< Learn HTML >. Whenâ: On Saturdays , 9:30am-11:30am, from June 9th - 30th. Whereâ: Knox Presbyterian Church:
Join Hope IT for a 4-week Christian-based course
Introduction to build Web sites < Learn HTML > When: On Saturdays , 9:30am-11:30am, from June 9th - 30th Where: Knox Presbyterian Church: 225 South Hill Ave, Pasadena CA 91106 Who: Kids ages from 13-17 (who don’t know how to build Web sites) < and if you do know HTML, maybe you can help us run the course >
Why: Computers are both fun, and important to know how to use. What you get out of it: ● Learn how to create web pages using basic HTML. ● If you attend 3 of the 4 weeks, get a $20 gift card from In-n-Out, Amazon, or iTunes. ● A 8 GB flashdrive with all the files you created in the course. ● We have some morning snacks, and will have a pizza lunch on the 4th week. ● How God’s love is connected to concepts on computers How: Sign up or ask us questions: email:
[email protected] - or call: Mike Veerman at 626-203-6160 The deadline to sign up is May 26th. We are taking the first 15 kids that sign up. Note: This is a pilot course for Hope IT. You will be helping us make this course better for other kids. You will be asked what you think of the course each week. Be honest, and have fun. For more information on Hope IT, see the reverse side of this flier and/or our web site: HopeIT.net
Hope IT - Summary Main values and approaches: * Jesus Christ is the Savior, and not technology or education. * Computers are fun, and IT jobs are possible to obtain, but it takes time and effort. * Lab time: the key is understanding, and going forward at your own pace. * 2 hours on Saturday mornings Key team members Mike Veerman - Team Organizer - I’m a programmer for 20+ years, and currently work for an organization that runs 3 hospitals, Citrus Valley Health Partners. Before that I created computer programs to handle mortgages and 401Ks. My wife Ruth and I have 3 children, two of which are in college; our youngest is a sophomore at Arcadia High School. We also home schooled our kids for 6 years. I was an adult leader in Boy Scouts for 7.5 years, and a member of Knox Presbyterian in Pasadena. Mark Bracher - Technical Director - I have been programming for most of my life. Currently employed by ZipRecruiter as a Senior Software Engineer working on Data Services. Professionally I work mainly on backend systems software and large datasets. On my own time, I play with embedded hardware and software systems as a hobby. I’ve lived in and around Los Angeles since graduating Occidental College in the 90s, and my wife Karen and I currently reside in Pasadena. Jim Rispin - Lead Technical Coach (Instructor) - I've worked in IT for more than 20 years, but my formal training is in communications and ethics. So, my goal has been to bring the three together and provide a bridge into technology for those who are intimidated or confused by it. I'm Canadian by birth and midwestern by upbringing. I work as the Director of IT at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, CA. And I live in Pasadena with my wife, Stacy, my daughter, Emma, and my son, Ian.