May 13, 1991 - In \S 1 we establish a linear isomorphism between $D(E_{\tau})$ and K-invariants ... is isomorphic to $C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$ by the correspondenc$($ ... and $T$ in $L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma})$ , set $(X\otimes T)f=$ $T\cdot Xf(f\in .... $D=\sum_{\alpha,\beta}\Lambda(X^{\alpha})Y^{\beta}\otimes A_{\alpha.\beta}$.
TOKYO J. MATH. VOL. 15, No. 1, 1992
Invariant Differential Operators and Spherical Sections on a Homogeneous Vector Bundle Katsuhiro MINEMURA Japan Women’s University (Communicated by Y. Shimizu)
Introduction. In this paper we study the structure of the algebra of invariant differential operators on a homogeneous vector bundle over a reductive coset space, define the eigensections and spherical sections, and determine the dimension of the space of the spherical sections in case of a vector bundle over a Riemannian symmetric space. Let $G$ be a connected Lie group with Lie algebra and $K$ be a closed subgroup with Lie algebra . We assume that $G/K$ is reductive, that is, there exists an $Ad(K)-$ (direct sum). Let and be the in such that invariant subspace be the universal enand complexifications of and respectively. Let the symmetric algebra of , and respectively, and veloping algebra of by 1 $=1,$ $x^{T}=-x,$ $(xy)^{T}=y^{T}x^{T}$ defined the canonical anti-automorphism of . Let be a representation of $K$ on a complex vector space $V$ of finite diin mension, and let $J$ be the kernel of be its differential representation of $J$ be the homogeneous vector bundle . denotes the image of under T. Let $G/K$ of G-invariant differential operalgebra over associated to and be the and K-invariants ators on . In \S 1 we establish a linear isomorphism between in $S(p_{c})\otimes EndV$ (Proposition 1.2). Then under a certain condition, we have an algebra (Theorem 1.3). isomorphism . In \S 2, we give a Let be a finite-dimensional representation of the algebra of type (Definition 2.1) and give a definition of a definition of an eigensection of (Definition 2.4) which is a generalization of the so-called (zonal) spherical section spherical functions ([5], [7]). In particular when $K$ is compact, we can give an upper bound of the dimension of the space of spherical sections (Theorem 2.5). In \S 3 we determine the dimension of the space of spherical sections by using the Poisson transform (Definition 3.2) when $G/K$ is a Riemannian symmetric space $\mathfrak{g}$
$(x, y\in \mathfrak{g}_{c})$
$ d\tau$
$ d\tau$
$D(E_{\tau})\cong U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}/U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}\cap U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})J^{T}$
(Theorem 3.5). Received May 13, 1991 Revised August 8, 1991
We shall use $C$ for the field of complex numbers. If $M$ is an analytic manifold, 1 a differential operator and $f$ a differentiable function, the value of $Df$ at in $Mi$ often denoted by $f(x;D)$ . If $E$ is an analytic vector bundle over $M$, we denote by the space of hyperfunctions of type $E$ over $M$ (for details, see [13]). In this paper shall usually call a hyperfunction of type $E$ over $M$ a hyperfunctional section (or a hyperfunction) of $E$ over $M$ . For a group $G$ and G-modules $V$ and $W$, let denotI $V$ the set of G-invariants in and let $Hom_{G}(V, W)$ denote the set of homomorphism which commute with the action of $G$ . For a vector space $H$, let denote the dua spaoe of $H$ and let denote the canonical bilinear form on $H^{*}xH$. $x$
$\langle, \rangle$
The algebra of invariant differential operators.
In this section we assume that $G$ is a connected Lie group with Lie algebra is a closed subgroup of $G$ with Lie algebra such that $G/K$ is reductive, that is, therI exists an $Ad(K)$ -invariant subspace complementary to in . We fix such once an for all. We keep to the notation in the introduction. Let be a representation of $K$ on a complex vector space of finite dimension an let be the vector bundle over $G/K$ associated to . Let be the space $G$ functions on with values in and let be the space of the elements in such that $f(gk)=\tau(k^{-1})f(g)$ for all in $G$ and all in $K$. We identify th $\mathfrak{g}an($
$C^{\infty}(G, V_{\tau})$
and define
lies in and . Hereafter we identify by Let act on $C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
$u\mapsto u^{\sim}$
is isomorphic to with
$C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
$C^{\infty}(G, V_{f})$
fiber of
. and in by the correspondenc
$C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
$C^{\infty}(G, V_{\tau})$
exp $tX$)
$(X\in \mathfrak{g})$
Then this action induces a representation of on . Let be anothe and let denote the space finite-dimensional representation of $K$ on $T$ $X$ , set $(X\otimes T)f=$ in . For in and all linear maps from to $T\cdot Xf(f\in C^{\infty}(G, V_{\tau}))$ . This assigns a differential operater from to to eacl ([15, 5.4.5]). Let denote the space of al element in (for the definition see [15 to homogeneous differential operators from simply by $D(E_{f})$ and call its elements invari 5.4.1]). If equals , we denote ant differential operators of . canonically. Let $K$ act and Since and are K-modules, $K$ acts on by $C^{\infty}(G, V_{\tau})$
$L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma})$
$G\times V_{\tau}$
$D(E_{f}, E_{\sigma})$
$U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma})$
$D(E_{\tau}, E_{\sigma})$
$L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma})$
$L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma})$
$kT=\sigma(k)\cdot T\cdot\tau(k^{-1})$
and and let $K$ act on Proposition 5.4.11], for any element $U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma})$
$(T\in L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))$
$S(p_{c})\otimes L(V_{f}, V_{\sigma})$
by tensor product. By [15
$D\in(U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))^{K}$
$D(C^{\infty}(G, \tau))\subset C^{\infty}(G, \sigma)$
through the isomorphism from . We define a map and $D$ to the above . Thus, for by sending $\Delta=\mu_{0}(D)$ , putting we have
defines an element
$\Delta\in D(E_{\tau}, E_{\sigma})$
$D\in(U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))^{K}$
$(\Delta u)^{\sim}=D(u^{\sim})$
be the symmetrization from
to We regard
$L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))$
$ u\in$
and let
defined by as the subalgebra of . Since
be the linear map from
$v(p\otimes T)=\Lambda(p)\otimes T(p\in S(\mathfrak{g}_{c}),$
$U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma})$
$S(\mathfrak{g}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma})$
$D(E_{\tau}, E_{\sigma})$
$ C^{\infty}(E_{\tau})\cong$
$(U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))^{K}$
$C^{\infty}(E_{\sigma})\cong C^{\infty}(G, \sigma)$
$C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
$ T\in$
generated by and 1. Let is an is a K-isomorphism, to . We define $p$
be the restriction of to onto isomorphism from . into from be the map For simplicity we denote the differential representation of also by the same symbol . $(S(\mathfrak{p}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))^{K}$
$(\Lambda(S(p_{c}))\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))^{K}$
$(S(p_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))^{K}$
$D(E_{\tau}, E_{\sigma})$
$(S(\mathfrak{p}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))^{K}$
$\mu_{0}\cdot v_{K}$
(resp. LEMMA 1.1. Let (resp. ) be a finite-dimensional representation of $K$ on map $G/K$ ) the . Then (resp. over ) be the associated bundle to , and let E. (resp. is an onto isomorphism. to from $(S(p_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))^{K}$
. Let
$D(E_{\tau}, E_{\sigma})$
be an arbitrary element in $D$ in whose restriction to ([15, Proposition 5.4.11]). Let be a basis of (resp. f). By the decomposition $D$ is written as 2.4.15]), with multi-indices and $PR\infty F$
$D(E_{\tau}, E_{\sigma})$
$C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
$U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma})$
$X_{1},$ $X_{2},$
$C^{\infty}(E_{\tau})\cong C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
. Then there exists an element $\cdots,$
by the identification
$(A_{\alpha,\beta}\in L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))$ $D=\sum_{\alpha,\beta}\Lambda(X^{\alpha})Y^{\beta}\otimes A_{\alpha.\beta}$
to be the element Set and for any
$\sum_{\alpha,\beta}\Lambda(X^{\alpha})\otimes A_{\alpha,\beta}\tau((Y^{\beta})^{T})$
$f\in C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
$g\in G$
and rewrite it as
belongs to
$D(E_{\tau}, E_{\sigma})$
, Proposition
$(g\in G, k\in K)$
$\sum_{\alpha}\Lambda(X^{\alpha})\otimes B_{\alpha}$
. Then
$(Df)(gk)=\sigma(k^{-1})(Df)(g)$ $=\sigma(k^{-1})(D_{\mathfrak{p}}f)(g)$
On the other hand, since
belongs to
$C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
Therefore, we have $(D_{p}f)(g)=((\sum_{\alpha}\sigma(k)B_{\alpha}\tau(k^{-1})(Ad(k)\Lambda(X^{\alpha})))f)(g)$
Since $G/K$ is a reductive coset space, has sufficiently many elements in orde $k\in K$ to conclude that . Therefore for all belongs to $\mu_{0}(D_{p})=A$ and . Hence is surjective. Injectivity of is proved by the same arguments This finishes the proof. $C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
$(\Lambda(S(\mathfrak{p}_{c}))\otimes L(V_{\tau}, V_{\sigma}))^{\prime}$
From now on, we assume moreover that equals and the differential of , whicl is denoted also by , is irreducible. We ragard as a subset of by sending and let be the restriction of to . Extending to tht representation of canonically, let $J$ be the kernel of in $U(f,)$ . Since $Ad(k)(k\in K$ commutes with and $J$ is K-invariant, is also K-invariant and $S(p_{c})\otimes U(f_{c})/J^{T}i!$ regarded as a K-module by tensor product. Then the map given by $\sigma$
$q\mapsto q\otimes Id$
$(U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})\otimes EndV_{\tau})^{l}$
$\xi(q\otimes z)=q\otimes(z+J^{T})$
$(q\in S(p_{c}), z\in U(f_{c}))$
is clearly a K-homomorphism from onto gives ahomomorphism restriction of to
$S(\mathfrak{p}_{c})\otimes U(f_{c})/J^{T}$
$S(p_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c})$
$(S(p_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c}))^{K}$
$(S(p_{c})\otimes U(f_{c})/J^{T})^{K}$
Now since
is irreducible, the map
given by
$(q\in S(p_{c}), z\in U(\mathfrak{k}_{c}))$
is a well-defined K-isomorphism from onto restriction of to gives an isomorphism from onto . Let be the map given by $S(\mathfrak{p}_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c})/J^{T}$
. Therefore, tht
$(S(p_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c}))^{K}$
$(S(p_{c})\otimes U(f_{c})/J^{T})^{K}$
$S(p_{c})\otimes EndV_{\tau}$
and tht
$(S(p_{c})\otimes U(f_{c})/J^{T})^{J}$
$(S(p_{c})\otimes EndV_{\tau})^{K}$
$(q\in S(p_{c}), z\in U(\mathfrak{k}_{c}))$
$\psi(q\otimes z)=\Lambda(q)z$
is a K-isomorphism from Therefore, restricted to
$S(p_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c})$
$(S(p_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c}))^{K},$
by [3, Proposition 2.4.15],
gives an isomorphism
$(S(\mathfrak{p}_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c}))^{X}$
whose PROPOSITION 1.2. Let be a finite-dimensional representation of $K$ on $d\iota fferential$ is irreducible. Let be as above. Then and and the following diagram is into (i) is an algebra homomorphism of $V_{\tau}$
commutative: $(S(p_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c}))^{K}\rightarrow^{\xi_{K}}(S(\mathfrak{p}_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c})/J^{T})^{K}\rightarrow^{\eta_{K’},\cong}(S(p_{c})\otimes EndV_{\tau})^{K}$
(ii) The kernel of is (iii) Let be the algebra isomorphism
$U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}\cap U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})J^{T}$
and (ii). Then $PR\infty F$
and set
is bijective
Take any
$U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}/U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}\cap U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})J^{T}$
and only if,
$p\in(S(\mathfrak{p}_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c}))^{K}$
. Then for any
is surjective.
write it as and
$f\in C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
$p=\sum q_{i}\otimes z_{i}(q_{i}\in S(p_{c}),$
$g\in G$
$ z_{i}\in$
we have
$\eta_{K}(\xi_{K}(p))=\sum q_{i}\otimes\tau(z_{i}^{T})$
and $(\mu(D)f)(g)=(\sum\Lambda(q_{i})z_{i}f)(g)$
On the other hand, we have $(\zeta_{K}(\eta_{K}(\xi_{K}(p)))f)(g)=(\zeta_{K}(\sum q_{i}\otimes\tau(z_{i}^{T}))f)(g)$
Therefore we get $\mu(D)f=\zeta_{K}(\eta_{K}(\xi_{K}(p)))f$
and , we have ker $\mu=U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}\cap\psi(ker\xi)$ maps (ii) By the bijectivity of , by (i). Since ker is equal to $S(p_{c})\otimes J^{T}$ , ker is equal to Proposition 2.4.15]). (iii) This follows immediately from (i). This completes the proof. $th\underline{e}$
$U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}\cap U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})J^{T}([3$
Now we give some sufficient conditions for the surjectivity of
Let $G$ be a connected Lie group and let $K$ be a closed subgroup $G$ such that $G/K$ is reductive. Let be a finite-dimensional representation of $K$ such th its differential representation is irreducible and let $J$ be the kernel of in . Let be the vector bundle over $G/K$ associated to and let be the algebra of invaria $d\iota fferential$ operators on the vector bundle . Then the algebra isomorphism into is surjective if one of the following conditions $($
$U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}/U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}\cap U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})J^{T}$
(i) There exists a K-invariant subspace in $U(f,)$ such that sum), or equivalently (direct sum). (ii) The adjoint representation of $K$ on is semisimple. (iii) $Ad(K)$ is compact. $\mathscr{J}$
$U(\mathfrak{k}_{c})=J\oplus \mathscr{J}$
$U(f_{c})=J^{T}\oplus \mathscr{J}$
$PR\infty F$
Clearly (iii) implies (ii) and (ii) implies (i) (cf. [1]). Now
assume that
is a K-invariant subspace such that . Then since $Ad(k)(k\in with , we have and a K-homomorphism such that is identity. Therefore is surjective and consequently by Proposition 1.2. This finishes the proof. $U(\mathfrak{k}_{c})=J\oplus \mathscr{J}$
$U(\mathfrak{k}_{c})=J^{T}\oplus \mathscr{J}^{T}$
$\alpha:S(p_{c})\otimes U(f_{c})/J^{T}\rightarrow S(p_{c})($
is surjectit
REMARK. Let be the trivial representation of $K$ and let $D(G/K)$ denote the algebr of invariant differential operators on $G/K$. Then, since $J=U(f_{c})f$ , we have a K-invariar , and by the above theorem, we have th direct sum decomposition well-known isomorphism $\tau$
$U(\mathfrak{k}_{c})=U(f_{c})\mathfrak{k}\oplus C$
$U(\mathfrak{g},)^{K}/U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}\cap U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})f\cong D(G/K)$
for the reductive coset space
2. Eigensections and spherical sections. In this section we assume that $G$ is a connected Lie group and $K$ is a compat subgroup of $G$ . Then the coset space $G/K$ is automatically reductive ([7]). We keep the notation in \S 1. Let denote the set of the equivalence classes of finite-dimensional tions of the algebra $D(E_{f})$ . We denote a representation of on a vector space $(\chi, H)$ , and denote its equivalence class by $[\chi, H]$ (or simply by ). by $G/K$ Let over . Let $G$ act be the space of hyperfunctional sections of , and $x\in G/K$ (see [15]). Then by $\pi(g)u(x)=gu(g^{-1}x)$ for $g\in G,$ , let in regarded as a G-module by . For any denote the -value $G$ $u^{\sim}(g)=g^{-1}u(gK)(g\in G)$ corresponds by to in the sam hyperfunction on which way as \S 1. With the consideration of Lemma 3.4 we give the following
$u\in ae(E_{\tau})$ $u$
$[\chi, H]$
be in
. A (hyperfunctional) section in $u$
-invariant subspaces called an eigensection of type ifthere exists a finite number of -module, each is isomorphic to , and 2) as a such that 1) belongs to -module of $H$. a quotient $D(E_{\tau})$
$\sum {}_{t}H_{i}$
$\mathscr{B}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
$\Delta\in D(E_{\tau}),$
be the space of eigensections of type . Because of the G-invariance . isaG-invariant subspace of $\chi$
$\mathscr{B}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
LEMMA 2.2.
All sections in
$\mathscr{B}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
are analytic.
. Then there PROOF. Let be an $Ad(K)$ -invariant subspace of such that $K$ exists an $Ad(K)$ -invariant inner product on since is compact. Let be an orthonormal basis of with respect to this inner product. Then the element is an elliptic . Then . Put belongs to which is isomorphic to a quotient differential operator. Let be a subspace of $H$ of and take an arbitrary element in . Then, since $\dim(S)$ is finite, there exists a $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{k}\oplus \mathfrak{p}$
$q=(\sum_{i}X_{i}^{2})\otimes 1$
$(S(\mathfrak{p}_{c})\otimes EndV_{\tau})^{K}$
$\mathscr{B}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
monomial $P(t)$ in such that $P(\Delta)u=0$ . Since analytic. This finishes the proof. $t$
is also elliptic, we see that
. instead of Hereafter we write $dk$ be the Haar measure on $K$ so normalized let and of be the dimension Let that the total volume of $K$ is equal to 1. Let $f$ be a -valued analytic function on $G$ and consider the following three conditions: $\mathscr{B}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
(C1) (C2)
$(g\in G,k\in K)$
$(g\in G, k\in K)$ , $(g\in G)$
) be the spaoe of such analytic functions on $G$ that satisfies (C1) (resp. and (C3) (resp. (C2) and (C3)). Let denote the identity element in $G$ .
LEMMA 2.3.
be the linear maps
defined by
$(f\in S, g\in G)$
$(f\in \mathcal{T}, g\in G)$
Then (i) (ii)
$SisanisomorphismofSonto\mathcal{T}andTisltsinverse$ .
Let $f$ be an element of $S$ and let $D$ be an element of is equal to $f(e;D)$ . In particular, satisfies $f(e;D)=0$ for all equal to zero.
$\iota ff$
The first assertion (i) is clear if we notice that
. Then
$D\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}$
, then
and that
(here Id
denotes the identity operator on
since is irreducible. Let $\tau$
be in
Then $(Sf)(e;D)=\int_{K}f(e;Ad(k)D)dk=f(e;D)$
Now suppose $f(e;D)=0$ for all
$D\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}$
. Given
$D\in U(\mathfrak{g})$
Since $(Sf)(e;Ad(k)D)=(Sf)(e;D)$ , we have have $(Sf)(e;D)=f(e;D^{K})=0$ for all by (i). This completes the proof.
Then using (i), being connected, $Sf=0$ . Hence $S=1$
Let $[\chi, H]\in R(D_{\tau})$ . Then from the definition of ker and . Therefore gives a map we can define a linear map of into $u\in \mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
, put
$(Sf)(e;D^{K})=(Sf)(e;D)$ ,
$D\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})$
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
we have by
$D(E.)/ker\chi\rightarrow V_{\tau}$
$\mathscr{A}(E_{f}, \chi)$
for A
$\Delta u=0$
$\Delta\mapsto(\Delta u)(eK)$
. Thu
such that
$\langle s_{\chi}(u), \Delta+ker\chi\rangle=(\Delta u)(eK)$
$\forall u\in \mathscr{A}(E_{f}, \chi)$
$\forall\Delta\in D(E_{\tau})$
A section in $u$
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
is called spherical ifu satisfies the conditio]
It is clear that
condition (C3). Let
satisfies the above condition if and only if denote the space of spherical sections in
$u\in \mathscr{A}(E_{f}, \chi)$
$d(E_{\tau}, \chi)^{e}$
$d(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
THEOREM 2.5. Let $G$ be a connected Lie group and $K$ be a compact subgroup of Let be a finite-dimensional representation of $K$ and assume that the differential of irreducible. Let be the vector bundle over $G/K$ associated to and let be a finite dimensional representation of . Then the restriction of to is injective. particular, $G$
$\tau i$
dim $PR\infty F$
. Suppose
$\forall D\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}$
$d(E_{\tau}, \chi)^{\tau}\leq d(\tau)\cdot\dim(D(E_{\tau})/ker\chi)$
$u\in d(E_{\tau}, X)^{\tau}$
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)^{\tau}$
Then by the definition of
, fo
Since $(\mu(D)u)^{\sim}(e)=u^{\sim}(e;D)$ , we get completes the proof.
by using Lemma 2.2 and Lemma 2.3, which
Spherical sections and the Poisson transform on Riemannian symmetric spaces.
In this section we assume that $G$ is a connected semisimple Lie group with finite center. Let $K$ be amaximal compact subgroup of $G$ and let and be the Lie algebras of $G$ and $K$, respectively as before. Let be the orthogonal complement of in with respect to the Killing form of . Since is $Ad(K)$ -invariant, $G/K$ is reductive. We keep of , then to the notation in previous sections. Fix a maximal abelian subspace and respectively, and introduce a linear order in the dual and to complexify be the set of restricted roots and positive restricted roots, and space . Let the root space in corresponding respectively. For any root in , we denote by . Let $A$ and $N$ denote the analytic and to . We put and , respectively. Then by the Iwasawa desubgroups of $G$ corresponding to $\mathfrak{k}$
$\rho=\neq\sum_{\alpha e\Sigma_{+}}\dim(\mathfrak{g}_{a})\alpha$
and with composition $G=KAN$, write any $g\in G$ as $n\in N$ . LetM be the centralizer ofA inKand put P $=MAN$. be the Let be an irreducible representation of $K$ on a vector space $V$ and let differential too, the denote we vector bundle over $G/K$ associated to . In this section $M$ . For a finite-dimensional group of to the denote the restriction of by . Let denote the vector bundle over $G/P$ , let and representation of $M$ on $P\ni man\mapsto e^{t-\lambda+\rho)H(a)}\sigma(m)(m\in M, a\in A, n\in N)$ . In associated to the representation and . Let instead of , we write simply particular, if over $G/K$ and $G/P$ , respecand be the spaces of hyperfunctional sections of are considered as G-modules and we denote and tively. As in \S 2, $G$ on and , respectively. Let and by and the action of denote the spaces of V-valued hyperfunctions $f$ on $G$ such that $f(gk)$ $=\tau(k^{-1})f(g)(g\in G, k\in K)$ and $f(gman)=e^{(\lambda-\rho)H\langle a)}\sigma(m^{-1})f(g)(g\in G,$ $m\in M,$ $a\in A$ , , we have the canonical $n\in N)$ , respectively. Then in the same way as . Throughout this section, we and isomorphisms , respectively, by these and identify and with isomorphisms. Let be the set of equivalence classes of irreducible representations of $M$ and , is positive. For , the multiplicity of in such that be the set of we denote by the fixed M-module in , and for simplicity we denote the representation also by . of $M$ on be the universal enveloping algebras of and Let determined by let be the element in and respectively. For with the algebra . Then identifying the condition $\kappa(g)\in K,$
$g=\kappa(g)e^{H\langle g)}n$
$H(g)\in \mathfrak{a}$
$\lambda\in \mathfrak{a}_{c}^{*}$
$\mathscr{B}(G, \tau)$
$\mathscr{B}(G, (\sigma, \lambda))$
$C^{\infty}(E_{\tau})\cong C^{\infty}(G, \tau)$
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})\cong \mathscr{B}(G, (\sigma, \lambda))$
$\mathscr{B}(E_{\tau})\cong \mathscr{B}(G, \tau)$
$\mathscr{B}(G, \tau)$
$\mathscr{B}(G, (\sigma, \lambda))$
$\sigma in\hat{M}$
$D\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}$
$D-\omega(D)\in \mathfrak{n}U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})$
, we have ([3], [9], [12]). Let
an algebra anti-isomorphism
of into $J$ be the kernel of in and $End_{M}V$ be the set $T\in EndV$ such that $\tau(m)\cdot T=T\cdot\tau(m)$ for all $m\in M$ . Let denote the automorphisn given by $\#(H)=H+p(H)(H\in a)$ and put of where is regarded as a homomorphism of onto End $V$ and is the canonica ) is an algebra homomorphism (resp (resp. anti-automorphism of . Then , and the kemel of anti-homomorphism) of is equal into $K$ ( , Corollary 4.5]). Sinoe is compact and connected and is irreducible, : is a surjective algebra isomorphism Theorem 1.3. Therefore there exists a unique algebra isomorphism of into such that . $1ete_{\lambda}ktheevaluationmapofU(\mathfrak{a}_{c})intoCdefinedbye_{\lambda}(H)=\langle\lambda,H_{\text{ノ}}^{\backslash }$ For , let . For denote $Hom_{M}(V_{\sigma}, V)$ . Since $V$ is isomorphic to as an M-module, we have . Define to be the projection $End_{M}V$ to according to this decomposition. Put $U(\mathfrak{a}_{c})\otimes U(f_{c})$
$U(\mathfrak{a}_{c})\otimes U(\mathfrak{k}_{c})^{A}$
$\omega_{f}=(\#\otimes(\tau\cdot T))\cdot\omega,$
$U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}\cap U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})J^{T}$
$U(\mathfrak{a}_{c})\otimes End_{M}V$
$U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}/U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}\cap U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})J^{T}\rightarrow D(E_{\tau})$
$U(\mathfrak{a}_{c})\otimes End_{M}V$
$\lambda\in \mathfrak{a}_{c},$
$(H\in \mathfrak{a}_{c})$
$\sigma\in R_{\tau}$
$\sum_{\sigma\epsilon R_{*}}V_{\sigma}\otimes H$
$End_{M}V\cong\sum_{\sigma\in R_{\tau}}EndH_{\sigma}$
$\chi_{\tau.\lambda}=(e_{\lambda}\otimes Id)\cdot\chi_{\tau}$
unde] , let and denote the space of K-finite sections of , which we shall denote also by . Then by the differential representation of is regarded as an admissible -module and hence $Hom_{K}(V, V(\sigma, \lambda))i^{t}|$ regarded as a -module canonically. Let and denote the contragredien , , respectively, and put representation of and on and Since is irreducible, the bilinear form
$\lambda\in \mathfrak{a}^{*}$
$V(\sigma, \lambda)$
$V(\sigma, \lambda)$
$(\mathfrak{g}_{c}, K)$
$\sigma^{*}(\sigma\in R_{\tau})$
$\langle b, a\rangle=tr(a^{t}\cdot b)$
is non-singular, where
LEMMA 3.1. Let -module by
denotes the transpose of
$D\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K},$
and be in , and regard , respectively. and and we have
be in
$(b\in H_{\sigma}., a\in H_{\sigma})$
If .
$PR\infty F$
$b\in H_{\sigma}$
$a\in H_{\sigma}$
-module, is isomorphic to is an irreducible $H_{\sigma}$
$V(\sigma^{*}, -\lambda)$
$V(\sigma^{*}, -\lambda)$
$\langle\omega^{\prime},.’’\lambda(D)b, a\rangle=\langle b, \omega_{\tau.\sigma.\lambda}(D)a\rangle$
and as a
and $Hom_{K}(V^{*},$
$Hom_{K}(V‘‘, V(\sigma^{*}, -\lambda))$
$(\mathfrak{g}_{c}, K)$
$TakeanyD\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}$
-module, then
is irreducible.
and writeD as
$(h_{i}\in U(\mathfrak{a}_{c}), z_{i}\in U(\mathfrak{k}_{c}),$
$w\in \mathfrak{n}U(\mathfrak{g}_{c}))$
Then for
$b\in H_{\sigma^{*}}$
$a\in H_{\sigma}$
we have
$\langle\omega_{\tau.\sigma^{*},\lambda}^{\prime}(D)b, a\rangle=tr(a^{t}\omega_{\tau,\sigma^{l},\lambda}^{\prime}(D)b)$
$=tr(\sum a^{t}e_{\lambda+\rho}(h_{i})\tau^{*}(z_{i})b)$
$=tr(\sum e_{\lambda+\rho}(h_{i})a^{t}\tau^{t}(z_{i}^{T})b)$
$=tr((\sum e_{\lambda+\rho}(h_{i})\tau(z_{i}^{T})a)^{t}b)$
$=\langle b, \omega_{\tau,\sigma.\lambda}(D)a\rangle$
On the other hand, is adjoint to $Hom_{K}(V^{*}, V(\sigma^{*}, -\lambda))$ by [9, Theorem 5.5 and Theorem 7.2]. Therefore is isomorphic to $Hom_{K}(V^{*}, V(\sigma^{*}, -\lambda))$ as a module. (ii) This follows immediately from [10, Theorem 5.5]. This finishes the proof. $H_{\sigma^{*}}$
Now we are in the position to give the definition of the Poisson transform for the following Okamoto [11]. Let $dk$ be the normalized Haar measure on vector bundle $K$. For , consider the function on $G$ given by $E_{\tau}$
$\phi\in \mathscr{B}(F_{\tau,\lambda})$
$(g\in G)$
Then one can show that $(\mathcal{P}_{\tau,\lambda}\phi)(g)=\int_{K}e^{-\{\lambda+\rho)\langle H(g^{-}{}^{t}k))}\tau(\kappa(g^{-1}k))\phi(k)dk$
and that belongs to analytic and $K$ is compact, space of analytic sections of $\mathscr{P}_{\tau,\lambda}\phi$
DEFINITION 3.2. transform for .
. Put
The map
is an analytic section of
. Let
. Since
denote the
is called the Poisson
LEMMA 3.3. $PR\infty F$
For any
. Write
$D\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K},$
$D\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}$
$\Psi_{\tau,\lambda}(g;D)=\Psi_{\tau,\lambda}(g)\cdot\omega_{\tau,\lambda}(D)(g\in G)$
as $D=\sum_{i}h_{i}z_{i}+\sum_{j}w_{j}h_{j}^{\prime}z_{j}$
$w_{j}\in \mathfrak{n}U(\mathfrak{n}_{c}),$
$h_{j}^{\prime}\in U(\mathfrak{a}_{c})$
, and $z_{j}\in U(f_{c})$ . Then for $n\in N,$ $a\in A$ and $k\in K$, we have
$=\tau(k^{-1})e^{(\lambda+\rho)(H\langle a))}\sum_{i}e_{\lambda+\rho}(h_{i})\tau(z_{i}^{T})$
$X\in \mathfrak{n}$
. Therefore we get
$\Psi_{c,\lambda}(nak;D)=\Psi_{\tau,\lambda}(nak)\sum_{i}e_{\lambda}(\# h_{i})\tau(z_{i}^{T})$
which completes the proof. Now for
$\sigma\in R_{\tau}$
, regard
as a trivial bundle over $G/K$. Then, since , we have
is isomorphi
$tothedirectsumofF_{\sigma.\lambda}\otimes H_{\sigma}(\sigma\in R_{\tau})$
(direct sum)
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\tau,\lambda})\cong\sum_{\sigma\in R_{\tau}}\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma.\lambda})\otimes H_{\sigma}$
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})\otimes H_{\sigma}$
is regarded as a subspaoe of
by the G-isomorphism
$\theta(F_{\sigma,\lambda})\otimes H_{\sigma}\ni\sum_{t}\phi_{i}\otimes a_{i}\mapsto\sum_{i}a_{i}\phi_{i}\in g(F_{\tau.\lambda})$
Define the map Let
to be the restriction of to denote $Hom_{M}(V, V_{\sigma})$ . For , the function given by $g_{\tau,\sigma.\lambda}$
$H_{\mathfrak{r}.\sigma}(\sigma\in R_{\tau})$
$(v_{i}\in V, b_{i}\in H_{\tau,\sigma})$
$g(F_{\sigma.\lambda})\otimes H_{\sigma}$
$\lambda\in \mathfrak{a}_{c}^{*}$
$w=\sum_{i}v_{i}\otimes b_{i}\in V\otimes H_{\tau}$
$\psi_{\nu}(g)=\sum_{i}e^{(\lambda-\rho)\langle H\langle g))}b_{i}\cdot\tau(\kappa(g)^{-1})v_{i}$
clearly belongs to
be the set of the section
$u\in g(F_{\sigma,\lambda})$
Then the map : is an isomorphism of onto by the Frobeniu reciprocity theorem. Hereafter we identify with by . Let $(\chi, H)$ be a subrepresentation of . Sinoe is irreducible, the biline, form is non-singular. By this bilinear form can identify , dual of with . Then we have canonical isomorphisms $\Gamma_{\sigma,\lambda}$
$V\otimes H_{\tau,\sigma}$
$V\otimes H_{\tau,\sigma}$
$\langle b, a\rangle=d(\tau)^{-1}tr(b\cdot a)(b\in H_{\tau,\sigma}, a\in H_{\sigma})$
$ D(E_{\tau})/ker\chi\cong\chi(D(E_{\tau}))\subset$
Let be the linear map from of the above inclusion $p_{\chi}$
$H\cong H\otimes H^{*}\subset H_{\sigma}\otimes H^{*}\cong(H_{\tau.\sigma}\otimes H)^{*}$
$H_{e.\sigma}\otimes H$
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})\otimes H_{\sigma}$
defined to be the transpof . We regard as a subspae
$D(E_{\tau})/ker\chi\subset(H_{\tau,\sigma}\otimes H)^{*}$
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma.\lambda})\otimes H$
LEMMA 3.4. Let $(\chi, H)$ be a subrepresentation (i) is a G-homomorphism $\mathscr{P}_{\tau,\sigma.\lambda}$
$(\chi_{\tau.\sigma}.{}_{\lambda}H_{\sigma})(\sigma\in R_{f}, \lambda\in \mathfrak{a}_{c}^{*})$
$ofB(F_{\sigma,\lambda})\otimes Hinto\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau})$
and the diagram
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})\otimes H\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})\otimes H\underline{Id\otimes\chi(\Delta)}$
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau})\downarrow \mathcal{P}_{\tau.\sigma.\lambda}$ $\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau})\downarrow \mathcal{P}_{\tau,\sigma.\lambda}$
is commutative for all
$\Delta\in D(E_{\tau})$
. Therefore we have :
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})\otimes H\rightarrow \mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})^{\tau}\otimes H\rightarrow \mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)^{\tau}$
into be the linear map from Then we have the following commutative diagram: (ii)
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
defined in \S 2.
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})^{\tau}\otimes HV\otimes H_{\tau,\sigma}\otimes H\underline{\Gamma_{\sigma,\lambda}\otimes Id}$
$1^{Id\otimes p_{\chi}}$
$\downarrow \mathcal{P}_{\tau,\sigma.\lambda}$
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)^{\tau}\underline{s_{\chi}}V\otimes(D(E_{\tau})/ker\chi)^{*}$
. Let is clear from the definition of PROOF. (i) The G-equivarianoe of $a\in H$ and such that , take a . For . Put $\mu(D)=\Delta$ . Then by Lemma 3.3, $\mathscr{P}_{\tau,\lambda}$
$\phi\in \mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})$
$u=\mathscr{P}_{\tau,\sigma,\lambda}(\phi\otimes a)$
$D\in U(\mathfrak{g}_{c})^{K}$
$\Delta\in D(E_{\tau})$
$(\Delta u)(g)=u(g;D)$
$=\int_{K}\Psi_{\tau,\lambda}(k^{-1}g)\cdot\omega_{\tau,\sigma,\lambda}(D)\cdot a\phi(k)dk$
$=\int_{K}\Psi_{\tau,\lambda}(k^{-1}g)\cdot(Id\otimes\chi(\Delta))(\phi\otimes a)(k)dk$
which shows that the above diagram is commutative and that belongs to is contained in Hence, by the G-equivariance, the image of . Then for (ii) Let $v\in V,$ and $a\in H$. Put $u$
$\mathscr{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})^{\tau}\otimes H$
$b\in H_{\tau,\sigma}$
$u=\mathscr{P}_{\tau,\sigma,\lambda}(v\otimes b\otimes a)$
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)$
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)^{\tau}$
$\forall\Delta\in D(E_{\tau})$
$(\Delta u)(e)=\int_{K}\Psi_{\tau.\lambda}(k^{-1})\chi_{\tau.\sigma.\lambda}(\Delta)a\Gamma_{\sigma,\lambda}(v\otimes b)(k)dk$
$=\int_{K}\tau(k)(\chi_{\tau,\sigma.\lambda}(\Delta)a)b\tau(k^{-1})v\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT}$
$=\langle b, \chi(\Delta)a\rangle v$
On the other hand by the definition of
. we have
$\langle p_{\chi}(b\otimes a), \Delta+ker\chi\rangle=\langle b, \chi(\Delta)a\rangle$
Therefore we obtain that
$s_{\chi}\cdot 9_{\tau.\sigma,\lambda}(v\otimes b\otimes a)=v\otimes p_{\chi}(b\otimes a)$
. This completes the proof.
THEOREM 3.5. Let $G$ be a connected semisimple Lie group with finite center $an/$ let $K$ be a maximal compact subgroup of G. Let be a finite-dimensional representatio’ of $K$ and assume that the differential of is irreducible, and let be the vector bundl over $G/K$ associated to . Let $(\chi, H)$ be a subrepresentation of for in an‘ in . Then we have the followings: (i) The map is an isomorphism of onto $V\otimes(D(E_{f})/ker\chi)^{*}$ . (ii) with we have $\tau$
$d(E_{\tau}, \chi)^{c}$
$Ident\iota fying\mathcal{B}(F_{\sigma,\lambda})^{c}\otimes H$
$V\otimes H_{\tau.\sigma}\otimes H$
$\Psi_{c,\sigma,\lambda}(V\otimes H_{\tau.\sigma}\otimes H)=.\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi)^{l}$
$\mathscr{P}_{\tau,\sigma,\lambda}\cap V\otimes H_{\tau.\sigma}\otimes H=V\otimes kerp_{\chi}$
(iii) The following three conditions 1) is irreducible. 2) dim . 3) is injective on
are mutually equivalent:
$\mathscr{A}(E_{\tau}, \chi_{\tau.\sigma.\lambda})^{\tau}=d(\tau)[\tau :
$V\otimes H_{f\sigma}\otimes H_{\sigma}$
. This theorem follows immediately from Theorem 2.5, Lemma 3.4 and surjectivity of . $PR\infty F$
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