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This person will have demonstrated creativity, initiative or passion in their role as a volunteer. This volunteer may al
IRISH RED CROSS NATIONAL VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARDS The Irish Red Cross National volunteer awards will shine a light on the remarkable work of volunteers around the country by celebrating them at a national level. The awards offer a unique opportunity to recognise the extraordinary work being done by Irish Red Cross volunteers in local communities around the country. People from the Irish Red Cross network are encouraged to nominate someone they know who gives their time and energy voluntarily. There are a number of categories, reflecting the different facets of volunteering work that takes place within the Irish Red Cross: Irish Red Cross Volunteer of the Year Award The Irish Red Cross Volunteer of the Year Award is awarded to a volunteer within the network who has shown dedication to their volunteer role, and has had a strong and positive impact on their community. This award will be presented to someone who has embodied the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and will have supported the Irish Red Cross strategy in some way. This person will have demonstrated creativity, initiative or passion in their role as a volunteer. This volunteer may also have made an outstanding contribution as a volunteer. If you know of somebody within your Unit/Branch/Area who fits the bill, and you feel they should be recognised or if you would like to nominate yourself, please download and complete this form: Irish Red Cross Young Volunteer of the Year Award The Irish Red Cross Young Volunteer of the Year Award is awarded to a volunteer within the network who is under the age of 18 and has shown dedication to their volunteer role, and has had a strong and positive impact on their community. This award will be presented to someone who has embodied the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and will have supported the Irish Red Cross strategy in some way. This person will have demonstrated creativity, initiative or passion in their role as volunteer. This volunteer may also have made an outstanding contribution as a volunteer. If you know of somebody within your youth group/Unit/Branch/Area who fits the bill, please nominate them today, or nominate yourself. Download the nomination form:

Irish Red Cross Instructor of the Year Award The Irish Red Cross Instructor of the Year Award is awarded to a volunteer who is an active and qualified Irish Red Cross instructor. This award will be presented to someone who has actively delivered courses to members of the Irish Red Cross and indeed members of the public across a wide range of courses. This volunteer will have demonstrated creativity and initiative in their role as an instructor. They will have maintained an excellent standard of course delivery, ensuring students both enjoy and learn from the courses they participate in. This person will have embodied the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and will have maintained a positive attitude to course delivery and demonstration on behalf of the Irish Red Cross. If you know of an instructor within your Branch or Area who you would like to nominate for this award, please download this form today and submit Irish Red Cross Branch of the Year Award The Irish Red Cross Branch of the Year will be awarded to a Branch within the network who actively and passionately embody the fundamental principles of the Red Cross in the work that they do. In line with our strategy, ‘The Way to 2018’, this Branch will have demonstrated their support in the development of safe and resilient communities and in particular will have prioritised helping the vulnerable in society. The winning Branch will at local level, have made a real difference in their community by strengthening recovery, enabling healthy living and promoting social inclusion. The Branch will also have actively recruited new members throughout the year. If you think your Branch deserves to win Irish Red Cross Branch of the Year, download this form and nominate today

Irish Red Cross Area of the Year Award The Irish Red Cross Area of the Year will be awarded to an Area within the network who actively and passionately embody the fundamental principles of the Red Cross in the work that they do. In line with our strategy, ‘The Way to 2018’, this Area will have demonstrated their support in the development of safe and resilient communities and in particular will have prioritised helping the vulnerable in society. The winning Area will have supported the Branches within their Area in terms of compliance and will have made a real difference in the Area by strengthening recovery, enabling healthy living and promoting social inclusion. The Area will have encouraged Branches within the Area with recruitment, increased activities and governance compliance. If you think your Area deserves to win Irish Red Cross Area of the Year, download the form and nominate today: Health & Social Care Officer of the Year Award The Irish Red Cross Health & Social Care Officer of the Year Award is awarded to a volunteer within the network who has shown dedication to their volunteer role as health & social care officer either at Branch or Area level. This person will have had a strong and positive impact on their community, encouraging community based activities within their locality. This award will be presented to someone who has embodied the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and will have demonstrated creativity, initiative or passion in their role as health & social care officer. This person will have actively engaged our strategy by enabling healthy living and promoting social inclusion in their local area. If you know of a health & social care officer who deserves recognition, please nominate them today: Download the nomination form here:

Irish Red Cross Youth Achievement Award The Irish Red Cross Youth Achievement award will be presented to a member of IRCY aged between 4 and 25 years old. This award will be presented to someone who has embodied the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and will have demonstrated creativity, initiative or passion within IRCY. This person will have demonstrated youth engagement, empowerment or education of themselves or others to create a stronger resilient community through participation in youth programmes of national events. If you know of somebody who deserves recognition through the Irish Red Cross Youth Achievement Award, please nominate them today. Download the nomination form here: Irish Red Cross Unit Member of the Year Award The Irish Red Cross Unit member of the Year Award will be presented to a uniformed member of the Unit structure who has embodied the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and will have demonstrated initiative and passion within the Unit structure in the work that they do. This person may have saved a life, assisted during the most recent flooding, or played a role in disaster/crisis recovery in their local communities. This person will have displayed dedication and commitment to their Unit and may have demonstrated exemplary service in their role as a Unit member. This person will have actively engaged our strategy ‘The Way to 2018’ by saving lives, protecting livelihoods or strengthening recovery from disasters and crises. If you know of somebody who deserves recognition of the Irish Red Cross Unit Member of the Year Award, please nominate them today. Download the nomination form here: