New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
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Introduction to the special issue on advances in the convergence of multimedia, communications, and social web technology Seungmin Rho, Wenny Rahayu & Uyen Trang Nguyen To cite this article: Seungmin Rho, Wenny Rahayu & Uyen Trang Nguyen (2013) Introduction to the special issue on advances in the convergence of multimedia, communications, and social web technology, New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 19:3-4, 213-216, DOI: 10.1080/13614568.2013.856093 To link to this article:
Published online: 14 Nov 2013.
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Date: 30 January 2016, At: 11:25
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 2013 Vol. 19, Nos. 3–4, 213–216,
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Introduction to the special issue on advances in the convergence of multimedia, communications, and social web technology 1. Introduction
With the proliferation of multimedia data on the Web and the widespread use of multimedia contents via mobile devices such as smartphones, there has been a tremendous growth in multimedia data that needs to be considered with bandwidth, storage capabilities, and processor speed in networked multimedia applications during the last few years. At the same time, the smartphone boom has also made various social network services (SNSs) such as Facebook and Twitter a widespread social phenomenon (Kim et al. 2013). Moreover, due to the increasing popularity of social networking services such as Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube, many researchers and industries have focused on the convergence of mobile/ networked multimedia systems and social web technology. The convergence of multimedia communications and the constantly increasing capability of web technologies to deliver digital media such as video, images, and audio will allow for more media rich contents to be delivered over the Web. This special double issue of NRHM provides readers with the latest research results on advanced topics concerning the convergence of multimedia, communications, and social mobility (e.g. Web 2.0). It includes a number of related topics such as communication and semantic issues in multimedia content analysis and systems, mobile contexts, social networking services, and ubiquitous computing environments. We have carefully selected papers from the following conferences and invited the authors to submit them for consideration in the special issue: . The 7th FTRA International Conference on Embedded and Multimedia Computing (EMC 2012). . The 2012 FTRA International Workshop on Advanced Future Multimedia Services (AFMS 2012). Each manuscript was reviewed by at least two external reviewers as well as a guest editor. After two review processes, seven manuscripts were finally selected to be included in this special issue. © 2013 Taylor & Francis
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In Section 2, we briefly summarize the manuscripts. Section 3 concludes this special issue and gives special thanks to the editors as well as the authors and reviewers.
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2. Paper descriptions
The first paper “Guaranteeing QoS of media-based applications in virtualized environment” by Zhou, Wu, Shi, Jin, and Zhou describes a dynamic network bandwidth allocation system in virtualized environments (named DNBA) to guarantee QoS of media-based applications. It allocates network bandwidth dynamically and effectively, and does not interrupt running services in virtual machines. The authors’ performance evaluation shows that DNBA guarantees QoS of media-based applications well and maximizes the overall system performance. In the paper entitled “Reversible data hiding employing histogram shifting using a rotated even-odd difference image”, Lee, Yoo, and Suh propose a reversible data-hiding algorithm that solves the underflow and overflow problems using the location map and embeds more data than other lossless data hiding algorithms employing multilevel data hiding with the characteristics of difference image. It is a good solution for sensitive imagery applications, such as for military and medical images. The paper entitled “Highly reliable state monitoring system for induction motors using dominant features in a two-dimension vibration signal” by Nguyen, Kang, Kim, and Kim proposes a reliable fault detection and classification method of an induction motor. It consists of three steps including conversion of onedimensional vibration signal to two-dimensional images, feature extraction of fault symptoms, and fault classification using multi-class support vector machines to distinguish between abnormal data and normal data. The fourth paper entitled “A user opinion and metadata mining scheme for predicting box office performance of movies in the social network environment” by Kim, Kim, Hwang, and Choi presents a prediction model for the box office performance of a new movie. To achieve their goal, they suggest a method for assessing the public opinion on a new movie from a collection of SNSs documents on the movie’s trailer, and show how to predict the box office performance on the basis of the public opinion and other marketing properties. The fifth paper entitled “Adaptive layer selection technique for low-power scalable video coding (SVC) System” by Hong, Kim, and Lee proposes a new adaptive layer selection algorithm to cope with variations in available channel connections and to provide maximized video streaming quality in terms of the consumed power (complexity) of the SVC encoding server. It can be efficiently utilized to reduce the consumed power and resources when multiple channels are available for any mobile device. The paper entitled “A local adaptive image descriptor” by Ishraque, Shoyaib, Wadud, Hoque, and Chae investigates a local image descriptor using a small sized
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feature vector that is stable in different noisy illumination conditions. The authors show that the proposed descriptor achieves better effectiveness compared to the existing methods in different conditions, which makes it suitable for texture-based classifications in the computer vision area using feature vectors. In the last paper entitled “Data modeling and query processing for distributed surveillance systems,” Nam, Hong, and Rho present an effective indexing scheme for very large video surveillance databases and unified searching and managing schemes between distributed or heterogeneous surveillance systems. To do that, they propose a metadata rule and an efficient query model to exchange analyzed information between intelligent video and surveillance systems. They define state element collections, spatiotemporal relations, basic, and complex inference rules as well as a grammar for the state representation of surveillance video. 3. Conclusion
Finally, our special thanks go to Professor Douglas Tudhope and all editorial staff for their valuable support throughout the preparation and publication of this special issue. We would like to thank all authors for their contributions to this special issue. We also extend our thanks to the external reviewers for their time and efforts in reviewing the manuscripts. Seungmin Rho Department of Multimedia Sungkyul University, Anyang-si, Korea Email:
[email protected] Wenny Rahayu Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Email:
[email protected] Uyen Trang Nguyen Department of Computer Science and Engineering York University, Toronto, ON, Canada Email:
[email protected] References D.H. Kim, D.Y. Kim, S. Jun, E. Hwang and S. Rho, “TrendsSummary: A platform for retrieving and summarizing trend multimedia contents”, Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), published online, 30 June 2013. The 7th International Conference on Embedded and Multimedia Computing (EMC), Gwangju, Korea, 6–8 September 2012. Available online at: The 2012 International Workshop on Advanced Future Multimedia Services (AFMS), Jeju, Korea, 22–25 November 2012. Available online at:
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Authors are welcome to submit papers relevant to the general scope of the NRHM at any time. NRHM submissions and reviewing are conducted via ScholarOne’s Manuscript Central, the Taylor & Francis journal management system: http://mc. We are interested in exploiting possibilities of the digital medium and authors who wish to include a digital component are encouraged to contact the Editors with any questions. We also welcome proposals for future Special Issue themes, which should be directed to the Editors. The journal’s website is and online articles are available from the website in both PDF and HTML formats. The Introduction to an NRHM issue is available free, while articles can be viewed by subscribers or purchased individually.