Sep 4, 1992 - JUHA PELTONEN1* and HEIKKI RUSKO'. tHelsinki. Research Institute for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Mannerhe'imintie 17,00250 Hetsinki ...
Journal of Sports Sciences, L993, Llr233-240
Interrelations between power, force production and energy metabolism in maximal leg work using a modified rowing ergometer JUHA PELTONEN1* and HEIKKI RUSKO' tHelsinki
2Research Institute
for Olympic
Sports and Exercise Medicine, Mannerhe'imintie 17,00250 Sports, Jyaäskylä, Finland
Hetsinki and
Accepted 4 September 1992
The dependence of power on aerobic and anaerobic energy metabolism and on force production was studied in maximal leg exercise. National and international level male rowers (z:9) performed four modified (legs-only) rowing ergometer exercises: a progressive test, 2-min (72), L2-min (T12) and 6-min (T6) all-out tests. In T2, signifcant correlations were observed between power in T2 (Pr) and oxygen debt (r:0.83, P A.2 mM) and at which the first non-linear increase was observed in lreand Vc}2related to VOr.
er s
Force production during a stroke was measured using a strain-gauge attached between the handle and the wire of the ergometer. Maximal (F*.,.) and average (F"") values were analysed from the force curves. Changes in knee angle were measured using a goniometer. These parameters were recorded (Racal Recorder) twice every minute during a period from l0 to 25 s and from 40 to 55 s;T2 was recorded as a whole. The number of flywheel revolutions was counted every 30 s to assess work and power. Stroke rate was measured every 30 s. The ratio of muscle relaxation to contraction time was estimated by
Physiological responses to maximal leg work
A significant correlation between the total power of the test and force production was observed only inTZ. Power in T2 (Prr) correlated with average force production (F.") during the last 30 s (r -0.85, P