investigate the absorption, compressive and flexural

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May 13, 2018 - S, Study on Effect of Polymer on Fiber. Reinforced Repair Concrete, IJSTE, International Journal of. Science Technology & Engineering, Vol.


Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering/University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq Dr. Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering/University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq 3 Dr. Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering/University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq 1 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2

Abstract - Water absorption of concrete is an important property of concrete which give an idea of its permeability porosity and durability as well as compressive and flexural strengths, it is very important to modify these properties to resist a salty water attack especially for a concrete foundation and rigid road pavements. This paper presents an experimental study to investigate the effect of replacement Non-Shrinkage Fiber Cement (NSFC) instead of cement as a percentage by the total cement weight of mix without and with Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) latex on the absorption, compressive strength and flexural strength of the concrete mix. The tests performed for the percentages (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) % of (NSFC) by the total weight of cement without and with (10%) SBR. The results show that the use of 40 % (NSFC) can be considered as an ideal percentage if (SBR) used or not. From the results it can be seen also that the absorption decreases when (NSFC) increase and the compressive strength increase when (NSFC) increase significantly up to 40 % and the same behavior for flexural strength. Keywords - Absorption of concrete, Non-Shrinkage Fiber Cement, SBR.

of (SBR). The conclusions presented that the concrete with rubber have a lower compressive strength than traditional concrete and have (CRC) improve the abrasion and impact resistance. [4] investigated the suitable optimum polymer dosage of hydraulic structures, the polymers used for the study are Acrylic polymer, SBR latex and the fibers used are Polypropylene. The experimental work studies the effect of polymer, SBR and fibers on the compressive strength, flexural strength, abrasion and permeability of concrete. The results concluded that there is an inverse relationship between Polymercement ratio and w/c content in the concrete and 10% Polymer content is the optimum percentage for bond strength. Other conclusion found that the 5% of Acrylic polymer is the optimum dosage and 10% of SBR M30 fiber reinforced concrete. [5] study the use of (0.5, 1) % of polypropylene fiber with (10, 15, 20) % of (SBR) to modify the flexural strength and deflection of hardened concrete of M30 grade. The results show that the concrete modifies in flexural strength 45 percent at 1% fiber and the reliable percent of latex which gives best values of deflection and flexural strength is 15%.

I. INTRODUCTION To satisfy the stability of any structure such as buildings or roads, it is very important to reduce the effect of a salty water attack on the footings or sublayer. At present, the world is witnessing a great development in admixture science. This paper presents a study to investigate the use of NonShrinkage Fiber Cement (NSFC) as replacing instead of cement without and with Styrene Butadiene Rubber latex (SBR) in the concrete mix to show if these materials can be used to improving concrete properties to be more non-porous and more durable. [1] studied the silica fume and (SBR) latex effect on the microstructure of the (ITZ) between Portland cement paste and aggregates. Determination of ITZ thickness is done by using (SEM) equipped with (EDX). The use of (SBR) in plain concrete marked ITZ around the aggregate particles (55 µm) while with silica fume was less (35-40 µm). However, a good conclusion is obtained in concrete with silica fume and (SBR) (20-25 µm). [2] conducted an experimental work to study SBR with crimped polypropylene compressive properties of concrete for 0.1% and 0.3% relative fraction of volume. The results show that the use of polypropylene fiber affects with a little amount on the concrete workability with SBR and fly ash. The conclusions conducted that the fiber content up to 0.3 percent increase compression strength to 57.5 MPa while the strength of concrete with SBR and without increased 20%. [3] study the abrasion and impact resistance of crumbed rubber concrete (CRC) as a partial replacement for the fine aggregate with the absence

II. MATERIALS a) Concrete Mixes The used cement is collected as sulfuric salts resisting from a local Kerbala Cement Plant. Tables 1 and 2 show the physical and chemical properties of cement. The samples of used cement were tested according to [6] in the laboratory of Engineering Consulting Bureau-Faculty of Engineering-University of Kufa.

Proceedings of ieeeforum International Conference, 13th May, 2018, Chennai, India 7

Investigate the Absorption, Compressive and Flexural Strengths of Concrete Incorporated Non-Shrink Fiber Cement with and without SBR

Figures 1 and 2 show the gradation of coarse and fine aggregates used in the mixes which are meet [7]. The mixing percentage is taken according to [8] for compressive strength of 30 MPa, the required weights for a reference mix is (406, 701, 1040, 203) Kg of cement, sand, gravel and water respectively.

b) Non-Shrink Fiber Cement Non-Shrink Fiber Cement (NSFC) is a cemented material used in many works as repair material such as filling or grouting of mechanically beds, crane rails, steel frame base plate, bearing pads of bridges etc. (Figure 3), Tables 3 and 4 show the physical and chemical properties of (NSFC) in this study.

Table.1 Physical properties of used cement

Table.2 Chemical properties of used cement

Table.3 Physical properties of (NSFC) Proceedings of ieeeforum International Conference, 13th May, 2018, Chennai, India 8

Investigate the Absorption, Compressive and Flexural Strengths of Concrete Incorporated Non-Shrink Fiber Cement with and without SBR

Table.4 Chemical properties of (NSFC)

III. EXPERIMENTAL WORK a) Reference Samples To study the effect of use (NSFC) as additive to concrete mix replacing as a percentage by the total weight of cement, the reference samples without and with 10% CBR are prepared and tested. CBR improves the concrete structure by filling up the pores by forming a polymer-cement matrix. CBR improves permeability of concrete, bond strength and abrasion. To investigate the absorption of the samples, a cylindrical sample of (10 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height) is used. A reference sample is made according to [8] for compressive strength of 30 MPa as (406, 701, 1040, 203) Kg of Portland cement, sand, gravel and water respectively to investigate absorption, compressive strength and flexural strength. The absorption according to [9] of a reference sample after curing 28 days and dried in an oven (105 ᵒc) for 24 hrs., its weight in dried state is (w1). The sample is submerged in water for 24 hrs. to be fully saturated to get a saturated weight (w2), the absorption can be calculated as:

absorption(%) 

b) Samples of (NSFC) without (SBR) The benefit of the use of (NSFC) as a percentage replaced instead of Portland cement in concrete mix is investigated using (10, 20, 30, 40) % of (NSFC) only (without SBR) of the total weight of cement in the mix. The same samples sizes used for a reference sample are used, then, absorption, compressive strength and flexural strength are founded with the same way presented in previous section (a). c) Samples of (NSFC) with (SBR) For the same percentages of (NSFC) presented in previous section, (10, 20, 30, 40) % of the total weight of cement required to concrete mix with the use of (10%) SBR. The absorption, compressive strength and flexural strength were founded.

w2  w1  100% w1

The compressive and flexural strengths of a reference sample are investigated by made a cube samples of (15 × 15 × 15) cm and beam of (10 × 10 × 40) cm respectively and tested according to [10] and [11] respectively in a compression machine as shown in Figure 4 and 5.

IV. RESULTS ANALYSIS The laboratory tests were conducted for three stages, first to perform a reference sample of concrete mix using Portland cement only. In the second stage the Portland cement is replaced by NSFC for different percentages without using SBR and with 10% SBR of the cement weight and to give the concrete mix more workability and less porosity. The results are tabulated in Table 5.

The absorption, compressive strength and flexural strength of a reference sample without and with 10% CBR are listed in Table 5.

Proceedings of ieeeforum International Conference, 13th May, 2018, Chennai, India 9

Investigate the Absorption, Compressive and Flexural Strengths of Concrete Incorporated Non-Shrink Fiber Cement with and without SBR

Table.5 Results of the experimental work

The relationship between percentages of (NSFC) and absorption of concrete mix is shown in Figure 6, it can be seen that the absorption decreases when (NSFC) increase in the mix for both cases with and without SBR. From Figure 7, it can be concluded that the absorption decreases when CBR used for all percentages of (NSFC). Figure 8 shows the relationship between percentage of (NSFC) and the compressive strength, the behavior conducted that the compressive strength increases when the (NSFC) increase in the concrete mix if the SBR used or not. Figure 9 shows the effect of using (SBR) on the compressive strength of concrete for all used percentages of (NSFC), it can be seen that (SBR) do not affect significantly on the compressive strength when it is used with (NSFC). The relationship between (NSFC) and the flexural strength is shown in Figure 10 and the effect of using SBR in the mix with (NSFC) is show in Figure 11, from these figures it can be seen that the flexural strength of concrete mix increase with increasing (NSFC) in the mix and the absence of (SBR) increase the flexural strength a little amount.

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Investigate the Absorption, Compressive and Flexural Strengths of Concrete Incorporated Non-Shrink Fiber Cement with and without SBR



without SBR increases about 235 % and with SBR increases about 270 %. The use of SBR improves slightly the absorption, compressive strength and flexural strength. For the economic purposes, it can be used (NSFC) up to 40 % to get an ideal improvement in concrete properties.


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CONCLUSION This paper presented an experimental study to investigate the use of Non-Shrink Fiber Cement (NSFC) as a percentage by the weight of a total cement required in the concrete mix. The tests are performed without and with 10 % SBR latex for (10, 20, 30, 40, 50) % of (NSFC). The tested properties were absorption, compressive strength and flexural strength of concrete after 28 days curing. The tests showed the main following conclusions: 1. Absorption of concrete decreases significantly up to 40 % of (NSFC), without using SBR decreases about two times and with SBR decreases about three times. 2. Compressive strength increases when (NSFC) increase up to 40% with a large amount, without using SBR increases about 72% and with SBR increases about 78 %. 3. Flexural strength increases significantly up to increase of 40% (NSFC), for the case


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