Aug 31, 2017 - Stats: 244,235 persons (80,191 households). ⢠Population in Camps and non-Camps: 37% ( 89,604 persons)
Iraq: Syrian Refugee stats and locations
31 August 2017
• Stats: 244,235 persons (80,191 households) • Population in Camps and non-Camps: 37% ( 89,604 persons) live in 9 camps & 63% (154,631 persons) in non-camp/urban areas • Locations: 97% ( 235,891 persons) live in Kurdistan Region – Iraq (KR-I) & 03% (8,344 persons) live in other locations in Iraq
Duhok 83,993 34% of all refugees in Iraq
Gawilan 8,426 Domiz 2 9,280
Akre 1,177
Duhok NonCamp 32,660
Erbil 119,974
Qushtapa 7,443 Kawergosk 7,919
49% of all refugees in Iraq
Basirma 3,115 Places of Origin Camp Non-Camp Camp
Darashakran 11,339 Erbil Non-Camp 90,158
Domiz 1 32,450
Sulaymaniyah 31,924 13% of all refugees in Iraq
Arbat 8,455 Erbil
Sulaymaniyah Non-Camp 23,469 Sulaymaniyah
Anbar 4,461 IRAQ
2% of all refugees in Iraq Anbar