materials Article
Investigation of the Propagation of Stress Wave in Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloys Yehui Cui 1 , Xiangguo Zeng 1, *, Huayan Chen 1 , Jun Chen 2,3 and Fang Wang 4, * 1 2 3 4
College of Architecture and Environment, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;
[email protected] (Y.C.);
[email protected] (H.C.) Laboratory of Computational Physics, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 100088, China;
[email protected] Center for Applied Physics and Technology, Peking University, Beijing 100071, China Faculty of Materials and Energy, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China Correspondence:
[email protected] (X.Z.);
[email protected] (F.W.); Tel.: +86-28-85405534 (X.Z.); +86-23-68253204 (F.W.); Fax: +86-23-68254373 (F.W.)
Received: 7 June 2018; Accepted: 11 July 2018; Published: 15 July 2018
Abstract: Based on irreversible thermodynamic theory, a new constitutive model incorporating two internal variables was proposed to investigate the phase transformation and plasticity behavior in nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloys (SMAs), by taking into account four deformation stages, namely austenite elastic phase, phase transition, martensitic elastic phase, and plastic phase. The model using the material point method (MPM) was implemented by the FORTRAN code to investigate the stress wave and its propagation in a NiTi rod. The results showed that its wave propagation exhibited martensitic and austenitic elastic wave, phase transition wave, and plastic wave. However, a double-wave structure including the martensitic and austenitic elastic wave and plastic wave occurred when the martensitic elastic wave reached the phase transformation wave. Thus, the reflection wave at a fixed boundary exhibited a different behavior compared with the elastic one, which was attributed to the phase transition during the process of reflection. It was found that the stress increment was proportional to the velocity of phase transition wave after the stress wave reflection. In addition, the influences of loading direction and strain rate on the wave propagation were examined as well. It was found that the phase transition wave velocity increased as the strain rate increased. The elastic wave velocity of martensite under compressive conditions was larger than that under tensile loading. In contrast, the plastic wave velocity under compression was less than that subjected to the tensile load. Keywords: constitutive model; NiTi alloys; stress wave propagation; material point method
1. Introduction Due to an escalating growth of advanced technologies, shape memory alloys (SMAs) have been used in a wide variety of fields involving medical, aeronautical, and automotive because of two remarkable properties: superelasticity and shape memory effect [1]. The origin of these properties is characterized by the martensitic transition (MT) and its reverse (austenitic transition (AT)) occurring in such materials. Indeed, martensite (M) stabilizes at low temperature and high stress, and conversely austenite (A) stabilizes at high temperature and low stress [2]. Due to functional properties as well as high strength and ductility, a nickel-titanium (NiTi) alloy has been considered as one of the most promising alloys. In recent decades, much work has been done on the development of a constitutive model of SMAs to describe unique mechanical behaviors, as reviewed by Cisse et al. [3]. These models
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are mainly divided into two groups: one is the micromechanical model, and the other is the macro-phenomenological model. Manchiraju et al. [4] developed a model based on the finite element method to study the interaction between martensitic transformation and plasticity in NiTi SMAs from the point of view of microstructure. Yu et al. [5,6] also performed some investigations on the thermo-mechanical and anisotropic deformation behavior of superelastic NiTi alloys. It is justified from these studies that molecular dynamics simulations could be deemed as an effective approach for investigation the MT and AT by providing more structural details at the atomic scale. However, the choice of interatomic potential has a significant influence on simulations. Ackland et al. [7] used the embedded-atom method potential to simulate the MT in NiTi. They found that the phase transition was accompanied by the instability of precursor long wave length and rotation of the matrix. Kastner et al. [8] simulated the microstructure transformation behavior during cyclic loading using the Lennard-Jones potential. The results showed that the accumulation of permanent damage in the martensite led to functional fatigue. The advantage of the micromechanics-based constitutive model is that it could predict the structural response from the view of physical nature. However, it cannot meet the need of engineering application due to computational complexities. Thus, the phenomenological constitutive model is more suitable for engineering. Indeed, the work of developing the phenomenological constitutive equations for SMA was divided into the two following groups: 1.1. Thermodynamic Tanaka et al. [9] first developed the one-dimensional model using internal variables under the framework of thermomechanics. Boyd and Lagoudas [10,11] also proposed some models that accounted for martensite reorientation by using a free energy function and a dissipation potential, respectively. Based on the above-mentioned models, Lagoudas et al. [12] established a new model that characterized three response stages of SMAs, which had not been solved with a unified manner by previous studies. 1.2. Generalized Plasticity Auricchio et al. [13] proposed a model for investigating the superelastic behavior of SMAs under the framework of the generalized plasticity work. Considering the loading path of Durcker-Prgaer, the transformation from austenite to martensite and its reverse process were studied comprehensively. Interestingly, the martensite content and its variation during the phase transition were taken as two independent internal variables. Auricchio [14] gave the exponential and linear form for describing martensite evolution, respectively. The results demonstrated that the proposed model was effective for the isothermal loading/unloading description of the superelastic SMAs. Furthermore, Kan and Kang [15] proposed a model that accounted for the evolutions of residual induced-martensite and transformation-induced plastic strain under the stress-controlled cyclic loading. In our recent work, a phenomenological constitutive model was proposed by using irreversible thermodynamics with a semi-implicit stress integration algorithm [16]. Two internal variables were taken to describe the irreversible processes of phase transformation and dislocation evolution of NiTi alloys, where one variable represented the phase transition behavior, and the other denoted the plastic behavior. An investigation on the wave propagation is one of the most important tasks in the field of material and computational mechanics. Sadeghi et al. [17] conducted the experiments and performed finite element calculations for energy dissipation during the phase transformation in NiTi alloys. However, the proposed constitutive model was verified to be inconsistent with the experiment results. Wang et al. [18,19] studied the dynamic deformation in NiTi SMAs at high strain rates of 106 ~107 /s by laser. They found that there had a critical peak pressure for the NiTi alloy to induce martensitic transformation at higher strain rate. Bekker et al. [20] employed a thermodynamic-based constitutive model to investigate the propagation of phase transformation wave in SMAs. Furthermore, Fˇaciu et al. [21] investigated the Goursat and Riemann problems of phase material dynamics by
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considering a piecewise linear-elastic function. Unfortunately, little work has been done in terms of studying the phase transformation and plastic wave propagation of SMAs. Since there are some problems in the traditional finite element method (FEM), such as mesh distortion and element entanglement, the material point method (MPM) has been widely used to simulate material extreme deformation and failure. For example, Dong et al. [22] took an investigation on the effect of the impact forces on pipeline during the submarine landslide. Liu et al. [23] investigated the micron particles impact with high-velocity by using MPM, and the simulation results agreed well with the experimental ones. Also, MPM was extended to simulate the explosively driven response of metals by Lian et al. [24] and found that the MPM results were in reasonable agreement with the Gurney solutions. It is worth mentioning that there is a remarkable difference between FEM and MPM. In other words, FEM is a pure Lagrangian method, while MPM takes a material as considerable Lagrangian particles that move through a background in Eulerian mesh [25]. Due to advantages of MPM, this work attempts to develop an irreversible thermodynamic constitutive model based on MPM to simulate the wave propagations that represent phase transformation and plastic behavior. The wave structures are investigated with the help of MPM. The influences of loading direction and strain rate on the wave propagation are examined as well. It is worth mentioning that FORTRAN is employed as the programming language to perform the numerical calculation in this study. 2. Theoretical Framework 2.1. Thermodynamics According to irreversible thermodynamics, it is assumed that the Helmholtz free energy function of a material point has a following expression ψ = ψ(εeij , T, η, ξ ),
where εeij is the elastic strain tensor, and T is the temperature. η, ξ is two internal variables that characterize the plastic behavior and phase transition, respectively. In the thermodynamics, the dissipation (D) of a unit is required to be positive (D ≥ 0) to ensure that the rate of stored energy is always larger than the stress power. Thus, the inequality of dissipation is obtained according to the Clausius-Duhem form .
D = σij : εij − ρψ ≥ 0,
where ε ij denotes the total strain that is decomposed into the elastic strain and the inelastic strain. ρ denotes the material density. Besides, the total inelastic strain consists of two parts: one is the phase p transition strain εtr ij , and the other is the plastic strain ε ij p
e tr ε ij = εeij + εin ij = ε ij + ε ij + ε ij ,
Under isothermal conditions, if taking the time derivative of ψ in Equation (1), the following equation is obtained . ∂ψ . e ∂ψ . ∂ψ . ψ = e εij + η+ ξ, (4) ∂ε ij ∂η ∂ξ Substituting Equations (3) and (4) into Equation (2), the dissipation inequality states
(σij − ρ
. tr .p ∂ψ . ∂ψ . ∂ψ . e )εij + (σij εij − ρ ξ ) + (σij εij − ρ η ) ≥ 0, e ∂ε ij ∂ξ ∂η
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Due to an assumption that the elastic strain, phase transition strain and plastic strain are independent, internal variables result in the dissipation of free energy. The dissipation inequality, shown as Equation (5), requires that internal variables should satisfy the following equations σij = ρ
∂ψ , ∂εeij
. tr
∂ψ . ξ ≥ 0, ∂ξ
∂ψ . η ≥ 0, ∂η
σij εij − ρ σij εij − ρ
Indeed, these represent the elastic, phase transition and plastic evolution, respectively. 2.2. Governing Equations Similar to εij , ψ is decomposed into the elastic free energy ψe , the phase transition free energy ψtr , and the plastic free energy ψp ψ = ψe + ψtr + ψ p , (7) where ψe at a material point needs to satisfy the following equation ρψe =
1 (2µεeij εeij + λεekk εekk ), 2
where λ and µ are Lamé parameters. The substitution of Equations (7) and (8) into Equation (6a) produces σij = 2µεeij + λεekk δij ,
Equation (9a) that represents Hook’s law is expressed as another form p
σij = Eijkl εekl = Eijkl (ε kl − εtr kl − ε kl ),
While SMAs contain martensite and austenite phases, an equivalent elastic stiffness matrix Eijkl is a function of the martensitic volume fraction n, which can be determined by the simple Voigt form [12] A M Eijkl (n) = (1 − n) Eijkl + nEijkl ,
2.3. Phase Transition Evolution Under the framework of the thermodynamics, the evolution of phase transition needs to satisfy Equation (6b). Assuming that ∂ψ A = −ρ , (11) ∂ξ where A is a generalized force that is dependent on the internal variable ξ, and then Equation (6b) is updated as . . tr σij εij + Aξ ≥ 0, (12) A potential function is introduced Θ = Θ(σij , A),
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Then, the evolution equations are expressed as . tr
∂Θ , ∂σij
∂Θ , ∂A
εij = λ1
ξ = λ1
Substituting Equation (14) into Equation (12), the inequality also states .
λ1 (σij
∂Θ ∂Θ +A ) ≥ 0, ∂σij ∂A
Two conditions are required to satisfy Equation (14b), i.e., one is that the potential function . Θ = Θ σij , A , with respect to σij and A, is convex outward. The other is that λ1 cannot be negative. If the Helmholtz energy of phase transition has the form of ρψtr =
1 k ξ ξ , 2 1 ij ij
A potential function Θ = Θ σij , A that is analogous to the classical Chaboche plastic constitutive model [26] is proposed as follows 1
2 3 1 Θ = Θ(σij , A) = [ (sij − Aij0 )(sij − Aij0 )] + aAij Aij , 2 2
where sij is the stress partial tensor, and A0 is the deviator of the generalized force Aij . a is an arbitrary value when constructing the function. . λ1 is taken as the form of n . Fytr 1 λ1 = ( ) , (18) Z1 where Z1 is a material parameter. Fytr represents the phase transition yield surface, as follows r Fytr
σeq − σstr (n)
3 (s − Aij0 ) : (sij − Aij0 ) − σstr (n), 2 ij
where n is Martensitic volume fraction, which is defined as n= where εtr eq =
2 tr 3 ε ij
εtr eq εm
: εtr ij is the equivalent strain of phase transition, and εm is the maximum strain of
phase transition under uniaxial loading. The relationship of initial phase transition stress σstr and the final one σtr f is expressed as follows σstr (n) = (1 − n)σstr + nσtr f ,
where σstr and σtr f are related to the temperature and the strain rate, respectively. Hence, the following equation could be used to describe the behavior that is dependent on the temperature and the strain rate σstr
. ε tr σs0 [1 + C1 ln( . )][1 + m1 ( T ε0
− T0 )],
Materials 2018, 11, 1215
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ε tr σtr f = σ f 0 [1 + C2 . ][1 + m2 ( T − T0 )], ε0
Substituting Equations (11)–(20) into Equations (14) and (15), the evolution of phase transition of NiTi SMAs is provided as the following form . tr εij
tr n1 s − A0 ij ∂Θ 3 Fy ij = λ1 = ( ) , tr ∂σij 2 Z1 σeq .
. tr
. tr
Aij = k1 εij − k2 εeq Aij ,
2.4. Evolution of Plasticity Similarly, the evolution of phase transitions should satisfy Equation (6c). Assuming that ∂ψ B = −ρ , ∂η
where B is a generalized force that is related to the internal variable η. Then, Equation (6c) is updated as follows .p . σij εij + Bη ≥ 0, (25) Assuming a potential function Ω = Ω(σij , B),
Consequently, the evolution equations are expressed as follows .p
∂Ω , ∂σij
∂Ω , ∂B
εij = λ2 η = λ2
The substitution of Equation (27a,b) into Equation (25) produces the following inequality .
λ2 (σij
∂Ω ∂Ω +B ) ≥ 0, ∂σij ∂B
Two conditions are needed to satisfy Equation (25), i.e., one is the potential function Ω = Ω σij , B
with respect to variables, which is convex outward. The other is that λ2 are not be negative. Assuming the Helmholtz energy of phase transition has the form of ρψ p =
1 k2 ηij ηij , 2
A potential function Ω = Ω σij , B that is analogous to the classical Chaboche plastic constitutive model [26] is provided as follows 1
2 3 1 Ω = Ω(σij , B) = [ (sij − Bij0 )(sij − Bij0 )] + bBij Bij , 2 2
where Sij is the stress partial tensor, and Bij0 is the deviator of the generalized force Bij . b is an arbitrary value when constructing the function. . If λ2 has the form of p n . Fy 2 λ2 = ( ) , (31) Z2
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The plastic yield surface Fy is written as p Fy
p σeq
p − σy
3 p (s − Bij0 ) : (sij − Bij0 ) − σy − R, 2 ij
where σy represents the initial plastic yield stress. The isotropic hardening phenomenon is described by R that is defined as . .p R = m( R1 − R)εeq , (33) q .p 2 .p .p where εeq = 3 ε : ε is the equivalent plastic strain increment, and m and R1 are the material parameters for characterizing the plastic hardening behavior. Therefore, the evolution of plastic of NiTi SMAs has the following form .p εij
p n2 sij − Bij0 ∂Ω 3 Fy = λ2 , = ( ) p ∂σij 2 Z2 σeq .
Bij = k3 εij − k4 εeq Bij ,
2.5. Iteration Algorithm Materials 2018, 11, x
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Figure 1 shows a flow chart of the iteration solution procedure. In this algorithm, the semi-implicit Figure 1 shows a flow chart of thetoiteration solution procedure. In this algorithm,inelastic the semi-in the stress integration method is employed solve the constitutive model equivalent implicit stress integration method is employed to solve the constitutive model equivalent inelastic in time constitutive model. The procedure is outlined as follows: first, the initial values (such as stress, the constitutive model. The procedure is outlined as follows: first, the initial values (such as stress, step) are defined and all strains are assumed to be elastic. Second, the stress is calculated to determine time step) are defined and all strains are assumed to be elastic. Second, the stress is calculated to the deformation stage. determine the deformation stage.
Figure 1. Flow chart of the iteration solution.
Figure 1. Flow chart of the iteration solution. In addition, the flow chart for solving the phase transition stage and plastic stage are provided in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.
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In addition, the flow chart for solving the phase transition stage and plastic stage are provided in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. Materials 2018, 11, x 9 of 25
Figure 2. Flow chart of the solution of phase transition stage. Figure 2. Flow chart of the solution of phase transition stage.
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Figure 3. Flow chart of the solution of plastic stage. Figure 3. Flow chart of the solution of plastic stage.
The solution of the stress–strain response during the phase transition stage and plastic stage is The below. solution of the stress–strain response during the phase transition stage and plastic stage is outlined outlined Stepbelow. 1. An inelastic strain increment is assumed to be Step 1. An inelastic strain increment is assumed to be ( 0) ijin = 0 (35) , (0) ∆εin = δ0 , (35) ij Step 2. The generalized force is calculated, and then the equivalent inelastic strain and its Step 2.isThe generalized increment derived from: force is calculated, and then the equivalent inelastic strain and its increment is derived from: Phase transition stage: Phase transition stage: r (k ) 2 (k ) (k ) tr tr (k) εeqeq == 2εijtrtrij (k)εtrijijtr(k) , (36a) 33 , r 2 tr(k) tr(k) tr (k) ∆ε eq = ∆ε ij ∆ε ij , (36b) 23 tr ( k ) tr ( k ) tr ( k ) eq = ij ij (36b) 3 ,
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∆Aij = k1 ∆εtr ij
− k2 ∆εtreq Aij ,
Plastic stage: r
p(k) ε eq p(k) ∆ε eq
2 p(k) p(k) ε ε , 3 ij ij
= r
2 p(k) p(k) ∆ε ∆ε ij , 3 ij
∆Bij = k3 ∆ε ij
(37b) (k)
− k4 ∆ε eq Bij ,
Step 3. Accordingly, the state variables are determined: Phase transition stage: tr (k )
ε eq , εm
n(k) = tr (k )
(n) = (1 − n(k) )σstr + n(k) σtr f ,
Transition stage: p(k)
∆R(k) = m( R1 − R(k) )∆ε eq ,
Step 4. The corresponding stress increment is calculated (k)
A M Eijkl (n) = (1 − n(k) ) Eijkl + n(k) Eijkl ,
in(k )
∆σij = Eijkl (∆ε ij − ∆ε ij
(40a) (40b)
Step 5. Generalized force and stress are updated as ( k +1)
= Aij + ∆Aij ,
( k +1)
= Bij + ∆Bij ,
( k +1)
= σij + ∆σij ,
Bij σij
Step 6. In turn, the equivalent stress and the yield surface are solved. Phase transition stage: tr (k ) σeq
0 (k) 0 (k) 3 (k) (k) (sij − Aij ) : (sij − Aij ), 2
tr (k )
tr (k )
= σeq
tr (k )
− σy
(42a) (42b)
Plastic stage: p(k) σeq
0 (k) 0 (k) 3 (k) (k) (sij − Bij ) : (sij − Bij ), 2
= σeq
− σy
(43a) (43b)
Step 7. The new equivalent inelastic strain increment is as follows. Phase transition stage: n1 ( k )
tr (k ) sij − Aij 3 Fy = ( ) ∆t, tr (k ) 2 Z1 σeq r 2 tr(k) tr(k) tr (k +1) ∆ε eq = ∆ε ∆ε ij , 3 ij
tr (k +1) ∆ε ij
Materials 2018, 11, 1215
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Plastic stage: n2 ( k )
p(k) sij − Bij 3 Fy = ( ) ∆t, p(k) 2 Z2 σeq r 2 p(k) p(k) p ( k +1) ∆ε eq = ∆ε ∆ε ij , 3 ij
p ( k +1) ∆ε ij
Step 8. The convergence of iteration is checked: ( k +1)
abs(∆εin eq
− ∆εin eq ) (k)
∆εin eq
< err,
A dynamic compression experiment was carried out, and the alloy was made into a cylinder of φ 8 × 4 mm. Material chemical compositions are provided in Table 1. Tables 2 and 3 provide material parameters under compressive and tensile loading, respectively. Table 1. Chemical compositions of NiTi alloys. Ni
Table 2. Material parameters of NiTi alloys under tensile loading. Parameter
E A0 νA tr σs0 p σy0 CA C1 C3 k1 k3 z1 n1 m
53,453 0.3 380 730 3.7 0.038 0.012 400 400 10 3.0 50
MPa MPa MPa MPa/K MPa -
E M0 νM σtr f0 εm CM C2
9280 0.3 552 0.044 5.4 0.075
MPa MPa MPa/K -
k2 k4 z2 n2 R1
600 800 170 3.0 260
Table 3. Material parameters of NiTi alloys under compressive loading. Parameter
E A0 νA tr σs0 p σy0 CA C1 C3 k1 k3 z1 n1 m
37,130 0.3 409 1550 0.0337 4 × 10−5 400 400 10 3.0 250
MPa MPa MPa MPa/K MPa -
E M0 νM σtr f0 εm CM C2
19,280 0.3 552 0.034 5.4 0.0002
MPa MPa MPa/K -
k2 k4 z2 n2 R1
800 800 170 3.0 50
Materials 2018, 11, 1215
4 × 10−5 400 400 10 3.0 250
C3 k1 k3 z1 n1 m
MPa -
800 800 170 3.0 50
k2 k4 z2 n2 R1
12 of 23
Figure 4 provides a comparison between the calculated values and experimental results, which shows that agreement with experimental data, highlighting the that the the predicted predictedresults resultsare areininreasonable reasonable agreement with experimental data, highlighting practicability of the model for describing suchsuch a behavior. the practicability of proposed the proposed model for describing a behavior.
Figure 4. Dependence (b)(b) 1500/s; (c) Dependenceof ofthe thestress–strain stress–strainresponse responseon onvarious variousstrain strainrates ratesofof(a)(a)500/s; 500/s; 1500/s; 2100/s; (d) 3000/s. (c) 2100/s; (d) 3000/s.
2.6. 2.6. MPM MPM Similar tothe theconcept conceptofofFEM, FEM, background grids material points physical meaning Similar to background grids andand material points with with physical meaning (such (such as stress, mass, strain) stress, are strain) are firstly meshed in MPM. As mentioned in the introduction, these as mass, meshed in firstly MPM. As mentioned in the introduction, these background background are meshes, the Eulerian it remains fixed during process of A grids are the grids Eulerian and itmeshes, remainsand fixed during the process of the calculation. A calculation. material point material point could be connected with a background grid by using a shape function, shown in Figure could be connected with a background grid by using a shape function, shown in Figure 5. Materials 2018, 11, x 14 of 25 5.
Figure 5. A shape function for connecting material point with background grid node s. Figure 5. A shape function for connecting material point with background grid node s.
In each time t, the variables of Lagrangian material points are mapped into the Eulerian grid In each t, function the variables of Lagrangian material points are mapped into the Eulerian grid nodes by thetime shape nodes by the shape function NNp p
G =∑ GGtp Ntp Ni (xi t(p )x, tp ) Gitt = i
(47) (47)
p =1
p =1
, where is the shape function of a material point p in each time step. The subscript i denotes where Ni x p is the shape function oft a material point p in each time step. The subscript i denotes the node number of background grid. Gi and G tp represent the grid nodes and the material point at t,
Ni x tp t
( )
the node number of background grid.
t Git and G p represent the grid nodes and the material point
( m , m ) , the coordinate ) , and the acceleration ( a , a ) .
at t, respectively. In a similar way, the meaning is extended to the mass
( x , x ) , the displacement ( u , u ) , the velocity ( v , v t i
t p
t i
t p
t i
t p
t i
t p
t i
t p
The external force at each material point includes an external load and a volume force, which is expressed as
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respectively. In a similar way, the meaning is extended to the mass mit , mtp , the coordinate xit , x tp , the displacement uit , utp , the velocity vit , vtp , and the acceleration ait , atp . The external force at each material point includes an external load and a volume force, which is expressed as Np
−1 t ∑ mtp cs,t p h Ni ( x p ),
cit =
p =1
where cs,t p is the external load of p at t. h is the number of cell layers applied to the material point. The material point volume force is used to map the volume force of the background node Np
bit =
t ∑ mtp bs,t p Ni ( x p ),
p =1
where bs,t p is the volume force of p at t. The external force of a node is determined by a combination of Equations (48) and (49)
( f it )
= cit + bit ,
Afterwards, the internal force on the material point is mapped to the background grid nodes
( f it )
t = − ∑ mtp Ss,t p ∇ Ni ( x p ),
p =1
where Ss,t p is the Cauchy stress of p at t. Then, the background node mass, node speed, internal force and external force of node are achieved through the mapping calculation of the results. Indeed, the model of impact behavior is mainly governed by equations of mass conservation and momentum conservation. Mass conservation: dρ( x, t) + ρ( x, t)∇v = 0, (52) dt Momentum conservation: ρ( x, t) a = ∇s + ρ( x, t)b, (53) where ρ( x, t) is the density. v is the velocity. a is the acceleration. s is the Cauchy stress. The density is expressed as follows Np
ρtp =
∑ mtp δ(x − xtp ),
p =1
Taking the test function as w, the weak form of momentum equation is obtained as follows Z Ω
ρw · adΩ = −
ρs : ∇wdΩ +
ρc · wds +
ρw · bdΩ,
where Ss represents the stress tensor of unit mass. Sc is the boundary region of stress. Due to the discrete character of MPM, Equation (55) is rewritten as Np
p =1
mtp [−ss ( x tp , t) : ∇w xtp + w( x tp , t) · cs ( x tp , t)/h + w( x tp , t) · b( x tp , t)],
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The velocity increment of the node is mapped to the material point, and then its update is obtained. dvtp =
∑ Ni (xtp ) fit dt/mit ,
i =1
The velocity of the material point at t + dt is calculated as vtp+dt = vtp + dvtp ,
The global coordinate of the material point at this time is x tp+dt = x tp + vtp+dt dt,
The strain and Cauchy stress of material point are updated by the strain rate formula, which is defined by . ε = [∇v + (∇v) T ]/2, (60) Strain increment: dεtp = [∇v + (∇v) T ]dt/2,
εtp+dt = εtp + dεtp ,
Strain of material point: Then, the Cauchy stress is derived from the constitutive model. The flow chart of material point method is shown in Figure 6. Materials 2018, 11, x 16 of 25
Define initial parameters
Mesh background grids and material points
Map from material points to background grids nodes t = t + dt Define boundary and load conditions, and update parameters of grid nodes
Calculate the stress/strain of material points by mapping oppositely
Output results Figure 6. Flow chart of the analysis of MPM. Figure 6. Flow chart of the analysis of MPM.
Figure 7 shows a one-dimensional rod model, the length of which is 1 m. The left boundary is fixed.Figure 7 shows a one-dimensional rod model, the length of which is 1 m. The left boundary is fixed.
Figure 7. Schematic of background nodes and material points in a one-dimensional model.
Figure 6. Flow chart of the analysis of MPM.
Figure 2018, 7 shows Materials 11, 1215a
one-dimensional rod model, the length of which is 1 m. The left boundary is 15 of 23
Figure 7. Schematic of background nodes and material points in a one-dimensional model. Figure 7. Schematic of background nodes and material points in a one-dimensional model.
3. Results and Discussion
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Stress Wave Analysis 3.1. Stress Wave Analysis conservationequations equations for wave propagation mainlymainly include mass and momentum The The conservation for wave propagation include mass andequations. momentum Mass conservation: equations. ∂ε ∂v = , (63) Mass conservation: ∂X
Momentum conservation:
∂v = ∂σ (64) (63) ∂tX = ∂X t, , According to the combination of Equations (63) and (64), the velocity of stress wave C is Momentum derived from conservation: ∂X ∂X 1 dσ 2 C = (65) v =ρ0 dε , ∂t ∂t w = ρ0
t (64), Xthe The substitution of Equation (65) into Equation , following equation is obtained 0
According to the combination of Equations ∂ε (64), the velocity of stress wave C is derived ∂v (63)2 and =C , (66) ∂t ∂X from
X X 1 d = ut ∂2 u 0 d − C2 t w = 0,
Since ε and v is the first derivative of displacement u versus X and t, Equation (66) is rewritten as
C 2 =2
∂ ∂t2
∂X 2
(65) ,
In addition, the compatible relation at the wave front satisfies
dX = ±C dt,
dv = ±C dε,
dσ = ±ρ0 C dv,
where C is determined as C = ρ10 dσ dε . During the wave propagation in NiTi alloy rods, C is not a constant but a function of the strain ε. Such a phenomenon is different from the elastic wave. For a slightness rod with no initial stress, it is seen from Equation (68) that the strain increases by increasing the impact velocity. When ε reaches the plastic yield point, there is a three-wave structure in the rod, namely an elastic wave, a phase transition wave, and a plastic wave. Figure 8 exhibits the stress–strain response and the evolution of stress wave velocity. Indeed, four stages are always in an order of priority. The austenitic elastic wave appears at first. Subsequently, the phase transition wave occurs, and it is followed by the martensite elastic wave and the plastic wave. Because the martensite elastic wave speed is larger than the one of phase transition wave, the phase transition wave disappears when the martensite elastic wave exceeds the phase transition wave. Figure 9 indicates the stress profiles under some instantaneous stages. While it is just a schematic diagram with no physical meaning, the change in the slope of the stress profile is mainly used to differentiate the waves. From the figure, only the elastic wave propagating in the rod is found
In addition, the compatible relation at the wave front satisfies
Materials 2018, 11, 1215
dX = C dt ,
dv = C d ,
16 of 23
at t = τ1 and t = τ2 , with a velocity of C1 . When d t== τ30,Ct d=v τ4 , and t = τ5 , the phase transition occurs (68c) , on the boundary, and it propagates with a velocity of C2 . Because the velocity of phase transition wave is less than that of the elastic wave, 1 theddistance between these two waves increases gradually. It is also where C is that determined as C = that is located . discovered the rod segment at the critical point of phase transition becomes longer 0 d phase transition, the boundary enters the martensitic elastic with the wave propagation. After the wave propagation in NiTi alloy rods, C is not a constant but a function of the strain stageDuring at t = τthe 6 , and its wave propagates with a velocity of C3 . Similarly, the wave velocity during the ε. Such a phenomenon is different from the elasticelastic wave.wave. For a slightness rod with no initial stress, it phase transition is less than that of the martensitic Thus, the phenomenon of martensitic is seen from Equation (68) that the strain increases by increasing the impact velocity. When ε elastic wave pursuing the phase transition wave is observed by numerical simulations. Whenreaches t = τ7 , yield point, there is a three-wave structure in the rod, namely an elastic wave, a phase tthe = τplastic 8 , and t = τ9 , the boundary reaches the plastic deformation stage. It is noteworthy that the elastic transition wave, a plastic wave. Figure 8 exhibits thedisappears. stress–strain response and thea evolution of wave follows theand phase transition wave until the latter Afterwards, such three-wave stress wave velocity. structure degenerates into a double-wave structure, namely, two elastic waves and a plastic wave.
Materials 2018, 11, x
18 of 25
increases gradually. It is also discovered that the rod segment that is located at the critical point of phase transition becomes longer with the wave propagation. After the phase transition, the boundary enters the martensitic elastic stage at
t = 6 , and its wave propagates with a velocity of C3. Similarly,
the wave velocity during the phase transition is less than that of the martensitic elastic wave. Thus, the phenomenon of martensitic elastic wave pursuing the phase transition wave is observed by numerical simulations. When
t =7
t = 8
, and
t = 9
, the boundary reaches the plastic
deformation stage. It is noteworthy that the elastic wave follows the phase transition wave until the latter disappears. Afterwards, such a three-wave structure degenerates into a double-wave structure, Figure 8. 8. The The stress–strain stress–strain response response and and its its induced induced stress stress wave wave velocity. velocity. namely, two elasticFigure waves and a plastic wave. Indeed, four stages are always in an order of priority. The austenitic elastic wave appears at first. Subsequently, the phase transition wave occurs, and it is followed by the martensite elastic wave and the plastic wave. Because the martensite elastic wave speed is larger than the one of phase transition wave, the phase transition wave disappears when the martensite elastic wave exceeds the phase transition wave. Figure 9 indicates the stress profiles under some instantaneous stages. While it is just a schematic diagram with no physical meaning, the change in the slope of the stress profile is mainly used to differentiate the waves. From the figure, only the elastic wave propagating in the rod is found at
t = 1
t =2 ,
with a velocity of C1. When
t = 3 , t = 4 ,
t = 5 ,
the phase
transition occurs on the boundary, and it propagates with a velocity of C2. Because the velocity of phase transition wave is less than that of the elastic wave, the distance between these two waves
Figure some instantaneous instantaneousstages. stages. Figure9.9.Stress Stressprofiles profiles under under some
When the stress loading boundary is set as 500 MPa at first 0.075 ms and then it changes to 1000 MPa, the degeneration behavior of wave structure is observed from MPM simulation, shown in Figure 10. An obvious three-wave structure can be seen at 0.15 ms, and then the martensitic elastic wave pursues the phase transition wave. Finally, the phase transition wave disappears at 0.3 ms. Consequently, the three-wave structure degenerates into a double-wave structure. In addition, the propagation velocities of the stress wave in each phase are obtained. The austenite elastic wave velocity is about 3200 m/s and the phase transition wave velocity is about 640 m/s. The velocity of martensitic elastic wave and plastic wave is 1300 m/s and 800 m/s, respectively. The accuracy of these
Materials 2018, 11, 1215
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When the stress loading boundary is set as 500 MPa at first 0.075 ms and then it changes to 1000 MPa, the degeneration behavior of wave structure is observed from MPM simulation, shown in Figure 10. An obvious three-wave structure can be seen at 0.15 ms, and then the martensitic elastic wave pursues the phase transition wave. Finally, the phase transition wave disappears at 0.3 ms. Consequently, the three-wave structure degenerates into a double-wave structure. In addition, the propagation velocities of the stress wave in each phase are obtained. The austenite elastic wave velocity is about 3200 m/s and the phase transition wave velocity is about 640 m/s. The velocity of martensitic elastic wave and plastic wave is 1300 m/s and 800 m/s, respectively. The accuracy of these calculated data is quantified and compared to the predictions by Bekker et al. [20]. They reported that the2018, austenite Materials 11, x elastic wave velocity was 3300 m/s. The phase transition wave velocity was19about of 25 650 m/s, and the plastic wave was 810 m/s. The difference errors exhibit a reasonable agreement, suggesting Materials 2018,the 11, xefficiency of our model. 19 of 25
Figure 10. The degeneration of wave structure simulated by MPM.
3.2. Reflection Analysis Figure 10. The degeneration of wave structure simulated by MPM. Figure 10. The degeneration of wave structure simulated by MPM.
Figure 11 shows the wave reflection and transmission. I and I are the stress and particle 3.2. Reflection Reflection Analysis Analysis 3.2. velocity of incident wave, respectively. R and R are the stress and particle velocity of reflection Figure 11 shows the arethe thestress stress and and particle particle Figure the wave wave reflection reflectionand andtransmission. transmission.σI I and and νII are wave, respectively. and are the stress and particle velocity of transmission T T velocity νR are the stress and particle velocity of reflection wave, wave, velocityof ofincident incidentwave, wave,respectively. respectively.σRand R and R are the stress and particle velocity of reflection respectively. σIndeed, these variables could be solved by mass and momentum conservation respectively. and ν are the stress and particle velocity of transmission wave, respectively. Indeed, T T Tsolved Tmass wave,variables respectively. and by areand themomentum stress andconservation particle velocity of transmission wave, equations. these could be equations. respectively. Indeed, these variables could be solved by mass and momentum conservation equations.
Figure 11. 11. Schematic Schematic of of wave wave reflection reflection and and transmission. transmission. Figure
The balance of forceFigure on the11.surface AB of is wave givenreflection by Schematic and transmission. The balance of force on the surface AB is given by
+ Rby ) = Ax T 1 ( isI given The balance of force on the surfaceA AB A1 (σI + σR ) = A x σT , ,
vI −onvRthe= surface vT , AB imply: The conservations of mass and momentum
The conservations of mass and momentum surface AB imply: A1 ( I +on the R ) = Ax T ,
vI −=vR=Adxv vT , Adt , The substitution of Equation (70b) into Equation (70a) produces
(69) (69) (69) (70a) (70a) (70b)
Materials 2018, 11, 1215
18 of 23
The conservations of mass and momentum on the surface AB imply:
Materials 2018, 11, x
v I − vR = vT ,
σAdt = ρAdxv,
20(70b) of 25
The substitution of Equation (70b) into Equation (70a) produces
2 A1 xcx Ax xcx + A11c1
(σI−T σ= ),I R ) / ( ρ1 c1 ) = σT / ( ρ x c x σT and σR are achieved through Equations (69) and (71).
(71) (72a) ,
Ax 2Ax c1 ρx x−cx A11c1 σI , I AA c +A ρ c x ρ x x xxcx +1A1111c1 ,
(72a) (72b)
A x ρ x c x − A1 ρ1 c1 (72b) and, → 0 . σ This I , suggests that the stress of reflection A x ρ x c x +T A1 ρ1 c1 wave is identical to the one of incident wave when the boundary is fixed. Therefore, the total stress σR → σI is obtained when A x → ∞ and, σT → 0 . This suggests that the stress of reflection wave is increased to two times compared to the original one. is identical to the one of incident wave when the boundary is fixed. Therefore, the total stress is To verify the accuracy of the present theory and demonstrate its capability of prediction, Figure increased to two times compared to the original one. 12 shows the propagation and reflection of elastic wave in austenite phase. For comparison, To verify the accuracy of the present theory and demonstrate its capability of prediction, Figure 12 1.5Lreflection / C1 areofchosen t = 0.5 L /propagation C1 and t =and exhibit the stressphase. profileFor in comparison, the rod. As shown in the shows the elastictowave in austenite t = 0.5L/C 1 figure, wave1 are propagation reflection of austenite elastic stage identical to that of the and t =the 1.5L/C chosen toand exhibit the stress profile in the rod. Asisshown in the figure, thegeneral wave elastic wave,and exhibiting no of phase transformation. The stress wave velocity with C1 is elastic increased by propagation reflection austenite elastic stage is identical to that of the general wave, two times after it reflects from the fixed boundary. The difference errors indicate that the proposed exhibiting no phase transformation. The stress wave velocity with C1 is increased by two times after it model seems to be reasonable forThe the difference description of stress wavethat propagation and model reflection. reflects from the fixed boundary. errors indicate the proposed seems to be
R →I
is obtained when
Axσ→ R =
reasonable for the description of stress wave propagation and reflection.
Figure Figure 12. 12. Stress Stress profiles profilesduring duringthe thepropagation propagationand andreflection reflectionof ofaustenite austeniteelastic elasticwave. wave.
Whenthe theload loadexceeds exceedsthe the plastic plasticyield yield point, point, the the three-wave three-wavestructure structureappears appearsin inthe the bar, bar,which which When is different from the elastic wave. Figure 13 illustrates the stress profile in high stress conditions. It is is different from the elastic wave. Figure 13 illustrates the stress profile in high stress conditions. found that the velocity of austenite elastic wave propagation is the fastest one among those three It is found that the velocity of austenite elastic wave propagation is the fastest one among those waves. Accordingly, the rod that stays the at critical point of phase transition becomes longer three waves. Accordingly, thesegment rod segment that at stays the critical point of phase transition becomes during the wave propagation. This phenomenon is consistent with the conclusion of the above longer during the wave propagation. This phenomenon is consistent with the conclusion of the above theoretical results. theoretical results.
However, when the austenite elastic wave is reflected at the fixed boundary, the stress increases by a different way compared with the elastic one. The phase transition seems to occur in the reflection
Materials 2018, 11, 1215
19 of 23
process, which could be explained that the reflected wave produces an increment of the stress over the critical point. Thus, Equation (71) is rewritten as the following form σ σ σI − R = T , ρ1 C1 ρ1 C2 ρ x Cx
where C1 is the velocity of incident wave. C2 is the velocity of reflected wave, and it is also the velocity of phase transformation wave. σR is obtained by solving Equations (69) and (73), σR =
C2 A x ρ x Cx − A1 ρ1 C1 σI C1 A1 ρ1 C2 + A x ρ x Cx
C2 2 σR → C C1 σI is found when A x → ∞ . Therefore, the stress increment is not σI , but C1 σI . Furthermore, Figure 13 shows that the reflection wave propagate goes back with the velocity of phase transition wave, which is only twenty percent of the elastic wave velocity with about 3200 m/s. Besides, it is found that the plastic wave velocity is similar to that of the phase transformation wave, by comparing the distance of the wave propagation in the same period, which is proved by the fact that the two waves propagate about 120 mm at the time step with 0.5L/C1 . While the velocity of martensitic elastic wave is larger than that of phase transformation, the phase transition wave disappears in the initial stage of wave propagation. With the propagations of martensitic elastic wave and the plastic Materials 2018, 11, x 21 of 25 one, the rod segment that stays at the plastic yield point is expanded.
Figure 13. Stress profiles during the propagation and reflection of stress wave under high stress level. Figure 13. Stress profiles during the propagation and reflection of stress wave under high stress level.
However, when the austenite elastic wave is reflected at the fixed boundary, the stress increases 3.3. Effect of the Loading Direction by a different way compared with the elastic one. The phase transition seems to occur in the reflection To investigate the be influence of loading wave propagation, Figures of 14the andstress 15 show process, which could explained that thedirection reflectedon wave produces an increment over the the stress of wave propagation at 0.15 ms with various loading thestress–strain critical point.curve Thus,and Equation (71)profile is rewritten as the following form directions, respectively. There are two differences between the compression and tension loading. T for the compression phase is longer I For the martensitic elastic stage, the strainrange − fromR 0.05 = to 0.1 , (73) than the one between 0.055 and 0.07 for 1the C1 tension 1C2phase. xCInx addition, the martensitic elasticity compression modulus is larger than that under tension. However, Figure 15 shows that the austenite whereand C1 is the velocity of incidentfaster wave. C2 is tension the velocity of reflected wave, and it is also theloading. velocity elastic plastic wave propagate under loading, compared to the compression of phase transformation wave. This is attributed to the fact that the austenite elastic and plastic compression stiffness is less than
the tension The plastic waveEquations velocity during tension loading process is predicted as about R isone. obtained by solving (69) andthe (73), 800 m/s, which is two times than that of the compression plastic wave. Due to the difference in the
R = R →
C2 Ax xCx − A11C1 I , C1 A11C2 + Ax xCx
C2 C I is found when Ax → . Therefore, the stress increment is not I , but 2 I . C1 C1
Materials Materials2018, 2018,11, 11,x x
loading. loading.This Thisisisattributed attributedtotothe thefact factthat thatthe theaustenite austeniteelastic elasticand andplastic plasticcompression compressionstiffness stiffnessisisless less Materials 2018, 11, 1215 20 of 23 than asas thanthe thetension tensionone. one.The Theplastic plasticwave wavevelocity velocityduring duringthe thetension tensionloading loadingprocess processisispredicted predicted about about800 800m/s, m/s,which whichisistwo twotimes timesthan thanthat thatofofthe thecompression compressionplastic plasticwave. wave.Due Duetotothe thedifference differenceinin the austenite elastic wave velocity with different loading directions, the rod segment that the the austenite elastic wave velocity with different loading directions, the rod segment that stays the austenite elastic wave velocity with different loading directions, the rod segment that staysstays at theatat start start point of phase transition is longer under tension loading. Similarly, the rod segment that stays start point of phase transition is longer under tension loading. Similarly, the rod segment that stays point of phase transition is longer under tension loading. Similarly, the rod segment that stays at the at start ofofisplastic isisalso longer during loading, which isisderived from atthe the start point plastic also longer duringcompression compression loading, whichfrom derived fromthe the start point ofpoint plastic also longer during compression loading, which is derived the difference in difference in martensitic elastic waves. difference in martensitic elastic waves. martensitic elastic waves.
Figure Figure14. 14.The Thestress–strain stress–strainresponse responsewith withvarious variousloading loadingdirections. directions. Figure 14. The stress–strain response with various loading directions.
Figure Figure15. 15.Stress Stressprofiles profilesduring duringthe thewave wavepropagation propagationwith withvarious variousloading loadingdirections. directions. Figure 15. Stress profiles during the wave propagation with various loading directions.
3.4. 3.4.Effect Effectof theStrain StrainRate Rate 3.4. Effect ofofthe the Strain Rate Equation Equation(21) (21)is usedto todescribe describethe thephase phasetransition transitionstress. stress.Figure Figure16 16shows showsthe thestress–strain stress–strain Equation (21) isisused used to describe the phase transition stress. Figure 16 shows the stress–strain curve with various strain rates, and in turn the stress profiles of wave propagation at 0.25 curve with various strain rates, and in turn the stress profiles of wave propagation at 0.25ms msare are curve with various strain rates, and in turn the stress profiles of wave propagation at 0.25 ms are provided in Figure 17. With increasing the strain rate, the initial phase transition strain increases by provided in Figure 17. With increasing the strain rate, the initial phase transition strain increases by provided in Figure 17. With increasing the strain rate, the initial phase transition strain increases by aaaslight slightmanner. manner.In Incontrast, contrast,the theincrease increaseof offinal finalphase phasetransition transitionstrain strainis significant,and andthe thestrain strain slight manner. In contrast, the increase of final phase transition strain isissignificant, significant, and the strain increases approximately from 0.05 at 500/s to 0.055 at 3000/s. It is evident that the stiffness of phase increases approximately from 0.05 at 500/s to 0.055 at 3000/s. It is evident that the stiffness of phase increases approximately from 0.05 at 500/s to 0.055 at 3000/s. It is evident that the stiffness of phase transition stage increases with strain rate. The wave during phase transitionstage stage increases with theincreasing increasing strain rate. Thevelocity wave velocity velocity during the phase transition increases with thethe increasing strain rate. The wave during the phasethe transition transition increase from 800 to 1200 m/s, indicating that the rod segment that stays at the initial point transition increase from 800 to 1200 m/s, indicating that the rod segment that stays at the initial point increase from 800 to 1200 m/s, indicating that the rod segment that stays at the initial point of phase of phase transition becomes shorter with increasing the strain rate. of phase transition becomes shorter with increasing the strain rate. transition becomes shorter with increasing the strain rate.
Materials 2018, x Materials 2018, 11, 11, 1215
23 21 of of 25 23
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Figure Thestress–strain stress–strainresponse response with with various Figure 16.16.The various strain strainrates. rates. Figure 16. The stress–strain response with various strain rates.
Figure 17. Stress profiles during the wave propagation with various strain rates.
Figure 17. Stress profiles during the wave propagation with various strain rates. Figure 17. Stress profiles during the wave propagation with various strain rates. 4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions In this study, a dynamic analysis is presented under the framework of MPM, with a special focus
4. Conclusions
onInthe propagation of stressanalysis waves inisapresented NiTi rod under uniaxial this study, a dynamic underone-dimensional the framework of MPM,loading. with a special focus
thisIt study, a dynamic analysis presented underan the framework of MPM, with aDuring special focus onInthe of stress waves inisaobtained NiTi rod under one-dimensional uniaxial loading. (1) propagation is found that the stress wave exhibits obvious three-wave structure. the on the propagation stress waves in athe NiTi rodvelocity under in one-dimensional uniaxial process of of wave propagation, wave the phase transition is lessloading. than the one of
(1) It is found that the stress wave obtained exhibits an obvious three-wave structure. During the austenite elastic wave, and the martensitic elastic wave follows the phase transition wave till the ofthat wave propagation, wave velocity in the phase transition is lessstructure. than the one of It process is found the stress wavetheobtained exhibits an obvious three-wave During phase transition wave disappear. Herein, the three-wave structure degenerates into a doubleaustenite elastic wave, and the martensitic elastic wave follows the phase transition wave till the the process of wave propagation, the wave velocity in the phase transition is less than the one wave structure. phase transition wave disappear. Herein, the three-wave structure degenerates into a doubleof austenite elastic wave, and martensitic elastic follows thereflection phase transition wave (2) Due to the occurrence of thethe phase transition wave wave during the wave at the fixed wave structure. till the phase transition wave Herein, three-wave degenerates into a boundary, the stress does notdisappear. increase to two times the as much as that ofstructure the original one. The stress (2)double-wave Due to the structure. occurrence of the transition wave during the wave reflection at the fixed increment is proportional to Cphase 2, which is proved by MPM solution. the stress does not increaseand to two as much as that of the original one. The stress (3)boundary, The influences of loading direction staintimes rate are investigated is found (2) Due to the occurrence of the phase transition wave during thecomprehensively. wave reflectionIt at the fixed increment is proportional to C 2 , which is proved by MPM solution. that the velocity of phase transition wave increases with increasing strain rate. In addition, the boundary, the stress does not increase to two times as much as that of the original one. The stress (3) Theloading influences of loading stain investigated comprehensively. It iswave found direction has adirection distinct and effect on rate the are martensitic elastic wave and plastic increment is proportional to C2 , which is proved by MPM solution. thatpropagation. the velocityThe of phase transition with tensile increasing strainisrate. In addition, martensite elasticwave wave increases velocity under condition less than that withthe (3) The influences ofloading, loading and stain rate investigated comprehensively. iswave found compressive the plastic wave velocity under compression iswave less than by It tensile loading direction has but adirection distinct effect on the are martensitic elastic andthat plastic that the velocity of phase transition wave increases with increasing strain rate. In addition, loading. The martensite elastic wave velocity under tensile condition is less than that with propagation. thecompressive loading direction a distinct effectvelocity on theunder martensitic elasticis wave and plastic wave loading, has but the plastic wave compression less than that by tensile propagation. The martensite elastic wave velocity under tensile condition is less than that loading.
with compressive loading, but the plastic wave velocity under compression is less than that by tensile loading.
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Author Contributions: Y.C. carried out the simulations and contributed to the writing of the manuscript; X.Z. has supervised the whole procedure; H.C. and J.C. performed the scientific discussion; F.W. contributed to the discussion of the modeling results and revised the paper. Funding: This research was funded by NSAF under grant number U1430119 and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under grant number XDJK2018B002. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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