Invasive pericardial hydatid cyst: Excision of multiple huge cysts

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Accepted Manuscript Case report Invasive pericardial hydatid cyst: excision of multiple huge cysts Jignesh Kothari, Ketav Lakhia, Parth Solanki, Sahil Bansal, Hiren Boraniya, Himani Pandya, Himanshu Acharya PII: DOI: Reference:

S1016-7315(16)30125-7 JSHA 363

To appear in:

Journal of the Saudi Heart Association

Received Date: Revised Date: Accepted Date:

16 March 2016 28 April 2016 8 June 2016

Please cite this article as: J. Kothari, K. Lakhia, P. Solanki, S. Bansal, H. Boraniya, H. Pandya, H. Acharya, Invasive pericardial hydatid cyst: excision of multiple huge cysts, Journal of the Saudi Heart Association (2016), doi: http://

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Invasive pericardial hydatid cyst: excision of multiple huge cysts Jignesh Kothari M.Ch. D.N.B., Ketav Lakhia MS, Parth Solanki M.Ch, Sahil Bansal MD ,Hiren Boraniya MHM,BHMS, Himani Pandya M.Sc, Himanshu Acharya,

U.N.Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Center, (Affiliated to B.J.Medical College), Civil hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad-380016; India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Ketav Lakhia M.Ch Resident Department of Cardio vascular and Thoracic Surgery, U. N. Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Center, (Affiliated to B. J. Medical College), New Civil Hospital Campus, Asarwa, Ahmedabad-380016, Gujarat, India. E-mail: [email protected] Ph. no: +919727752770 Fax no: 079-22682092

ABSTRACT Cardiac hydatid cyst is rare even in endemic countries, which poses a therapeutic challenge due to varying presentation and unpredictable pre-, per- and postoperative complications. We herein present a case of multiple, multifocal, huge pericardial hydatid cyst, with invasion into left ventricle and main pulmonary artery in a young male patient, presented with atypical chest pain. Keywords: Pericardial hydatid cyst, Cystectomy, Albendazole, Echinococcosis

INTRODUCTION: Cardiac hydatidosis is a rare though serious complication of hydatid disease caused by the larval stage of cystode tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus and multilocularis. Echinococcosis mainly involves liver (65%) and lungs (25%) with rare cardiac involvement even in endemic areas (0.05 to 2% of all registered echinococcosis cases). [1] Diagnostic dilemma is due to vague clinical scenario as patient may be asymptomatic for long period or may present with atypical chest pain, dyspnea, cough or nonspecific symptoms. Around 10% of the patients are symptomatic [REF2]. It can be intramyocardial or pericardial with rare pericardial involvement. Most common site of cardiac involvement is left ventricle (60%), followed by right ventricle (15%), interventricular septum (9%), left atrium (8%) and right atrium (4%).[1] Echocardiography is usually diagnostic and computed tomography (CT) scan & magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may aid in the diagnosis. Prompt diagnosis and early surgical excision provide excellent outcome because of high chance of lethally dangerous complications e.g. cyst rupture into pericardial or ventricular cavity, cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism and anaphylaxis. Invasion into major cardiac structures such as main pulmonary artery (MPA) and left ventricular (LV) may give rise to unforeseeable peroperative difficulties and complications. We herein present a case of multifocal, multiple pericardial hydatid cyst, one compressing the LV postero-lateral wall and another compressing superior vena cava (SVC) & aorta, presented with atypical chest pain in young male patient.

CASE PRESENTATION: A 28 years old male presented with complaints of gradual onset precordial chest pain without any co-morbidities. At his physical examination, heart & lung auscultation were normal. A 12 lead electrocardiography (ECG) was inconspicuous. Transthoracic two-dimensional echocardiography (2D-echo) demonstrated large extra-cardiac lobulated cystic mass compressing LV postero-laterally with size of 9.2 x9.6 cm. Further examinations with contrast enhanced computed tomography scan of thorax (CECT) showed multiple hydatid cysts with daughter cyst within, in anterior mediastinum (7x6x5.3 cm) & left lateral pericardium (12x11x10 cm), compressing LV postero-lateral wall on one side & extending upto left lateral chest wall with compression of left lingula & lower lobe of left lung without any signs of rupture (figure–1). Since the patient had no history of echinococcal infestation of any other organs and inconclusive treatment history; we gave albendazole 200 mg twice daily for 21 days. As the cyst was adherent to the LV posterior wall, cystectomy was planned with midline sternotomy & cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB). After sternotomy, superior cyst was found to be firmly adherent to SVC, aorta & completely surrounding main pulmonary artery (MPA). During dissection, however MPA was accidentally injured, so emergency CPB was established between femoral artery, SVC & RA. As cyst was adherent to the aorta, femoral artery cannulation was done. MPA was repaired. Normothermic CPB was maintained and heart was not arrested. All daughter cysts were removed, germinal layer was detached and marsupialization was done. Another large cyst was found postero-laterally to LV extending to left lateral chest wall, which was densely adherent to posterior LV wall without any signs of rupture (figure–2). So, cyst was isolated with hypertonic saline packs. Cyst cavity was opened & debrided,

all daughter cysts were removed with germinal membrane; washed with 3% hypertonic saline & marsupalised (figure–3). In view of diffuse bleeding, packing was done & chest kept open. Chest closure was done on next day. Patient had smooth post-operative course, was discharged on 8th post-op day. On 7th post-op day CECT was done, which showed complete removal of cyst (figure–4). Patient was given oral albendazole 200 mg twice daily on discharge. The last follow up examination was done in mid-April around two months after surgery. Patient is asymptomatic and doing well and on albendazole therapy (200 mg once daily). All the investigation in terms of ECG, Chest X-ray and Echo are inconspicuous.

DISCUSSION: Cardiac involvement is mainly seen in LV (60%). Intramyocardial hydatid cysts are unifocal, while pericardial hydatid cysts are usually multifocal. Pericardial involvement is extremely rare seen in only 2 to 10 % of total cardiac hydatid cases [3]. Diagnosis usually arises from high clinical suspicion due to vague clinical scenario. It may present with dyspnea, cough, atypical or non-specific precordial pain and nonspecific symptoms. Chest pain occurs because of compression of coronary artery due to the cyst. Occasionally, it mimics typical angina, which may lead to the misdiagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD), especially in elderly patients. So, coronary angiography is must to rule out CAD especially in elderly people. Chest x-ray & ECG are usually non-contributing. Echocardiography is usually diagnostic, which may show pericardial effusion and size, location and characteristics of cyst; but unable differentiate between mass and hydatid. Findings can be confirmed by CECT or MRI. It may present with potentially lethal complications such as pericardial tamponade, acute pericarditis due to cyst rupture into pericardial cavity or may end up causing pulmonary embolism or anaphylaxis, if cyst ruptures into ventricular cavity. [4, 5] Cyst perforation is most fatal of all & has high mortality of 75% due to septic shock & embolism and may cause sudden death. Surgical excision even if asymptomatic yields excellent results because of high risk of perforation if left untreated. Surgical treatment depends on the size, location, and number of the cysts. Many times peroperative difficulties and risk of cyst rupture arises due to invasive nature of the cyst to surrounding cardiac structures. [6] As in

our case the cyst was adherent to SVC, aorta and MPA which created unpredictable complications and difficult intraoperative course. So unpredictable peroperative difficulties should be born into mind due to invasive nature of huge cysts. The main principle of surgical treatment is to empty the cyst, remove daughter cysts and the germinative membrane, excise the pericyst, and then obliterate the residual cavity with sutures (capitonnage). [2] The use of local scolicidal solution such as hypertonic saline solution is obligatory after cysto-pericystectomy with or without CPB in order to minimize the risk of dispersion of cystic content. Postoperative oral albendazole therapy 200 mg twice daily for minimum 2 years gives good therapeutic outcome [7]. Surgical field is to be isolated with packs soaked in scolicidal agents like 3% hypertonic saline or 10% savlon; to avoid dissemination and to prevent recurrence. The second option is medical therapy for a limited time (minimum of two years). In the long-term, medical therapy is indicated in inoperable disease, after incomplete resection of lesions or after transplantation [7].

CONCLUSION: Cardiac hydatid cyst is rare & may present with variety of signs and symptoms. Because of non-specific clinical picture, high index of clinical suspicion is necessary for accurate diagnosis. When diagnosed treatment of choice for even asymptomatic patients is surgical ablation due to high risk of associated complications. During operation measures should be taken to prevent peri-operative embolization of germinative membrane. Surgical excision under cardio-pulmonary bypass is the treatment of choice for cardiac hydatid cyst. One should be ready for unforeseeable intraoperative complications due to invasive nature of cardiac hydatid cyst into the surrounding cardiac structures. Conflict of interest: The authors have declared that no Conflict of interest exists.

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Figure 1: A) Large cyst compressing left ventricular postero lateral wall with multiple daughter cysts within B) Superior cyst compressing superior vena cava (SVC) and aorta C) Coronal section showing both the cysts. LV: Left Ventricle

Figure 2: Large pericardial cyst adherent to and compressing left ventricular postero lateral wall. LV: Left Ventricle

Figure 3: A) Left ventricle (LV) cyst opened, daughter cyst removed and marsupalized with 3% hypertonic saline B) Removed multiple daughter cysts

Figure 4: Coronal section showing postoperative complete removal of cysts