Mar 29, 2015 - interactive lecture and workshop for students studying VCE Music ... VCE Music Performance along with adv
INTRODUCTION TO VCE MUSIC PERFORMANCE AURAL AND THEORY Deborah Smith, author of the highly successful ‘Musicianship & Aural Training for the Secondary School’ text book and CD series, presents an interactive lecture and workshop for students studying VCE Music Performance (Units 1 & 2 or 3 & 4). Using a range of tools such as solfa, rhythm names and singing, Deborah will provide an overview of the Theory and Aural comprehension (Outcome 3 – Musicianship) components of VCE Music Performance along with advice on how to learn and improve in all these areas:
Scales & Modes | Intervals | Melody & Melodic Dictation | Rhythm & Rhythmic Dictation | Chords & Chord Progressions – what you need to know and how to make sure you do! |
Venue: Australian Catholic University, Mercy Theatre, Date: Time: Cost:
115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy 3065 Sunday 29 March 2015 9.30am until 4pm (registration from 9am) Early Bird Special$77 per student. Payment must be made by 13 March. After this date price is $99 per student. Fee includes morning tea and a comprehensive set of notes. Students should provide their own lunch. Teachers accompanying a class attend for free. No refunds will apply after 20 March.
Bookings Office and enquiries: Online Bookings: Stockdale ACS 3/6 Atherton Road, Oakleigh VIC 3166 Phone: 03 9254 1000 Fax: 03 8610 1936 Email:
[email protected]
TAX INVOICE / BOOKING FORM Place is not confirmed until full payment is received Introduction to VCE Music Performance Aural and Theory Sunday 24 March 2015 at Australian Catholic University Individual Class (for group bookings attach a class list with each student’s name and email address) Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ School: _______________________________________ Campus: _________________________________ School Fax: _______________________________ No. attending: (include teacher if attending) _______________ Amount Due: ________________ Payment:
Money Order
Please invoice my school
Please complete this booking form and return to: Stockdale ACS 3/6 Atherton Road, Oakleigh VIC 3166 or fax 03 8610 1936. Cheques payable to Deborah Smith or direct debit to account name Deborah Smith, BSB - 733 067, Account Number - 562970 and reference with LAST NAME for an individual booking or school name for class booking.