The contract cannot be approved without the CPT form filled out. You can ...
STUDENTS ON F1/J1 STATUS: Must submit the CPT form with the contract. .... I
acknowledge that I have read and understand the requirements and agree to the
standards of .... Appendices -You can include project examples if you have
manager ...
RBS–Undergraduate Newark - Guidelines and Requirements Internship/Co-op Credit Course Guide/Contract 2013-2014 Internships and Co-ops are mutual agreements between a student and an organization/employer. The employer agrees to offer tangible duties that allow for a meaningful, carefully outlined and properly guided professional development experience and the student agrees to provide the highest level of performance within the outlined performance criteria stated in an end of assignment evaluation. Internships and Co-ops may be paid or unpaid and typically last 15 weeks. Co-op opportunities are typically full-time jobs and are paid. Objective: Gain a unique and practical experience partnering with business leaders, to assist students in translating their academic training into a real world perspective on daily business operations. Students build on education acquired at RBS while gaining realistic work experience within a chosen field. In addition, students have measurable and verifiable examples of what is to be learned from the work experience and the agreed upon outcomes of the learning experience. Who is eligible? All undergraduate students at RBS-Newark are eligible to apply for credit approval via specific courses available during the registration period within the majors: Accounting, Finance, Management, Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Management Information Systems.
Program Eligibility and Requirements In order to qualify for academic credit approval, students must first meet the following eligibility requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7.
Be a currently enrolled RBS Newark/New Brunswick sophomore, junior, or senior with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75* Completion of 30 credits in residence at Rutgers or completion of 12 credits for transfer students. Completion of the following pre-requisites is required: Accounting, 010:203 & 010:204; Finance, 390:329; Management, 620:300; Marketing, 630:301; MIS, 623:220; and Supply Chain, 799:301 *Supply Chain Management Internships and Co-ops: Students must complete the RBS core course, Introduction to Supply Chain Management and two of the required courses listed for the major. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in these courses. *Marketing Internships and Co-ops: Students are only required to meet the RBS pre-requisites (which includes Marketing 630:301) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. *Management Internships and Co-ops: Students will not be eligible to apply for credit towards the fulfillment of major requirements as of summer 2012. Accepted opportunities will be considered a “free” elective. FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: You must check with OISS to verify your eligibility and submit the correct forms with your contract.
Guidelines for Application Registration for the internship/co-op credit course occurs ONLY during the normal add/drop period for fall and spring semester. All steps must be completed in advance of the University Add/Drop schedule by the deadline. 1.
FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Please check with OISS to make certain you submit the correct forms with your application as to not delay processing. The contract cannot be approved without the CPT form filled out. You can e-mail
[email protected] to request the CPT form.
Students may NOT use existing full-time or part-time employment as an internship/co-op.
A student may ONLY register for a MAXIMUM of 15 CREDITS in the semester that he or she will receive academic credit for an internship/co-op (WHICH INCLUDES THE INTERNSHIP/CO-OP). THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. The student must register for a minimum of 12 credits to maintain full-time student status, which includes the internship/co-op.
A student may only register for an internship/co-op during the semester that he or she will be doing the work. For example, a student registers in the fall for a fall internship/co-op or registers in the spring for a spring internship/co-op. There is some flexibility in course registration for summer opportunities given varying start dates.
Employment assignments require a minimum amount of working hours depending upon the number of registered credits. Hours are completed during the semester in which the opportunity begins and will be recorded on the Student Time Sheet Matrix. You MUST complete the following number of working hours to receive the corresponding number of credits: Number of Credits Minimum Working Hours 1 117 2 234 3 350 6 (Co-op Only) 700 Internships and Co-ops approved for three academic credits will count as a “major elective” towards the fulfillment of major requirements. Students who choose to do a 2 nd internship or co-op will have credit counted as a “restricted elective”. You CANNOT receive credit for the same/repeated internship/co-op more than once.
Co-op opportunities approved will have three credits applied towards the “major elective” and three credits applied towards the “restricted elective”.
Financial Obligation Note: Please be advised that fall and spring internships/co-ops are part of your fall or spring tuition load but summer internships and co-ops must be paid separately during the summer semester.
The student agrees his/her employer will provide a performance evaluation which will be reviewed by RBS-Newark.
Application Process Completed contracts are the responsibility of the student and can be submitted up until the last day of the Add/Drop period. Approval of contracts is required before starting. You cannot submit the contract for credit after you have completed the job.
Application Deadlines: Spring: January 25, 2013; Summer based on summer session start dates
[email protected] to request the CPT form. The contract cannot be approved without the CPT completed form. STEP 3- COURSE REGISTRATION You must formally register for academic credit via the Web Registration system in the semester which the contract is approved. If you do not register within 7 days of receiving the special permission #, you will forfeit your right to receive academic credit. STEP 4- SUBMIT DELIVERABLES BY DEADLINE TO RECEIVE A GRADE
Review the internship/co-op syllabus to submit all deliverables by the indicated deadline in one packet. Missing the deadline will result in a full letter grade reduction – No exceptions. Deadline Dates for End of Semester Deliverables: o o
Spring 2013: 4/29/2013 Summer 2013: 8/05/2013
RBS: UG OCM Contact: `
Ms. Kendra Clarke, Program Coordinator, Office of Career Management Undergraduate Newark - 1 Washington Park, Suite 324 Phone #: (973) 353-3587 Fax #: (973) 353-5782 E-mail address:
[email protected]
RU CDC Contact:
Ms. Cheryl Egan, Internship Coordinator/Assistant Director Career Development Center, Hill Hall, Room 112 Phone: 973-353-5312 Fax: (973) 353-5355 E-mail address:
[email protected]
Form C-1 – STUDENT LEARNING CONTRACT (Student completes & returns C1 & C2 forms to the Career Development Center in Hill Hall, Room 112) Last Name:
First Name:
**Student RU ID #:
Preferred E-Mail:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Campus Address:
Permanent Address:
**Which Semester Are You Applying For An Internship/Co-op?
**Have You Completed the Pre-Requisites?
__Summer (June – August) __Fall (September – December) __Spring (January – May)
__Yes __No, If no, what course(s) need to be completed?_____________
*You may only register for a semester total of 15 credits in Fall/Spring & 14 credits Summer
List of Required Pre-requisites: Accounting, 010:203 & 010:204; Finance, 390:329;Management, 620:300; Marketing, 630:301; MIS, 623:220; Supply Chain, 799:301
** List Cumulative GPA:___________________
**Major: ____________________**Expected Graduation Date:__________
**How Many Credits Are You Requesting? (Please confirm schedule with the employer. ___3 credits – 350 hours ____6 credits- 700 hours ___2 credits – 234 hours (Co-op Only) ___1 credit – 117 hours
**Co-op Internship Credits Previously Completed:
**Total Credits Completed To Date:_____________ How many credits are you currently registered for? ____________ * You will not be able to register if you exceed a total of 15 credits including the internship/co-op.
Employment Start and End Date:
______Yes. ______No If yes, total credits ____________ Course #_____________ **Select Your Current Authorization/Citizenship: (Students on an F1/J1 visa may only work 20 hours per week due to visa regulations.) __U.S. Citizen __U.S. Permanent Resident __F-1 Visa F1-J1 Students: Will you apply for _______CPT _______OPT _________None *You must include a job offer letter, F1-CPT Application Form, and Employers Agreement for Curricular Practical Training with your contract. Please check “Yes” ___Yes. I understand the final requirements in order to receive a grade.
Anticipated Start Date: ____________ Deadlines: Spring 2013 – April 29th and Summer 2013 – August 5th. End Date: _____________________
Research paper length based on credits (Length: 3 credits – 5 pages, 2 credits – 4 pages, 1 credit – 3 pages), Updated resume 1 page, Thank you note to employer 1 page, Timesheet matrix 1 page, Employer outcome survey, End of semester student performance evaluation for by manager.
Employer/Organization Name and Address: Organization Industry: Supervisor Name and Title: Supervisor Phone: Supervisor E-mail: Please note: I understand I must formally register for the academic credits via the Web Registration system within 7 days of receiving the special permission # from RBS Office of Career Management.
Weekly Work Schedule:
Internship/Co-op Job Title:-_______________________________
Hours per Week: _________________ Total Hours Anticipated to Work During the Semester:______________
(______) Please initial to acknowledge the above. Brief Description of Tasks and Responsibilities Please attached additional pages or a job description if available
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the requirements and agree to the standards of the Rutgers Business School – Newark Internship/Co-op Program. ________________________________________________ Student Signature and Today’s Date
Form C-2 – EMPLOYER LEARNING CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT (Employer completes & reviews with student. Student submits C1&C2 forms to the CDC in Hill Hall, Rm. 112) Organization: ___________________________________________________ Supervisor Name and Title:________________________________________ Supervisor E-mail and Phone:______________________________________
A-INTERNSHIP/CO-OP EXPECTATIONS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND SKILLS (Employer completes and reviews with student; Student returns C1&C2, to the CDC in Hill Hall, Room 112) 1.
Was the intern previously employed with your firm/organization? If yes, in what capacity?
What are the dates and hours during which the work will be performed? Please list schedule Monday – Friday and hours for each day. Monday Example: 9-5
What is the nature and extent of the internship/co-op responsibilities? Please include specific tasks by criterion and assign percentages (%) to each.
What specific skills will be developed and what results are expected of the student?
Was this internship/co-op listed with the Rutgers-Newark Career Development Center? If not, is your organization interested in posting future employment opportunities with the Career Development Center?
B-INTERNSHIP/CO-OP LEARNING AGREEMENT Employer Compliance with anti-discrimination and workplace safety statutes by Internship/Co-op Sponsor/Site: In accepting students for internship/co-op employment, (I), _____________________________understand that Rutgers Business SchoolNewark expects that work sites will fully comply with applicable federal, state and local laws relating to workplace safety and to discrimination in the workplace. (I), ________________________________ is committed to equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, and nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, marital status, religion, age, disability, and veteran status. This commitment includes equal opportunity and non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the workplace.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: _________ Student
I agree to provide service during specified hours to the employer to the best of my ability, I agree to display the utmost professional behavior expected of an RBS-Newark Undergraduate student.
___________________________ Supervisor/Organization Representative I agree to provide the student with an opportunity to gain knowledge and develop an understanding of a specific job function and industry. I agree to supervise activities and provide feedback for professional growth.
COURSE SYLLABUS: Academic for Credit Internship and Co-op – Major Specific INDEX: Varies Per Major SEMESTER: Spring 2013 and Summer 2013 Class Day/Time: To Be Arranged Facilitator:
RBS: UG-Newark Office of Career Management 1 Washington Park, Suite 324 Phone: 973-353-3587 Email:
[email protected] Office Hours by Appointment: E-mail
[email protected]
Internship and Co-op Course: Internships and Co-ops are mutual agreements between both a student and an organization/employer to gain a unique and practical real world experience. The employer agrees to offer tangible duties and the student agrees to fulfill the duties to the best of their ability. Internships may be paid or unpaid and typically last 15 weeks over the same semester. Co-ops are typically full-time employment over the course of a 35-40 hour work week. During the summer, internships and co-ops can start at anytime and typically end at the close of the summer.
Required Text: On-line daily review of free news sources – you do not need to purchase subscriptions. Wall Street Journal - Financial Times - CNN - Create Google Alerts on Your Sponsoring Organization – Receive daily updates to use in your research report Note: You may include other industry specific sources based on your own interests relevant to your internship/co-op Grading: Due to the class size, all written assignments must be turned in by the due date. No late assignments will be accepted. Any missing assignments or missing course requirements will result in a reduction of equivalent points. There will be NO opportunities to make-up missed assignments – NO exceptions. Your grade is comprised of 6 assignments all due on the final deadline date below: Assignment 1: Written Research Paper Based on Registered Academic Credit Assignment 2: End of Semester Student Performance Evaluation Form by Manager Assignment 3: Submission of Employment Outcome Survey Assignment 4: Student Time Sheet Matrix Signed by Manager Assignment 5: Updated Resume Assignment 6: 1 page ‘Thank You’ Letter Sent to Employer
40 points 30 points 10 points 10 points 05 points 05 points 100 points
Final Deadline Dates for Deliverables: Hand in to RBS Newark Office of Career Management – 3rd Floor E-mail will not be accepted for deliverable packets Late submissions will result in 1 letter grade deduction for each day late Spring Class 2013: 4/29/2013
Summer Class 2013: 8/05/2013
Absences – Your grade will be reduced should we be notified of excessive absence, issues with punctuality and poor performance as outlined in the end of semester student performance evaluation. No Show Policy: If you decide not to show up to your internship/co-op or fulfill the agreed to terms of your assignment, you will receive a failing grade. Please notify RBS: UG-Newark OCM should you have any difficulties. Grades for the semester / term grade are calculated as follows: A = 91 or higher B+ = 86 to 90 B = 81 to 85 C+ = 76 to 80 C = 71 to 75 D = 65 to 70 F = less than 65
Course Assignments: Deliverables are to be submitted as one packet to the front desk of the RBS: UG-Newark OCM - 1 Washington Park by the appropriate deadline Instructions: Please have a cover page for your final deliverable packet including your name, organization, job title, division of internship/co-op and job function. You can include other relevant materials in the Appendices such as a PowerPoint presentation; however, you cannot substitute this for the research paper requirements. Organization, spelling and grammar count in the evaluation of your assignments. Use Times New Roman size 12 font, double-spaced. Assignment 1: Complete Research Paper Based on Registered Academic Credits 1 credit requires a 3 page research report condensing the below outline as appropriate; must include 2 formally cited articles 2 credits requires 4 pages; must include 4 formally cited articles (web articles can be used if cited appropriately) 3 credits requires 5 pages; must include 7 formally cited articles (web articles can be used if cited appropriately) 6 credits requires 10 pages; must include 9 formally cited articles (web articles can be used if cited appropriately) (The Co-op assignment is modified to account for the extensive full-time working hours within the 6 month assignment) Components of the Research Paper: Abstract – A 1-page summary of the entire research report. What should the reader expect to learn from your report? Table of Contents Introduction: o Describe your organization, function, what you learned and how it helped you to develop professionally. o Describe your expectations around what you wanted to learn when you began the employment. This is your Learning Expectation. o Describe the steps you took to build your skills during the experience. This is your Learning Implementation. o Describe and provide measureable examples to indicate that you achieved your learning goals at the end of the experience. This is your Learning Outcome. Academic Major Integration o Please use 3 topics relevant to your major which you can apply to your internship/co-op experience Conclusion – What conclusions did you make based on your experience? What skills did you build during the job opportunity? What did you learn about yourself during this experience? Is there anything you would have done differently if you had to do it again? References and Citations – check out the RU Writing and Citation guides (you must include cited resources as part of your paper. This section is not included in your total paper requirements. Appendices -You can include project examples if you have manager permission, PowerPoint presentations and other relevant material to support your research paper. This section is not included in your total paper requirements. Assignment 2: End of Semester Student Performance Evaluation Form Student sends the e-mail link below to the supervisor politely requesting employer to complete. Assignment 3: Submit your responses to the Spring 2013 Employment Outcome Survey at the end of the semester. This is critical to understanding more about trends affecting student employment and organizations hiring.
Assignment 4: Submit student Time Sheet Matrix Signed by Supervising Manager (see attached below) – Your hours must match your contract request for credit hours. If you do not meet the hours, you may be penalized. If you are concerned about meeting your hours, please contact the Office of Career Management to discuss your situation. Assignment 5: Updated Resume with New Internship or Co-op Experience Assignment 6: Write and Send a ‘Thank You’ Letter to Your Employer for the Experience. Highlight the best experiences of the internship/co-op. You must cc: a copy to
[email protected]
Deliverables must be handed in to the RBS Newark Office of Career Management – 1 Washington Park, Newark NJ – 3rd floor. E-mail is not accepted. Late submissions will result in 1 letter grade deduction for each day late.
Internship and Co-op Etiquette Policies Attendance at Work: Students are expected to show up for work according to the schedule established at the beginning of employment; attendance can be one of the best indicators of a student’s performance. Attendance will be verified via the time sheet matrix. Tardiness and Leaving Early from Your Job Site: Promptness is expected. Habitually arriving late and departing early is disruptive and rude to your employer. Students must make every effort to arrive on time, and once there, work to the best of their ability. Students habitually arriving late and leaving early will be penalized should the employer notify RBS: UG-Newark OCM. In addition, you are expected to obtain approval for any late arrival or early departure through your supervisor in advance. Technical Devices and E-mail for Personal Use: Use of personal technical devices is limited to appropriate professional conduct as expected in the workplace. A good best practice is to put your phone on vibrate as to not disturb your colleagues. In addition, internet use should be kept to professional business. You should not be e-mailing friends or visiting personal social media pages on company time. Academic Integrity: The penalties for cheating or plagiarism are severe. There is a University-wide policy on academic integrity, which will be followed. It is not worth the risk of suspension from the University to cheat. Every student will be expected to abide by the following pledge: “I pledge, on my honor, that I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on any assignments.” Best Practices for Succeeding at the Internship/Co-op: 1. Observe the Dress Code Exhibited by Your Supervisor and Organization Culture a. RBS is professional business school. We expect our students to represent the high standards expected of RBS: Undergraduate-Newark, as you enter a global corporate market through a professional appearance, which may mean a business suit. If you are unsure, please ask your supervisor. 2.
Check in with your supervisor during the first week a. Make certain you understand his/her expectations and important deadlines. Take notes to keep track of deadlines.
Check in with your supervisor mid-season a. Confirm you are meeting expectations and are aware of deadlines that are critical for you to meet prior to your departure.
Check in with your supervisor two weeks prior to completion a. Confirm you have a plan to complete tasks, train staff if appropriate and transition tasks if necessary.
Develop relationships with those around you! a. Colleagues can be rich with resources to help you succeed. Just be careful that you don’t spend more time socializing than at your desk completing work.
Remember to ask questions! a. Yes, you want to act independently and complete the work, yet remember that sometimes getting unstuck is about asking questions so you can finish the project on time.
Ask for additional projects and work if you find yourself without formal assignments. a. Suggest some projects to your manager based on your limited view of the organization.
Be courteous to all at the company and mind your conversations. You never know who knows who! a. Exercise caution when sharing with colleagues. Remember this is a professional environment. It may sound funny to tell your colleagues about your weekend stories but do be careful that you keep inappropriate details to yourself.
Mind the project details a. Details can be representative of how you feel about the job, organization and supervisor. At times, everyone makes mistakes, yet if you find yourself missing details take more time to review your work.
10. At the end of the assignment, remember to keep in touch! Ask colleagues and supervisors for their e-mails and contact information if you don’t already have it.
Student Time Sheet Matrix Must be signed weekly by your employer and include this form in your final packet of deliverables. *If you do not complete the hours required for the credit load you requested, your grade will be adjusted as appropriate* It is your responsibility to determine with your manager that the required h ours are met. Student Name: Student RU ID: Student Phone: Student E-mail: Employer Name: Organization Supervisor: Supervisor Phone: Supervisor E-mail:
Time Sheet Weekly Dates Example: 7/6-7/9 & 7/11
Completed Work Week Hours 24 work week hours
Supervisor Initial JJ
Total Completed Hours for the Semester - Write total # of hours for the semester here: _________________ Acknowledgement: Information above is true and accurate Student Signature___________________________________ Employer Signature_________________________________