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INTRODUCING. CATHOLICS. TO THE BIBLE. How to Host a Parent-Child Session. This is a description of how you can host a hands-on, engaging session to ...

This is a description of how you can host a hands-on, engaging session to introduce children (5th grade or higher) and their parents to how the Bible is arranged. (Session length: 90 minutes) (Download a PDF of this poster presentation at


Preliminaries ■ Prepare a space where parents and their children can be seated at tables. ■ You’ll need a Catholic Bible for each child/ family, and each table should have a pad of legal paper and several pens. ■ Finally, each child will need a set of eight Bible Blueprint bookmarks (see step five).

1 Revealing Yourself STEP ONE:

(10 min.)

■ As you briefly introduce yourself, reveal one bit of trivia that most people don’t know about you. ■ Invite families to do the same. ■ Write the word REVELATION on the board and explain that we reveal ourselves to others in order to enter into relationships. ■ Explain that the Bible is REVELATION—it is God revealing himself to us in order to enter into relationship with us.

2 Present the Bibles STEP TWO:

(10 min.)

■ Lead a brief prayer service in which you prayerfully present each child with his or her Catholic Bible.

3 Do You Know Your Bible? STEP THREE:

(20 min.)

■ Invite each table to brainstorm a list of as many Bible characters as they can without looking in the Bible. Have one person record their list. Have each table report their list. If possible, record on the board. ■ Congratulate them on their Bible knowledge. ■ Challenge the children to find one of these stories in the Bible in under 60 seconds (no help from parents)! a. David and Goliath b. The Ten Commandments c. Joseph and the coat of many colors ■ Offer a reward ($1 or $5) to any child who can do so. Most will not be able to locate the passage in under 60 seconds. ■ Point out that we have a problem: We know Bible characters but don’t know where to locate them in the Bible!

4 The Bible in Bite-Sized Pieces STEP FOUR:

(5 min.)

■ Explain that we need to break down the Bible into smaller pieces to “digest” it. ■ Point out that the Bible is like a library—God’s Library—made up of 73 books and divided into eight sections. ■ Tell them that you are now going to break down the Bible into these eight sections using bookmarks.

5 The Bible Bookmarks STEP FIVE:

(40 min.)

■ Introduce the Bible bookmarks (from The Bible Blueprint by Joe Paprocki, Loyola Press). ■ Introduce the bookmarks one section at a time, describing the gist of each section (described on the bookmarks) and pointing out the highlights that are bulleted on each bookmark. ■ For each section, challenge them to find a particular passage in under 60 seconds (Don’t offer any more monetary awards, or you’ll go broke since now they should find them quickly!) GosP els

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John New Testament


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lace this bookmark John andend at the of the w, Mark, Luke, Matthe Gospel of John and prepare to enter nt the part of New Testame the Bible where we walk with Jesus! The Gospels contain the stories that are most sacred to our the end of the k at Christian faith lace this bookmar and heritage: the life,and prepare to enter Gospel of John teachings, miracles, Passion, death, and walk with we where Resurrection Bible of Jesus of the part of the Nazareth. the stories that Here are some contain highlights: Jesus! The Gospels faith ƒƒ theƒbirthƒofƒJesusƒ(theƒM to our Christian are most sacred agi,ƒtheƒ shepherds,ƒe teachings, miracles, life, tc.) the and heritage: tion of Jesus of ƒƒ theƒHolyƒFamilyƒ(Maryƒan ResurrecdƒJoseph) Passion, death, and s: ƒƒ theƒfindingƒo are some highlight eƒtemple Nazareth. HerefƒJesusƒinƒth



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nt his section NewofTestame the Bible is easy because it is just one book—the Acts of the because Apostles. Place of Bible is easy thebookmark at the end his section your of this book and relive e Acts of the the experience it is just one book—th of the early Christian community. k at the end bookmar In many ways, Apostles. Place your e of the the book of Acts experienc the is a relive sequel and to the Gospel this book ofofLuke In many ways, because both were ity.written by the early Christian commun Gospel same the author. Here is a sequel to of the book of Acts are some highlights the Acts: were written by the both because of Luke some highlights of ƒƒ Jesus’ƒascen author. Here are same

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Ma ƒƒ descriptions itƒƒ gned are the e, of erst it is ic various to ƒofƒtheƒcomm HolyƒSpir Reve Jothe ities symbols to some unalƒƒ ood ntƒofƒtheƒ ny latio chur teac b Joshua through 2 Maccabees , fals theƒdesce n boo ƒ ƒ ches. high and and uses th h, adm ely ative correct, lifeƒofƒtheƒearlyƒChurch ks of the the end light figur many thislangu oniss:h,rough were The and upd of the wor use the etern atƒPentecost bookage encour Sira al strug to to Here areletters ofate ƒƒ Stephen’sƒmartyrdom communalƒƒ style, the descr Paul pred the(such age, ch Wrbetw ict ibe Old Testament Oldas itteneen vari 1 andsom Desp all k ous Rom in apo ƒƒ descriptionsƒofƒtheƒ e high Te 2 Cori Job good chuans, nthia symbols iteboo ofoftheRev ƒƒ Philipƒandƒth calyand ligh rches. me The Ephe ns,ts:thro ughsta pticevil. eƒEthiopian ƒearlyƒChurch frigh Galatians elattenin nt letters lifeƒofƒthe uplif and sians , Sira imag lace re and ch of Pau ) featu Joshua conc rative lang ion guses through the eter ting figu ery,y the ƒƒ Saul’sƒconve 2ptism m Maccabees 1 andand man thitheo l (suc ƒmartyrdo ofuag logy, Isaniah Old goodnal strugglelusio hs bo ƒƒ Stephen’s this lacersionƒandƒba this bookmark on the last page of 2 Cor exho asok teachings, Test e tobook Rom of ns rtatio ma ame inth and alwa describe Despite has Sir is that ans, ƒƒ theƒmissionaryƒworkƒofƒP rk ians betw pian nt Ephesia conc achatia at the ah ys een , Gal roug willth the W all of theIsai thro the high .ernin eter,ƒƒ now entered the OldƒtheƒEthio ƒƒns)grac 2  Maccabees. You’ve ƒƒ Philipƒand Testament preva goo Yons, end of ugh hHere d and feateure u’rgeand il.Mal Saulƒ(Paul),ƒBarnabas,ƒa andƒbaptism isd Ma now and exh evil ach the bo uplifting conlights:frightenOl om are theo ndƒothers . lac nversionƒ i hi thelace ing this logy sec rea Saul’sƒco section of the Bible—the section ƒƒorta ƒHistory ƒ ok book ima d Bib clus justifi , tio dy teac tion ƒ Te ƒ gery mark ion ofOld Test sta , the visionsƒan goo ƒƒ miraclesƒper formedƒthro rkƒofƒPeter,ƒƒ nhin lenƒbyƒ to s con atofthe contai gs, ofcatio ƒƒ grac cern dƒme this booameme ughƒƒ sectio the endBib onaryƒwo Sirac and alw lore d has seve ing of theexp records the story of people of Israel theƒmissi nt nsre ƒƒ etheƒL h. faith ƒƒthat lace this You’ bookmark PeterƒandƒPa wisdo book k isƒntthat onas,ƒandƒo the ays willssagesƒto thethe nƒchu awn col lec ƒtheƒ last thers lac le. W ul page of the mread Wisd Israel thiss prevail. lights: lace erche ts the now Saulƒ(Pau hile high throu just y to explo underl),ƒBarnab various now leaders ƒƒ(judges ƒƒand ƒƒ ifica 2 who, ƒƒ theƒs Maccabees. theƒE ƒƒ Paul’sƒtravel overom secti You’ve Her gh tion Maandƒt re ƒƒ entered the this at at the ucha s,ƒimprisonm crollƒ dƒthrough the ƒbyƒrist thousa onwisofdothe lac ent,ƒtrials,ƒ performe m ofBible. out, thi the Bible faith end e are visionsƒa ƒ miraclesƒ ƒkings), theƒ fought to Bible—the establish and keepƒƒ the of ndƒm andthe desertcont shipwreck,ƒa ƒƒ Law History mb end ains nd the peo of the Malachihiheƒla Whi le s section theƒm the ƒƒ theƒo ofƒPaul ndƒarrivalƒin the s ofom wisd we sectionƒ etaphorƒo ƒRome section , livfƒthe and welc Olndre book lcome of the neƒhu essa yeathro sevenƒch Peterƒand wo d ges bookof ƒ theƒ rs ofughout,ple of rshipicolle Tedƒfor ome ofpro Promised are the highlights: ctsing to the ƒtoƒt ƒBody the that records ƒƒ Euc sta urch thou the in ty-fo the Land. phets varie of story ofHere Old wand this ƒ heƒƒ theisonment me wisd people hari ng sand es urƒƒto the last of,ƒtrials,ƒ the tyƒan Israelƒ Israe Test las om nt— ƒsave st secti in ƒ dƒuni we thr eri amen l t Paul’sƒtravels,ƒimpr of over theƒ ƒ Pro ƒ d on sectio ƒ theƒ the peop ng re not the ƒgifts ough thoutyƒof t—ththe prop thellƒan me mi who, under ƒƒmet hets ƒƒ scro ivalƒinƒRo e Prop various Proph ƒshipwrec ƒ Joshuaƒ(crossingƒtheƒJordan,ƒƒ sed le of n minis theƒs futdƒth leaders con were k,ƒandƒarr s of year (judges and the sandtem theaph even try hets. ure orƒort, ane eƒla dese ƒtrum ets.The , and conccerned s of wandLand, ƒƒ theƒone ƒƒ Ex ile. ple mb asnot cdo pets peo the eƒBo The theƒwallsƒofƒJericho) kings), fought wit much erne d with futu tes, fƒthlivin ple gdyin the str ug ering to establish and keep the variƒƒetyƒ ƒƒ theƒw ƒhun suffe andhipin Amon wors as muc ofreƒandƒ ring forete dred oman son gling ellin thousan Prom as wit hforet Isr ƒfor ings, h as ƒ gs, ƒuni to g say ised Land peop ael g the lling ty-fbac in fƒgif Promisedƒƒ Land. SamsonƒandƒDelilah dƒsa her tyƒo leved Go our h cal ts temp ragonwith Here are the highlights: ƒ minƒƒistr prayer Chris d,of les Israeltheƒd y ugh thro theƒK are the tƒandeƒhisƒc ngg theg le,s,and ma , ƒƒ theƒƒƒ the lin to the calli ingƒo backkƒƒto t the ƒƒ suff fƒking the som to nƒtr seve ross po strug ny ƒƒ Jo their yGod ir past s y Exile e.higAmo ƒƒ RuthƒandƒNaomi ƒƒerin hel past fidel the Chris lest ƒƒ Joshuaƒ(crossingƒthe ump b’sƒsu anec g dote fac d, ou hlighng ems, gling tianƒc theƒthous ƒJordan,ƒƒ ets and ƒƒ theƒƒƒwom fidelit ity t ƒyhothey peo facee do ffe ts: the man they andsayin ctgs, ƒƒ 150 s,ondu om rin doom ple pe held y ƒƒ Samuelƒ(requestƒforƒaƒking) ƒƒ Chr earƒr theƒwallsƒofƒJericho) istƒa g . Lik anƒaof y out hope for Jame song eignthe prayers, Like ndƒh ƒPsalm ndƒt Isr s,isƒcr wise theƒn here ew heƒd ƒƒ theƒƒƒ exi ael rago poems, ewƒh peop ƒƒ Chr s:ƒƒ faith oss are sƒfo le. eave facednfor the fut le of good some futu King ure when ise,, ƒƒ KingƒSaul and ƒƒ SamsonƒandƒDelilah hundand Th istianƒco rƒa Israensƒan work ƒofƒk high is ho llƒo dƒnew direƒeart re wh l faced s, lights: red ings en the Anondu ccasio the theƒn pe wa ƒƒ theƒƒƒ and exile intin ct h James: ƒƒ ƒƒ Job’ an.ewƒJ sƒsuf gsƒooffƒp cons Thiserus seq ns thousan s the direcon ƒƒ DavidƒandƒGoliath;ƒKingƒDavid ƒƒ RuthƒandƒNaomi the rovgSick ferin eve eque alem uennces fait ƒwiseƒsayi erbsƒ rlahope was notio d-ƒyearƒ stin ƒ 150ƒP “Com and 1 Petehr:and ng ƒƒ theƒƒƒ ass uraan good salm van nnofofa a ces inin g nkin the notio reig e,ƒLo everl nce rdƒJe ƒƒ Solomonƒ(theƒtemple,ƒƒ ƒƒ Samuelƒ(requestƒforƒ newƒhea wors,ƒi nclud sƒfor astin prep gdom Anointibe itie s of mess sus!” me ks, aƒking) s!ƒA ƒallƒo ared g king iah ingccas ssiah ven to expla ƒƒnghund llƒthin “Th . Ye dom a fut a cal ƒ“V ions ƒƒ theƒ byassu ranc ofƒisƒ . Yet, QueenƒofƒSheba) ere t, eve reds dƒne the essƒan your l for ƒƒ KingƒSaul ure ƒofƒpgsƒarein anityƒof even newƒJer 1 Peter: n the aƒtSick thes arth “Aƒ wisehope pas futu aofretaurnwƒe ƒvanit rbsƒ ime rove ƒ usalem reareare t. H se e a call be ƒƒ fai thfƒsayi ƒƒ “Co by ƒƒ ElijahƒandƒElisha y!”ƒan rƒe ulƒfrie for a retur ompan ngs,ƒƒfo ƒƒ DavidƒandƒGoliath;ƒKi to the accacco mpanied 1 Johnprep ared me,ƒLor ere are incluver ngƒDavid dƒ dƒm yth :an“Belo ndƒisƒ to vani ding ied Thepast. exp dƒJesus!some n to ore ingnityƒ fid ties! ƒ“Va the you ved,  Her lain aƒs elit ƒAllƒt fidel ”ƒa ƒ ƒ manyƒkings,ƒbattles,ƒƒ ma r let hig ƒ ƒ aƒr hop turdyƒ ofƒ nd yity ƒƒ Solomonƒ(theƒtemple,ƒƒ jor (me are” some high hligh lovesƒare eant reƒis ushing of of ƒ “The om thethe she one ts: s: ity!” light anot ƒaƒtimeƒfor ƒvan andƒgenealogies 1 John: ƒƒ lte ƒandƒ ƒThe ƒ Isamajo eaning icƒlher QueenƒofƒSheba) oveƒso . . .” “Aƒfaithfu length ƒever ythin r”ƒ r (meaning iahƒ(Im “Belotho vedusa lƒfrieng g”ƒan , letndus lengier) pro manu ƒƒ divisionƒofƒtheƒkingdom ndƒisƒaƒst wh sƒm ƒƒ oƒw ƒƒ ElijahƒandƒElisha Isaia love oreƒsa ) prop more el,ƒ“th thier urdyƒshel dƒ doandƒ phets one wis alkhƒ(Im m,ƒpru hets man edƒinƒd ano ter”ƒ aƒgrea yin eƒp we ƒƒ Exileƒandƒreturn ƒalt eoƒpeo whoƒ “the ƒ ther aƒrom arkuel,ƒ ƒƒ manyƒkings,ƒbattles,ƒ pleƒƒpleƒƒ tƒliwalk .”dence,ƒgo gsƒabou h,ƒh . .antic ƒ ne gh edƒin






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ƒƒ JudithƒandƒEsther andƒgenealogies

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ƒƒ theƒtemptationƒinƒtheƒde (theƒMagi,ƒtheƒ ƒƒ theƒbirthƒofƒJesusƒ sertƒandƒtheƒ baptismƒofƒJ esus s,ƒetc.) shepherd Genesis through Deuteronomy ƒƒ theƒBeatitud aryƒandƒJoseph) esƒandƒtheƒO ƒƒ theƒHolyƒFamilyƒ(M urƒFather ƒƒ parablesƒ(theƒprodigalƒso sƒinƒtheƒtemple Old Testament ƒƒ theƒfindingƒofƒJesu n,ƒtheƒGoodƒ Samaritan,ƒt heƒsower,ƒth tƒandƒtheƒ Genesis eƒmustardƒ theƒdeser through seed,ƒetc.) ƒƒ theƒtemptationƒinƒ Deuteronomy fƒJesus lace this bookmark on the last page of baptismƒo ƒƒ theƒGoldenƒR ather uleƒandƒtheƒG Old Testament ƒtheƒOurƒF reatƒ tudesƒand theent book of Deuteronomy. Welcome Commandm ƒƒ theƒBeati theƒGoodƒ igalƒson,ƒ (theƒprod the section called the “Pentateuch” or ƒƒ numerousƒm ƒƒtoparablesƒ er,ƒtheƒmustardƒ ingƒofƒtheƒ lace this iraclesƒ(calm n,ƒtheƒsow bookmark on thefive lastbooks Samarita page ofof the storm,ƒraisin “Torah,” meaning the gƒofƒLazarus ,ƒchangingƒ .) Deuteronomy. the book seed,ƒetc of waterƒintoƒw Welcome ine,ƒfeedingƒ Law. This section captures the beginnings ofƒtheƒfiveƒ dƒtheƒGreatƒ nƒRuleƒan to thousand,ƒw the called theƒGolde ƒ section theter,ƒhealingƒ ƒof “Pentateuch” or the the alkingƒonƒwa relationship between God and dment ofƒtheƒblind, Comman “Torah,” ƒdeaf,ƒandƒpa meaning ralyzed,ƒetc. five of the being people of Israelthe with thebooks central )focus gƒofƒtheƒ ƒƒ Law. sƒmiraclesƒ(calmin theƒLastƒSup ƒ numerou per,ƒEuchari ƒThis section captures st,ƒandƒtheƒ the hangingƒ beginnings the Exodus isingƒofƒL event—the experience of being azarus,ƒc washingƒofƒt storm,ƒra heƒfeet between of the relationship heƒfiveƒ God Here edingƒofƒt and the ledwaterƒint from slavery to freedom. are some oƒwine,ƒfe ƒƒ people theƒAgonyƒin ƒhealingƒ ƒtheƒGarden Israel onƒwater, with the central ,ƒwalkingƒ focus being .) ofofthe highlights: thousand ƒƒ the lyzed,ƒetc Peter’sƒdeni andƒpara alƒandƒJudas Exodus event—the nd,ƒdeaf,ƒ ’sƒbetrayal experience of being ofƒtheƒbli ƒƒ theƒCreationƒstories ƒƒ led theƒwayƒofƒt charist,ƒandƒtheƒ heƒcrossƒand fromƒ slavery upper,ƒEu to freedom. ƒCrucifixion Here are some ƒ ƒƒtheƒLastƒS AdamƒandƒEveƒ ƒƒ of theƒResurrec fƒtheƒfeet the highlights: tionƒandƒapp washingƒo earances ƒƒ CainƒandƒAbel ƒƒ dozensƒofƒfa arden yƒinƒtheƒG scinatingƒch aracters:ƒƒ ƒƒ theƒCreationƒstories ƒƒ theƒAgon Zacchaeus,ƒ ƒƒ MaryƒMagda Noah’sƒark lene,ƒƒJudas’sƒbetrayal ƒƒ AdamƒandƒEveƒ ƒƒ Peter’sƒdenialƒand Nicodemus,ƒ cifixion theƒSamaritanƒwoman,ƒ ƒƒ theƒTowerƒofƒBabel fƒtheƒcrossƒandƒCru ƒƒ theƒwayƒo ƒƒ CainƒandƒAbel Marthaƒandƒ ƒƒ Mary,ƒetc. SodomƒandƒGomorrah ndƒappearances rectionƒa ƒƒ powerfulƒim ƒƒ theƒResur ƒƒ Noah’sƒark cters:ƒƒ ƒtheƒBreadƒƒ ƒƒ agesƒsuchƒas AbrahamƒandƒSarah fƒfascinatingƒchara ofƒLife,ƒtheƒL ƒƒ dozensƒo ightƒofƒtheƒW ƒƒ theƒTowerƒofƒBabel ,ƒ orld,ƒandƒƒ ƒƒ Zacchaeu IsaacƒandƒRebekah s,ƒMaryƒMagdalene theƒWay,ƒTru th,ƒandƒtheƒL ifeh ƒƒ SodomƒandƒGomorra aritanƒwoman,ƒ s,ƒtheƒSam ƒƒ Nicodemu JacobƒandƒEsau etc. ƒƒ AbrahamƒandƒSarah MarthaƒandƒMary,ƒ ƒƒ Josephƒ(theƒcoatƒofƒmanyƒcolors) uchƒasƒtheƒBreadƒƒ ƒƒ IsaacƒandƒRebekah powerfulƒimagesƒs ƒƒƒƒ Mosesƒ(inƒtheƒreeds,ƒtheƒburningƒ ƒtheƒWorld,ƒandƒƒ ƒƒ JacobƒandƒEsau ofƒLife,ƒtheƒLightƒof bush,ƒtheƒtenƒplagues,ƒtheƒcrossingƒ dƒtheƒLife theƒWay,ƒTruth,ƒan ƒƒ Josephƒ(theƒcoatƒofƒm ofƒtheƒRedƒSea,ƒtheƒPassover,ƒtheƒ anyƒcolors) TenƒCommandments,ƒtheƒArkƒofƒƒ ƒƒ Mosesƒ(inƒtheƒreeds,ƒ theƒburningƒ theƒCovenant,ƒtheƒjourneyƒthroughƒ bush,ƒtheƒtenƒplague s,ƒtheƒcrossingƒ theƒdesert,ƒtheƒdeathƒofƒMoses) ofƒtheƒRedƒSea,ƒtheƒP assover,ƒtheƒ TenƒCommandments ƒƒ theƒtwelveƒtribesƒofƒIsrael ,ƒtheƒArkƒofƒƒ theƒCovenant,ƒtheƒjou rneyƒthroughƒ ƒƒ theƒlaws,ƒtraditions,ƒandƒfeastsƒƒ theƒdesert,ƒtheƒdeath ƒofƒMoses) ofƒIsrael ƒƒ theƒtwelveƒtribesƒofƒIsrael

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ƒƒ divisionƒofƒtheƒkingdom ƒƒ Exileƒandƒreturn ƒƒ JudithƒandƒEsther

ƒƒ theƒlaws,ƒtraditions,ƒandƒfeastsƒƒ ofƒIsrael

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Pentateuch (Noah’s Ark) History (any story of David) Wisdom (Psalm 100) Prophets (Jonah) Gospels (the Crucifixion) Acts of the Apostles (Pentecost) Letters (to the people of Ephesus) h. Revelation (last word of the Bible)

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a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

For owners of this book, Loyola Press grants permission to photocopy the bookmarks for use in this parent-child session.

6 Training Wheels STEP SIX:

(5 min.)

■ Explain that the bookmarks should be used like training wheels: get to know a section at a time, but eventually TAKE THEM OFF! ■ Concluding prayer: 2 Tim. 3:14-17