Intro to Design and Entrepreneurship.pdf - Google Drive

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Page 3 of 12. Define the Problem. What is missing from the market? Why do people need your solution to fill that void? E
Intro to Design and Entrepreneurship DeVaris Brown [email protected]

Overview 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Define the Problem Create User Personas and User Stories Flow Diagram Define Screen Requirements Sketching the Interface Helpful Links

Define the Problem What is missing from the market? Why do people need your solution to fill that void? Example: Airbnb wanted to offer local experiences at cheaper rates than hotels for travelers. Uber provides a more reliable, efficient way to provide transportation.

Quantify the Opportunity Are there enough people that would pay for or use your service if it was available? What is the potential size in people and or dollars that our solution would apply to? (Market Opportunity) What is the current size in people and or dollars that your solution would apply to? (Market Size) Activity: Pick a problem from the board and research the market size and market opportunity(Hint: Use Google)

User Personas Personas are fictional characters created to represent the different user types that might use a site, brand, or product in a similar way. They are captured in 1–2-page descriptions that include behavior patterns, goals, skills, attitudes, and the environment, with a few fictional personal details to make the persona a realistic character

Persona Example Activity: Create a persona for the problem you’re trying to solve. Write a paragraph or two about how the person you’re solving the problem for would use your solution

Writing User Stories User stories capture a description of a software feature from the user’s(Persona) perspective. The user story describes the type of user, what they want and why. User Story Template: As a _(Persona) I want to_(Action) so that_(Expected Outcome). Activity: Write a paragraph or more detailing how one of your personas will utilize your solution

Defining the Flow List all the screens that you will need in your application. Focus on how the systems flow for each of the personas, not how they actually work. Activity: Map out flows for each of the personas based on the user stories you’ve defined

Screen Requirements On each screen that you’ve defined in the flow, what are the actions that you can perform on each page? Think about your company’s goals. How can you increase your key metrics on each screen? Activity: For one of the personas you’ve defined a flow, list the screens and requirements for each of those screens.

Sketching the UI Do your research. No need to recreate the wheel ● ● ● ● ●

Keep it low fidelity. Focus more on completeness rather than polish Think about goals of each screen and how your design can encourage conversion

Sketch Example

Activity: Sketch one of the screens. List the goals of the screen and how your sketch achieves conversion

Helpful Links Defining Market Size and Opportunity: http://www.forbes. com/sites/rebeccabagley/2013/10/02/how-to-identify-your-market-size-upcompetitors/ Creating Personas: Writing User Stories: