Ion-Selective Ligands: How Colloidal Nano- and

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May 8, 2018 - recover these metals once catalytic converters are disposed. ... recovery process, PGMs are extracted from scraps by smelting them with collec-.
Z. Phys. Chem. 2018; aop

Indranath Chakraborty, Dorleta Jimenez de Aberasturi, Nicolas Pazos-Perez, Luca Guerrini, Atif Masood, Ramon A. Alvarez-Puebla, Neus Feliu and Wolfgang J. Parak*

Ion-Selective Ligands: How Colloidal Nano- and Micro-Particles Can Introduce New Functionalities Received March 2, 2018; accepted April 8, 2018

Abstract: Colloidal nano- and micro-particles can introduce new properties and functionalities to existing materials and thus are a valuable building block for the construction of novel materials. This is discussed for the case of ion-selective ligands, hence molecules that can bind specifically ions of one type. First, in case ion-selective fluorescent ligands are attached to the surface of particles, these fluorophores sense the local ion concentration at the particle surface and not the bulk ion concentration. Thus, the ion-response of the ligands can be tuned by attaching them to the surface of particles. Second, in case ligands specific for particular ions are bound to the surface of particles, these ions can provide contrast and thus the particles can be imaged. This involves for example Gd-ions, which provide contrast for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and 111In-ions, which provide contrast for imaging of radioactivity. By attaching the ligands to the surface of particles, their physicochemical properties (as for example size and s­ olubility) are changed, which affects their interaction with cells and, c­onsequently, biodistribution. Attachment of ion-chelators for imaging to ­particles thus allows for tuning their

*Corresponding author: Wolfgang J. Parak, Faculty of Physics, Center for Hybrid Nanostructures (CHyN), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; and CIC Biomagune, San Sebastian, Spain, e-mail: [email protected] Indranath Chakraborty: Faculty of Physics, Center for Hybrid Nanostructures (CHyN), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Dorleta Jimenez de Aberasturi: CIC Biomagune, San Sebastian, Spain Nicolas Pazos-Perez and Luca Guerrini: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry – EMaS, Tarragona, Spain Atif Masood: Faculty of Physics, Philipps Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany Ramon A. Alvarez-Puebla: Department of Physical Chemistry, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, ­Tarragona, Spain; and ICREA, Barcelona, Spain Neus Feliu: Faculty of Physics, Center for Hybrid Nanostructures (CHyN), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; and Department of Laboratory Medicine (LABMED), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

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2      I. Chakraborty et al. biodistribution. Third, ion-specific ligands can be also attached to the surface of magnetic particles. In this case ions bound to the ligands can be extracted with magnetic field gradients and magnetic separation becomes possible. Therefore, magnetic particles provide a handle to the ligands, which enables the extraction of ions from solution. These examples demonstrate how the attachment of different types of colloidal particles to one existing class of molecules, ion-selective ligands, can open new fields of applications of these molecules. Keywords: ion-selective ligands; microparticles; nanoparticles; surface chemistry.

1 Introduction Colloidal micro- and nanoparticles (NPs) are of greatest interest to the scientific community owing to their distinctive properties that could potentially contribute to promising applications in energy [1], biomedicine [2], electronics and sensing [3]. Their small size gives them a high surface area-to-volume ratio and facilitates the interaction with several kinds of chemical species. The functional properties from the NPs can either arise from the NP cores (such as for example plasmonic properties of Au NPs), or the surface coatings around the NP cores. Also, the combination of core and coating functionalities is possible [4]. For some applications such as imaging, where small size is required, the use of colloidal NPs with the size of a few 10 nm is a promising approach. However, for other applications such as drug delivery, micrometer-sized polyelectrolyte capsules as NPs carriers may be more suitable [5]. The size of these capsules ranges from hundreds of nano­meters to a few micro­ meters, depending on the size of the template which is used for the synthesis [6]. In this review, an overview will be given on how the functional properties of NP cores can add additional functionality to an existing class of materials, ionselective ligands. Hereby ion-selective ligands will be integrated into NPs. The chemistry of linking ion-selective ligands with NPs of different size will be discussed in the first section. In the subsequent sections, examples of nanometerand micrometer-sized particles functionalized with ion-selective ligands will be discussed and, also, we will examine how the presence of the NPs affects the properties of the ion-selective ligands.

1.1 A  ttachment of ion-selective ligand to the surface of colloidal nanoparticles Often inorganic NPs are synthesized in organic surfactant mixtures, which render hydrophobic, preventing water solubility [7]. However, for several ­applications, Brought to you by | Bibliothekssystem Universität Hamburg Authenticated Download Date | 5/8/18 11:19 AM

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especially for biomedical purposes, it is necessary to use water-­soluble NPs. Different ways enabling the transfer of NPs from an organic to an aqueous solvent are conceivable, including ligand exchange [8], silica-shell encapsulation [9] or polymer encapsulation [10–12]. All of them are commonly used strategies, but, in this article, focus will be given to the polymer encapsulation method. Hereby originally hydrophobic NPs are over-coated with an amphiphilic polymer [13]. This does not only provide the advantage to disperse originally hydrophobic NPs in aqueous solution, but also allows integration of molecules with different functionalities, such as ion-selective ligands, into the polymer shell around the particles [13]. This gives the possibility to build selective particles with multiple functionalities due to the properties inherited from the inorganic NP core and those originating from the ligand molecules which are integrated into the polymer shell [4]. The polymer shell provides high colloidal stability, which prevents the NPs from agglomeration. This is important to keep the functionality of the attached ligands, as agglomeration would reduce the effective surface area of the NPs and thus decrease the number of accessible ligands. In the following section one prominent example of an amphiphilic polymer used for polymer coating of NPs is detailed [7]. The hydrophilic backbone of this amphiphilic polymer consists of maleic anhydride rings [poly(isobutylene-altmaleic anhydride). To this backbone, hydrophobic sidechains (amine-terminated hydrocarbons) are covalently attached via amide bond formation. The amphiphilic polymer is wrapped around the hydrophobically capped NPs by intercalation of the hydrocarbon chains present in both species [13]. Thus the hydrophilic backbone of the polymer is facing outside and determines the surface chemistry of the NPs. After transfer to an aqueous solvent the anhydride rings open, resulting in the presence of carboxylic groups at the surface of the NP, which warrants for watersolubility [13]. The polymer can be pre-functionalized with (ion-selective) ligands before the actual coating process (pre-modification), which is advantageous for the attachment of hydrophobic ligands. The polymer which is already attached to the NP surface also can be post-modified with additional (ion-­selective) ligands containing e.g. a free amino group enabling the formation of amide bonds. For this procedure, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbo­diimide] (EDC) is commonly used to activate the carboxyl groups [14]. A scheme of the polymer with multiple functionalized molecules is shown in Figure 1.

1.2 L oading of ion-selective ligands into poly-electrolyte microcapsules Poly-electrolyte microcapsules are an example for bigger NPs, most often ranging from a few 100 nm to a few micrometers. The walls of the capsules are ­assembled Brought to you by | Bibliothekssystem Universität Hamburg Authenticated Download Date | 5/8/18 11:19 AM

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Fig. 1: Schematic illustration of the structure of a NP coated with an amphiphilic polymer, which is functionalized with ion-selective ligands. The enlarged image shows the structure of the amphiphilic polymer, consisting of a hydrophilic backbone (drawn in blue) and hydrophobic side chains (drawn in red). The hydrocarbon chains are covalently linked to the carboxylic groups of the hydrophilic polymer backbone via amide bonds. The side chains are intercalating the hydrophobic surfactants of the NP surface (drawn in black). Other functional (ion-selective) ligand molecules containing a primary amino group can be linked directly to the unreacted carboxylic groups of the polymer via amide bond formation (drawn in orange, violet, green and black).

by the so-called layer-by-layer (LBL) technique, in which oppositely charged polyelectrolytes are deposited subsequently around a template core, such as calcium carbonate [15]. After the dissolution of the template, a permeable membrane around a cavity is formed [16]. The cavities can be loaded with a large variety and high quantity of cargo (e.g. ion specific ligands) [17, 18]. Large molecules such as proteins will be readily kept inside the cavity as they are big enough so that their diffusion outside capsules is prevented. Small molecules, like most ion-specific ligands, need to be linked to macromolecules such as dextran [19] or have to be embedded inside micelles [20] in order to be retained in the capsule cavities. Moreover, the walls of the capsules can also be functionalized with NPs or other molecules such as fluorescent dyes or ion specific ligands. Here, the functionality can be embedded in-between the polyelectrolyte layers via electrostatic interac-

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Fig. 2: (a) Schematic illustration of a capsule with walls assembled by LBL deposition of negatively (brown) and positively (blue) charged polyelectrolytes. Different types of NPs (orange and red) and molecules like ion-selective ligands and fluorophores (pink and green) are embedded in the wall. The cavity of the capsule is loaded with a cargo (blue) equipped with additional (ion-selective) ligands. (b) A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of a capsule with magnetic Fe2O3 NPs in its wall. In the enlarged excerpt individual NPs can be recognized.

tion or can be covalently bound to one of the polyelectrolytes. A sketch of the NP geometry is shown in Figure 2.

2 I on sensing using ion-selective ligands bound to colloidal particles There are many ion-selective ligands available and used in literature. Typically, in case of ion-selective fluorophores, after binding of the respective target ion to the fluorophore, the intensity or spectrum of the fluorescence emission is changed, which forms the bases for concentration-determination of these ions [21]. In case ion-selective ligands are attached to NPs, their properties change and thus new sensing schemes arise [22–24]. Fluorescence-based detection of ions by molecular recognition with ion-selective fluorophores can be tuned with non-fluorescent NPs such as Au NPs. Here the NPs serve as carriers and the active fluorescence readout is directly provided by the ion-selective fluorophores functionalized on the NP surface. Attachment of the ligand-selective fluorophores to carrier NPs has several advantages. First, hydrophobic ion-selective fluorophores can be used, which by themselves would not be soluble in aqueous

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6      I. Chakraborty et al. solution. By connecting the ligands (i.e. the fluorophores) to the surface of watersoluble NPs they adopt the physicochemical properties (e.g. solubility, polarity) of the NPs and thus can be used in aqueous environment. In other words, the originally hydrophobic ligands are converted to hydrophilic entities by attaching them to hydrophilic NPs. Second, multiple functionalization at the NP surface with different ion-selective ligands is possible, enabling the simultaneous detection of various specimens with a single system. Third, the presence of the NP surface changes the conditions in close proximity to the ion-selective fluorophores [25]. Herein the major factor is the charge of the NP surface, as it directly influences the distribution of ions around a NP by attraction of counter ions due to Debye–Hückel screening. An ion-selective fluorophore closely attached to the surface of a NP thus generates an ion-dependent fluorescence response which differs from the response that the free fluorophore would generate for the same bulk ion concentration. In other words, an ion-selective fluorophore closed to the surface of a NP senses the local ion concentration at the NP surface, which can be very different from the bulk ion concentration, see Figure 3 [26, 27]. Theoretical models include calculations based on the solution of the Poisson–Boltzmann equation [28–30] or more accurate tools based on the classical density functional theory (DFT) [31]. However, to our knowledge, there is still a lack of synergy between those theoretical models and recent experimental studies.

Fig. 3: Example of a FRET-based pH-sensor formed by an underlying QD and OG as an ionsensitive ligand in the polymer shell (cf. Figure 1 about the geometry) around it. Scheme of the sensor mechanism under different pH conditions, including the fluorescence spectra of the OG-functionalized QDs at 450 nm excitation [26].

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­ evertheless, the response of an ion-selective fluorophore close to a NP surface N to the presence of ions will be different to the one of a free ion-selective fluorophore. By variation of the distance between the ion-selective fluorophore and the NP surface its response can be tuned. In case the distance between the NP surface and the dye molecule is increased via a molecular spacer, the vicinity of the dye becomes more similar to the bulk conditions regarding local ion concentration [27]. This strategy was effectively carried out for the case of a negatively charged NP surface and a Cl− sensitive dye [32]. Herein the charge was generated by carboxylic groups which were part of the amphiphilic polymer (as depicted in Figure 1) that enabled the transfer of the Au NPs to an aqueous solvent. The carboxylic groups also served as anchor points for the attachment of Cl−-sensitive dye molecules. Those were either directly linked to the NP surface or with a spacer molecule in-between via amide bond formation. In this way the presence of the underlying NP surface allows for tuning of the response characteristics of attached ion-selective ligands.

3 I n vivo imaging using metal ions bound via ion-selective ligands to colloidal nanoparticles Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the most powerful techniques in diagnostic clinical medicine and biomedical research to enhance the contrast between normal and diseased tissues or to indicate organ functions or blood flow [33]. Many metals which belong to the lanthanide and transition metal series have paramagnetic properties, which make them likely candidates for MRI contrast agents [34]. Regarding the large variety of metals and compounds tested, Gd(III) has been established as one of the best contrast agents due to its large magnetic moment [35]. However, Gd(III) needs to be chelated by ion selective ligands, as free Gd is toxic [36]. In this approach NPs modified with Gdselective ligands are a great alternative for imaging [37]. γ-emitters such as 111In can be used for radioactive imaging, but also here toxicity needs to be taken into account. Chelators, i.e. ion-selective ligands, like diethylenetriaminepentacetate (DTPA) and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOPA) have been used frequently for chelating Gd(III) and In(III). In case those chelators are attached to the surface of NPs [4, 38], for example by the already described amphiphilic polymer (see Figure 4), the physicochemical properties of the chelator change to the ones of the underlying NP. This affects the biodistribution of the chelator. A free metal ion-chelator complex will have a different biodistribution that a metal ion-chelator complex bound to the surface of an NP [38].

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Fig. 4: Schematics of chelator functionalized NPs for different contrast based bio-imaging modalities.

Having the ability to tune the biodistribution (and in this way also potentially targeted delivery) of such contrast agents offers useful opportunities for imaging applications.

4 M  agnetic separation of ions caught by ion-selective ligands using colloidal nanoparticles Platinum group metals (PGMs) are widely used in car catalytic converters [39–41]. Palladium together with platinum is the most used metal for catalyst devices. Platinum, palladium, and rhodium are generally fixed in the washcoat surface of catalytic converters [42]. Due to their high economic value it is desirable to recover these metals once catalytic converters are disposed. In the typical PGMs recovery process, PGMs are extracted from scraps by smelting them with collec-

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Fig. 5: Schematic illustration of ion adsorption process using magnetic capsules.

tor metals such as copper, or dissolving the scraps in strong acids [43]. Once the metals are extracted, those of interest are typically dissolved in aqueous solution. Therefore, in order to be reused, a selective recovery must be done. First, different metal ions have to be recognized, which for example is possible by ion-selective ligands such as thriacrown ester compounds. Extraction could now be facilitated by linkage of the ion-selective ligands to the surface of magnetic NPs [44]. The magnetic NPs would add a “handle” to the ion-selective ligands, which allows for “pulling them out” by magnetic field gradients, Figure 5. One of the major problems is, that magnetic NPs which are not agglomerated are difficult to extract by magnetic field gradients, as their magnetic moment is too small. For small NPs randomly directed Brownian forces at room temperature are larger than directed magnetic forces which would be achieved for example by a handheld household magnet. However, if NPs are agglomerated, a large part of the active surface, i.e. the ion-selective ligands may not be accessible and the rate of adsorption of ions will decrease. Therefore, NPs should rather stay dispersed in solution [45, 46]. Using multilayer polyelectrolyte capsules containing magnetic NPs in their walls [47] and ion-selective ligands in their cavity, the above mentioned problem might be solved. By linking several magnetic NPs to the matrix of one carrier, magnetic separation of the NPs would be facilitated. By applying an external magnetic field the separation of such capsules from the aqueous phase has been demonstrated to be fast and easy (see Figure 5) [48]. Thus, the property of ion-selective ligands to bind to PGMs can be supplemented by a “handle” if linked to magnetic NPs.

5 Conclusions In this work different examples of NPs functionalized with ion-selective ligands either on their surface, or in their cavities, were presented. Connection to the NPs gave the ion-sensitive ligands new properties and thus enlarged their perspective

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10      I. Chakraborty et al. fields of applications. These examples demonstrate how the attachment of different types of colloidal NPs to one existing class of molecules, ion-selective ligands, can open new fields of applications of these molecules. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant DFG grant PA 794/25-1). IC acknowledges the Alexander von Humboldt foundation. This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (CTQ2014-59808R, CTQ2017-88648-R, RYC2015-19107 and RYC2016-20331), the Generalitat de Cataluña (2017SGR883), and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (2017PFR-URV-B2-02 and 2017EXIT-08). NF acknowledges the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA). AM acknowledges the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).

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