Iqra University Sample Test Paper

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Sample Test Paper. Mathematical ... English Language Part: Total 35 ... 2. A student has to secure 40% marks to pass. He gets 40 and fails by 40 marks. Find the.
Iqra University Sample Test Paper Mathematical Part: Total 35 Questions Time Allotted 30 Minutes Word Problems Series Problems Algebraic/Arithmetic Problems

10 15 10

English Language Part: Total 35 Questions Time Allotted 30 Minutes

Vocabulary Grammar Comprehension

15 10 10

General Knowledge: Total 20 Questions Time Allotted 10 Minutes


Mathematical Part Word Problems: 1. A sum of money doubles in 20 years on simple interest. It will get triple at the same rate in: a. b. c. d. e.

40 years 50 years 30 years 60 years 80 years

2. A student has to secure 40% marks to pass. He gets 40 and fails by 40 marks. Find the maximum marks. a. b. c. d. e.

150 225 200 300 175

Indicate the Next Term in Series: 3. 11 a. b. c. d. e. 4. 20 a. b. c. d. e.








56 65 66 77 None of the above 29 56 59 60 55 None of the above

5. 7/3+35/18+54/20 = then X =? a. 8/9 b. 4/9 c. 2/63 d. 81/4


e. 30 6. 25% of = 33 the X =? a. b. c. d. e.

231 123 132 62 75 English Language

Vocabulary: 7. Impersonation a. b. c. d. e.

Image Smooth Irregular in behavior Pretending to be another Humorous

8. Convoked a. sin b. Call up c. Make up d. Compulsory e. Gather together 9. Cite a. Signal b. Quote c. Locate d. Visualize e. None of the above Grammar: A




10. The miser cannot part to money. No error A





11. Your behavior is not compatible to the rules. No error.



The Private Pakistani Banks as a group has been tremendously successful in increasing both their asset and deposit bases mostly at the expense of the grossly inefficient and essentially the customer averse nationalized banking sector. The overall banking environment remained quite competitive as the ceiling on markup rates was moved downwards from 22% to 17.5% (the ceiling has been removed entirely). The forward cover free on foreign exchange deposits were in the meanwhile deregularized resulting in an increased cost of funds. The top five private commercial banks however managed to accumulate commendable profits and seven out of the eleven actually succeeded in achieving double-digit returns on their equity bases. 12. The private Pakistani Banks have been: a. as successful as the nationalized banks. b.successful at the expense of nationalized banks. c.losing some assets and deposits to nationalized banks d.quite customer averse over the years e.successful at the cost of foreign banks. 13. The number of private commercial Pakistani banks that earned double digit returns on their equity is: a. b. c. d. e.

5 out of 10 7 out of 11 5 out of 14 7 out of 14 11 out of 14 General knowledge

14. The most spoken language of the world is: a. English b. Chinese c. French d. Hindi e. Spanish 15. The first man to walk on the moon was a. Yuri Gagarian b. Neil Alden Armstrong c. Valentina Valadimirovna d. Rogert Crippen e. John Young