Introduction to Parallel Algorithms Cilk+ Writing parallel (pseudo ...

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Introduction to Parallel Algorithms. Dynamic Multithreading. ▷ Also known as the fork-join model. ▷ Shared memory, multicore. ▷ Cormen et. al 3rd edition, ...
Introduction to Parallel Algorithms


Dynamic Multithreading I

Also known as the fork-join model


Shared memory, multicore


Cormen et. al 3rd edition, Chapter 27

Nested Parallelism I

Spawn a subroutine, carry on with other work.


Similar to fork in POSIX.


The multithreaded model is based on Cilk+, available at svn://


Programmer specifies possible paralellism


Runtime system takes care of mapping to OS threads


Cilk+ contains several more features than our model, e.g. parallel vector and array operations.


Similar primitives are available in java.util.concurrent

Parallel Loop I

iterations of a for loop can execute in parallel.


Like OpenMP

Writing parallel (pseudo)-code

Fibonacci Example

Keywords parallel Run the loop (potentially) concurrently spawn Run the procedure (potentially) concurrently sync Wait for all spawned children to complete.

Serialization I

remove keywords


serialized (correct) parallel code is correct serial code Adding parallel keywords to correct serial code might make it incorrect



missing sync loop iterations not independent

function Fib(n) if n ≤ 1 then return n else x = spawn Fib(n − 1) y = Fib(n − 2) sync return x + y end if end function I

Code in Java, Clojure and Racket available from http: //

Computation DAG

Work and Speedup

Strands Sequence of instructions containing no parallel, spawn, return from spawn, or sync. T1 Work, sequential time. function Fib(n) if n ≤ 1 then . return n else x = spawn Fib(n − 1) y = Fib(n − 2) . sync return x + y . end if end function nodes strands

Tp Time on p processors.

Work Law

Tp ≥ T1 /p

speedup := T1 /Tp ≤ p Figure clrs27_2 in text

down edges spawn up edges return horizontal edges sequential critical path longest path in DAG


span weighted length of critical path ≡ lower bound on time

Tp Time on p processors. T∞ Span, time given unlimited processors.

Span and Parallelism Example

We could idle processors: Tp ≥ T∞


Best possible speedup: parallelism = T1 /T∞ ≥ T1 /Tp = speedup

Assume strands are unit cost. I

T1 = 17


T∞ = 8


Parallelism = 2.125 for this input size.

Figure clrs27_2 in text

Composing span and work

Work of Parallel Fibonacci Write T (n) for T1 on input n. T (n) = T (n−1)+T (n−2)+Θ(1)

Substitute the inductive hypothesis

Let φ ≈ 1.62 be the solution to

T (n) ≤ a(φn−1 + φn−2 ) − 2b + Θ(1)



φ2 = φ + 1



A+B We can show by induction that


T (n) ∈ Θ(φn )

series T∞ (A + B) = T∞ (A) + T∞ (B) series or parallel T1 = T1 (A) + T1 (B)

T (n) ≤ aφn − b

T∞ (n) = max(T∞ (n − 1), T∞ (n − 2)) + Θ(1) = T∞ (n − 1) + Θ(1)

Transforming to sum, we get T∞ ∈ Θ(n) T1 (n) parallelism = =Θ T∞ (n) I

φn n

So an inefficient way to compute Fibonacci, but very parallel

φ+1 n φ −b φ2

= aφn − b


Span and Parallelism of Fibonacci

choose b large enough ≤a

parallel T∞ (AkB) = max(T∞ (A), T∞ (B))

φ+1 n φ − b + (Θ(1) − b) φ2


(Ω() is left as an exercise)