Introduction to Signal Processing - Department of Psychology ...

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Lyons (2001, Understanding Digital Signal Processing). Reading assignments will be available as. PDF files that can be downloaded from the course website.
Introduction to Signal Processing PSYCH 711/712 Winter Term - 2011


Contact Information

Instructor Patrick Bennett office PC-412 email [email protected] office hour T.B.A. The website for this course is Students should check the website periodically during the term for announcements and course notes.


Course Information

Overview: The goal of this course is to introduce students to basic aspects of digital signal processing, including sampling, the Fourier Transform, and the design and use of linear filters. A conceptual, practical approach to understanding the material is emphasized. The course is designed to accommodate students with little or no previous experience in this area. The lectures will be supplemented by weekly labs in which students will use MatLab to solve signal processing problems drawn from the class discussion. Text: There is no textbook for this course. Readings will be taken from several sources, including Lyons (2001, Understanding Digital Signal Processing). Reading assignments will be available as PDF files that can be downloaded from the course website. Meeting Time & Place: The course begins on March 1. Lectures will be held on Tuesdays, 2:30-4:30, in room PC-335. Labs will be held on Wednesdays, 10:30-12:00 PM, in room PC-154. Grading: Grades will be based on five take-home assignments (60%), class participation (10%), and a final exam (30%). Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor of the reasons for missing an assignment or test in a timely fashion. Academic Integrity: Students are responsible for demonstrating behaviour that is honest and ethical in their academic work, and are expected to be familiar with the University’s regulations regarding academic integrity (see section 6.1, Graduate Calendar 2009-10, p 15-16). A copy of the Graduate Calendar can be obtained at . 1


Take-home Assignments

Take-home assignments (a.k.a., homework) will be distributed at the end of labs 1-5. Assignments are due at the beginning of the lecture on the following week. For example, the assignment distributed on March 2 will be due on March 8. An ungraded, take-home assignment will be distributed to the class after lab 6; answers will be posted on the course website for review prior to the final exam.


Schedule of Lectures & Labs

The following schedule is only approximate: Dates for lectures and labs, but not the final exam, may be changed as we progress through the term. • Lecture (March 1): Harmonic Analysis (Reading: T.B.A.) – Lab 1 (March 2): Introduction to MatLab • Lecture (March 8): Periodic Sampling (Reading: Lyons, pp. 1-20; 23-48) – Lab 2 (March 9): Sampling & Aliasing • Lecture (March 15): No Class • Lecture (March 22): The Digital Fourier Transform - Part I (Reading: Lyons, pp. 49-71) – Lab 3 (March 23): Properties of the Digital Fourier Transform • Lecture (March 29): The Digital Fourier Transform - Part II (Reading: Lyons, pp. 71-97) – Lab 4 (March 30): DFT leakage and frequency resolution • Lecture (April 5): Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Linear Filters - Part I (Reading: Lyons, pp. 157-174) – Lab 5 (April 6): Frequency Representation of Temporal (or Spatial) Filtering • Lecture (April 12): Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Linear Filters - Part II (Reading: Lyons, pp. 175-194) – Lab 6 (April 13): Designing FIR filters • Review session (April 19) – Final Exam (April 20)