Investigation of Geochemical Characteristics and Controlling ...

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Oct 18, 2017 - Abstract: The usage of reclaimed water can efficiently mitigate water crises, but it may cause groundwater pollution. To clearly understand the ...
water Article

Investigation of Geochemical Characteristics and Controlling Processes of Groundwater in a Typical Long-Term Reclaimed Water Use Area Yong Xiao 1 1 2



, Xiaomin Gu 1, *


, Shiyang Yin 1, *, Xingyao Pan 2 , Jingli Shao 1 and Yali Cui 1

School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China; [email protected] (Y.X.); [email protected] (J.S.); [email protected] (Y.C.) Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute, Beijing 100044, China; [email protected] Correspondence: [email protected] (X.G.); [email protected] (S.Y.); Tel.: +86-10-8232-2671 (X.G.); +86-10-8232-2671 (S.Y.)

Received: 5 August 2017; Accepted: 15 October 2017; Published: 18 October 2017

Abstract: The usage of reclaimed water can efficiently mitigate water crises, but it may cause groundwater pollution. To clearly understand the potential influences of long-term reclaimed water usage, a total of 91 samples of shallow and deep groundwater were collected from a typical reclaimed water use area during the dry and rainy seasons. The results suggest both shallow and deep groundwater are mainly naturally alkaline freshwater, which are composed mainly of Ca-HCO3 , followed by mixed types such as Ca-Na-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-HCO3 . A seasonal desalination trend was observed in both shallow and deep aquifers due to dilution effects in the rainy season. Groundwater chemical compositions in both shallow and deep aquifers are still dominantly controlled by natural processes such as silicate weathering, minerals dissolution and cation exchange. Human activities are also the factors influencing groundwater chemistry. Urbanization has been found responsible for the deterioration of groundwater quality, especially in shallow aquifers, because of the relative thin aquitard. Reclaimed water usage for agricultural irrigation and landscape purposes has nearly no influences on groundwater quality in rural areas due to thick aquitards. Therefore, reclaimed water usage should be encouraged in arid and semiarid areas with proper hydrogeological condition. Keywords: reclaimed water; hydrochemistry; water-rock interaction; anthropogenic contamination; groundwater

1. Introduction Water scarcity has been a great threat to socioeconomic development as well as ecology in many parts of the world, especially in arid and semi-arid regions [1–4]. Due to the limited availability of surface water resources and precipitation, groundwater becomes the indispensable source of freshwater for various purposes such as drinking, irrigation and industry [5,6]. Long-term overexploitation has led to sharp decline of groundwater levels in many countries [7]. In order to alleviate shortages, non-conventional water resources such as wastewater and reclaimed water have been widely used for agricultural irrigation and as landscape water for decades [1,8,9]. However, wastewater and reclaimed water often have higher concentrations of major ions, heavy metals, nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrients compared to freshwater [10]. Their usage may pose risks to environmental quality and human health [1]. Many researches have been conducted to reveal the potential influences of wastewater and reclaimed water usage on plants, soil and groundwater [2,9–15]. Generally, wastewater and reclaimed water usage can provide significant economic and ecological benefits [13]. Their reliable sources of nutrients can help to reduce the cost of fertilizer in agriculture and also increase the crop yield [16]. In addition, the usage of wastewater and reclaimed water in agriculture Water 2017, 9, 800; doi:10.3390/w9100800

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can not only reduce the consumption of groundwater resource, but also increase groundwater recharge. However, negative effects are also observed. Salt, heavy metals and other pollutants tend to accumulate in soil with long-term wastewater and reclaimed water irrigation [17], and result in soil structure deterioration [18–20]. Moreover, heavy metals are found to potentially enrich in corps and pose health risk to humans [21,22]. Long-term irrigation with wastewater and reclaimed water also leads to pollutants transfer downward [23], threatening the groundwater quality and enhancing the complexity of groundwater chemistry governing mechanisms [9,12]. Therefore, understanding groundwater hydrogeochemical characteristics and their controlling factors in wastewater and reclaimed water used area is essential for managing and protecting groundwater quality and providing guidance for the usage of wastewater and reclaimed water. Beijing, one of the cities in the world with the greatest water shortage, has used wastewater since the 1950s and reclaimed water since 2003. More than 2 × 108 m3 of reclaimed water has been used for agricultural purpose since 2008 [12]. Reclaimed water is also widely used as landscape water to recover wetlands and dry rivers. Thus, it is necessary to get insight into the influences of their usage on groundwater. Considering the chemical composition of reclaimed water in Beijing [14,24], groundwater is potentially polluted by salt, nitrogen, heavy metals and organic pollutants. Previous research demonstrated that heavy metals and organic pollutants have low possibilities to constitute pollution to groundwater [14,17,25,26], but salt and nitrogen pollutants should be paid extra attention [12,27]. Although scholars have reported the spatial variation of groundwater quality in terms of salt and nitrogen pollutants [26,27], and also discussed the influences caused by the leakage of reclaimed water river on soil and groundwater quality in long-term wastewater and reclaimed water use areas in Beijing [9,14,15]. The regional groundwater hydrochemical characteristics and governing mechanisms are still poorly known. The objectives of this research are to investigate regional groundwater geochemical characteristics, and to address the controlling factors of groundwater chemistry in typical long-term reclaimed water use areas in Beijing. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Description of the Study Area The study area is located in the southern part of the Beijing Plain, China (Figure 1). This area extends between longitudes of 116◦ 130 –116◦ 430 E and latitudes of 39◦ 260 –39◦ 500 N, encompassing an area of 1036 km2 . It belongs to a zone of temperate continental monsoon climate. The mean annual temperature is 11.6 ◦ C. The mean annual precipitation 556 mm [28], with more than 70% occurring in the rainy season spanning June to September. While the mean annual potential evaporation is 1800 mm, which is more than three times of the mean annual precipitation. The whole territory of the study area lies in the downstream part of the Yongding River alluvial-proluvial plain (Figure 1). The average elevation of this area ranges from 14 m to 52 m above sea level with the terrain gradually inclining along the northwest to southeast direction. Quaternary deposits formed by the alluvial-proluvial sediments of Yongding River are the main water-bearing media. Its thickness increases from 50 m to 300 m with the lithology changing from coarse sand to fine and sandy clay from northwest to southeast (Figure 2). A thick and continuous clay layer is observed at a depth of 100 m [29]. Groundwater above of this layer is regarded as shallow groundwater (SGW), and that below it is defined as deep groundwater (DGW). Groundwater regionally flows from northwest to southeast with its depth varying from 13 m to 35 m. The major recharge patterns are precipitation infiltration, lateral inflow, surface-water body leakage and irrigation infiltration. The main discharge components include lateral outflow and artificial abstraction. The northern part of the study area, including Xihongmen, Jiugong, Yizhuang, Yinghai and Daxing (Figure 1), is mainly covered by urban land type, and other areas are covered by agricultural land type. There are two wastewater treatment plans (WTP), named Xiaohongmen WTP and Huangcun WTP, located in the study area. Due to the shortage of water resources, wastewater has been reused

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been reused irrigation since the and gradually replaced by water been reusedfor foragricultural agricultural irrigation sinceand the1960s, 1960s, andwas wasreplaced graduallyby replaced byreclaimed reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation since the 1960s, was gradually reclaimed water from the from WTP after 2003 water isisalso widely used fromthe theaforementioned aforementioned afterReclaimed 2003[26]. [26].Reclaimed Reclaimed water also usedfor forsurface-water surface-water aforementioned WTP after WTP 2003 [26]. water is also widely usedwidely for surface-water landscapes landscapes such as Park, the wetland park the landscapes suchPark, asNiantan Niantan Park,wetland thelargest largest parkin in thestudy studyarea. area. such as Niantan the largest parkwetland in the study area.

Figure 1. Location of the study area and sampling sites. Figure 1. Location of the study area and sampling sites.

Figure 2. The hydrogeological cross section along the A-A’. A-A’. Figure 2. The hydrogeological cross section along the A-A’.

2.2. 2.2.Sample SampleCollection Collectionand andAnalysis Analysis A A total total of of91 91samples samples were werecollected collected from from26 26SGW SGWboreholes boreholesand and21 21DGW DGWboreholes boreholesin inApril April (dry season) and September (rainy season) 2016. The locations of sampling sites were shown in Figure (dry season) and September (rainy season) 2016. The locations of sampling sites were shown in Figure 1. (dry season) and September (rainy season) 2016. The locations of sampling sites were shown in Figure 1. All boreholes were pumped for more than 10 min to remove the stagnant water before sampling All boreholes were pumped for more than 10 min to remove the stagnant water before sampling and 1. All boreholes were pumped for more than 10 min to remove the stagnant water before sampling and testing. Samples for analysis collected plastic bottles that had field testing. Samples for laboratory analysis werewere collected in 2.5in L 2.5 clean plastic bottles that had andfield field testing. Samples forlaboratory laboratory analysis were collected in 2.5LLclean clean plastic bottles thatbeen had been thoroughly pre-washed with the water to be sampled. The temperature (T), electrical thoroughly pre-washed with the water to be sampled. The temperature (T), electrical conductance been thoroughly pre-washed with the water to be sampled. The temperature (T), electrical conductance (EC), dissolved solids and measured on multi(EC), total dissolved solids (TDS) and pH (TDS) were on site using a multi-parameter conductance (EC), total total dissolved solids (TDS)measured and pH pH were were measured on site site using using aa device multi+,2+ +, Ca2++ 2+, + + 2+ parameter device (Multi 350i/SET). The other chemical indices including cations (Na K , (Multi 350i/SET). The other chemical includingindices cations (Na , K cations , Ca ,(Na Mg+, K, +NH and 2+, parameter device (Multi 350i/SET). Theindices other chemical including , Ca42+,)Mg Mg + − 2− − − − NH 4 +) and anions (Cl −, SO4 2−, HCO3 −, NO3 −, NO2 −) were analyzed in the Laboratory of Groundwater NH4 ) and anions (Cl , SO4 , HCO3 , NO3 , NO2 ) were analyzed in the Laboratory of Groundwater Sciences Sciences and and Engineering Engineering of of the the Institute Institute of of Hydrogeology Hydrogeology and and Environmental Environmental Geology, Geology, Chinese Chinese

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anions (Cl− , SO4 2− , HCO3 − , NO3 − , NO2 − ) were analyzed in the Laboratory of Groundwater Sciences and Engineering of the Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. The laboratory analysis were conducted fallowing the analytical procedures described by Huang, et al. [30]. The ionic balance error of all samples were within a limit of ±5%. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Groundwater Chemistry Groundwater chemistry involves enormous vital information on suitability for domestic, irrigational and industrial purposes [31], and is very helpful in understanding and identifying the processes governing the hydrochemical quality of groundwater [32,33]. Statistical summary of the hydrogeochemical data of both SGW and DGW during the dry and rainy seasons is presented in the Table 1. As shown in Table 1, groundwater temperature ranges from 9.5 ◦ C to 19.1 ◦ C for SGW and between 12.5 ◦ C and 18.1 ◦ C for DGW during the dry season, and varies from 13.0 ◦ C to 23.5 ◦ C for SGW and between 15.5 ◦ C and 22.5 ◦ C for DGW during the rainy season. The temperature of groundwater presents a slight increase trend from the dry season to the rainy season. The pH values of both SGW and DGW in the study area are in the range of 7.1–8.0, indicating alkaline nature. The EC values of SGW varies from 585 µS/cm to 1716 µS/cm with an average of 1175 µS/cm during the dry season, and 547 µS/cm to 1794 µS/cm with an average of 1174 µS/cm during the rainy season. That of DGW ranges between 526 µS/cm and 1228 µS/cm with an average of 634 µS/cm, and from 531 µS/cm to 836 µS/cm with an average of 605 µS/cm. According to the classification of groundwater based on EC (fresh: 3000 µS/cm) [34], most of groundwater samples in the study area are fresh water, and only S2 and S17 fall under the brackish water category. The variation of EC shows a slight decrease trend for both SGW and DGW from the dry season to the rainy season. TDS values of SGW are in the range of 389–1140 mg/L, with an average of 782 mg/L during the dry season, and ranging between 547 mg/L to 1794 mg/L with an average of 792 mg/L during the rainy season. For the DGW, TDS values range from 309 mg/L to 800 mg/L with an average of 389 mg/L during the dry season, and between 298 mg/L and 554 mg/L with an average of 361 mg/L during the rainy season. The TDS values of DGW are lower than that of SGW during both seasons, indicating that the quality of DGW is better than that of SGW in term of the salinity. The seasonal variation of TDS for SGW is not significant, while that for DGW shows a slight decrease trend. The average concentration of major ions during the dry season are in the following order: Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ and HCO3 − > SO4 2− > Cl− for SGW, and Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ and HCO3 − > SO4 2− > Cl− for DGW. The order changed to Ca2+ > Mg2+ >Na+ > K+ and HCO3 − > Cl− > SO4 2− for SGW, and Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ and HCO3 − > SO4 2− > Cl− for DGW during the rainy season. All major ions for both SGW and DGW shows a seasonal variation of decrease. In addition, the content of NO3 − , NO2 − and NH4 + in SGW and DGW also presents a decrease trend from the dry season to the rainy season (Table 1). This seasonal decrease trend of cations and anions, which coincides with the seasonal variations of EC and TDS, is possibly the result of a dilution effect caused by fresh recharging water, mainly precipitation, in the rainy season [35]. As TDS is a comprehensive parameter reflecting major ion chemistry of groundwater [36], and nitrate is an important index indicating groundwater quality deterioration caused by anthropogenic sources [37], these two parameters are selected to explore the spatial variation of groundwater hydrochemistry. As displayed in Figure 3, TDS values of SGW are greater than that of DGW during both seasons. For SGW, the high values of TDS are mainly distributed at the northwest part of the study area, which is the urban area of Daxing District, Beijing, during both the dry and rainy seasons. In addition, S2 and S17 are found with relative high TDS values (>1000 mg/L) during both seasons. Compared to SGW, DGW has a relative low TDS value (all less than 800 mg/L) during the dry and rainy seasons. Apart from D3 in the south area, the relative high TDS values of DGW are found in

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the northwest area, consistent with the high TDS values distribution area of SGW. All of the above suggests that urbanization is a factor impacting the groundwater chemistry. Table 1. Statistical descriptions of chemical parameters in shallow and deep groundwater. Groundwater (GW); temperature (T); electrical conductance (EC); total dissolved solids (TDS).

Shallow GW T

(◦ C)

pH EC (µS/cm) TDS (mg/L) K (mg/L) Na (mg/L) Ca (mg/L) Mg (mg/L) Cl (mg/L) SO4 (mg/L) HCO3 (mg/L) NO3 (mg/L) NO2 (mg/L) NH4 (mg/L) Deep GW T

(◦ C)

pH EC (µS/cm) TDS (mg/L) K (mg/L) Na (mg/L) Ca (mg/L) Mg (mg/L) Cl (mg/L) SO4 (mg/L) HCO3 (mg/L) NO3 (mg/L) NO2 (mg/L) NH4 (mg/L)

Dry Season

Rainy Season




SD 1

C.V. (%) 2




SD 1

C.V. (%) 2

9.5 7.10 585 389 1.26 20.4 38.9 16.9 11.0 25.5 282.0 0.10 0.001 0.01

19.1 7.60 1716 1140 3.24 196.0 172.0 135.0 302.0 261.0 785.0 34.00 0.014 0.19

14.7 7.30 1175 782 2.06 89.7 103.6 60.7 107.1 110.8 536.1 6.00 0.002 0.03

2.7 0.15 279 208 0.55 36.0 35.1 25.3 64.4 67.2 127.1 8.80 0.003 0.06

18.08 2.10 23.76 26.54 26.85 40.19 33.85 41.68 60.10 60.64 23.72 146.79 156.27 164.08

13.0 7.10 547 337 1.03 13.6 40.1 17.0 17.6 28.5 255.0 0.00 0.000 0.00

23.5 7.90 1794 1194 2.92 104.0 172.0 130.0 280.0 186.0 728.0 27.00 0.044 0.63

19.5 7.40 1174 792 1.78 53.2 105.5 58.5 86.4 93.1 510.8 5.02 0.003 0.04

2.8 0.17 311 255 0.53 24.6 37.0 22.7 61.0 50.6 122.8 6.91 0.009 0.13

14.53 2.34 26.46 32.24 29.79 46.13 35.07 38.79 70.59 54.38 24.03 137.87 330.38 325.07




SD 1

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SD 1

C.V. (%) 2

12.5 7.30 526 309 1.23 21.5 29.1 15.0 7.7 23.4 206.0 0.10 0.001 0.01

18.1 7.70 1228 800 2.84 163.0 96.3 71.4 95.3 94.4 650.0 7.41 0.005 0.18

15.3 7.51 634 389 1.97 59.6 51.9 26.9 25.5 52.7 328.1 1.27 0.001 0.02

1.7 0.10 167 118 0.43 31.6 13.9 12.3 20.0 20.5 111.8 1.59 0.001 0.04

11.08 1.36 26.33 30.33 21.66 53.05 26.70 45.99 78.31 39.02 34.06 125.13 129.04 186.24

15.5 7.30 531 298 1.02 13.2 32.1 12.7 9.2 21.5 227.0 0.01 0.001 0.01

22.5 8.00 836 554 3.75 73.2 88.7 31.5 50.7 81.3 348.0 5.35 0.003 0.10

19.1 7.68 605 361 1.57 31.6 52.9 20.2 22.2 48.9 284.1 1.13 0.001 0.02

2.2 0.19 76 54 0.66 16.9 14.2 5.3 11.8 16.8 31.0 1.22 0.001 0.03

11.29 2.46 12.53 14.97 42.16 53.49 26.87 26.43 53.09 34.36 10.92 107.92 92.47 129.04

Dry Season

Rainy Season

Notes: 1 SD: Standard Deviation; 2 C.V. (%): Coefficient of Variation.

As presented in Figure 4, the high nitrate concentration of SGW and DGW during both seasons are distributed in the urban area northwest of the study area. Generally, natural nitrate concentration is lower than 10 mg/L, any value exceeding this is regarded as pollution caused by external factors [38]. Therefore, the chemistry of SGW at the northwest of the study area is influenced by the anthropogenic activities in some degree. Although, the highest nitrate concentration of DGW is lower than the geochemical limit (10 mg/L), the relative high nitrate values are located at the same regions with that of SGW, where the main urban part of the study area is located, indicating their anthropogenic sources of nitrogen.

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Figure 3. 3. Spatial distribution (TDS). (a) (a)shallow shallowgroundwater groundwater(SGW) (SGW) during Figure Spatial distributionofof oftotal totaldissolved dissolved solids solids (TDS). (TDS). during Figure 3. Spatial distribution total dissolved solids (a) shallow groundwater (SGW) during thethe drydry season; (b) deep groundwater (DGW) during the dry season; (c) SGW during the rainy season; season; (b) (b) deep deep groundwater groundwater (DGW) (DGW) during during the the dry dry season; season; (c) (c) SGW SGW during during the the rainy rainy season; season; the dry season; and (d)(d) DGW during the and DGW during therainy rainyseason. season. and (d) DGW during the rainy season.

Figure 4. 4. Spatial Spatial distribution distribution of of nitrate nitrate (NO (NO33-N). -N). (a) (a) shallow shallow groundwater groundwater (SGW) (SGW) during during the the dry dry Figure Figure 4. Spatial distribution of nitrate (NO (a) dry shallow groundwater (SGW)the during the dry season; 3 -N).the season; (b) deep groundwater (DGW) during season; (c) SGW during rainy season; and season; (b) deep groundwater (DGW) during the dry season; (c) SGW during the rainy season; and (b)(d) deep groundwater (DGW) during the dry season; (c) SGW during the rainy season; and (d) DGW DGW during the the rainy rainy season. (d) DGW during season. during the rainy season.

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3.2. Hydrogeochemical Facies Piper diagram [39] has been introduced to understand the groundwater chemistry and identify 3.2. Hydrogeochemical Facies hydrogeochemical facies in the study area. All groundwater samples, including both shallow and diagramduring [39] has been to understand the groundwater chemistry anddiagram identify deepPiper groundwater the dryintroduced and rainy seasons, are plotted in Figure 5. The left ternary hydrogeochemical facies in the study area. All groundwater samples, including both shallow and 2+ of Figure 5 shows that about 58% and 69% of samples for SGW and DGW, to be of [Ca ] type, deep groundwater during the dry and rainy seasons, are plotted in Figure 5. The2+left ternary diagram respectively; 35% and 2% of samples for SGW and DGW, were identified as [Mg ] type, respectively, of Figure 5 shows that about 58% and 69% of samples for SGW and DGW, to be of [Ca2+ ] type, and; 8% and 29% of samples for SGW and DGW, were of [Na+] type, respectively. As indicated in the respectively; 35% and 2% of samples for SGW and DGW, were identified as [Mg2+ ] type, respectively, right ternary diagram, all the samples of both SGW and DGW+ are dominated by [HCO3−] type. Thus, and; 8% and 29% of samples for SGW and DGW, were of [Na ] type, respectively. As indicated in the groundwater in the study area is mainly Ca-HCO3 type, followed by mixed types (including mixed right ternary diagram, all the samples of both SGW and DGW are dominated by [HCO3 − ] type. Thus, Ca-Na-HCO3 type and mixed Ca-Mg-HCO3 type) (Figure 5). groundwater in the study area is mainly Ca-HCO3 type, followed by mixed types (including mixed To further understand the variation and distribution of groundwater chemical facies, water Ca-Na-HCO type and mixed Ca-Mg-HCO type) (Figure 5). types of both3 SGW and DGW, during the 3dry and rainy seasons, are shown in Figure 6, and the To further understand the variation and distribution of groundwater chemical facies, water types percentages of each water type are summarized in Table 2. As seen in Figure 6, most of the area is of both SGW and DGW, during the dry and rainy seasons, are shown in Figure 6, and the percentages dominated by Ca-HCO3 type for both shallow and deep groundwater during the dry and rainy of each water type are summarized in Table 2. As seen in Figure 6, most of the area is dominated by seasons. Ca-HCO3 type for both shallow and deep groundwater during the dry and rainy seasons.

Figure 5. 5. Piper Piper diagram diagram for for both both shallow shallow and and deep deep groundwater groundwater during during the the dry dry and and rainy rainy seasons. seasons. Figure

For shallow groundwater, three and two hydrogeochemical facies are found during the dry and rainy seasons, respectively (Figure 6a,b). Ca-HCO33 type type water water samples samples account account 73.1% 73.1% for for the the shallow shallow groundwater groundwater during during the the dry season, season, and mixed Ca-Mg-Cl Ca-Mg-Cl type type water water comes comes to the second with the percentage of of 23.1%, 23.1%, followed followedby bythe themixed mixedCa-Na-HCO Ca-Na-HCO 3 type with the percentage 3.85% (Table type with the percentage ofof 3.85% (Table 2). 3 2). The only one sample (S19) of mixed Ca-Na-HCO 3 type is found located in the eastern part of the The only one sample (S19) of mixed Ca-Na-HCO3 type is found located in the eastern part of the study study area. While the mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type samples are located the northwestern area, which area. While all theall mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type samples are located at the at northwestern area, which is the is the urban area of Daxing District, Beijing. It seems spatial variation of hydrogeochemical facies urban area of Daxing District, Beijing. It seems thatthat spatial variation of hydrogeochemical facies of of shallow groundwater related landuse usetype. type.Figure Figure6a,b 6a,balso also showed showed that that hydrogeochemical shallow groundwater is is related totoland facies changed of Ca-Na-HCO Ca-Na-HCO33 changed from the dry season to the rainy season. The water of S19, which is of type during the dry season, changed to be of Ca-HCO33 type type during during the rainy season, while four out of the six mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type water changed to be of Ca-HCO33 type. The The only two remain mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type water are located at the downstream from the urban area of Daxing District. All of the above indicates that the quality of shallow groundwater evolves slightly fresher from the dry season to the rainy season.

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Figure 6. 6. Distribution Distribution of of water water type. type. (a) (SGW) during during the the dry dry season; season; (b) (b) deep deep Figure (a) shallow shallow groundwater groundwater (SGW) groundwater(DGW) (DGW)during duringthe thedry dryseason; season; SGW during rainy season; DGW during groundwater (c)(c) SGW during thethe rainy season; andand (d) (d) DGW during the the rainy season. rainy season.

As can been seen Figure 6ofand Tablewater 2, thetypes overall qualityand of DGW is better than that of SGW. Table 2. in Percentage different of shallow deep groundwater. During the dry season, about 85% of DGW samples are of Ca-HCO3 type, and the other 15% of samples are of mixedPercent Ca-Na-HCO3 type. The Ca-Na-HCO 3 type Shallow GW Deep water GW (D13, D15, D17) mainly distributes at the eastern part of the study area, which is basically consistent withSeason the distributing Dry Season Rainy Season Dry Season Rainy Water Type area of Ca-Na-HCO3 type water (S19) for SGW during the dry season. It is worth noting that the water Ca-HCO3 95.83% 85.00% 73.08% 100.00% type of DGW in Na-Cl the urban area is of Ca-HCO3 type rather than mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type, indicating that the water Mixed type ofCa-Na-HCO DGW in the area has not significantly altered by the anthropogenic activities 3.85% 15.00% 3 urban Mixed Ca-Mg-Cl 23.08% 4.17% yet. Deep groundwater has similar seasonal variation tendency of hydrogeochemical facies with Ca-Cl shallow groundwater. All of the three mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type water (D13, D15, D17) changed to the Na-HCO3 Ca-HCO3 type water from the dry season to the rainy season. This change is possibly caused by the increase of the water recharge amount during the rainy season [40]. As can been seen in Figure 6 and Table 2, the overall quality of DGW is better than that of SGW. During the dry2. season, about 85% of water DGWtypes samples are ofand Ca-HCO Table Percentage of different of shallow deep groundwater. 3 type, and the other 15% of samples are of mixed Ca-Na-HCO3 type. The Ca-Na-HCO3 type water (D13, D15, D17) mainly Shallow GW Deep GW Percent distributes at the eastern part of the study area, which is basically consistent with the distributing area Water Type Dry Season Rainy Season Dry Season Rainy Season of Ca-Na-HCO3 type water (S19) for SGW during the dry season. It is worth noting that the water type Ca-HCO 3 73.08% type rather 95.83% of DGW in the urban area is of Ca-HCO than mixed 85.00% Ca-Mg-Cl type,100.00% indicating that the 3 Na-Cl water type of DGW in the urban area has not significantly altered by the anthropogenic activities yet. Mixed Ca-Na-HCO 3 3.85%variation tendency of hydrogeochemical 15.00% Deep groundwater has similar seasonal facies with shallow Mixed Ca-Mg-Cl 23.08% 4.17% groundwater. All of the three mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type water (D13, D15, D17) changed to the Ca-HCO3 Ca-Cl Na-HCO3

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type water from the dry season to the rainy season. This change is possibly caused by the increase of the water recharge amount during the rainy season [40]. 3.3. Mechanisms Controlling Groundwater Chemistry 3.3. Mechanisms Controlling Groundwater Chemistry 3.3.1. Natural Factors

3.3.1. Gibbs Natural Factors which are constructed by plotting ratios of Na+/Na+ + Ca2+ and Cl−/(Cl− + HCO3−) diagrams, + + Ca2+ and rock-water versus TDSdiagrams, [41], are which widelyare used to identifybynatural processes, as precipitation, Gibbs constructed plotting ratios of such Na+ /Na Cl− /(Cl− − evaporation/ crystallization, groundwater [33,42,43]. As seen in +interaction, HCO3 ) versus TDS [41], are widely governing used to identify naturalgeochemistry processes, such as precipitation, Figure 7, all samples of both shallow and deep groundwater for both seasons are plotted in the rock rock-water interaction, evaporation/ crystallization, governing groundwater geochemistry [33,42,43]. dominance area, 7, indicating thatofwater-rock interaction the main natural fundamental sources of As seen in Figure all samples both shallow and deepisgroundwater for both seasons are plotted groundwater chemicalarea, constituents thewater-rock study area. Evaporation to have less in the rock dominance indicatinginthat interaction is thewas mainobserved natural fundamental contribution to the dissolved constituents of area. groundwater during both drytoand sources of groundwater chemicalchemical constituents in the study Evaporation was observed haverainy less seasons. contribution to the dissolved chemical constituents of groundwater during both dry and rainy seasons.

Figure7. 7. Gibbs Gibbs diagrams diagrams showing showing the the groundwater groundwaterchemistry chemistrycontrolling controllingmechanisms. mechanisms. Figure

Tofurther further understand understand the the details plots of To details of of rock rock water waterinteraction interactionininthe thestudy studyarea, area,some someratio ratio plots + versus Cl− of both shallow and deep major ions were conducted (Figure 8). The relation of Na + − of major ions were conducted (Figure 8). The relation of Na versus Cl of both shallow and deep + groundwater for for both both seasons seasons are aredemonstrated demonstrated in inFigure Figure8a. 8a. Generally, Generally,ififNa Na+ in in groundwater groundwater isis groundwater + − + − originatedfrom fromthe thehalite halitedissolution dissolution(1), (1),then thenthe themolar molarratio ratio /Cl should should be be approximately approximately originated ofof NaNa/Cl equal to to1.1. While While ifif the the ratio ratio isisgreater greaterthan than1,1,Na Na++ is is mainly mainly contributed contributed by by silicate silicate weathering weathering (2), (2), equal whereas less than 1 indicates derivation from anthropogenic sources [43]. In this study, nearly all whereas less than 1 indicates derivation from anthropogenic sources [43]. In this study, nearly all deep deep groundwater samples andofmost of the shallow groundwater during bothare seasons are groundwater samples and most the shallow groundwater samples samples during both seasons with the withgreater the ratio greater than 1, that implying silicate weathering (2) is an source important sourcein ofshallow sodium ratio than 1, implying silicatethat weathering (2) is an important of sodium in shallow and deep groundwater Halite dissolution (1) isofalso of the sodium and and deep groundwater [44]. Halite[44]. dissolution (1) is also one the one sources ofsources sodiumofand chloride chloride for both shallow and deep groundwater as some samples with are observed with the ratio for both shallow and deep groundwater as some samples are observed the ratio approximately approximately to 1. This confirmedIndex by the Index 9). (SI)Inof halite (Figure 9). to In equal to 1. This isequal confirmed by theisSaturation (SI)Saturation of halite (Figure addition, it is worth addition, it is of worth to note that part of shalloware groundwater samples are1,with the ratio than 1, note that part shallow groundwater samples with the ratio less than indicating theless chemical indicating the chemical constituentsareofcontributed shallow groundwater are contributed by anthropogenic constituents of shallow groundwater by anthropogenic sources in some degree. sources in some degree. NaCl → Na+ + Cl− (1) (1) NaCl → Na + Cl 2NaAlSi3 O8 + 2CO2 + 11H2 O → 2Na+ + Al2 Si2 O5 (OH)4 + 3H4 SiO4 + 2HCO3− 2NaAlSi O + 2CO + 11H O → 2Na + Al Si O (OH) + 3H SiO + 2HCO

(2) (2)

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Figure Scatter plots plots of of different different ions to discriminate discriminate Figure 8. 8. Scatter ions showing showing the the correlation correlation of of major major cations/anions cations/anions to + versus Cl− ; (b) Ca2+ versus SO 2− ; (c) Ca2+ +Mg2+ versus HCO − ; the geochemical processes. (a) Na 4 3 + − 2+ 2+ 2+ 2− the geochemical processes. (a) Na versus Cl ; (b) Ca versus SO4 ; (c) Ca +Mg versus HCO3−; and − + SO 2− . and (d)2+Ca2+2++Mg2+ versus HCO 3 4 − 2− (d) Ca +Mg versus HCO3 + SO4 . 2− is shown in Figure 8b. It is observed that 2+ increases with The relation of Ca Ca2+2+and andSO SO 42− in Figure 8b. It is observed that Ca2+ Ca increases with SO42− 4 is shown 2 − SO both shallow and deep groundwater, suggesting these two ionsmay mayderive derive from from the in 4bothinshallow and deep groundwater, suggesting thatthat these two ions the dissolution dissolution of of gypsum gypsum and and anhydrite anhydrite(3, (3,4). 4). The The mineral mineralequilibrium equilibriumcalculation calculationresults results(SI (SI gypsum < 1, gypsum SIanhydrite (Figure indicate that samples under-saturated respect of gypsum anhydrite < < 1)1) (Figure 9) 9) indicate that all all samples areare under-saturated withwith the the respect of gypsum and and anhydrite, confirming potential contributes thesetwo two minerals minerals dissolution. dissolution. While While the anhydrite, confirming the the potential contributes of ofthese the phenomenon phenomenon that samples of both shallow and deep groundwater fall above the 1:1 line (Figure 8b), 2− are also included in some other different geochemical 2+ and SO42− implying implying that that Ca Ca2+ also included in some other different geochemical processes besides 4 are aforementioned aforementioned processes processes [33]. [33]. CaSO4 → Ca2+ + SO24− (3) (3) CaSO → Ca + SO CaSO4 ·2H2 O → Ca2+ + SO24− + 2H2 O (4) (4) ∙ 2H O → Ca + SO + 2H O CaSO The relationship between Ca2+ + Mg2+ and HCO3 − can reveal the source of calcium and 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ only Mg and 3− can reveal the source of calcium and The relationship between magnesium of groundwater [33]. Ca If the+Ca and MgHCO derive from the dissolution of carbonate, 2+ and Mg2+ only derive from the dissolution of carbonate, 2+ )/HCO − molar magnesium of groundwater [33]. Ifratio the Ca the (Ca2+ + Mg would be about 0.5. In this study, nearly all samples have 3 2+ + Mg2+)/HCO3− molar ratio would be about 0.5. In this study, nearly all samples the (Ca have higher higher ratios (>0.5) (Figure 8c), signifying the existence of additional sources of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and 2+ and Mg2+ and less 2+ 2+ ratios (>0.5) (Figure 8c), signifying the existence of additional sources of Ca less contribution of Ca and Mg by carbonate dissolution [45]. This confirmed by the SI of calcite contribution of Ca2+ and Mg2+ by carbonate dissolution [45]. This confirmed by the SI of calcite and

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dolomite (Figure 9), showing thatthat majority of the of both shallow andand deep groundwater are and dolomite (Figure 9), showing majority of samples the samples of both shallow deep groundwater over-saturated with respect to the calcite andand dolomite. are over-saturated with respect to the calcite dolomite.

Figure Figure 9. Saturation indices plots with selected minerals against TDS. (a) shallow groundwater (SGW) during during the the dry dry season; season; (b) (b) deep groundwater groundwater (DGW) (DGW) during during the the dry dry season; season; (c) (c) SGW during the rainy season; season; and and (d) (d) DGW DGW during during the the rainy rainy season. season.

The diagram diagram of of(Ca (Ca2+2+ ++ Mg Mg2+2+)) versus versus (HCO (HCO3−− + + SO SO42− ) were constructed to determine the 2− The 3 4 ) were constructed to determine the mineralization processes (Figure 8d). The data that fall along the 1:1 1:1 line line indicate indicate contribution contribution of of mineralization processes (Figure 8d). The data that fall along the dissolution of of carbonates carbonates and and sulfate sulfate minerals, minerals, and and the the data data lying lying above above and and below below the the 1:1 1:1 line line signify signify dissolution additional influences of the reverse cation-exchange process (5) and cation-exchange process additional influences of the reverse cation-exchange process (5) and cation-exchange process (6), (6), respectively [3]. [3]. As fall along along the the 1:1 1:1 line line suggesting suggesting the the respectively As shown shown in in Figure Figure 8d, 8d, most most of of the the data data fall weathering of of carbonates carbonates and and sulfate sulfate minerals. minerals. As As discussed discussed above, above, the the contribution contribution of of carbonates carbonates weathering weathering is less, so the dissolution of sulfate minerals (such as gypsum and anhydrite) is the main main weathering is less, so the dissolution of sulfate minerals (such as gypsum and anhydrite) is the contribution. In In addition, addition, nearly nearly all all deep deep groundwater groundwater samples samples are are observed observed to to lie lie below below the the 1:1 contribution. 1:1 line, line, suggesting the effects of cation-exchange process (6) on deep groundwater. However, some shallow suggesting the effects of cation-exchange process (6) on deep groundwater. However, some shallow groundwater samples samplesfall fallabove abovethe theequiline equilineand andsome somelielie below the line, showing contribution groundwater below the line, showing thethe contribution of of the reverse cation-exchange process (5) and cation-exchange process (6) in the shallow the reverse cation-exchange process (5) and cation-exchange process (6) in the shallow groundwater in groundwater different area. in different area. + 2+ 2Na + 2NaX 2NaX (5) (5) 2Na ++CaX CaX2 → → Ca Ca + Ca2+ + 2NaX → 2Na+ + CaX2 (6) (6) Ca + 2NaX → 2Na + CaX Chloro-alkaline indices, including CAI-1 and CAI-2, were introduced to examine the influences of Chloro-alkaline indices, including CAI-1 and CAI-2, were introduced to examine the influences cation-exchange processes on groundwater chemistry (Figure 10). These two indices are expressed as of cation-exchange processes on groundwater chemistry (Figure 10). These two indices are expressed Equations (7) and (8) (all ions are expressed in meq/L) [46]. The aforementioned indices would be as Equations (7) and (8) (all ions are expressed in meq/L) [46]. The aforementioned indices would be negative values if the hydrochemistry is dominantly affected by the normal cation-exchange process

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negative values if the hydrochemistry is dominantly affected by the normal cation-exchange process (6). On the other hand, if reverse cation-exchange process (5) takes place, these two indices would show (6). On the other hand, if reverse cation-exchange process (5) takes place, these two indices would positive values. Nearly all deep groundwater samples showed negative CAI (Figure 9), confirming show positive values. Nearly all deep groundwater samples showed negative CAI (Figure 9), the results of Figure 8d that cation-exchange process (6) occurs in deep groundwater. Some shallow confirming the results of Figure 8d that cation-exchange process (6) occurs in deep groundwater. groundwater samples are observed with negative CAI and others are with positive CAI, indicating Some shallow groundwater samples are observed with negative CAI and others are with positive cation-exchange process (6) and reverse cation-exchange process (5), respectively. This is consistent CAI, indicating cation-exchange process (6) and reverse cation-exchange process (5), respectively. with the conclusion of Figure 8d. This is consistent with the conclusion of Figure 8d.  Cl− − − (Na Cl Na+++KK+) (7) CAI−−1 1== CAI (7) Cl − Cl  Cl− − − (Na Cl Na+++KK+) (8) CAI 2= CAI −− 2= (8) −+ NO − HCO− + +SO SO2− + CO HCO + CO + NO 3 3 3 4

Scatter plot of chloro-alkaline indices CAI-1 vs. CAI-2. Figure 10. Scatter

3.3.2. Human Activities The contributions of human activities to groundwater chemistry are complex and uncertain, and hard to determine from multiple anthropogenic sources, is determine[9,45]. [9,45].Nitrate, Nitrate,which whichisismainly mainlyoriginated originated from multiple anthropogenic sources, widely used toto indicate is widely used indicatethe theeffects effectsofofhuman humanactivities activitieson on groundwater groundwater chemistry chemistry [47,48]. [47,48]. In In this − in sallow groundwater shows an increasing trend with the increase study, the concentration concentration of of NO NO33− study, the in sallow groundwater shows an increasing trend with the increase − content (Figure 11a), indicating the similar sources of these two ions [49]. Cl− of Cl− commonly of Cl content (Figure 11a), indicating the similar sources of these two ions [49]. Cl − is is commonly derived inputs as as well well as as halite halite dissolution. dissolution. Thus, derived from from anthropogenic anthropogenic inputs Thus, the the positive positive relation relation between between −−and Cl− − NO 3 signifies their anthropogenic inputs. This is also confirmed by the positive correlation NO3 and Cl signifies their anthropogenic inputs. This is also confirmed by the positive correlation −)/HCO − )/HCO − of 3− (Figure 11b).11b). of TDS TDS with with (NO (NO33−−++ClCl 3 (Figure As be seen seen in in Figures Figures 44 and and 11, 11, the thehigh highNO NO33−− contents limit 10 10 mg/L: mg/L: As can can be contents(exceeding (exceeding geochemical geochemical limit S5, S6, S7, S16, S26) are only observed in shallow groundwater in the urban area during both seasons, S5, S6, S7, S16, S26) are only observed in shallow groundwater in the urban area during both seasons, implying implying that that anthropogenic anthropogenic inputs inputs such such as as domestic domestic wastewater wastewater have have aa certain certain of of influences influences on on the the chemistry of shallow groundwater in the urban area. This is also evidenced by the spatial distribution chemistry of shallow groundwater in the urban area. This is also evidenced by the spatial distribution of shallow groundwater groundwater (Figure while of water water type type of of shallow (Figure 6a,b), 6a,b), of of which which Ca-Mg-Cl Ca-Mg-Cl type type for for urban urban area area while Ca-HCO found Ca-HCO33 and and Ca-Na-HCO Ca-Na-HCO33 type typefor for rural rural area. area. Urban Urban anthropogenic anthropogenic wastes wastes inputs inputs are are also also found −−content for the deep groundwater in the urban area (D6) in 3 responsible for the relative higher NO responsible for the relative higher NO3 content for the deep groundwater in the urban area (D6) in contrast aquitards, but thethe influence is very limited. In contrast with with that thatin inthe therural ruralarea areaasasthe theresult resultofofthin thin aquitards, but influence is very limited. the rural area (mainly agricultural area In the rural area (mainly agricultural areairrigated irrigatedwith withreclaimed reclaimedwater), water),the thenitrite nitritecontent content of of shallow shallow groundwater poor correlation correlation with with the the Cl Cl−− (the groundwater presents presents aa poor (the Pearson Pearson correlation correlation coefficient coefficient is is 0.118 0.118 for for dry season and 0.383 for rainy season), suggesting human activities such as reclaimed water irrigation and reclaimed water river leakage have very limited influences on the shallow groundwater quality. This is possibly related to the thick aquitards above the water level. As a result, the NO3− contents of all shallow groundwater are below the geochemical limit 10 mg/L (Figure 11a). Deep groundwater

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dry season and 0.383 for rainy season), suggesting human activities such as reclaimed water irrigation and reclaimed water river leakage have very limited influences on the shallow groundwater quality. − This possibly Water is 2017, 9, 800 related to the thick aquitards above the water level. As a result, the NO3 contents 13 of of 16 all shallow groundwater are below the geochemical limit 10 mg/L (Figure 11a). Deep groundwater − contents 3− 3contents show nearly no in the rural area also have have very very low low nitrite nitritecontent content(all (allbelow below10 10mg/L). mg/L).NO NO show nearly − − variation with thethe increase ofofClClcontents (Figure no variation with increase contents (Figure11), 11),demonstrating demonstratingthat thatthe thechemistry chemistry of of deep rural area area is is not not affected affected by by anthropogenic anthropogenicpollutions. pollutions. groundwater in the rural

− − versus − ;−and −− −− Figure Scatter of (a) ; and(b) (b)TDS TDSversus versus(NO (NO 3−.3 − . Figure 11. 11. Scatter plotplot of (a) NONO ClCl )/HCO 3 3versus 3 3 + Cl )/HCO

4. Conclusions 4. Conclusions Reclaimed water regions around thethe world to Reclaimed water has has been beenwidely widelyused usedininmany manyarid aridand andsemi-arid semi-arid regions around world mitigate water crises. In the present study, hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in to mitigate water crises. In the present study, hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater ina processes of of along-term long-termreclaimed reclaimedwater wateruse usearea areaininBeijing Beijingwere were investigated, investigated, and and the the controlling controlling processes groundwater chemistry were also discussed in detail. The summarized conclusions are as follows. groundwater chemistry were also discussed in detail. The summarized conclusions are as follows. Groundwater, including including shallow shallow groundwater groundwater and deep groundwater, groundwater, is is mainly mainly naturally naturally Groundwater, and deep alkaline freshwater TheThe average concentration of allofions deep aquifers are lower alkaline freshwaterin inthe thestudy studyarea. area. average concentration all in ions in deep aquifers are than that in shallow aquifers throughout the year, resulting in fresher and better quality deep lower than that in shallow aquifers throughout the year, resulting in fresher and better quality deep groundwater. Moreover, Moreover, the the values values of of most most indices indices of of groundwater groundwater decrease decrease from from the the dry dry season season to to groundwater. the rainy season in both shallow and deep aquifers as the results of dilute effects in the rainy season. the rainy season in both shallow and deep aquifers as the results of dilute effects in the rainy season. In terms terms of of hydrogeochemical hydrogeochemical facies, facies, both both shallow shallow groundwater groundwater and and deep deep groundwater groundwater are are mainly mainly In Ca-HCO33 type, mixed types types such such as as mixed mixed Ca-Na-HCO Ca-Na-HCO33 type type and and mixed mixed Ca-Mg-HCO Ca-Mg-HCO33 Ca-HCO type, followed followed by by mixed type. The hydrogeochemical facies of both shallow and deep groundwater were observed with aa type. The hydrogeochemical facies of both shallow and deep groundwater were observed with desalination change that water types evolved from mixed types in the dry season to Ca-HCO 3 type desalination change that water types evolved from mixed types in the dry season to Ca-HCO3 type in in the rainy season. the rainy season. The chemistry in in thethe study areaarea is affected by natural processes as wellas as well human The chemistryofofgroundwater groundwater study is affected by natural processes as activities. Water-rock interactions such assuch dissolutions of silicate, halite,halite, gypsum, anhydrite and human activities. Water-rock interactions as dissolutions of silicate, gypsum, anhydrite cation exchange are are the the dominant natural processes of and cation exchange dominant natural processescontrolling controllingthe the chemical chemical composition composition of groundwater in both aquifers and both seasons. While the influences of human activities is related to groundwater in both aquifers and both seasons. While the influences of human activities is related to the hydrogeological hydrogeological condition. condition. The with the the thin thin aquitard aquitard is is observed observed as as having having obvious obvious the The urban urban area area with influences of anthropogenic inputs on groundwater chemistry, especially for shallow aquifers, while influences of anthropogenic inputs on groundwater chemistry, especially for shallow aquifers, while the existence of thick aquitards in rural areas greatly reduces or even eliminates the potential negative the existence of thick aquitards in rural areas greatly reduces or even eliminates the potential negative effects of of reclaimed reclaimed water water usage usage on on groundwater Thus, hydrogeological hydrogeological condition condition should should effects groundwater chemistry. chemistry. Thus, be taken into account when using reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation and landscape purpose. be taken into account when using reclaimed water for agricultural irrigation and landscape purpose. Acknowledgments: This research was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 2652016022), the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFC0406106) and the Ministry of Water Resources public projects (No. 201101051). The authors would like to express their Sincere thanks to the Anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments on the manuscript. Author Contributions: Shiyang Yin, Jingli Shao and Yali Cui conceived and designed the research; Shiyang Yin, Xiaomin Gu, Yong Xiao and Xingyao Pan performed the field works and data collection; Yong Xiao and Xiaomin

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Acknowledgments: This research was supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 2652016022), the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFC0406106) and the Ministry of Water Resources public projects (No. 201101051). The authors would like to express their Sincere thanks to the Anonymous reviewers for their invaluable comments on the manuscript. Author Contributions: Shiyang Yin, Jingli Shao and Yali Cui conceived and designed the research; Shiyang Yin, Xiaomin Gu, Yong Xiao and Xingyao Pan performed the field works and data collection; Yong Xiao and Xiaomin Gu analyzed the data; Yong Xiao wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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