Wie coot of Improving gtraota, n'leya and sidewalk, and making wells, cistern and
water att' ..... not been careful'y teste-d- . Good SLillingia Is more easily gotte n, ...
hia bnrned boiy iato it.
The Jfew York TIn
From the N. V. Times, VfednesdA- -. ;1nB of tiie course purged bv Secretary Bout well, in identifying himself with Stokes in tne iennesse contest, is " Greatly inter more than doubtful. ested in the contest he mar naturally be: and richt he certainly is in "believinw that the future political character and een- erai prosperity oi me state depend largely upon ine continuance or tne ltepublican party in power. But we are unable tn appreciate the expediency or justice of interlerence in behalt ot one section of the Republican partj- - and against another eec- tion; the section assailed by Mr. Boutwell being, moreover, that which is most in harmony with the general policy of the President and with the desires and purposes of the party everywhere.
lnnert!on.. fUr. tm ext 6 ve iu;eruoB8. ech.
wwk uot One
10 00
17 SO Tw month. 2S 00 TLrw raoiiih olid irate, or their equivalent la space, be conmdweiS a square. oa tunl and third ptw 3S4 per A.dvrtt--inei- u ok addiwoDal. per Advertiwuieuu inserted every other OMU addiuooal. i por oeut A dreniBeiueiiU Inserted at Intervals, fcddiUonai. Adver.i.meiti to occupy fixed places, 60 per dL additional. lxwol ooiuma advertiscnaeota, S5 per cent..ad-tleua- l
Te line
Ail transient advertisement must be p&M for In vine. Trauuient AmasenieuHi. fl per square for each -"For feles,"etc, CS cents WaBt,MFor Rer-tn,or each inw rlion ot ti ve lines. In per line: "Town Topu-8,i line, and C'i y iieiuali b ti l letter, 2j cms Cents "per t.i.e for eai-- ins rtlon. helices, 50 cent arb. Alarruige and All buis du- - on first Insertion of ii vertiseinnt. U, ejr cert (or eslafeiifin'd tnsi-Ail art Vfrli!fnj-itinning- account, 'm houses, iUi n Loiu Aiust be nid cr iu mivar.o. ft
30, 18CS.
HEW YORK. e. a. pollard ox the virginia
letter, then, seems to us a misiane tuiit is ail tiie more
Mr. Coutwell's
a mistate serious because involving reflections upon the patriotism of the Republican supporters of Sentcr, the leaders of whom have built up the Republican party in Tennes see, and stood by it when Stokes was sel fishly cacuhitmg the chances. Jt is not prudent or just for the Secretary of the Treasury to interfere between Republicans, and least of all to accompany interference with imputations upon those of them who have espoused the cause of Sen- ter. Ihere is no valid reason for identi fy ing the administration with the triumph of one candidate cr the ether. Roth being Republicans, with a large Republican iouowaig, the interest of the administra tion and of the party will be bet promot ed by the maintenance of a neutral attitude at Washington. There mav be little apparent impropriety in an expression of preference for Stokes; but is it desirable Republi to make enemies of the cans, who will iu all probability carry the
He Reviews the Whole Subject.
llare Eecn Called to omce.
The Rest 5Iea
Han Charged with the 3Iurdcr of an Infant. New York. July 30. E. A. Pollard in a letter to the Sun on the Virginia election, says, paradoxical as it may appear, it is nevertheless accurately true that an intelligent party in the South regard the Virginia election as unfavorable to the interests of their cause, for the very reason that the Lest men in the South have thus been called to o2ice end assumed the exercise of power. It is the very respectability of the successful candidate that is a latal blow to ,he aspiration that since the war has lingered in the South, preserving something of a political school and' public sentiment distinctly Southern. It means the disintegration anything like a peculiar Southern civilization, the abandonment tt last by the intelligence and respectability of the South of the hope of rescuing anything considerable from the ruins of its old institutions and of a position to the cause of reconstruction,' looking for to a reaction, or designing most let reconstruction to the exaggerating extremity, hopii g that it might be dammed up by the difficulties it would accumulate for itself. The Virginia election is the first instance in which the best men of the South have come forward ct last to participate in reconstruction, and it means an acceptance of the situation in a sense much broader than acquiescence in the demands of a mere political party. Counting all its moral effects on the South, it is an event in the history the date of a new departure in the whole moral, social and political organization of the South. Nkw York, July CO. Thos. Kelly, one of the boys injured by the explosion of the fireworks in Printing-housSquare Wednesday night, died yesterday. Richard Mulcahy, who was burned, lies in a critical condition at the Nye Hospital, and it is questiona Michael llarrett, whose eyes ble whether were destroyed and who received other severe injuries, will recover. The rest of the wounded are doing well. N. Y., July 29. Mr. Frederick Shrader, a farmer about fty years of age, residing near this city, is undergoing examination before the Recorder of this city on the charge of caus ing the death of an infant child of a young woman who lived in his family iu the capacity ot servant. Two boys, about eighteen years of age, attempted to rob Mr. Euge Underhill, Eear Waverly, this afternoon, in broad daylight. He was driving along the road in his carriage, when they stopped him and presented a pistol at his head ani de manded his money. They then attempted to escape, but were subsequently arrested.
The Albany Evening Journal, Republi can organ, raps Secretary Boutwell over die knuckles lor his interference in the matter of the election in Tennessee, as follows: '"Has not the Secretary made a mistake? What is there to warrant his interference with a quarrel purely local? So far as Republicanism is concerned, both of the candidates for Governor in Tennessee have equal claims to recognition. Each was a rebel when he supposed that rebell- ion was likely to succeed and to ally the State with the Confederates. Each be- came converted under the pressure of and each has since acted with the part, supporting all its measures, in-- 1 eluding emancipation, investiture of the negroes with citizenship and establish ment of equal right3 as a constitutional
SVLDMOlSDREi. Kojcne Commit l'orirrie.s A Krnu ft lie Amount of 'I en 'llioiisantl Dol-- I larn, and flurries a Tanig Lady of Lexington, A
From the Leavenworth Commercial, July 25. A young man calling himself Stevens has been making Lexington, Missouri, his headquarters for sometime and putting on considerable stvle. He represented him self t6 be a son of a banker in New York, who was possessed of untold wealth. He seemed to have plenty of money, and some people believed his story. At one time he professed to be a secret agent of the treasury '?nartment, at another an in- urance agent, Ic "He succeeded in winning the affections of one of our most respectable young ladies, suvs the Lex ington Register,-"anabout three months since married her. lie look her off to New York to visit his people, and when they arrived, he stated that his father and mother, and indeed all th family, were off on a tour, and would not return ior sometime. She returned without soeinn any of them. On Tuesday last a man came up from Paola, Kansas, oa the hunt for Stevens, whose right name is J. R. Cram. He knew Cram in the army, and had introduced him to the bank at Paola, where he cashed a check of $',00. The check purported to have been drawn by a bank in St. Loui3 and which was forged by Cram. He saw Stevens near the market-hous- e and recognized him as Cram, and in connection with Col. Davis attempted to arrest him. Col. Davis came. up from behind and seized him by the collar. He turned, and seeing the gentleman from Paola, and what was the matter, adroitly slipped out of his coat, leaving Col. D. to hold it, and ran off. A hue and cry was raised but to no avail. He ran well, and had a pistol, and up to the time of going to press he had not been taken. In his coat was about $100 in good money, and about an eaual amount in counterfeit. Also some forged checks similar to the one which he had drawn at Paola. He bad also letters on his person showing that he was a counterfeiter. We understand that he has at different times bought hand cuffs, for what purpose we cannot say, Also, that he has been trying to buy, at the hardware stores, small iron saws. The gentleman from Kansas, whose name we did not learn, informs us that forgeries of Cram's have been discovered to the amount We regret that the at of over $10,000. IMPORTANT CABINET MEETING. tempt to arrest was so bungling, lie is an accomplished rogue and society ought to be protected from him. His wife has our sympathies." Charges of Fraud Against e
ter-ribl- v
The Subject Is Rather a Deli cate One. Boutwell says the Charges shall he Investigated. Washikgtox, July 29. dispatch The Herald's Washington states that the Cabinet was in session in Washington yesterday, the President and all the members being present, excepting Postmaster General Cresswell, who is still
Euffering from his broken arm. The busi-ces- s which had accumulated during the President's absence was disposed of. It is known that the question of the ironclad oath in Virginia was not discussed. Numerous charges of fraud upon the customs revenue have recently been preferred against the Collector of New Orleans. As the Collector, Mr. Casey, is the President's brother-in-lathe subject becomes one somewhat delicate to handle, Lut Secretary Boutwell says the charges shall be impartially investigated, and Collector Casey dealt with accordingly.
In one of the old Dutch settlements of the Mohawk Valley a very honest old farmer of the Little Four Corners was elected Justice of the Peace. It was not supposed that 'Squire V. had amassed much legal learning, but he was Quite noted for his unsophisticated honesty and frankness indeed, a blunt Dutchman, whose heart never erred, but whose Lead Lad very little connection with it in the administration of his official functions. It happened that his first case was quite liotly contested by lawyers on both sides. They summed up elaborately, and after they had got through quoting from '"Cowan Treatise," the of the hotel bar-roo-
(his office) being crowded with eager to hear the Grst decision of the new Judge, the old man deliberately folded up his docket, put it under his arm, lit his pipe, and said: "Veil, shentlemen, T shall take four days to decide, but shall effectually find skuge-ciefor de plaintiff." spec-ator-
Terrible Powder FxrIoion Near I'ater t)u, A, J. I wo Heu U fully Injured.
From the N. Y. World, July 15. Between 4 and 5 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, an explosion, such a has not been known in the vicinity of Patcrson for many years, occurred on the line of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, near Squirrel woods, in Paterson. Dilon fc Co. are, it seems, grading the Morris and Essex extension at this place, and, because of the rocks that underlie the soil above the line of the grade, most of the work is done by blasting. One Thursday afternoon the men filled a drill hole with powder, and, having lighted the fuse, retired to a safe spot to await the explosion. The charge failed to explode, however, within the usual time, and, after waiting beyond it, two of the men, named respectively James Uplinger and Feeney, Thomas approached the drill-holto ascertain the cause of the failure. A superficial examination revealed no light. A delay of a few moments longer succeeded. Still there was no explosion. They then approached and commeced picking around the blast. Scarcely had they done 60, than the expected explosion unexpectedly occurred, ard vast pieces of rocks were hurled in The two men, thrown every direction. from their positions some feet into the air, fell into a keg of powder near at baud just at the moment of explosion. How they escaped being blown iato fragments cannot be told. It was miraculously done. Still, they did escape, only, however, to fall victims to the flames. Their clothing was in an instant ablaze.: Thomas Feeney, the laborer, had the presence of mind to seize a coat which was handy and envelop the upper part of his body with it. This partially subdued the Games. His who had at first fled in terror, extinguished the fire not already He was extinguished. not rescued, until he had been ..'terhowever, fingcr-na'ddiis very ribly burned dropping from Lis charred flesh Jame3 Uplinger, who was the foreman of the gang, terribly injured in the region of the abdomen, was also fearfully burned, even more so than Feeney. Crazed by the agony he was suffering, he sped his way to the canal, and, Laving reached it, plunged e
him- -
men were removed to a neighboring house, and ft. anrrrpnn oallnd Their bfidies. from which the clothing had been almost wholly burned, were burned to a crisp, vr. aioss, who soon arrived, had them bathed imme-diate-lr and Ima had them since kept sat urated iu oil. Feeney is improving, and was yesterday afternoon removed to his home in Market street. Uplinger, though better, is still in a very critical condition.
last SBMlrtk. Wednesday.
Pet Cbirken Swallows a Wat eh Aorrmtul,
From the Lanesboro (Minn.) Herald. Mr. McDowell, our jeweler, commenced to repair a watch on Monday. Not getting it completed on that day, he left it on his bench, covered in the usual manner. Tuesday morning he repaired to hia counter, which is in E. J. Tull's 6tore, but found things badly mixed up, and his watch scattered to the four winds. By diligent search, all the pieces but five or six were found, but what had become of the remaining pieces none could tell. As no traces coald. be found, a pet chicken, which had had access to the store, was decided upon as the thief and mischief-makeAccordingly, Biddy was called and "felt of," but giving no satisfaction, and suspicion growing stronger, it was decided to seurch it. . It was accordingly beheaded, taken up stairs, and by Mrs. Tull dissected, when, safely deposited in its " gizzard" ' was. found "the missing pieces of the watch. This is the first time we ever heard of. a chicken turning watch-tinkeand the fate of that one should be a warning to all other's. '
that enveloped him. He was rescued by some of the laborers. The unfortunate
From the N. Y. Sun, General Grant had a splendid chance: If he had crone for annexation, and had heartily embraced the cause of Cuba, with of slavery and negro suffhis rage, his blunders, his brothers-in-law- , cousins and his cronies, would have been forgiven him. But he has lost the opportunity, and need no longer be considered He is a great a candidate for soldier and a good man as the world goes; but not vet a statesman. Besides, he JTtnles. worships rich men, and that is the poorest The Paris Kentuckian says that the kind ot religion, mule market is again looking up. Those who want the choice .of the market are very active. Alexander Miller paid John SIVEB INTELLIGENCE. McClelland one hundred and sixty do'-laPOF.T OF LOUISVILLE, per head for thirty-five- . R. Bowles Fkidat, July 18GT. paid W. A. Turner one hundred and seventy-eigh- t dollars per head for twenty-eighAP.KIVAL3 JULY 3J. I'laiwdin, Cin. (ieu. Buell, Ciu. Tarr one hundred and and John ' Mor: tetar, tlen. Aiglitlngale, Cin. sixty dollars per' head for twenty-eight- . DEPARTURES J ULY 29. These nudes are all No. 1, and are hard to ren. Fianlvlin, Cin. C.en. BueJl, Cin. beat. Morning sitar, lieu. Nightingale, Aik. riv. The river continue falling slowlv. TIw inches of water, canal contains (' feet the' chute 4 feet and 3 inches, with V feet AN ORDINANCE inches depth on the rocks. Weatncr To iirprov; a portion of the sldewalX on Montgomery clear and pleasant. Business very dull. street. He it ordalaed bv tli General Council ol tne City The Morning Star, Capt. Gilmore in or lonisvilip, Timt the sidewalk on tu sontli side of lontRoniei-street, between Sixth era-street command, arrived at the Portland fharf and crosa street, uhail be graded and this morning from Henderson, with a fine paredbevenia and fnrr.iMird with uifla! L'UttPrs.ia accordance wi.h the provision of ni ort!ORne hprrored Ine trip of freight and people. She returns 'till day ot Septemb' r, li08, entitled "General ordinance concerning the improvement of sidewalks; this evening at o r: m. and that Bald work shall the cost cf the The Charmer passed duwn from Cin owners of th ground iroutlndonetheatimprovement, provided In an ordinance approved tuo 9th day at of cinnati to Evansville yesterday, discharg- June, ltseis entitled "General ordinance concerning Wie coot of Improving gtraota, n'leya and sidewalk, ing a lot of freight at this point. and making wells, cistern and water att'toUnienW WM. F. DUEKSOH, F. B. C. C. The popular steamer Nightingale, in J. M. Vaughas, C. B. C. C. command of that clever gentlemen and WM. F. F.UBEL, P. B. A. V'LITIK LrCAP, . U. A thorough steamboatman, Capt. W. B. lSO. Piercel, arrived from Cincinnati on her Approved aia day of J uly, JO. H. BTJKCE. Mayor. ay to Arkansas river, this morning, and AN ORDINANCE can be found at the foot of Fourth street, To improve a portioof the sidewalk on Thirteenth ready to receive freights and people for street. Be tt ordained bv the General Connril of the Cltv of all poiuts on the above river. Through Loiiitville, Tlmt Uie sidewalk on the west side of hir- her agents, Messrs. Aiontcalm x Co., she teeuth street, between JeiUrsoa utrcet and Green has large engagements, consisting of fur- btreet, shall ne reraded, reenrbed aud repaved. In accordance with the prorimous of an ordinance niture and general assorted merchandise. approved the SUA day of September, 156, entitled ordinance concerning the improvement Ship "General She leaves at 5 o'clock promptly. of si lewatks." and that nnid wortc shall be done at the pers will have their bills of lading down cost of the owners of the ground fronting the ima provided in an ordinance approved the provement, by that hour. 9lh day of June. 118. entitled "General ordinance concerning tiie cost f improving streets, nllevi, and passenger steamer, fine, staunch, The sidewalks, a 'id making well, cist.Ti.H, and water atKatv Robinson, of the regular Express tachments." WM. F. DUtUSON, F. B. C. C. J. M. V'AUOaAjf, C. B. C. C. Line, having been thoroughly refitted and WM. r.KUBKL, P. B. A. B. A. C. Ler Lccab, by popular complete repair Oliver put in aeth day of July. W. Approved leaves W. W. Fenton, the commander, JO. H BTTSCE, Mnvor. city wharf, foot of r ourtli street, AN ORDINANCE Cairo for 12 o'clock M., Paducah, at For improving a part ot aa alley. and St. Louisf connecting at St. Louis Be it ordained by the General Council the city with the regular packets for the Missouri, of Louisville, That the alley from Webster of to Admins St- - and between Main and Washington sts., shall be Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers, and Improved by grading and pavlngwith olock pavement iving through receipts to all points above the same according to the provisions of an ordinance approved the th day of August, liCi. entith-t. Louis, through her agents, Messrs. "General Ordinance concerning the impioveinent ot Montcalm k Co. She will be at the wharf alleys," and that said work fliall he done at the of theowners of ground fronting the Improvement, and commence " receiving early in tire as provi'led In an ordinance approved the ittii day of June, 1M8, entitled "General Ordinance concerning morning. tha cost of improving streets, all ys and si'le alk. The St. Louis Times says: "We be and making welU, cisterns and water attachments." WM. F. DCElisOX, t. U.C.C. lieve there are some boats loading for the J. M. Vaughax, C. li. C. C. WM. F. EUBEL, P. B. A. Ohio (just think) river, but as they are too C. B. A. Oliv er Lrc poor to advertise it, we, as well as the pub Approved 2bta day of Julv, jo. ii. r.rvrv. Mivor. lic, are at a loss to know when they will cave. When boats are unaole to get busi AN ORDINANCE ness enough to justify them in advertisFor iaiproving a part of an alley. ing, we think they ought to fuit." That's Be It ord .ir.cd by the Genera! Council of tiie city ot hut the alley from Hancock street, n exLouisville, we hat think. tended, to the eait line of CrutehOeld's Capt. Wool folk, superintendent and subdivision, ai.d between l:.cob (or Vine street, tfcall be improved and treasurer of the Evansville and Louis- street by gradiior aud ptvlnx with block pavement thj according to the provisions of an ordinance apville line of steamers, returned from his same the 8;h Jay of August, e:iti:led "General flying trip to St. Louis this morning. proved ordinance concerning the hnproveme it of nl!ev;" and that said work Khali bedjneat t.ic cstoftiic From our exchanges we notice that they our pro i.ers of kToiiud rrontiug the improvement, make note of his arrival at all points. We vided in aa otf'.iiiaiice approved tiie Dtu day of June, entitled "General ordinance concerning the coft are proud in tne possession ot sucn a 18S, of improving streets, alleys and sidewalks and makattachments." staunch aud reliable firm as Shcrley A ing wclli, Calfcrus aud water 33 . t . U L iiii&U.N , 1'. li. c. u. Woolfolk. Their company, the Louisville J. M. VATJGHAir, C. B. C. C. WM. F. KUBEZ., T. B. A. and Evansville Packet Company, is no exOlivkb Lucas, C.B. A. periment, but a most popular and efficient Approved 2H:ix day of J uly, tS. JO. H. BU.VCE, Varor. company, composed of gentlemen well known for their practical knowledge of AN ORDINANCE everything appertaining to the shipping For improving a part of Wenzel street. Be it orda:ned bv the General Council of tha Cltv and commercial interests. Of Louisville, That VVenzcl street, from the north r,
of Franklin street to the south side ot Geiger street, excepting twelve feet ca each side for sidewalks, shall be improved by grading the same according to the provisions of an ordinance approved thelJtn day of July, ls8, entitled "General ordinance eonceming the grading of streets, "and by curbing, subpaving aud macadamizing the same according to tue provlions of an ordinance approved entitled "General ordinance the 21st day of June, concerning the paving of streets." and that said work hall De done at the cost of the owners of ground front lngtne improvement, as proviaea in an ordinance approved the Sth day of June, 1868, entitled, "General ordinance concerning the cost ot improving btrtets, alleys and sidewalks, and making wells, cisterns and water aiiacutnenw. WM. F. DUEhSON, P. B. C. C. C. C. i. M. Vauqhajt, C. B. WM. F. RUBEL, P. B. A. Lttcas. C. B. A. Approved 38th day of July, 19f9. JO. H. BCM:E, Mavor. bids
OALT HOUSE. Mrs W D Tinsley, Ky R Gu lacett, Gwingsv S W Rankin, do ti U Wilder. N O Mme J Chares-- , Paris, F J Martinez, do K H Keynes, do France A Dutiltho, do Bam telig, miss Ci E lirewster, do T 8 Tucker, Ky B J Hinith, Texas K Waters, do J B Robinson, merup W II Phillips, Ky R Chambers, Cin W H Robinson, do Chas Chumbers, Ky do J D RoberUon, miss 1 M Patterson, doE W Ijee, do miss L C Robinson, do J A McCain pbell, do J N King, V Ter Ham Pike, do mtus Lillian Pike, do K P Hazzard, Ind Fayette Hewitt, Ky E Woodward, do W A Nesbltt, do A A Keene, da miss L A Nesbitt, do Hess, Philad W H Rhea, ban Fran J H Shropshire, do F Neal, do E H Douglas, Tenn I)r J M Sanders, N O miss Mary Shirley, do A (J Rhea' do Sam Hanna, Ky R C Whitteniore, do 1 Whitteiuore, do M Chandler s son, uaiiw u JMaugiiter, atk R P Courtenuy. X Y C R Baldwin. N Y C M Daniel, Texas J L Hamilton, Ind do J P Parker, W E Brown, mem Isaac Everett, Ky J Li Pitxon, mo T R Williams, Tex () W Pierce, Ind W II Wallace, u LOUISVILLE HOTEL. Mrs Rei.l, Ky P G Miller, Ky
Roid, do
M Long, do M Jackson, do M Ilofler, do J C Brodhead, do
II Taylor, do
S P Meyer, do
Miss A Buford, do S Jackson, do
AN ORDINANCE. For iraorovine a oart of Elehth street. Be it ordained by the General Council of the city
Bat Baee. Another exciting boat race will take place on the river in front of the city tomorrow afternoon. Six boats have been entered. Fred. Wolf is to bo referee. It will be an interesting one. Sudden Disappearance. A little lad named Willie Russell disappeared from his home in Portland, yesterday morning, aud up to 10 o'clock last night had not been found or heard ot by his grieving and anxious parents.
Appro red Jul
C. B. A. 28, liGt).
JOS. H. BUNfE. Mavor.
WILLARD HOTEL. T F Smith, Tenn J H Day. Pa G'MeCoy, N Y J B Filder. Ga Miss Currant, Ky PM Dunn, do Dr J Geen.do P Barbour, do W B Frother, Ky W L Newman, Ills I) S Carif nter, Ky J J Todd, do D O Newbold. do D M Timble. do S B Churchill, do A J lecher A w. Pa Miss M Stevenson, Ky Miss J Stevenson, do Mr Darnelle. do Miss Kincade, do J S Wright, Teuu J W Fears R F Smith, Ky R M Johnson, R W W II Howell. Ala C Clark & , Miss Mo A M Shearon, Ind Clark, W H NATIONAL HOTEL. B Carey, Ky W Wilson, Miss B Bmbry, Ark Ky J G Cary, Ky R Baltard, Ind WDunlap.Cin D Venable, Ky J Dutr, Tenn J Carey, do Ky Mrs Van Meter, Ky W Van Metr, S Boone, Ky W Dickey, Pa B Bryant, do M Pander. Ind C Frank. Ala HJenks.Tenn ' 111 W Parker, J Rychen, Cin J f'arpenter, Ky Mrs Parker, do ' . A E Shaw, Mies rcho, Ark A j a nompsou, ivy UNITED STATES HOTEL. G R Rraim, Ind II China, Ex D Yon us, USA J A Carter, do Russet t, II Hemic-ironJ J Weathered, Ky A Ind L 8 Carnonter, A II Rouse, Ky W B Frette, do PCooney, do W A Hunter, do M Irer, Ooio II J Howe, Koch ll V. M Hlneman, do J V HhitUls, Did ' MrShelMs, do W Bronn, do I Recti, Tenn TSims, Bait B A Connelly, Ohio M recall by, Ky D Smith, do A Jones do Y Acherman, do G D WiLliams, Tenn C Hodovo. Md J G Brown, Boston W H Morgan. N Y B Currant & w, Ky V God man, do
AN ORDINANCE For improving apart of Spring street.
Be it ordained by tha General Council ot the Cllv ot Louisville, That bpring street, from the south si Je of Southall street to the north side of Favne stre-- t, excepting twelve feet on each side for shall be Improved by grading the same according to the provision of an ordinance approved the 13th day of July. 1868, entitled "General Ordinance coucernlug tho grading of ftreets," and by curing, sat paving, and macadamizing the same according to the provisions of an ordinance approved the 21si day of Junu. 1809, entitled "General ordi nance concerning rne paving or aireets," and that said work shall be none at the cost of tns owners of the ground fronting the Improvement, as orovlded in on ordinance approved the 9th day of June. 18G8, entithMi "General ordinance concerning tne com oi improving streets, alleys, and and water sidewalks, and making wells, WM. F. DUtRSON, P. B. C. C. tachments." J. M. Vauqhajt. C. B. C. C. WM. F. BUB EL, P. B.A. ,f Ltjcas. C. B. A. Approved 28ih day of July. 1S69. JO. H. BUNCE, Mavor.
For improving a part of Hamilton stn.et. Beit ordained bv tne General Council of the cky ot Louisville, That Hamilton street, trom the tact side to tho wet side of Logan Ot Shelby street street, excepting twelve feet on each side, tor shall be improved by gradiug sidewalks, to the provisions of an according the same ordinance, approved the 13th day of July, 13GH, e miconcerning the grading of lled "General ordinance and iua-- ;am-izia- g streets," and by enrbin g, of aa tie same according tdaytheofprovisions June, lrb'., entitled approved the 21t co cernlng the paving ot "Goncral ordinance don be Bald at shall work the cost streets" andrs thatground fronting the Improvement, as of of tha own provided in an ordl.iance approved ind 9th day of ordinnncc eonceruing June li06 entitled "General streets, ar.fi alleys, lidewalks. the cost of improving and m at attHchmenta." makllm wells. c'.teras, M y. DUERiOX, P. B. C. C. J.M.VArGHAN,C.B.C.C. KrBEL p B A Oliv Lttcas, B. A. of Approvedtbday
f Julv..
" RecelDts Wheat. irr ' 47 do; oats, 2 do; barley, 2 do. CINCINNATI MARKET. CINCINNATI. July 12 Jf . Candles Unchanged ;lo.Star COaCic. Whisky Is firm at ft higher. Provisions Are generally for shoulders; ltic for sulea. F.ulk ineaU l Bacon 15'ic for shoulders; lsic lor clear rtb sides, and 8)e for clear sides. Lard l!)a 25 oneriug. 19c. Mess pork $;! 50. asking; Sugar-cure- d hams 2T!a2k Gkai Oats depressed; old 70a7:5o; new oRa'We. Barley quiet but linn at 51 25. Rve dull at tXiii"Sc. Corn advanced to 9scu$l. Wheat quiet but firm and supply better, but holders firm; red 51 HHtl 21; white 51 40ul 00. Flour Unchanged. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. New Okleans, Joly m. Cotton Dull an.l nominal at 32' ',c. Fi.ock Firm; snnertine S3 90; XX Sd 50; XXX75.Corn firm :inixed Jl 17 ill 0; white Gkain i tt. uiiisuuu at iia.oc. 11 AY Firm ; iiriiin;;i Rkan Dull at l 0. Provision Mess poik dull sit$C5C0. Bacon quiet but firm; hul.krs rio Vh clear side. M'v-?Lard quiet but tlira at Ur.aaic kegs Groceries Sugir firm; common llall'Jc, prime italic, .uoia.-st- s mm; iermeuttu OUaGic. ST. LOUIS MARKET. Sr. Loul. July CtV m. Provisions Mess pork firm but unchang ed. Lard dull at lft'alS'iC. Bacon Una but unbhansred. Flocu Dull, with more hellers than buy All er.. Grain Wheat lower. Corn dull at 95ca Silo. Oats b2a7oc. Rye 'Ma'Xtc for oid and new
Gold Silves
U. S.
per cent bonds, 1;2
Liverpool. July 30
122'.., " 121
:20 p. m.
Teller AKeelions, Dls- - General Debility,
Iaw Spirits, Com plaints. Loss of Appetite, Female,
Liver C'oiuptitlnt,
Raftsmen Attatk the Crew.
ThU preparation Is a ted Flald Extract of Honduras Sursaparill. and Queen's Root or Stiliingia, containic? in solution a neutral salt of Iodine, with aromat-ic- s and sugar sufficient to rtnder palatable. The alterative properties of these articles is secured by carelully selecting the crude drugs, for, in the case of Sarsaparilla, it is a fad that at least of the root on the market, is entirely ineit from 'ad handling or a?a. Fortuu-V-elit is easily known, liy chewing a little of the root, if good, a prickly sensation u produced in the throat which remaius for hou-.s- . If it does not produce this effect, it is worthless. I u.se uone that ha.- not been careful'y teste-d- . Good SLillingia Is more easily gotte n, but, like Sarsaparilla, may lose Its eSlcacy by improp er treatment in the effort to extract its active principle. The process raut be carefully performed bx a competent person fully ia- "ormed as to the conditions required to secure a perfect result. n
They 3Iurder Six of the Crew and
Drive the Remainder Ashore. a
The Rioters Take Possession of
the Boat.
ltj' 122'
in;'; E.cliorgo is not very active, but as tLere ii no .surplus ontho market the price is firm at par buying and pre-
Entire Tarty Captured hy the ShCi'itT
Cotton The market is unchanged. Stock of cotton of all classes afloat for here Is 15,COO bales, of American vs,( .JO hales. Syphilid I'rovision Uwchangetl. Has advanced to 21s !K1. Flour Wheat, Mercurial red Its la!s 4d. white lCsOd. Grain ease, Corn, old, UOs, new 2ls. Oats o M.
One Hundred
s, s,
Diseases Arisin? from sn pure State of the Blood,
SI 10.
fou tui; cuiti:
FOREIGN MARKETS. Livehpool. July "Ji 11 :i5 A. Jf. very firm, and Cotton The market oponod prices are a shade letter, though not quotabiy SUCH A3 higher. Ssles ot U.U'O bales. Uplands 11,'d; Orleans 127iai:ifi. lOl.m.3 bale S ties of the week.... M.uio for export lS.w) " to speculators Hl Ytioo Stock of all classes here. Scrofula ar Xln I'iiuplet on 167,000 " " American Evil, Tare, lard 70; bacon C2s. Provisionw Pork2.J lois; oa. estem Flour Wheat Dls. Boil, Red 9s 3d ; California rntaaftnt Grain white 10.? Sd. Corn old 30s; new 20s. Oats 3s Erysipelas,
cb-a- r
!:' 17
Silver ,U's ana Silver dimes aua half dimes
Friday, July 30, lSoQ. j Tho money market is rather quiet, with supplj- - and demand even!- - balanced. Gold opened at 10:o) a. M v.w?. m"4 11:00 a. M 12:10 p. m
Office of the Louisville Extress,
a. M.- .-
tioobnsb. .
Peace IVnrrauln.
The fallowing peace warrant casos were before Justice Clement this morning: John Deeds vs. Wm. Mehan. The par ties were neighbors,- and numerous quarrels had been indulged in. After considerable provocation, defendant shot at plaintiff, without hitting him, however; also knocked him flown. Defendant re quired to give bail in the sum of $200 to keep the peace for three months. Wm. Weber then took out a peace war rant against John Deets and Fred Deets. During the investigation it turned out that the Deetes had been rather turbulent in their intercourse with their neighbors. who were inclined to be peaceable. Mary Atchison vs. John Atchison, her husband. John is in the habit of whip ping his wife several times every week, just to keep himself in training, and is drunk nearly all the time. Mary had John arrested and put in jail yesterdaj', and he Upon trial he was sober this morning. was required to give bail in the sum of 100 for three months. MONETARY
Rye Barley..
Let all lovers of charming music and sparkling wit bear in mind the act that the great NewcomVs Minstrels commence their engagement at Weisiger Hall on Monday night. The great Jo. Emmett accompanies this gigantic band, and will appear nightly. Reserved scats maj- - be procured at the music store of Will. S. Haj's, on Fourth street.
There is a moderate degree of activity in the general markets, while prices are steady in most departments. Provisions are very strong, with continued shipments of mess pork and hams to Eastern cities. Ari'LEs The market is well supplied, and prices rule steady. We quote at $la 1 50, on arrival, according to quality." Butter There is a good demand for country, which is firm at 25a27c. West ern Reserve butter is weaker at 2SaS0c, and Is ew 1 ork tub is quoted at 40c. Candles Are firm and in good deWe quote at 20a21c for full mand. weight and at 15lal6c for 12 oz. Tallow candles are stead' at per lb. Cotton Is firm, with unimportant quote middling at 32c, low sales. middling at 31c, good ordinary at 29;C and ordinary at 2bc. Flour We quote extra at $3 23a.i 30, extra family at 5 50a6. Other grades are very firm, with a fair degree of activity. rain ve quote: corn, shelled, in bulk, at 83a!J0c; No. 1 spring malt at $1 'JO; No. 2 spring malt at 1 73: and Cana da malt 1 'JO. Other articles in this de partment are unchanged. Groceries There is a good demand for sugar, and cofl'ee is strong at the quotations. Prices are materially unchanged but firm. We quote: New Orleans sujar, choice atl5airc, prime atl lal32C. Hard
1 1
of Rock Island.
or the Rioters Sent to
Fcriy-Tw- a
mium selling.
For improving a part of an alley. Be it ordained by the General Council of the oity of W A Owens, do Louisville, that tho alley from Campbell street to O JWWells, N Y Smith's cast line, and between Madison and A Powell, Cin streets, be by improved shall Chestnut PG Mitchell, Ala J H Mason, Pa grading and paving with block pavement, M L Lawrence, 111 J W Scott, Iowa the same according tc C M Dinamore, St Lou approved the 81h day of August, E A Warfteld, Ciu entiled "General Ordinance concerning the Improvement of alleys;" C F Nutt, Ind C C Norris, Pa and that said work shall be done at the cost of the Mrs Payne, Tenn W II Smith, Md owners of ground fronting the improvement, as pro Ij ii nan, oa C H Onion, do approved tne Oth day of June, vided in a i ordinance N L Greenfield. Nash R Woods, do isu. enuuea -- uenerai urainance concerntnir tne W II Justice, Cin J M Kriltbon, O cost of improving streets, alleys and sidewalks, and making w ens, cistarns ana water attachments." J B Kribbon, do ii Magrnaer, ao WM. F. OL'liKbO, P. B.C.C. C C Warner, Pa J D Miller, do J. M. VATCHAS, C. B. C. C. J Montgomery, St Lo W Thomas. Vicksb WM. F. F.UBEL, P. B. A, Pitts T G Hogan, do JH Adams, OxrvBR Lttcas. C. B. A. E Wright, Mass T S Craig, Cin 28, 1809. Approved July W L Hawkins, Ind S Miller, Cal JOS. H. RUXCE, Mavor.
J Gilmer, miss J L Maples, La A P Reedmau, N J II Grant, do
Ann-nu- t
of Louisville, Ihat hlghth street, from the south side of Kentucky street to the north side of Oldham street, excepting twelve feet on each 8 de for sidewalks, shall oe improved by grading the same according to the provisions of an ordinance approved the loth day of July, lHe8, ent tied "General Ordinance concerning the grading of streets," and by curbing, and mac d.uuiztng ilie same standard at 17alsc; Demarara at 15alb"c; according to the prvl.-lon- s of an ordinance approved the 21st day of June, 1SC9. entl led "iieneral llavanna white at lUal5c. CofTee, llio ordinance concerning the paving of ttrects." and choice at 2Ga2GJc, prime at 21;a23c, fair that said work shnll be done at the cost of the owners of ground fronting the improvement, a pro- at 21a23'.c, common at 20a22c. New Or vided ia an ordinance approved the 9th day of Jnie, leans molasses at 73a90c. entitled "Geceral urulnaucd concerning the Provisions We quote mess pork at cost of improving streets, alle s and sidewalk, and making wells, cisterns and water attachments." To $33 50a31; clear sides at l'Jlc: clear rib be contracted lorbv squares. shoulders at 13c; fancy sides at WM. F. DUEr.SOX, P. B.C.C. J. M, VAtTGHAir, C. B. C. C. hams at 22ja23c, plain at 10a WM.F. BUBEL.P.B. A.
E G Laverty, do r Steele, do
TGCecii.do E Mcllenry, do J H Stewart, do J T Lewis, Ga
p unit Kir. fered at 52c, seller for ley, dull and unchanged. Hogs Live, firmer; extra heavy OalOc; good to choice Wac. Receipt, including yesterday, 12,000 head. w Hisnr-v- uei out steady at 51 Olal 05. K?JT.ip'- Shipments. ,0i)u bbls Flour.. 5,0(10 bbls r,untbush Wheat ?i mn hash . Corn - 81.000 " G,Jm)
Collector of New Orleans.
That he did
any good by this act cannot be said, Jenias Hie sw but'he succeeded in subduing the flames
Cuicago, July 30. The following are the particulars of the bloody riot which occurred on board the steamer Dubuque on the Mississippi river. One hundred and fifty raftsmen came aboard the boat at Davenport and the clerk ordered two of the negro deckhands to stand guard at the gangway and not let any one pass without his permission. One of the raftsmen tried to pass this guard and make his way to the cabin, when the deckhands ordered him back until his ticket wa3 examined by the clerk, lie, uot liking this, commenced pitching into the deckhands, who got the best of him, when the raftsmen, to the number of over one hundred came to his rescue and stabbed and beat the two deckhands until they were about dead, when they threw them into the river. They then made an assault on the rest of the deck crew, succeeding in killing three more of them and throwing their bodies into the river. One of the raftsmen was also killed in the in all. melee, making six killed, Hampton, Missouri, As soon as reached, Rhodes Captain was landed the boat, when the raftsmen drove the deck crew ashore, injuring seveial of them with stones. As soon as this was over they went aboard the boat and ordered the Captain to proceed up the river or they would burn his boat. He being in their power and fearing they would carry their threat into execution, headed the boat up stream, and in the meantime sent a telegraphic dispatch to the Sheriff of Rock Island, whochartcred an extra train and left with a large force of men well armed. They overtook the boat at Clinton, and immediately took possession of her and started for Rock Island. On arrival at Rock Island there were over 3,000 persons on the river bank together with the crew who had been driven off the boat, and with their assistance forty-twrecognizing in succeeded of the men, who were taken to jail under a strong guard. A large police force is posted about the jail, and no further trouble is expected. Rock Island is full of raftsmen who came ashore, but an extra force of policemen has been stationed about the city, and it is thought all will be quiet for the night. The town of Detroit, on the Kansas-Pacifirailroad, was entirely destroyed by a fierce hail and wind storm on Tuesday night. The wind blew down all tho buildings in the town, leaving the inhabitants in the morning on the bare prairie, literally houseless.
20c; tierce prime leaf lard at lOc andkeg at 21a2Uc. Whisky lTighwine3 have again advanced and are quoted at $1 lOal 11. Rectified and steam copper are firm and unchanged. Bagging This department is very, firm and active, and dealers are holding out of market in anticipation of an advance in prices. Leaf Tobacco This department is exhibiting a fair degree of activity, and sales at the various warehouses amount to 111) hhds, with 4 rejections on bids, as follows: Sales The Pickett house sold 42 hhds at $3 23 for trash to $12 30 for shipping leaf. The Farmers' house sold 11 hhd3 at 6 33 for lugs to 11 23 for Hart county leaf. house sold 16 hhds at The Ninth-stree- t 7 00 for lugs to 11 73 for shipping leaf. The Boone house sold 17 hhds at $G 10 for lugs to 11 for Hart county leaf. SERIOUS RAILROAD ACCIDENT. The Louisville house sold 33 hhds at $3 f3 for trash $12 73 for manufacturing leaf. Several Persons Seriously InRange of Bids 2 at $12 00al2 73, 6 jured. 11 OOal I 73, 2b" at 10 OOalO 75, 46 at 9 00 a0 J0; 26 at 8 OOaS 90, 13 at 7 00a7 95, St. Lor I?, July 30. 22 at 6 00a6 93, 6 at 5 00a3 95. A serious accident occurred on the by Telegraph. naruels Hannibal and St.. Joseph railroad yesterday forenoon near Cameron. The train yEW YORK MARKET. bound West was passing on to the switch New York, July SO 12 M. 1 olf-flOI-, which happened .to be misplaced The gool middling Cotton Dull: two .rear cars were thrown from tke track Oooiw Quiet but steady. Inr ugar and coffee fiuiet and down an- embankment and several perCJrocekies J. D. Baker injured. sons " were OiL.s Linseed oil quiet but firm at OScaSl 01. and daughter, ofthiscitv, Mrs. Cameron, of linu. Whisky Cuiet butsteady. Morrisville, Pa., and Mrs. Mary Carr, of Flock Qukt but has advanced; l So bid for Osborn, Mo., seriously; and U. L. hmith Grain Wheat qniet steady. oats but No 2 pi in. Corn and quiet but steady Irving, of Kansas, P. C. Kianey, of PortsProvisions Mess at 19.Jc. mouth, O., Kate Rickmier, of Fremont, at ii 'Z'u Lard quiet but steady hogs firm at lua.l0(! c ; receipt Neb., and Rev. 1). Cameron, of Morris-ville- v llousr-Li-ve S' Pa., slightly. Charles L. Wilson, Stcndy at 13a!e. fcteceipts l,7t. cattle .(M) bbls; l'J.OCO yardmaster of the road, and a brakesman, ItcrFiPTS-Flour. busLtls; corn, 21.0U0 bushels; oats, 8,ut0 do, name unknown, were also badly bruised C11ICAGCI MARKET- upChicago. Jniy 30 -- 12 M. 111 xr ami Weather. Quiet but firm and saleable; fair to Flock Iia7. good extras, F itt sou kg, July 30. irregular 2 firmer; and Wheat Io. Grain Corn IrreguMonongahela is 5 feet 2 inches aa spring Jl 83 Keller for August. The lar nd price unsettled ; No. 2, S7;c, seller's- falling. Clear and pleasant; ther. 72. option for August. OataduH and. lower; ofo
nine-tenth- -t
What I Claim as 3Ieritorloas In This Compound Is, that it contains the medicinal principles of good Sarsaparilla tuid Stillinia, carefully extracted by the mos' approved and scientiSe process, and is made the vehicle to contain the Iodine salt in a condition not liable to be affected by time or decomposed by the chemical action of any other of the articles with which it is associated ; but, on the contrary, they become valuable adjuncts to Its alterative actio
Practitioners are Fully Aware or the Value of Such a Combination as This, And also of the difficulty of getting it prepared so as to retain all the virtues o." the crude fresh drug. This I have secured, and therefore, offer it with confidence to the pro fession, XOT AS A SECRET 0sTPJ 'AT. Tint, setting forth all ltd comnonent truTV proportions sufficiently indicated by the di rections. In the use of alterative medicines, no de cided effect most be looked for in a short time. They act slowly, and require persistent and regular use. However, nai-ts-
The I'se of a Single Cottle of This Preparation Will Indicate
Its Curative Virtues SuCiciently to encourage the patient to con tinue taking nntil entirely relieved. The do class of diseases in which they are not admit of heroic treatment. This preparation Is not intended for a bev erage, as some Sarsapartilas are taken,
Containing in one bottle, though not as large as others on the market, more of the extract or Sarsaparilla than there is in a dozen of the worthies compounds of flavored taoLo,isaa and spirits which generally are offered to tha public as Sarsaparilla and Elood rurifiers.
IODIZED Sarsaparilla
Cn.WIntersmlth, loulsTille,Ky.
(Successors to Wilson, Tetcr Jt Co.)
Wholesale JDruggists,
.nam street, Louisville, hy
General Tliolesale Agents." For sale by all Prugjists. Price II per bottle, or six botUea for fj. Jei5