectives.
Architectural Requirements
For the existing and emerging IoT applications, it is very well-known that they have different architectural requirements such as scalable, flexible, interoperable, diverse QoS support, and secure, to name a few. The term scalable means that managing the connectivity among a voluminous amount of network devices without causing any performance degradation issues. Flexible means provisioning services in such a way that a given system can be flexibly programmed to optimize the performance of certain applications. Interoperability helps in enabling the interoperations among heterogeneous networks. Moreover, diverse QoS is one of the most important architectural requirements for IoT, as different types of applications such as low data rate monitoring, and delaysensitive real-time applications in the smart grid are involved. The IoT architecture must be intelligent enough to handle the applications according to its requirements. Security is one of the key concerns in IoT because if someone’s data is compromised once, then the user may undermine trust in the IoT. Thus, security must be a top priority while designing the architecture for IoT.
IoT Platforms Architecture Types
IoT platforms are of two types, namely centralized and decentralized. As most of the IoT platforms are linked with the cloud architectures where a central hub is used to provide a series of backend services to the smart devices. In this type of architecture, smart devices act as a consumer while a central hub serves as a centralized node. The key centralized capabilities of IoT platform are named event processing, event notification, and real-time analytics, to name a few. On the other hand, in some scenarios autonomous communication between smart devices are required in IoT paradigm without the need of a central hub. This type of architecture is called decentralized IoT platform. A few examples of decentralized IoT platforms are namely, peer-to-peer messaging, decentralized auditing, and decentralized file sharing.
Network Topologies
The network topologies used in IoT can be classified into three categories namely, star, pointto-point and mesh. In point-to-point network topology a direct connection is established between the nodes; whereas, in star networks, all the devices are connected to a central hub. However, in mesh network topology every node can be connected to each other. An IoT application developer must consider the six networking attributes while choosing a wireless network such as latency, throughput, fault resiliency, scalability, the number of hops, and range. These attributes can help in knowing the capabilities of the three IoT network topologies.
This section outlines the key requirements for future IoT architectures. These requirements are elucidated in Figure 3 and will be described next. 5.1
Resource Control
The smart devices participating in an IoT environment must be accessible and configurable in a remote manner. In some of the situations, when the administrators are not available at their particular places, controlling the resources from outside can help to resolve the matter. Moreover, IoT systems must be able to balance the load in case of redundant resource availability that can lead toward appropriate resource utilization. 5.2
Energy Awareness
The incorporation of energy awareness in IoT paradigm where most of the devices are resource constraint, can help in saving the unnecessary energy consumption. In some of the cases, when the load is not too much, devices should turn themselves into sleep mode. Moreover, the formation of lightweight communication protocols can help in saving the energy of the smart devices. Thus, the future IoT architecture must be designed in such a way that it can minimize the energy consumption.
Key Requirements of Future IoT Architectures Interference Management
Energy Awareness Lightweight communication protocols
Sleepy mode
Prevention from unauthorized access
Adaptation between networking protocols
Ensure data freshness
Quality of Service Resource Control
Remotely accessible and configuable Load balancing
Unified interfaces
Retrieval of required information
Prioritization of services
Band management
Fig. 3: Requirement for Future IoT Architectures 5.3
Quality of Service
One of the requirements of IoT architectures is that it shall be able to provide the quality services to the users. QoS in IoT can be ensured by prioritizing the services and retrieval. The applications which require real-time processing must be given a high priority to improving its performance. Moreover, in response to the query, only the required information should be retrieved. Thus, incorporation of these suggestions in the the future IoT architecture can make it a huge success story.
Interference management
IoT architecture must be able to handle the interference problem. In the future, when trillion of smart devices that have multi-radio capabilities will be connected to the internet, interference will become a real problem. Therefore, the future IoT architecture must be designed in such a way that it can incorporate the radioawareness. The flawless connectivity can only be ensured by addressing the interference problem. In order to achieve the reliable services in IoT environment, interference-free solutions must be developed. 5.6
Strengthening the security in IoT environment In IoT paradigm, enabling communication has become as an essential requirement [13]. among different vendor made devices is one The future IoT architecture must be secure of the key requirements [12]. The future IoT enough to prevent the devices being activated architecture must be able to support internet- by unauthorized means. In addition, the secuworking and seamless communication between rity mechanisms must be lightweight as most of all kinds of applications such as business, desk- the devices are resource constraint. Moreover, top, and mobile applications. In addition, to ensuring the freshness of the data is also very enable the communication between constrained important. The lack of strong security support and unconstrained devices of an IoT system, in IoT can undermine the trust of the IoT users adaptation between networking protocols must that can lead towards the failure of the technology. be required.
TABLE 1: Summary of the Case Studies
Case Study
Business Needs
Lukoil Banco de Cordoba Daimler Microsoft Azure
Process automation of oil facility Video collaboration and protection project Driving enterprise transformation To address the common IoT scenarios such as predictive maintenance and remote monitoring
Companies involved Emerson Groupo Galmes, Cisco IBM Microsoft
Success Success
IoT-based Architecture 3 3
Success Success
3 3
Germany USA
Russia Argentina
and a cyber security system were deployed in This section briefly discusses Microsoft Azure the service area. The designed solution was not IoT reference architecture and highlights of few only single objective but it also covers many other IoT deployments that enabled the enter- aspects of the enterprise such as security, marprises to meet their business needs. Table 1 keting, sales messages to the customer. The “Banco de Cordoba” claimed that with this provides the summary of the case studies. new IoT Based system they get rid of a major issue of sending trainers in the specific field. 6.1 Microsoft Azure5 Moreover, staff were also free from the extra Microsoft azure employs a generic IoT solution burden that increased their productivity level in architecture that mainly consists of four layers. terms of electronic transaction that jumped by In this architecture, the data collected by IoT factor eight. In addition, the deployed system devices is forwarded to a cloud gateway, which also helped in monitoring the activities and makes it available for processing by other back- ensured the security at each location of service. end services. After processing, data is delivered to other presentation devices or other line-ofbusiness applications. The solution is based 6.3 Daimler7 on extensible preconfigured architecture which addresses the common IoT scenarios such as IBM is one of the leading companies that offer predictive maintenance and remote monitor- implementation assistance to clients that have ing. It was developed with simulated devices a huge impact in terms of increasing operasuch as Azure IoT Hub, events, stream, and tional efficiency, revolutionize business models, machine learning to offer end-to-end solutions improve industry operations and recast their using specific management consoles. Azure IoT customer’s experience. Although Daimler has Hub offers a reliable and secure bi-directional faced challenges in terms of dealing with some communications between devices and the cloud of the internal operations using IoT technoloused in the preconfigured solution architecture. gies, later become familiar to the system. The company uses IBM services to launch car2go an on-demand fleet of eco-friendly smart cars that 6.2 Banco de Cordoba6 users can reserve from the mobile application. To train more than 3000 employees in an area By using IoT architecture that encompasses senthat covered over 63,000 square miles with 243 sors and wireless communication, allows the branch locations, the Banco de Cordoba imple- company to monitor the vehicle performance, mented an IoT-based video solution. More than provide an accessible network of vehicle and 2600 IP video cameras, a new flexible network, analysis data to increase the efficiency of the car. 5. 6.
IoT are expected to face many challenges related to the potential unbounded number of interacting entities and substantial differences in the interaction patterns and behaviors. The existing IoT architectures need to be scaled up to accommodate the trillion of smart devices. IoT systems scalability management can be summarized into two points. First, the rapid growth has been witnessed in the IoT devices. However, current management protocols do not scale well to accommodate the requirements of IoT devices due to their limited capabilities. Second, social relationships between the owners of the devices need to be considered, where 7 O PEN R ESEARCH C HALLENGES some of IoT system entities are human portable The section discusses the challenges remaining devices. In the future, scalability management to be addressed for accommodating the trillion protocols are expected to track social relationof IoT devices. The purpose of the section is ships between devices in order to enable ad hoc to provide the research directions for the new based computing services by providing some incentives. researcher in the domain. In Russia, the Timan-Pechora basin is home to the Varandey oil terminal. But it is located at that place where the temperature is as low as -47 degrees Fahrenheit. The owner of the facility, Lukoil, wanted to increase the production of oil. Moreover, the owner wanted to export to some other countries. To achieve this goal, Lukoil deployed IoT-based architecture called Emerson PlantWeb and employed DeltaV digital automation. The IoT-based solution helped them to protect the facility and improved the safety.
IoT has three main types of interoperability challenges, namely technical, semantic, and pragmatic. The technical challenges have a concern with device capabilities, protocols, and relevant standards to coexist and interoperate in the same computing paradigm, whereas semantic have a concern with the capabilities of various IoT components that are responsible for processing and interpreting the exchanged data. However, pragmatic have a concern with the capabilities of the system components to observe the parties intentions. Achievement of technical interoperability can be gained by offering agent-based mediation between IoT devices and standards. Semantic interoperability is a requirement to the machine computable logic, knowledge discovery, and data federation between information systems. Pragmatic interoperability can be achieved through the creative design of predefined specifications of the components’ behavior. In the future, crosslayer interoperability solutions are required. 8.
Since there are numerous applications of IoT, service provisioning to the different IoT applications according to their demands has become very challenging. IoT users usually need dynamically configured, customized, valueadded and on-the-move autonomously services. Moreover, personalization, customization, autonomy and dynamicity services can be supported by constructing and utilizing the adaptive, context-aware and reconfigurable multiple service network architecture. In the future, models of service declarative specifications are required for the construction of future network service architectures. 7.4
Energy efficiency
Tiny devices are the backbone of IoT. However, these devices have limited processing capabilities, memory and battery power. Consequently, compute-intensive applications and routing processes cannot run on IoT devices, as these devices are very lightweight. The consideration of the energy-awareness in the routing protocols is still lacking. Although some protocol supports low power communication, these
protocols are in its early stage of development. In the future, energy harvesting techniques can be promising solutions to fulfill the energy requirements in IoT.
With the rapid rate of increase in smart devices, the need for future IoT network architecture has arisen. The existing network architectures cannot accommodate the voluminous number of 7.5 Mobility management smart devices, as expected to be increased in the Node mobility can create various challenges in future. With the focus on the IoT architectures, terms of IoT-networks and protocols efficiency. we conducted this study. First, we investigated, The current mobility protocols of VANETs, highlighted, and reported premier research adMANETs and sensor networks cannot deal well vances made in IoT architecture recently. Then, with typical IoT devices due to severe energy we categorized and classified IoT architectures and processing constraints. Mobility manageand devised a taxonomy. Moreover, we qualitament is one of the crucial tasks, it has two tively analyzed the enabling technologies of IoT stages, first, the movement detection (in order based on the different parameters. A few credto be aware of the device movement that reible case studies are also presented. Furtherquires linking to a new region of a network). more, several open research challenges are preSecond, the signaling and control messages resented as future research directions. Finally, we quire to be incorporated in such a way that concluded that in foreseeable future, scalable, it can help in knowing nodes location in a flexible, energy efficient, interoperable, and senetwork. Movement detection can be achieved cure network architectures will be required, as through the frequent scan, either via passive the existing are only supportive for a limited messages from participating protocols or a number of devices. beacon from the mobility protocol. Mobility management is one of the key issues in IoT paradigm. Consequently, it must be considered ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS in the future IoT architecture. This work is funded by the Bright Sparks Program and the Research Grant from 7.6 Security The diversity of IoT applications and hetero- the University of Malaya under references geneity of IoT communication infrastructures BSP/APP/1689/2013, RP012C-13AFR, and result in equally a numerous variety of security UM.C/625/1/HIR/MOE/FCSIT/03. Imran’s challenges [14][15]. In IoT, security can be pro- work is supported by the Deanship of Scientific vided in bottom-up fashion. In bottom-up way, Research at King Saud University through the system must follow secure booting process, Research group No. (RG 1435-051). access control rules, device authentication procedures, firewalling, and must be able to accept updates-and-patches of security software in a R EFERENCES non-disruptive way. Since the security is a key [1] L. Atzori, A. Iera, and G. Morabito, “The internet of things: A survey,” Computer networks, vol. 54, no. 15, pp. 2787– concern in IoT, suitable security mechanisms 2805, 2010. must be applied at both the device and net- [2] C.-W. Tsai, C.-F. Lai, and A. V. Vasilakos, “Future internet of things: open issues and challenges,” Wireless Networks, work level (physically and non-physically). IoT vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 2201–2217, 2014. devices must have some sort of intelligence to [3] J. A. Guerrero-ibanez, S. Zeadally, and J. Contrerasrecognize and counteract against the potential Castillo, “Integration challenges of intelligent transportation systems with connected vehicle, cloud computing, threats. Fortunately, this does not require a and internet of things technologies,” IEEE Wireless Comrevolutionary approach; rather an evolution of munications, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 122–128, December 2015. measures that have proven successful in other [4] A. Al-Fuqaha, M. Guizani, M. Mohammadi, M. Aledhari, and M. Ayyash, “Internet of things: A survey on enabling networks must be adapted in the IoT paradigm technologies, protocols, and applications,” IEEE Commuby considering the processing capabilities of nications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2347–2376, 2015. smart devices.
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Ibrar Yaqoob received BS (Hons.) degree in Information Technology from the University of the Punjab, Gujranwala campus, PLACE Pakistan in 2012. Currently, he is pursuing PHOTO his Ph.D. degree in computer science at HERE the University of Malaya, Malaysia since November 2013. He won the scholarship for his Ph.D. and also working as a Bright Spark Program research assistant. He has published a number of research articles in refereed international journals and magazines. His numerous research articles are very famous and most downloaded in top journals. His research interests include Big Data, Mobile Cloud, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, and Wireless Networks.
Dr. Ejaz Ahmed (S’13) is a Senior Researcher in High Impact Research project at Centre for Mobile Cloud Computing RePLACE search (C4MCCR), University of Malaya, PHOTO Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Before that, he HERE has worked as Research Associate in CogNet (Cognitive Radio Network) Research Lab SEECS, NUST Islamabad from December 2009 to September 2012, and in CoReNet (Center of Research in Networks and Telecom), MAJU, Islamabad, from January 2008 to December 2009. His research experience spans over more than nine years. He is associate editor in IEEE Communication Magazine, IEEE Access, and Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. He is also serving as a Lead Guest Editor/ Guest Editor of Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems journal, Elsevier Computers Electrical Engineering journal, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Access, Elsevier Information Systems and Wiley, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT). His areas of interest include Mobile Cloud Computing, Mobile Edge Computing, Internet of Things, Cognitive Radio Networks, and Smart Cities. He has successfully published his research work in more than thirty international journals and conferences.
Ibrahim Abaker Targio Hashem is currently a Ph.D. degree candidate at the Department of Computer Systems and PLACE Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala PHOTO Lumpur, Malaysia; he received his M.S. HERE degree in computing in 2012, Malaysia, and the B.E. degree in computer science in 2007, Sudan. Hashem obtained professional certificates from CISCO (CCNP, CCNA, and CCNA Security) and APMG Group (PRINCE2 Foundation, ITIL v3 Foundation, and OBASHI Foundation). He worked as a Tutor at CISCO Academy, University of Malaya. His main research interests include big data, cloud computing, distributed computing, and network.
Abdelmuttlib Ibrahim Abdalla Ahmed received the B.Sc. degree in computer science from OIU, Sudan, and the M.S. dePLACE gree in computer science from IIUI, PakPHOTO istan. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. deHERE gree with the University Malaya, Malaysia. His research Interest areas include trust and reputation systems,security and digital forensics, Internet of Things, mobile cloud computing, vehicular networks.
Abdullah Gani (M’01, SM’12) is a full Professor at the Dept of Computer System and Technology, University of Malaya, PLACE Malaysia. His academic qualifications were PHOTO obtained from UK’s universities - bachelor HERE and master degrees from the University of Hull, and Ph.D from the University of Sheffield. He has vast teaching experience due to having worked in various educational institutions locally and abroad - schools, teaching college, ministry of education, and universities. His interest in research started in 1983 when he was chosen to attend Scientific Research course in RECSAM by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. More than 150 academic papers have been published in conferences and respectable journals. He actively supervises many students at all level of study - Bachelor, Master and PhD. His interest of research includes self-organized system, reinforcement learning and wireless-related networks. He is now working on mobile cloud computing with High Impact Research Grant of 1.5 M for the period of 2011-2016.
Muhammad Imran is working as Assistant Professor in the College of Computer and Information Science, King Saud University PLACE (KSU). His research interest includes moPHOTO bile ad hoc and sensor networks, WBANs, HERE IoT, M2M, Multihop wireless networks and fault tolerant computing. He has published number of research papers in peer reviewed international journals and conferences. His research is financially supported by several grants. Recently, European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) has appointed him as a Co-Editor in Chief for EAI Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology. He also serves as an associate editor for Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Journal (Wiley), Inderscience International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS), Wireless Sensor Systems (IET) and International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. He served/serving as a guest editor for IEEE Communications Magazine, IJAACS and International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. He has been involved in number of conferences and workshops in various capacities such as a program co-chair, track chair/cochair and technical program committee member. These include IEEE Globecom, ICC, AINA, LCN, IWCMC, IFIP WWIC and BWCCA. He has received number of awards such as Asia Pacific Advanced Network fellowship.
Mohsen Guizani [S’85, M’89, SM’99, F’09] (
[email protected]) received all of his degrees from Syracuse University, New York, PLACE in 1984, 1986, 1987, and 1990, respecPHOTO tively. He is currently a professor and the HERE Electrical and Communications Engineering Department Chair at the University of Idaho. He has served in a number of academic positions in the United States. His research interests include wireless communications, mobile computing, computer networks, cloud computing, loT, security, and smart grid. He currently serves on the Editorial Boards of several international technical journals, and is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Wiley). He is the author of nine books and more than 400 publications in refereed journals and conferences. He has been a Guest Editor of a number of Special Issues in IEEE journals and magazines. He has also served as a TPC member, Chair, and General Chair of a number of international conferences. He was selected as the Best Teaching Assistant for two consecutive years at Syracuse University. He was the Chair of the IEEE Communications Society Wireless Technical Committee and the Chair of the TAOS Technical Committee. He served as a IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Speaker from 2003 to 2005. He is a Senior Member of ACM.
Smart Grid
Smart People
Smart Waste Management
Smart Applications
Management and Security services
Gateway and Network
Sensors and connectivity
Internet of Things Taxonomy
Enabling Technologies
Business Objectives
Architectural Requirements
Marketing Automation
Reduced Business Cost
Sale Data Access
Targeted Customer Services
Quality of Services
Improve Supply chain Processes
IoT Platforms Architecture Types
Event processing
Event Notification
Network size Smart Transportation
Smart Home
Mobility Rate
Smart Grid
Smart Lighting
Intelligent Building
Real- time Analytics
Number of Events
Peer-to-Peer Messaging
Decentralized Auditing Decentralized File Sharing
Distributed Smart Healthcare
Network Toplogies
Adaptation between networking protocols
Key Requirements of Future IoT Architectures Interference Management
Energy Awareness Lightweight communication protocols
Sleepy mode
Case Study
Business Needs
Lukoil Banco de Cordoba Daimler Microsoft Azure
Process automation of oil facility Video collaboration and protection project Driving enterprise transformation To address the common IoT scenarios such as predictive maintenance and remote monitoring
Companies involved Emerson Groupo Galmes, Cisco IBM Microsoft
Prevention from unauthorized access
Quality of Service Resource Control
Remotely accessible and configuable Load balancing
Unified interfaces
Ensure data freshness
Retrieval of required information
Prioritization of services
Band management
Success Success
IoT-based Architecture 3 3
Success Success
3 3
Germany USA
Russia Argentina