Nov 12, 2013 ... Questo RGC is very pleased to invite you to a development ... Sunday January 13
Performances by provincial levels 4-6) novice, junior, senior.
Invitation Questo 2013 Montreal, Canada January 11-12-13, 2013
Dear RG Friends, Questo RGC is very pleased to invite you to a development competition.
In preparation for the
significant changes which are taking place to the code of points this year, we invite you to join us in this friendly event aimed at providing a learning experience for gymnasts, coaches and judges. The event is open to all gymnasts in the Canadian recognized levels within both the provincial and national streams. Also note that with growing number of gymnasts, Quebec has now formally introduced the provincial A category within its provincial stream. Though this is not intended to be a traditional competition, awards will be given by apparatus to underline the work of the gymnasts and their coaches. We invite each participating delegation to nominate at least 1 judge, and will welcome all judges who wish to attend as well. The format will be along the lines of a competition, but we are aiming for this to be a true learning experience for gymnasts, coaches and judges. It is also understood that a number of gymnasts will have incomplete programmes. The event will take place at the Centre Sportif Côte-des-Neiges, 4880, Van Horne Avenue, in Montreal. We are in the process of confirming arrangements with a hotel in down-town Montréal, at a preferential rate, with easy access to the sub-way system to and from the sports centre. A tentative schedule is as follows: Friday
January 11 17h30-20h30 – Judges/coaches session – in gymnasium with gymnasts
Saturday January 12
Judges’ meeting and discussion Performances by *provincial levels (1-3,) pre-novice, novice, junior, senior End of day debrief and discussion for coaches and judges
January 13 Performances by provincial levels 4-6) novice, junior, senior
*please note that we will try to accommodate the possibility of grouping all provincial levels in a single day once we have received the preliminary registrations.
Invitation Questo 2013 Montreal, Canada January 11-12-13, 2013 A more detailed bulletin will be issued shortly and will be also be posted at Registration costs are as follows : Gymnasts : - $25 per performance (routine) PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION: (attached)
November 26, 2012
December 15, 2012
January 7, 2013
We hope that this will be a good learning and development experience for all and we look forward to seeing you in Montreal Questo RGC Please send forms to : Anna Shtrevensky at
Number of gymnasts
Club City Contact person Coach Judge Telephone # e-‐mail
Senior level Junior level Novice Pre-‐Novice Level 6 C Level 6 B Level 6 A Level 5 C Level 5 B Level 5 A Level 4 C Level 4 B Level 4 A Level 3B Level 3A Level 2B Level 2A Level 1
Yes we are interested in a practical session on the Friday evening