Following the Athenaze text (supplemented by the Oxford Grammar ... Prescribed
Texts: M. Balme and G. Lawall, Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek,.
Introductory Ancient Greek I GRK 101 Dr Andrew Faulkner Office: ML 240 E-mail:
[email protected] Tel: 36883 Teaching Assistant: Victoria Vlasic Class Times and Location: Mon./Wed./Fri. 10:30 a.m. - 11:20 p.m. in DWE 3519 Tues. 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. in ML 246 (TA Session) Office Hours: Mon./Wed. 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., or by appointment. General Outline and Course Objectives: The aim of this course is to introduce you to the Ancient Greek Language. Following the Athenaze text (supplemented by the Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek) we will cover the fundamentals of the grammar of ancient Greek, while we build the vocabulary necessary for basic reading. The Athenaze course focuses upon frequent and early (with help!) reading of continuous Greek; the texts which we will read as the course progresses (from Classical prose and poetry, to the Greek of the New Testament), will provide you by the end with an ability to approach the works of a variety of Greek texts in the original language. The Greek language opens up to you a wealth of thought, culture, history, and literature, all of which will be discussed informally throughout the term. Prescribed Texts:
M. Balme and G. Lawall, Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek, Oxford, 2003. J. Morwood, Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek, Oxford, 2003.
Computer Resources: Evaluation:
35% Tests (5 Tests worth 7% each) 20% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam 15% Class Participation (attendance and homework assignments)
The course will be evaluated on the basis of the scheme listed above. The five tests will take place on September 29 th , October 6 th , November 3 rd , November 17 th , and November 27 th . The Midterm will take place on Monday, October 19 th . The date and location of the Final Exam will be announced later in the semester. It is expected that you will attend all classes, unless you are unable to do so for a justified reason (in which case please contact me), and that you will complete all of the homework assignments. Credit will be awarded for the completion of assignments regardless of accuracy: one needs to make mistakes in order to learn, and homework assignments are your opportunity to make those mistakes without penalty.
Academic Integrity: Students are expected to abide by the University of Waterloo’s Academic Integrity Vision Statement: ‘To create and promote a culture of academic integrity, the behaviour of all members of the University of Waterloo should be based on honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility.’ Academic offences, such as plagiarism or cheating, will not be tolerated in any form. For more information on academic offences, please consult Policy 71, available on the registrar’s website: If you have any questions or concerns regarding what constitutes an academic offence please contact me immediately. Ignorance is not an excuse. Grievance: A student who believes that a decision affecting some aspect of his/her university life has been unfair or unreasonable may have grounds for initiating a grievance. Read Policy 70 - Student Petitions and Grievances, Section 4: Policies/policy70.htm Appeals: A student may appeal the finding and/or penalty in a decision made under Policy 70 - Student Petitions and Grievances (other than regarding a petition) or Policy 71 - Student Discipline if a ground for an appeal can be established. Read Policy 72 - Student Appeals: Disabilities: The Office for Persons with Disabilities, located in Needles Hall room 1132 provides support, advice, and academic accommodations for students with disabilities. If you have a disability please contact and register with OPD. We are here to help and will make arrangements that best facilitate your learning. Religious Holidays and Examination Scheduling: The University policy on the scheduling of examinations and religious holidays is the following: ‘The University acknowledges that, due to the pluralistic nature of the University community, some students may on religious grounds require alternative times to write tests and examinations. Accordingly, a student who requires an alternative test or examination time on religious grounds, should consult with the Associate Dean of the Faculty offering the course regarding alternative arrangements. Such a request should be made within one week of the announcement of the test or examination date.’ All of the test dates throughout the term, with the exception of the final examination, are listed on your syllabus. Please review these carefully and contact me immediately if you anticipate a conflict, so that we can make alternative arrangements. Email Policy: Email is an excellent way to contact me outside of office hours. I check it regularly and do my best to respond promptly, within one working day. Do take care that email messages to me contain a proper address and signature. Syllabus and Study: The syllabus indicates for each day the material that will be reviewed, the new material that will be introduced, and the assignment due for the next class. It is expected that you will complete all of the assignments and be prepared to participate in each
class. It is also expected that you will spend time each day reviewing and learning the new grammatical forms and structures introduced, as well as the vocabulary at the beginning of each chapter. Let me stress that it is important for you to devote time each day to study and review of Greek, preferably at least one hour. If you do this, ensuring that you understand each concept as we progress, you will do well. All language learning is cumulative and this is NOT a course for which intense cramming at the end of the semester will be sufficient. If you are uncertain of any topic covered and need further help, please contact me as soon as possible. I am here to help and want you to succeed. WEEK 1 Monday, Sept. 14 th Introduction: The Greek language and alphabet - p.xii. Assignment: Write out the Greek alphabet three times to hand in next class. Tuesday, Sept. 15 th Write out the Greek alphabet from memory; read together and then copy out the continuous text on p.xix. Wednesday, Sept. 16 th Introduction: Writing and Reading Greek: Breathings, Diphthongs and intro to Accents - pp.xiiixvi. Friday, Sept. 18 th New Grammar: Chapter 1α (pp.4-6); PRESENT VERB FORMS; NOUNS, GENDER, AND CASE (masculine nominative and accusative); AGREEMENT, masculine definite article and adjective; functions of words in sentences. Assignment: Complete exercise 1α to hand in next class; learn vocabulary and read text on p.3. WEEK 2 Monday, Sept. 21 st Review Activity: text on p.3 and exercise 1α. New Grammar: Chapter 1α and 1β (pp. 6 and 9); use of the DEFINITE ARTICLE in Greek; accents and enclitics. Assignment: Complete exercises 1β, Ο ΚΛΗΡΟΣ, and 1γ to hand in next class. Tuesday, Sept. 22 nd
Review Gender, Case and Agreement. Read text on pg. 8. Wednesday, Sept. 23 rd Review Activity: exercises 1β and 1γ. Grammar: Chapter 2α (pp.13-15); imperatives and μή + imperative; proclitics οὐ, οὐκ, οὐχ. Assignment: Complete exercises 2α and 2β to hand in next class; review present verb forms for λύω, φιλέω and εἰμί. Friday, Sept. 25 th Review Activity: exercises 2α and 2β; review of verb forms. Grammar: Chapter 2β (p.20-21); MASCULINE AND NEUTER ARTICLES, ADJECTIVES, AND NOUNS, ALL CASES SINGULAR; MEANING AND USE OF CASES; accents on nouns, adjectives and verbs. Assignment: complete exercises 2δ, 2ε, and 2ζ for next class; read text on pp. 18-19. WEEK 3 Monday, Sept. 28 th Review Activity: text on pp.18-19; exercises 2δ, 2ε, and 2ζ. New Grammar: Chapter 3α (pp.26-27); plural imperatives; INFINITIVE. Assignment: complete exercises 3α and 3β to hand in next class; read text on pp.24-5. Tuesday, Sept. 29 th TEST 1 on Chapters 1α-2β Wednesday, Sept. 30 th Review Activity: text on pp. 24-5; exercises 3α and 3β. New Grammar: Chapter 3β (pp.31-33); ALL CASES PLURAL (second-declension masculine nouns); accent shifting on nouns. Assignment: read text on pp.30-31 and complete exercise 3ζ to hand in next class. Friday, Oct. 2 nd Review Activity: exercise 3ζ, text on pp. 30-31, and plural case forms. New Grammar: Chapter 4α (pp.38-42); review of verb forms ALL PERSONS λύω, φιλέω, εἰμί;
FEMININE FIRST-DECLENSION nouns and definite articles. Assignment: Complete exercises 4β, 4γ, and 4ε to hand in next class; read text on pp.37-38. WEEK 4 Monday, Oct. 5 th Review Activity: text on pp. 37-38; exercises 4β, 4γ, and 4ε. New Grammar: Chapter 4β (pp.47-48); masculine first-declension nouns; feminine nouns of the second-declension. Assignment: Locate all of the nouns in the passage on pp.46-47, identifying their declension (first or second), case, number and person. Tuesday, Oct. 6 th TEST 2 on Chapters 3α-4α Wednedsay, Oct. 7 th Review Activity: review of first and second declension nouns. New Grammar: Chapter 4β (pp.48-50); first- and second-declension adjectives; irregular adjectives μέγας and πολύς; adverbs; review of definite article. Assignment: Complete exercises 4κ and 4λ, to hand in next class; read text on pp. 46-47. Friday, Oct. 9 th Review Activity: text on pp. 46-47; exercises 4κ and 4λ. New Grammar: Chapter 5α (pp.56-57); contract verbs in -α; recessive accent of finite verbs. Assignment: Complete exercises 5α, 5β, 5γ to hand in next class; read text on p.55. WEEK 5 Monday, Oct. 12 th THANKSGIVING Tuesday, Oct. 13 th Review of Nouns and Verbs for Midterm. Wednesday, Oct. 14 th Review Activity: text on p.55 and exercises 5α, 5β, and 5γ.
Grammar: Chapter 5α/5β (pp.58-59/64-65); article + δέ at beginning of clause; elision; neuter plural + singular verb; 1st and 2nd person pronouns. Assignment: reveiw 1st and 2nd person pronouns on p.65; read text on pp.62-63. Friday, Oct. 16 th Review Activity: text on pp. 62-63 New Grammar: Review of chapters 1α-5β. Assignment: Review chapters 1α-5β for Midterm WEEK 6 Monday, Oct. 19 th MIDTERM Tuesday, Oct. 20 th Complete exercises 5η, 5θ, and translate Anacreon on p.71. Wednesday, Oct. 21 st Review Activity: review of progress to date. New Grammar: Chapter 5β (pp.65-68); 3rd person pronoun (adjective αὐτός); possessives; attributive and predicate position. Assignment: Complete exercises 5ζ, and Ο ΑΡΓΟΣ ΤΑ ΠΡΟΒΑΤΑ ΣΩΙΖΕΙ to hand in for next class. Friday, Oct. 23 rd Review Activity: exercise 5ζ and review of attributive and predicate. New Grammar: Grammar: Chapter 6α (pp.74-78); πλέω; VOICE (active, passive, middle); and forms of the middle voice. Assignment: complete exercises 6γ, 6δ and 6ε to hand in for next class. WEEK 7 Monday, Oct. 26 th Review Activity: exercises 6γ, 6δ, and 6ε.
New Grammar: Chapter 6α/6β (pp.78 and 86-7); deponent verbs; meaning of the middle voice. Assignment: Complete exercises 6θ and 6ι to hand in next class. Tuesday, Oct. 27 th Review of Middle Voice and Deponent Verbs. Read text on pp. 73-74. Wednesday, Oct. 28 th Review Activity: exercises 6θ and 6ι. New Grammar: Chapter 6β (pp.88-89); uses of the Dative Case; prepositions (ἀπό, ἐκ/ἐξ, μετά, ἐν, ἐπί, πρός, ὑπό, ἀνά, εἰς, ἐπί, κατά). Assignment: complete exercises 6μ and 6ξ to hand in next class. Friday, Oct. 30 th Review Activity: exercises 6μ and 6ξ. New Grammar: Chapter 7α (pp.96-99); substantive use of adjectives; THIRD DECLENSION CONSONANT STEM NOUNS (φύλαξ, αἴξ, παῖς, ὄνομα). Assignment: review 3rd-declension forms; complete exercise 7β to hand in next class; read text on pp.95-96. WEEK 8 Monday, Nov. 2 nd Review Activity: exercise 7β and text on pp. 95-96. New Grammar: Chapter 7α/7β (pp.100-101/106-108); reflexive pronouns and third-declension nouns (nasal stem; χειμών and labial and liquid; κλώψ); 3rd-declension adjective (σώφρων). Assignment: complete exercise 7ε to hand in next class. Tuesday, Nov. 3 rd TEST 3 on Chapters 6α-7α (third-declension nouns) Wednesday, Nov. 4 th Review Activity: exercise 7ε; review of third-declension nouns. New Grammar: review of third-declension forms; Chapter 7β (pp.108-109) interrogative pronoun/adjective and indefinite pronoun/adjective (τίς/τί).
Assignment: Complete exercises 7ζ and 7η to hand in next class; read text on pp.104-106. Friday, Nov. 6 th Review Activity: exercises 7ζ and 7η; text on pp. 104-106. New Grammar: Chapter 8α (pp.114-116); PARTICIPLES (middle forms). Assignment: complete exercise 8β to hand in next class; read text on pp.112-114. WEEK 9 Monday, Nov. 9 th Review Activity: exercise 8β; text on pp.112-114 New Grammar: Chapter 8β (pp.124-129); 3rd-declension nouns (ρ-stems); irregular nouns (γυνή and χείρ); 1st/3rd-declension adjective πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν; numbers and expression. Assignment: complete exercises 8ζ and 8η to hand in next class. Tuesday, Nov. 10 th Review participle forms. Read text on pp. 122–124 Wednesday, Nov. 11 th Review Activity: exercises 8ζ and 8η; text on pp.122-124. New Grammar: Chapter 9α (pp.135-137); PARTICIPLES (active voice). Assignment: read text on pp.133-135; complete exercise 9α.1 to hand in next class. Friday, Nov. 13 th Review Activity: text on pp.135-135; exercise 9α.1. New Grammar: Chapter 9β (pp.145-147); more third-declension nouns (πόλις, βασιλεύς, ναῦς, βοῦς); uses of the genitive case. Assignment: complete exercises 9ε and 9ζ to hand in next class; read text on pp.142-144; read through Preview of Verb Forms on pp.154-155. WEEK 10 Monday, Nov. 16 th Review Activity: exercises 9ε and 9ζ; text on pp. 142-144.
New Grammar: Chapter 9β/10α (pp.148 and 158-60); uses of the definite article; FUTURE VERB FORMS. Assignment: review verb forms on pp.152-153 and learn future verb forms on pp.158-160. Tuesday, Nov. 17 th TEST 4 Chapters 7β-9β. Wednesday, Nov. 18 th Review Activity: review of future verb forms. New Grammar: review of future verb forms. Assignment: complete exercises 10β and 10γ to hand in next class; read text on pp. 156-157. Friday, Nov. 20 th Review Activity: exercises 10β and 10γ; text on pp. 156-157. New Grammar: Chapter 10β (pp.166-169); contract future forms of verbs with liquid and nasal stems (λ,ρ,μ,ν); irregular verb εἶμι. Assignment: complete exercise 10θ (translate the sentences) to hand in next class.
WEEK 11 Monday, Nov. 23 rd Review Activity: exercise 10θ; New Grammar: Chapter 10β (pp.170–171); future participles expressing purpose; impersonal verbs; Review of Questions. Assignment: complete exercises 10κ and 10λ. Tuesday, Nov. 24 th Review future participles and impersonal verbs. Read text on pp.165-166. Wednesday, Nov. 25 th Review Activity: review for final test. New Grammar: review for final test.
Assignment: study for final test. Friday, Nov. 27 th TEST 5 Chapters 10α-10β. WEEK 12 Monday, Nov. 30 th REVIEW CLASS Tuesday, Dec. 1 st REVIEW CLASS Wednesday, Dec. 2 nd REVIEW CLASS Friday, Dec. 4 th REVIEW CLASS Saturday, Dec. 5 th REVIEW CLASS