Write an essay that explores how the information in the passage affects the outcome of Invisible Man. C. Read the passag
Invisible Man Essay Topics: Choose one of the topics below. Develop in an essay that develops a strong thesis and supports it with quotation sandwiches. Please double-space and plan not to exceed three pages. A. Setting is often a powerful component to the tone of a passage or of an entire novel. Discuss how the setting of the Prologue contributes to the Prologue’s tone and how it foreshadows future events. B. Many novels reveal a scene in which the protagonist learns crucial information that will affect the novel’s resolution, but it too late for the protagonist to use the information to his or her own benefit. Read the passage from Chapter six, wherein the narrator is confronted by Dr. Bledsoe, beginning with “Come on, come” and ending with “where I am.” Write an essay that explores how the information in the passage affects the outcome of Invisible Man. C. Read the passage from Chapter fifteen, at the chapter’s beginning, “Then I was awake” and ends on the next page with, “If only I knew.” In your essay, analyze how diction, syntax, and other literary devices contribute to the tone of mounting disillusionment in this passage. D. Analyze how Clifton’s marketing the Sambo doll (about midway through Chapter 20) is a paradox that both reinforces white stereotypes and reflects the anger that Clifton feels toward the white establishment. E. Read the passage from Chapter fifteen that begins with “The night’s snowfall” and ends approximately two pages later with “slamming the door.” Examine how Ellison uses dark humor in this passage to underscore rhetorical arguments about the fear and paranoia that separate people. Include in your discussion the particular effect of humor in this passage.