and a duality result are obtained for quasidifferentiable programming problems. ... characterizes the cone-invex property, for differentiable functions, in terms of.
/. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) 39 (1985), 1-20
(Received 25 January 1983; revised 18 June 1983) Communicated by B. Mond
For both differentiable and nondifferentiable functions defined in abstract spaces we characterize the generalized convex property, here called cone-invexity, in terms of Lagrange multipliers. Several classes of such functions are given. In addition an extended Kuhn-Tucker type optimality condition and a duality result are obtained for quasidifferentiable programming problems. 1980 Mathematics subject classification (Amer. Math. Soc): 90 C 30.
1. Introduction
The Kuhn-Tucker conditions for a constrained minimization problem become also sufficient for a (global) minimum if the functions are assumed to be convex, or to satisfy certain generalized convex properties [14]. Hanson [10] showed that a minimum was implied when convexity was replaced by a much weaker condition, called invex by Craven [4], [5]. For the problem, Minimize fo(x)
subject to -g(x) e 5,
where S is a closed convex cone, the vector / = (/ 0 , g) is required to have a certain property, here called cone-invex, in relation to the cone R + X S. Some conditions necessary, or sufficient, for cone-invex were given in Craven [5]; see also Hanson and Mond [12]. However, it would be useful to characterize some recognizable classes of cone-invex functions. The present paper (a) represents several classes of cone-invex functions, (b) characterizes the cone-invex property, for differentiable functions, in terms of Lagrange multipliers (Theorems 2 and 3), using Motzkin's (or Gale's) alternative
> 1985 Australian Mathematical Society 0263-6115/85 SA2.00 + 0.00 1
B. D. Craven and B. M. Glover
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theorem; (c) extends some of these results to a class of nondifferentiable functions, namely quasidifferentiable functions [16]. In this final section we shall also establish a Kuhn-Tucker type optimality condition and a duality theorem for cone-invex programs with a quasidifferentiable objective function. Several examples are given to illustrate the results.
2. Definitions and symbols Consider the constrained minimization problem: (P)
Minimize fo{x)
subject to -g(x) G S,
in which f0: Xo -> R and g: Xo -» Y are (Frechet) differentiable functions, X and Y are normed spaces, Xo c X is an open set, and 5 c Y is a closed convex cone. Suppose that (P) attains a local minimum at x = a. If a suitable constraint qualification is also assumed, then the Kuhn-Tucker conditions hold: (KT) ( 3 A e S * ) / 0 » + Ag'(a) = 0, Xg(a) = 0, -g(a) e S. Here S* = { v e Y': (Vy G S)vy > 0}, in which Y' denotes the (topological) dual space of Y, and vy denotes the evaluation of the functional v at y G Y. (In finite dimensions, vy may be expressed as vTy, in terms of column vectors. Note that x and y here do not generally relate to the spaces X and Y.) The Kuhn-Tucker conditions are valid under weaker differentiability assumptions on / 0 and g, in particular, if the functions are linearly Gateaux differentiable at the point a, ([3]). Now let / = (f0, g): Xo -> R X Y; K = R + X S, where R + = [0, 00); r = (1, \ ) ; So = {> + g(a)): a e R + , >> e 5 ) , AT0 = R + x 5 0 . Then /iT* = R + X SJ, where 50* = { A e 5*: Ag(a) = 0}. Then r = (r0, X) with r o 6 R + 1 A e S o * . Now (KT) holds if and only if there holds: (KT+)
(3retf 0 *,r 0 >0)//'(a) = 0,
rf(a) =fo(a);-g(a) e S.
Let KT(P) denote the set of a Xo such that (KT + ) holds, for some /• e K%. Let Z = R X Y. Denote by(D1) the formal Wolfe dual of the problem (P), namely (£>!>
Maximize fo(u) + Xg(u)
subject to X e S*,/ 0 '(u) + Ag'(") = °-
Let £: = {x G XQ: -g(jc) e S}, the feasible set of (P); denote by H^ the set of M G A^Q, such that (u, X) is feasible for (Dx), for some X e 5*. The formal Lagrangean dual of the problem (P) is the problem (Z>2)
Maximize^X), where(X) = inf{/ 0 (x) + Xg(x): x G ZQ}. \ ^s Note that weak duality ([3]) holds automatically for (P) and (D2), that is /o(-x)>2)-
(3 ]
Invex functions and duality
A function h: Xo -> Yis S-convex if, whenever 0 < a < 1 a n d x, y G Xo,
ah(x)+(l - a)h(y) - h(ax + (l - a)y) e S; /i is locally S-convex at a G I o if this inclusion holds whenever x, y e U, where U is a neighborhood of a in Xo. If the function h is linearly Gateaux differentiable then h is S-convex if and only if, for each x, y G Xo,
The function h is S-sublinear if /i is S-convex and positively homogeneous of degree one (that is, h(ax) = ah(x), Va > 0). If Y = R, S = R + we shall denote the subdifferential of a convex function h at a G A'Q by 9/i(a), where 3/i(a) = {v G A": u(x - a) < h{x) - A(a), for all* G * „ } . If /j is continuous at a then 3/i(a) is a non-empty weak* compact convex subset of X' ([17]); by (1) if h is linearly Gateaux differentiable at a then dh(a) = { h'(a)}. Following [5], a function / : Xo -> Z is called K0-invex, with respect to a function TJ: Jf0 X A'Q -» A", if, for each x, u e XQ,
(This property may be called cone-invex when the cone Ko is fixed.) The function / is called K0-invex at u on E c Xo if (2) holds for given u & X, and for each x G E. We are assuming/is linearly Gateaux differentiable. Define the following (possibly empty) set, contingent on a set D c X, aint D = { x e Z ) : ( V z 6 l , z # 0 ) ( 3 « > 0 ) x + « z G D } . If £> is convex, x + aSz e Z) also when 0 < a < 1, so aint D equals the algebraic interior of D, as usually defined. If the cone S has non-empty (topological) interior int S, then 0 ¥= int S c aint S. Define the />o/ar sets of sets V - 1 } .
We shall also require in section V the following (not necessarily Unear) concept of differentiability. A function h: Xo —» Y is directionally differentiable at a e I o if the limit h'(a, x) = Uma" 1 (/i(a + ax) - h(a)) exists for each x G A", in the strong topology of 7. If Y = R and h is a convex functional then, for each a G A'O, h\a, •) exists and is sublinear ([17]).
B. D. Craven and B. M. Glover
For a function h: Xo -» R, the level sets of h ([24]) are the sets L , ( a ) = {xeX0:h(x)^a},
(a e R),
and the effective domain of L A ( ) is the set GA = ( a e R: Lh(a) # 0 } . This point-to-set mapping LA is called /otver semi-continuous (LSC) at a ^ Gh if x e Lh(a), Gh^> (a,) -> a imply the existence of an integer A: and a sequence (x,) such that x, e £/,("/) (/ = &,& + 1,...) and x, -» x. The point-to-set mapping Lh is strictly lower semi-continuous (SLSC) at a e GA if x e Lh(a), Gh z> (a,) -> a imply the existence of an integer k, a sequence (x,), and b(x) > 0 such that x t e L A ( « , - b ( x ) \ \ x i - x||), ( i = k , k + l , . . . ) , a n d x, - » x . The range of a function/is denoted by r a n / ; the nullspace by N(f). For a continuous linear function B: X -» y we will denote by BT:Y'-> X' the transpose operator of 2?, defined by 2?r(w) = w ° B, for each w e Y'. The constraint - g ( x ) e S of (.P) is called locally solvable at a e Xo if -g(a) e S and, whenever d & X satisfies the linearized inclusion -g(a) — g'(a)d e 5, there exists a local solution x = a + ad + o(a) to -g(x) e 5, valid for all sufficiently small a > 0. We are assuming g is linearly Gateaux differentiable at a, however if g is merely directionally differentiable at a then we can replace the linearized inclusion by -g(a) — g'(a, d) G S. In particular, the constraint -g(x) e S is locally solvable at a e Xo if ([3]) g is continuously Frechet differentiable and the set g(a) + ran(g'(a)) + S contains a neighborhood of 0 in Y. For a set y4 c A', we shall denote the closure of A by A. We shall assume throughout that the dual space X' (or Y') is endowed with the weak* topology (see [3]), thus for a set V c X', V represents the weak* closure of V. The results in Section 4 do not depend on the dimensions of the spaces, and would extend readily to locally convex spaces (for example, space of distributions).
3. Classes of cone-invex functions
In this section we illustrate the broad nature of cone-invexity by presenting several classes of such functions, and some simple concrete examples. (I) Each cone-convex function is invex, by (1) with TJ(X, a) = x — a. (II) Let q: X -» Y and X(c) 3* 0} since [ran(/4)]* = N(AT) « (0,-1) 0 , ( T , X ) # ( 0 , 0 ) ) T / 0 ' ( f l ) + X g ' ( f l ) = 0,
Xg(a) = 0,
are necessary for optimality at a e £; equivalently, (FJ+)
(3r^K*,r*0)rf'(a) = 0.
Hence, using (9) above, it follows that / i s Ag-invex at a on E if and only if either, (FJ + ) is not satisfied at a e E or, the corresponding Lagrangean function L(r, x) = rf(x) (for r e R X Y') attains a minimum at a over £\ This result assumes that Jx is weak* closed for each x e £ , but does not require the other regularity conditions of Theorems 2 and 3. It is possible to consider Fritz John type conditions in an asymptotic form (see [7]) which would be applicable when Jx is not necessarily closed. The conditions (FJ) are known to be satisfied when the cone S has non-empty (topological) interior ([3]). (iii) The weak* closure assumption on the convex cone Jx is satisfied under either of the following assumptions: (a) Ko is a polyhedral cone, (in particular if K = R"+). (b) [f(x)-f(a),f'(a)](R+X X) + Ko = R X Y, for each x e E. In part (b) we need the additional assumption that X and Y are complete, for the details see Nieuwenhuis [15], or Glover [7, Lemma 3]. Other sufficient conditions are given in Zalinescu [20] and Holmes [13]. (iv) In Section 3 it was claimed that every pseudoconvex function is invex, this now follows easily from part (i) above since every stationary point of a pseudoconvex function is a (global) minimum. A related result was given in [24, Theorem 2.3] where it was shown that for a pseudoconvex function, / : X -» R, Lf(-) is SLSC on Gf; which is equivalent to invexity by part (i) above.
I' i 1
Invex functions and duality
(v) In this section we have characterized cone-invexity at Kuhn-Tucker points using the Motzkin alternative theorem; for finite systems of differentiable functions on R", a similar approach was suggested by Hanson [10] using Gale's alternative theorem.
5. Nondifferentiable functions In this section we shall discuss cone-invexity for a class of nondifferentiable functions. We use the concept of quasidifferentiability to show that under cone-invex hypotheses the generalized Kuhn-Tucker conditions of Glover [7] are sufficient for optimality. DEFINITION. A function g: Xo -* Y is S*-quasidifferentiable at a e Xo if g is directionally differentiable at a and, for each X e S*, there is a non-empty weak* compact convex set 9(Xg)(a) such that
g'(a, x) = sup{w(x): w e 9(Xg)(a)}.
Clearly if g is S*-quasidifferentiable at a then \g'(a,- ) is a continuous sublinear functional for each X e S*. Hence 3(XgXa) coincides with 9(Xg)'(a,0) that is the subdifferential of \g'(a,- ) at 0 in the sense of convex analysis (see [17]). If g is S-convex at a then 9(Xg)(a)=9(Xg)(a); for convenience we shall omit the ~ in the sequel. Clearly every linearly Gateaux differentiable function is 5*-quasidifferentiable with 9(Xg)(a) = {Xg'(a)}. For more general classes of nondifferentiable functions which are quasidifferentiable see Pshenichnyi [16], Craven and Mond [6], Clarke [2], and Borwein [1]. Let g: Xo -* Y be directionally differentiable at a e Xo, then g will be called S-invex at a on a set D c Xo if, for each X G D , there is a TJ(JC, a) e X with (11)
THEOREM 4 (Sufficient Kuhn-Tucker Theorem). Consider problem (P) with a G E. Let f0 be quasidifferentiable at a and g S*-quasidifferentiable at a. Further suppose that f is K-invex at a on E and that the generalized Kuhn-Tucker conditions
0 e ( 9 / 0 ( a ) x { 0 } ) + \J (3(Xg)(a) X {Xg(a)})
are satisfied. Then a is optimal for (P).
B. D. Craven and B. M. Glover
[ 121
P R O O F . It is easily seen that (12) is equivalent to the existence of w e 9/ 0 (a) and nets (X a ) c S*, (wa) c X' with wa e 9(X a g)(a) for all a, such that
w + wa - 0,
-» 0.
Let x G E, then fo(x)
~ fo(a) ^ /o'( fl ' T?)> >
by invexity
since w e 9/ 0 (a)
= lim[-w a (i,)],
by (13)
> Uminf[-X a g'(a,i})],
since wa e 9(X a g)(a),Va
> liminf (-X a (g(x) - g(a))),
by invexity
> liminfXag(a),
a s x e E and Aa e S*
= 0,
by (13).
Thus/ 0 (x) — fo(a) > 0, for all x e E and so a is optimal. REMARK 4. Theorem 4 generalizes the result of Hanson [10] and Craven [5] given in Theorem l(a). The condition (12) has been shown to be necessary for optimality by Glover [7, Theorem 4] under the quasidifferentiability assumptions of Theorem 4 and the additional hypotheses that / 0 is arc-wise directionally differentiable at a ([6]) and g is locally solvable at a. In the special case of Theorem 4 in which f0 and g are linearly Gateaux differentiable at a it is easily shown that (12) is equivalent to (AKT). We shall now consider an alternative characterization of optimality for invex programs under stronger hypotheses. THEOREM 5. For problem (P) let a e E; let f0 be quasidifferentiable at a and let g be linearly Gateaux differentiable at a. Furthermore assume ran([g'(a), g(a)\) is closed, X and Y are complete, and g is locally solvable at a. Then a necessary condition for a to be a minimum of(P) is that
(3v e Q) 0 e 3/ 0 (a) + vg'(a),
vg(a) = 0,
where (15)
Iffis K-invex at a on E then (14) is sufficient for optimality at a. (Necessity) Let a e E be optimal for (P). Then by Craven and Mond [6], using the local solvability hypothesis, there is no solution (a, x ) e R x ! t o PROOF.
Thus, by the separation theorem, ([16]), (17) is equivalent to
By Theorem 1 in [8], [ ^ ( - S ) ] * = AT(Q) with Q given by (15). Thus (14) and (18) are equivalent as required. (Sufficiency) Suppose (14) is satisfied a t a G f and / is K-invex at a on E. Let x G E. By (14) there are nets (Xa) c S*, (wa) c N(AT) with v = lim a (X a - wa). Now, /(•*)-/o(«O
>fi(a,ri), > -vg'(a)i),
by (14)
= lim[-(A a - W Jg'( fl )i,] a
= lim[-Xag'(a)7i], since wa G N(AT),Va a
> liminf [-Xa(g(x) - g(a))],
by invexity
> liminf [\ a g(a)], sincex G E a
= ug(a), = 0,
as wag(a) = 0, Va
by (14).
Thus a is optimal for (P). REMARK 5. Theorem 5 generalizes the results in [8]. If Y = R" then the closed range condition is automatically satisfied. This result provides a non-asymptotic Kuhn-Tucker condition even if the usual 'closed cone' condition is not satisfied. Consider the following program related to (P).
Maximize 3
subject to
fo(u) + vg(u) v G Q(u) , 0 G 8/ 0 (u) + vg'(u)
where/ 0 is quasidifferentiable, g is linearly Gateaux differentiable and Q(u) = S* - N([g'(u), g(u)T)). Let W1 = {u G X: (u, v) is feasible for (D3) for some v
6. Lef / be K-invex on W1U E then weak duality holds for (P) and (Z>3). Let a G E be optimal for (P) and let (14) be satisfied for some v G Q, then (£>3) reaches a maximum at (a, v) with Min(P) = Max(Z>3). Thus (Z>3) is a dual program to (P). THEOREM
B. D. Craven and B. M. Glover PROOF.
[ 141
Let x e E and let («, v) be feasible for ( D 3 ) . Then,
fo(x) - / o ( " ) - vg{u) >fo{u,r\) - vg(u) = -vg'{u)j] - lim(Aa - wa)g(u) a
where we choose (Xa) and (wa) as in Theorem 5 = -ugX")7? + lim[-X a g(w)], asw a g(«) = 0
> -vg'iu)!) + liminf A a g'(w), by invexity a
= -vg'(u)r\ + vg'(u)r),
as wag'(u) = 0, Va
= 0. Thus weak duality holds for (P) and (I>3). Let flG£be optimal for (P). Now by assumption there is a v e (? = Q(a) such that (14) holds. Thus (a, v) is feasible for (Z>3). Hence, by weak duality, / 0 ( a ) + Bg(a) =/ 0 (fl) > / 0 ( « ) + »g(«) for all (u, v) feasible for (D3). Thus (a, t>) is optimal for (Z)3) and Min(P) = fo(a) = Max(Z)3). In order to establish a version of Theorem 2 for quasidifferentiable functions we require the following theorem of the alternative. We no longer require the completeness assumptions on X and Y. THEOREM 7. Let h: X -> Y be S-sublinear and weakly continuous. Let z e Y. Then exactly one of the following is satisfied: (i) (3JC G X) -h(x) + z G 5.
(0,1) e U (9(A/0(0)x{X(z)}).
PROOF. [Not (ii) => (i)]. For convenience let B = U XeS .(3(X/0(0) X Clearly B is a convex cone. Now suppose (0, -1) £ 5. Thus, by the separation theorem ([3, p. 23]), 3(x, j8) e X X R such that
-/? > sup{>v(jc, 0 ) : w e 5 } (19)
= sup{vv(Jc, B): Fl v y w e B) ' > sup{w(jc): »v G 3(Afc)(0)} + BX(z), = Xh(x) + BX(z),
for any X G S*
by continuity and sublinearity of Xh.
Invex functions and duality
Also as 0 G S*, -B > 0. Let y = -fi. Then, for any X e S*, Xh(x) - X(yz) < Y X(h(x) - z) < 1, where x = x/y =» -A(5c) + z e (S*) = 5 , as 5 is a closed convex cone => (i) is satisfied by x. [(i) => Not (ii)]. Suppose -h{x) + z e S for some x e X; and suppose, if possible, that (0,-1) e B. Hence there are nets (Xa) c 5* and ( w j c A" such that wa e 9(Aa/z)(0), Va, and wa -» 0, \ a ( z ) -» - 1 . Thus wo(x) -> 0. Now, for each a, 0 > X a (/i(x) - z) ^ wa(x) - Aa(z) -• 1. Thus we have a contradiction, hence (0, -1) £ B and (ii) is not satisfied. REMARK 6. Vercher [19] (see also Goberna et al. [9]) has established a result similar to Theorem 7 for arbitrary systems of sublinear functions defined on R". It is possible to weaken the continuity requirement in Theorem 7 to X/i lower semi-continuous for each X e S* (the proof is identical since (19) remains valid using [21, Theorem 1]). Consider the special case of Theorem 7 in which h = C, a continuous linear function. Then (ii) becomes
(20) (0,-l)e[C,z]r(S*). T If the convex cone [C, z] (S*) is weak* closed then (20) becomes (21) (3AeS*)AC = 0, \(z) = - 1 . Thus the first section of proof in Theorem 2 has established this 'linear' version of Gale's alternative theorem. Consider the generalized Kuhn-Tucker conditions given in Theorem 4. If the convex cone Uxes*( /o(> = fix — 2, for some \t. e [0,1]; and x ^ 0. Thus, / 0 (x, >>) + 3 gl (jc, j ) = x2 + y3 + 3x2 + 3y2 - 12 = (1 + p,3)x3 + 3(1 - ^ 2 )x 2 - 8 > - 8 = / 0 ( 0 , - 2 ) + 3 g l (0,-2). Thus, since the constraints of ( i \ ) are convex, we have by Theorem 3 that / ~ ( / c £i> 82) i s R3+-invex on E at a. Hence, by Theorem l(a), a is a minimum of(P 1 ). We can actually define a suitable function 17 as follows: Let •»)(*, y) = (ili(x, y), T)2(JC, y)), for (x, y) G £, where
, y) = maxl-g^x, >^)/4: (JC, y) e £ } - min{g2(x, y): (x, y) G £ } , We do not have duality between (Pj) and (DJ in this case; we will show that if / i s not R3+-invex on W U £. Let a > 0 and consider the point (0, -a). /'(yS, a) = 0 then $(/?, x) ^ (£, a), for all x e C. Thus, by (9) and part (ii) in Remark 3, ^ = (i// 1 ,...,^ n ) is R"+-invex on C. Thus Fx a can be assumed linear and (23) is equivalent to invexity. Hanson and Mond [11] also defined another class of generalized invex functions from (23) (in a manner analogous to the definition of pseudoconvex functions from convex functions); namely a differentiable function \p is in this new class over C c X if, for each x, a e C, there is a sublinear functional Fx a: X' -» R such that (24) [F x , f l (*'(fl))>0 = » * ( * ) > * ( * ) ] . It now follows immediately, as above, that if xj/ satisfies (24) then xp is invex on C, since every stationary point is a (global) minimum. Example 4 in Section 3 shows that these invex concepts are also applicable in infinite dimensions.
The authors thank two referees for their comments, which have improved the presentation of the paper. References [1] J. M. Borwein, 'Fractional programming without differentiability', Math. Programming 11 (1976), 283-290. [2] F. H. Clarke, 'Generalized gradients of Lipschitz functional', Adv. in Math. 40 (1981), 52-67. [3] B. D. Craven, Mathematical programming and control theory (Chapman and Hall, London, 1978). [4] B. D. Craven, 'Duality for generalized convex fractional programs', Generalized concavity in optimization and economics, edited by S. Schaible and W. T. Ziemba, pp. 473-490 (Academic Press, New York), 1981. [5] B. D. Craven, 'Invex functions and constrained local minima', Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 24 (1981), 357-366. [6] B. D. Craven and B. Mond, 'Lagrangean conditions for quasidifferentiable optimization'. Survey of mathematical programming, Volume 1, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1979, edited by A. Prekopa, pp. 177-192, (proceedings of the 9th International Programming Symposium, Budapest, 1976).
B. D. Craven and B. M. Glover
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Department of Mathematics University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia