March 2015
Woman receiving a solar lamp distributed by IOM in partnership with UNHCR, Ormoc © IOM 2015
Map of IOM field offices
44,623 individuals assisted with Site Management Support
15,092 individuals trained in Camp Management
17,213 individuals in camps benefitting from Camp Management
7 displacement sites assessed as per March 17 DTM (except Ormoc hub)
In Guiuan, IOM in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) distributed solar lamps targeting population living in remote, hard-to-reach and/or high-risk areas such as island barangays. This included 656 families in Manicani Island and 579 families in Tubabao Island. In the inland barangays, a total of 949 families received solar lamps which will support the families to be better prepared for frequent brownout as well as future natural disasters. Also in Ormoc, IOM distributed 1,000 solar lamps in partnership with UNHCR. Although solar lamps were previously distributed to numerous communities, remote communities still continue to suffer shortage or lack of sustainable electricity. Isabelo, one of the solar lamps recipients said: “our house is right on top of the mountain and we have never really had any access to electricity. Now with this distribution, I’m happy that for once we have a brighter light at night in our home”. Recipients of solar lamps, Ormoc © IOM 2015
58,081 Recovery Shelter Kits distributed
60,875 individuals attended the Technical DRR Training
4,253 Transitional Shelters completed
69 Transitional Shelters ongoing and 303 to start
In Ormoc, on 17 March in a ceremony at the Donghol Multipurpose Hall, 85 transitional shelter (TS) units were handed over to the community. These shelter units are benefiting 85 families; namely 52 families in Ormoc-Donghol, 18 families in Concepcion and 15 families in Can-untog. The shelters are a result of the 10- month long joint organizational efforts by IOM, UN-Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA), UN-Habitat, UNHCR, and UNDP. The ceremony was attended by Ormoc City Mayor Mr. Edward Codilla, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Regional Director Mr. Nestor Ramos, DSWD Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Director Ms. Tessa Briones, UNDP Project Manager for Western Leyte Mr. Dario Cubelo, IOM Shelter Deputy Programme Manager Mr. Manuel Pereira and IOM Ormoc Head of Sub Office Ms. Christy Marfil. The shelters were funded by multiple donors including the Government of the Philippines and the European Union. The completion of the transitional shelters was also made possible through generous support of UNDP, who donated 16,000 board feet of coco lumber for construction use. Handing over the symbolic “Keys to the House”: (from left) Ms Christy Marfil, Mr Manuel Pereira, Ms. Tessa Briones, Mr. Edward Codilla, Mr. Leoncio Perez, and Ms. Marilyn Ayod at Donghol ©IOM 2015
Maximo’s story Maximo Garado’s house was totally destroyed during Typhoon Haiyan that made landfall in Eastern Samar. The 47-year old from Barangay 8, Guiuan, used tarpaulins as a roof and managed to build a makeshift shelter, squeezing in four members of the family. “It is difficult to live with tarps as a roof, especially this which is low-slung. It is very hot, and there is not enough ventilation” says Maximo in retrospect. Maximo recently received shelter assistance from IOM and built tough roofing for his house. “Since the height of this roof is of standard measurement, it would not be too hot anymore; we wouldn’t endure the so-hot temperature especially this summer season; Thanks to IOM for providing us the so-called Recovery Shelter Kit. It was indeed a big help because I didn't have to spend all my money on improving our house anymore”.
Maximo’s destroyed house immediately after Typhoon (left) and his rebuilt house at present (right) © IOM 2015
138,666 Consultations
35,509 Expanded Programme on Immunization/ Vaccines
6,197 Dental consultations
11,885 Maternal Child Health consultations
3,314 Medical Referrals
IOM has closed its Typhoon Haiyan Sub-Offices in Roxas and Ormoc at the end of March. IOM Roxas Office marked its closure with a formal ceremony on 27 March in Roxas City and a book launch of the health programmes' publication “Stories of Health and Healing”. The event was attended by local government and health sector partners, as well as a representative of one of the main donor for the health programme, namely the AmeriCares Foundation. Featuring stories of IOM’s health beneficiaries and partners, this book presents best practices in Typhoon Haiyan emergency and recovery health support. The book has been shared at the Roxas level and will be more widely shared with communities and partners in the following weeks. Also in Roxas, IOM conducted the Final Meeting for the Implementation of Psychological First Aid (PFA) and Psychological Support Training for Midwives, Community Leaders and IOM Staff. This activity aimed at consolidating all of the lessons learned from the trainings conducted in the area. Since October 2014, 24 PFA trainings have been carried out for a total of 150 Community Service Providers and 413 Community Leaders. The PFA trainings were designed to train community workers and leaders the skills required to assist those who have experienced a stressful event and in need for psychosocial support. Outcomes of this final meeting were compiled into the Accountability Report and will be soon shared with corresponding donors. The cover of the book: Stories of Health & Healing © IOM 2015
64,016 individuals oriented on protection issues
88,396 individuals reached through protection IEC materials
3,845 individuals assisted through protection support activities
3,383 individuals trained in partners’ capacity building activities
On March 8, Tacloban City Government took the lead in celebration of Women’s Day, highlighting women leaders’ key roles and accomplishment in leaderships, power and decision making in order to break the conservative mindset and beliefs that politics and leaderships are not for women. The highlight of the event was the ‘Walk with Women’, where some men in the city walk in heels or female sandals. At an IOM booth, Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on trafficking were displayed and the medical team provided health activities, such as blood pressure monitoring and provision of free medicines and vitamins for women. IOM presented the advocacy efforts in mainstreaming Protection and Counter Trafficking and released a video on International Women’s Day 2015, paying tribute to the tireless efforts of women’s after the event of Typhoon Haiyan. The Ormoc sub-office had its Women’s Day celebration on February 28 as agreed with the LGU to bid goodbye to the other humanitarian actors.
‘Walk with Women’ city walk in Tacloban © IOM 2015
COMMUNICATIONS WITH COMMUNITIES (CwC) The field activities for CwC and accountability affected populations programmes are completed. As part of the final project, IOM Roxas created a short video about IOM’s interventions in the field (the video can be found in the following link on IOM global website: ). To date, IOM Roxas has achieved distribution of 10,787 Recovery Shelter Kits and construction of 520 transitional shelters, as well as 152,258 beneficiaries through health support. Judith Bulana, a 50-year old wife and mother who lives in Barangay Tiza, Roxas City, is one such case. Having her house destroyed by Haiyan, she received a transitional shelter from IOM. As shown in the video, Judith comments that her family, including her disabled husband and children, have now a hope for future.
Judith’s family in the transitional shelter (excerpt from the video) © IOM 2015
ZAMBOANGA On 23 and 24 March, representatives from the Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of the Canadian Government (DFATD), visited Zamboanga City to monitor the Canadian funded project and to check on the situation of the displaced population caused by the crisis in September 2013. IOM together with the Human Development and Empowerment Services (HDES) facilitated the 2-day visit. The representatives had a meeting with City Mayor Beng Climaco and visited the Grandstand Sport Complex that is the only remaining evacuations centre hosting more than 800 families. They also visited the Mampang and Buggoc transition sites to review IOM programmes, particularly shelter, as well as local initiatives of HDES. In Buggoc Transition Site there are a total of 200 shelters for Bajao IDPs that were built through this project. The Canadian funded project also supported the initiatives and activities under the ECHO Consortium Project in Mampang, by augmenting materials and labour through cash-for-work to build the additional 300 shelters for the IDPs. The new site in Kasanyangan was also visited. Upon the representatives’ visit, the City Social Welfare and Development Office mentioned that the communities hope that the Government of Canada would continue to support the IDPs in Zamboanga, emphasizing that there are still large needs and much to be done. 4
SHELTER On 28 March, 400 of the 700 transitional shelters on concrete stilts in Mampang, were completed, including 292 of which are located in Barangay Kasanyangan. These shelters which are funded by the DSWD were built for those IDPs that are still inside the Grandstand Sports Complex evacuation centre, which still holds around 800 families. The shelters will provide the IDPs with safer and more dignified homes while waiting for the durable solutions.
Mampang transitional shelters on stilts © IOM 2015
WADZNALYN’S STORY Wadz’s house was totally burned and damaged. Her family was one of the families who were affected by the crisis in Zamboanga last September 2013. Now, the Wadz family is residing temporarily in the Tulungatung Bunkhouse, while waiting for a permanent shelter that will be awarded to them by the government. Wadzalyn Taribul is 25 years old and is a Camp Manager. She was initially hired by the City Social Welfare and Development through the Emergency Employment Programme. Now, she is the Camp Manager of Tulungatung Transition Site. “I am the only one who’s working now in the family, aside from my father who has a small business,” Wadz said when asked about the family’s source of income today. “I’m so thankful to IOM because of the trainings that they have conducted for me to be better and more effective in my job. They have been very generous in sharing their knowledge and support to the camp managers like me, aside from their life-saving interventions to the IDPs,” she added. IOM has conducted several trainings and workshops for the IDPs and to the service providers. Wadz has also been one of the data officers identified and oriented on how to manage the data in the displacement sites. She actively participates in CCCM trainings and workshops and one can really see her eagerness to learn. Wadz and her family will be transferring this coming June to a permanent house. “But even after our family will achieve a shelter durable solution, I would still continue to serve my fellow IDPs because I know and feel how it is to be one,” says Wadz. Wadz in Tulungatung TS during a NFI Distribution © IOM 2015
COTABATO CAMP COORDINATION AND CAMP MANAGEMENT (CCCM) CCCM ORIENTATION FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS (LGUS) As of the end of March, there were still 125,302 individual or 25,067 families displaced across 15 towns in Maguindanao 1. The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Regional Government is spending approximately PHP 13 million (USD 290,000) weekly to address the needs, mainly on food assistance for the internally displaced persons (IDPs). IOM has started assistance for them as part of its continuing efforts to assist IDPs affected by the conflict between the intensified law enforcement against the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF). IOM Cotabato led a CCCM orientation for partners in the towns of Mamasapano, Shariff Aguak, Talitay, Guindulungan, Datu Saudi Ampatuan, and Datu Salibo. These LGUs have the highest IDP numbers. The orientation was attended by LGU personnel with frontline functions in emergency response. IOM has previously organized CCCM trainings as part of capacity building activities of partner LGUs in responding during emergency situations.
Poblacion Resettlement Site, Talayan, Maguindanao © IOM 2015
PARTNERSHIP WITH GLOBE TELECOM Globe Telecom has partnered with IOM for the distribution of its 236 Non-food items (NFIs) to support affected families in Maguindanao. The target beneficiaries for these NFIs will be identified later this week. Globe Telecom also plans to provide free calls and text messaging services in some evacuation centres, to help the displaced persons to communicate with their distant families and relatives.
Displaced woman preparing a meal © IOM 2015 1
As reported by ARMM-HEART.