ISBN 978-605-81136-0-2

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Zenaida Chitu¸ Fausto Tomei, Giulia Vilani, Ioan Visinescu, Ioan Caton Paltineanu,. Marcel Bularda and .... 313. Hamza Kuzu, Fırat Arslan, Hasan Değirmenci ...
ISBN 978-605-81136-0-2



1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE-BİLİM KURULU Prof. Dr. Ahmet KURUNÇ Prof.Dr. Aivars ABOLTIN Prof. Dr. Ali Osman DEMİR Prof. Dr. Adnan Nurhan YILDIRIM Prof. Dr. Atilla AŞKIN Prof. Dr. Bahattin AKDEMİR Prof. Dr. Berkant ÖDEMİŞ Prof.Dr. Bülent ÖZEKİCİ Prof. Dr. Engin YURTSEVEN Prof. Dr. Erhan KOÇAK Prof. Dr. Fuat SEZGİN Prof. Dr. Hakan AKTAŞ Prof. Dr. Hasan BAYDAR Prof. Dr. Hasan DEĞİRMENCİ Prof Dr. Hasan Hüseyin ÖZTÜRK Prof. Dr. Hayati KÖKNAROĞLU Prof.Dr. Hongwei XIN Prof. Dr. İ Hakkı TÜZEL Prof. Dr. İbrahim ERDAL Prof.Dr. Jerzy GRUSZCZYRISKI Prof. Dr. Kamil EKİNCİ Prof.Dr. Leonor Rodríguez SINOBAS Prof. Dr. Levent BAŞAYİĞİT Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞİMŞEK Prof. Dr. Mevlüt TÜRK Prof. Dr.Nuh UĞURLU Prof. Dr.Öner ÇETİN Prof.Dr. Pavel KIC Prof. Dr. Ramazan MERAL Prof. Dr. Sedat KARAMAN Prof. Dr. Şükrü İsmail İPEK Prof. Dr. Tahsin TONKAZ Prof. Dr. Ünal KIZIL Prof. Dr. Üstün ŞAHİN Prof. Dr. Vecdi DEMİRCAN Prof. Dr. Yusuf DEMİR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali ÜNLÜKARA Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anna Krokowiak-BAL Assoc. Prof. Dr. Francisco Jose Alcon PROVENCIO Assoc. Prof. Dr.Roman ROLBIECKI Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sultan KIYMAZ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vilda GRYBAUSKIENE Asst. Prof. Dr. Burak ŞEN Asst. Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul KARAŞ Asst. Prof. Dr. Yang ZHAO Asst. Prof. Dr. Yusuf AYDIN Dr. Noureddin DRIOUECH

Turkey Latvia Uludağ University Turkey Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Lefke University North Cyprus Namık Kemal University Turkey Mustafa Kemal University Turkey Çukurova University Turkey Ankara University Turkey Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Adnan Menderes University Turkey Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Turkey Çukurova University Turkey Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Iowa State University USA Ege University Turkey Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Agricultural University in Karakow Poland Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Technical University of Madrid Spain Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Harran University Turkey Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Selçuk University Turkey Dicle University Turkey Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Czechia Bingöl University Turkey Gaziosmanpaşa University Turkey Iğdır University Turkey Ordu University Turkey Çanakkale Onsekiz University Turkey Atatürk University Turkey Süleyman Demirel University Turkey Ondokuz Mayıs University Turkey Erciyes University Turkey University of Agriculture in Krakow Poland Polytechnic University of Cartagena Spain University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Poland Ahi Evran University Turkey Aleksandras Stulginskis University Lithuanian Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Turkey Osmangazi University Turkey Misissippi State University USA Siirt University Turkey CIHEAM-Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari Italy Akdeniz University Latvia University of Agriculture




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

ORGANIZING COMMITTEEORGANİZASYON KOMİTESİ Prof. Dr. Atılgan ATILGAN Prof. Dr. Ahmet ERTEK Prof. Dr. Yusuf UÇAR Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sema KALE ÇELİK Assoc. Prof. Dr.Ulaş ŞENYİĞİT Asst. Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim YILMAZ Dr. Hasan ÖZ Res. Asst. Emre TOPÇU Res. Asst. Birand ÖZSOY




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

İçindekiler Ovicidal Activity of Essential Oils from Some Medicinal and Aromatic Plants against the Pulse Beetle, Callosobruchus Chinensis ............................................................1 Fedai Erler, Hilal Şule Tosun, Derya Baki Potential of Selected Soil Amendments to Increase The Yield of Spring Barley in The Central Europe ................................................................................................................6 Elena Kondrlova Jan Horak, Dusan Igaz Diagnosis of Phosphate Pollution of the Birds Lake for Agricultural Activities during the Wet Season (NE of Algeria) ...............................................................................13 Toumi Abir, Alayat Hacéne, Berredjem Amira, Houhamdi Moussa Effects of Soil Erosion on Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystem in a Watershed ........20 Necla Koralay, Ömer Kara The Effect of Minimum Drainage Length for Calculation of Stream Order and Bifurcation Ratio for Sub-Basins in The Upper Seyhan River Basin in Turkey ............30 Ahmet Irvem, Zekai Gumus, Mustafa Ozbuldu Deriving Accumulated Precipitation Deficits from Drought Severity-DurationFrequency Curves: A Case Study in Adana Province, Turkey ........................................39 Mahmut Çetin, Hafzullah Aksoy, Bihrat Önöz, Ebru Eriş, Mehmet İshak Yüce, Bülent Selek, Hakan Aksu, Halil İbrahim Burgan, Musa Eşit, Yonca Çavuş, Selen Orta Using the Photovoltaic Cells for Ventilation and Cooling of the Animal Barns .............49 Ahmet Nedim Yüksel, Elif Yüksel Türkboyları Accuracy of Satellite-Based Monthly CFSR Precipitation and Temperature Data jor The East Mediterranean Region, Turkey .....................................................................56 Ahmet Irvem, Mustafa Ozbuldu Reclamation Techniques of Degraded Lands in the Sahel of Africa: The Case of Niger .......................................................................................................................................67 Abdoul Nasser, Aboubacar Dan Badaou, Üstün Şahin, Selda Örs, Fatih Mehmet Kiziloğlu Phosphine Resistance Management of Coleopteran Pests in Stored Grains ...................72 Erhan Koçak, Abdullah Yılmaz The Impact of Irrigation Practices on Drainage Water Salinity: Soil Column Experiments with Sandy Soil ...............................................................................................82 Engin Yurtseven; M.Sevba Çolak; Hasan S. Öztürk; Ahmet Öztürk The Impact of Small Scale Irrigation in Somalia ...............................................................88 Hassan Abdalla Sabtow, Fatih Mehmet Kızıloğlu, Üstün Şahin, Selda Örs Estimation of Yield in Sweet Potato Varieties with Using Spectral Indices ....................93 Mehmet Can Karakaş, Gülçin Ece Aslan, Ahmet Kurunç, Namık Kemal Sönmez




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

The Attitudes of the Farmers about Land Consolidation: Case of Malatya Province ...............................................................................................................................100 Gürsel Küsek Modelling of Temperature Distribution in Exterior Wall Using Finite Element Method .................................................................................................................................107 Bilal CEMEK, Erdem KÜÇÜKTOPCU Fumigant Toxicity of Essential Oils from Some Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Against the Cigarette Beetle, Lasioderma Serricorne .......................................................112 Fedai Erler, Hilal Şule Tosun, Derya Baki Irrigation Water Allocation using MOSES DSS in the Embanked Great Island of Brăila, Danube River, Romania.........................................................................................117 Zenaida Chitu¸ Fausto Tomei, Giulia Vilani, Ioan Visinescu, Ioan Caton Paltineanu, Marcel Bularda and Alin-Ionel Gheorghe Evaluation of Productivity of Irrigation Water for Barley and Wheat under Regulated Deficit Irrigation (Algeria) ...............................................................................124 Kessai Abla, Debabache Mahmoud Integration of the Agricultural Territory Planning into the Spatial Planning Process in Bulgaria .............................................................................................................130 Milena Moteva Land Capability Evaluation for the Effective Agricultural and Erosion Control Land Use in The Maritsa River Basin on the Territory of the Republic of Bulgaria................................................................................................................................140 Vihra Stoinova, Svetla Rousseva, Diyana Nekova Land Capability Evaluation for the Sustainable Agricultural Land Use and Rate of the Compensatory Payments for Their Erosion Control in the Upper Maritsa River Catchment .................................................................................................................152 Diyana Nekova, Vihra Stoinova Türkiye'de Seracılık ve Dünya'da Enerji Verimliliğinin Yükseltilmesine Yönelik Çalışmalar............................................................................................................................161 A. Nafi Baytorun, Adil Akyüz, Sait Üstün, Ali Çaylı İnşaat Sektöründe Çalışanların Demografik Durumları ve İş Kazalarına Bakış Açıları: Adana Örneği ........................................................................................................175 Özkan Güğerçin, Nafi Baytorun, S. Metin Sezen, Enes Çibik Bir E-Burun Sisteminin Arduino Tabanlı Dönüşümünün Yapılması ............................183 Ünal KIZIL, Sefa AKSU, Ahmet Cumhur KINACI, Doğa Barış ÖZDEMİR Çine-Topçam ve Karpuzlu-Yaylakavak Sulama Birliklerinde Sulama Yönetim Devrinin Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi......................................................................................190 Berkant Ülüş, Selin Akçay




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Burdur Havzasında Referans Evapotranspirasyonun Mekansal Değişimi ...................208 Kadir Aytaç Özaydin, Yusuf Ersoy Yildirim, İsmail Taş Antalya Serik İlçesi Rekreasyon Alanlarinda Kullanılan Sulama Sistemlerinin Değerlendirilmesi ................................................................................................................219 Hülya Uygun, Ulaş Şenyiğit Türkiye’de Tarım Sektörünün İklim Değişikliğine Etkilerini Azaltmak İçin Alınması Gerekli Önlemler ................................................................................................227 Gürsel Küsek, H. Hüseyin Öztürk, Cahit Güngör, Şinasi Akdemir Bazı Domates Çeşitleri Üzerine Su Basması ve Su Stresi Etkilerinin İncelenmesi .......233 Gülşah Üğlü, Erdinç Uysal, İbrahim Sönmez Farklı Sulama Düzeylerinin Mısır Koçan Kurdu (Sesamia nonagrioides Lefebvre) Yoğunluğu Üzerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi ...................................................................238 Ali Beyhan Uçak, Hasan Değirmenci Cafer Gençoğlan Eski ve Yeni Makarnalık Buğday Türlerinin Tuzlu Sulama Suları Koşullarında Çimlenme Performansları ..................................................................................................245 Ismail Tas, Yalçın Coskun, Mevlut Akcura Tulay Tutenocakli Zeki Gokalp, Emre Topçu Trigenerasyon Uygulayarak Sera İklimlendirme ............................................................250 H. Hüseyin Öztürk, H. Kaan Küçükerdem Türkiye’de Tarımsal Sulamada Elektrik Tüketiminin Azaltılması ...............................257 Nusret Mutlu, Ümran Atay, H. Hüseyin Öztürk Aşılı Kavun Bitkisinde Sulama Araştırması .....................................................................269 Ömer Özbek, Harun Kaman Kuraklık ve Tuzluluğa Dayanıklı Amarant (Amaranthus spp.) Bitkisinin Önemi .......273 Çağatay Tanriverdi, Engin Gönen, Hasan Değirmenci, Yeşim Bozkurt Çolak, Simge Gönen Radyasyon ve Sıcaklık Tabanlı Potansiyel Evapotranspirasyon Eşitliklerinin Yağış-Akış Modellemesinde İrdelenmesi ..........................................................................281 Umut Okkan, Hüseyin Kıymaz Seralarda, Isıtma ve Soğutma İhtiyacının Derece Saat Yöntemiyle Belirlenmesi ........292 Sedat Boyacı Türkiye’de doğal yayılış gösteren sarıyıldız (Gagea Salisb.) türlerinin yetiştiği alanlara ait bazı toprak özellikleri ....................................................................................300 Erdinç Uysal, Erdal Kaya Arazi Toplulaştırma Projelerinde Yol Uzunluklarının Analizi: Şanlıurfa Türkeli Köyü Örneği ........................................................................................................................313 Hamza Kuzu, Fırat Arslan, Hasan Değirmenci




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Şeker Mısırda (Zea mays saccharata sturt.) Bazı Tarımsal Özellikler Üzerine Bitki Sıklığı ve Farklı Ekim Zamanlarının Etkisi ............................................................319 İlknur Akgün, Ruziye Karaman, Yudum Burcu İç Anadolu Bölgesi Günlük Sıcaklık ve Yağış Değerlerindeki Değişimler ve Trendler ...............................................................................................................................328 Ali Yücel, Atılgan Atılgan, Hasan Öz Canlı Hayvanların Taşınmasında Karşılaşılan Sorunların Değerlendirilmesi .............339 Apti Onuk, Seyit Uğuz, Ercan Şimşek Kısıntılı Sulama Koşullarında Kavun Yetiştiriciliği ........................................................348 Ömer Özbek, Harun Kaman Türkiye’de Tarım Sektörünün İklim Değişikliğine Etkilerini Azaltmak İçin Uygulanan Ekonomik Destekler ........................................................................................352 Cahit Güngör, Gürsel Küsek, Şinasi Akdemir, H. Hüseyin Öztürk Sera İçi Kablosuz Sensör Sistemlerinin Pil Performansının Belirlenmesi.....................358 Kemal Sulhi Gündoğdu, Celil Serhan Tezcan Damla Sulama Sisteminde Islatma Deseninin Yeni Bir Yöntem, Eş Zamanlı Çift Parabol Tasarımı ile Analitik Olarak Tanımlanması. I:Yöntem ...................................365 Murat Kılıç Damla Sulama Sisteminde Islatma Deseninin Yeni Bir Yöntem, Eş Zamanlı Çift Parabol Tasarımı ile Analitik Olarak Tanımlanması. II: Uygulama .............................376 Murat Kılıç Farklı Taban Suyu Derinlik ve Tuzluluklarının Malç Uygulamaları Altında Toprak Tuzluluğu Değişimlerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi .............................................386 Berkant Ödemiş, Kerem Karazincir Derya Kazgöz Candemir Bitki Su Stresi İndeksini (CWSI) Belirlemede Kullanılan Yöntemlerin Nar Ağacı ve Soya Bitkisinde Karşılaştırılması ..................................................................................395 Begüm Tekelioğlu, Dursun Büyüktaş, Ruhi Baştuğ, Köksal Aydınşakir, Cihan Karaca, Nazmi Dinç Hayvansal Atıklardan Biyogaz Enerji Potansiyelinin Belirlenerek Sayısal Haritalarının Oluşturulması: Ardahan İli Örneği ...........................................................410 Hasan Ertop, Atılgan Atılgan, Hasan Öz Ercüment Aksoy Büyük Menderes Ovasında Pamuk Bitkisinde Kısıtlı Sulama Uygulamasının Verim ve Bazı Kalite Özelliklerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması .........................................418 Ersel Yılmaz, Aziz Balcı Doğu Akdeniz İkliminde Kinoa Bitkisinde Su-Verim İlişkileri ve Su Kullanım Randımanının Belirlenmesi................................................................................................441 Semih Metin Sezen, Servet Tekin, Mehmet Yıldız




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Bazı Tarımsal Atıklarından Elde Edilebilecek Kullanılabilir Biyogaz Enerjisi Potansiyelinin Belirlenmesi ................................................................................................453 Hasan Ertop, Atılgan Atılgan, Ali Yücel, Hasan Öz Eski ve Yeni Ekmeklik Buğday Türlerinin Tuzlu Sulama Suları Koşullarında Çimlenme Performansları ..................................................................................................459 Ismail Tas, Yalçın Coskun, Emre Topçu, Mevlut Akcura, Tulay Tutenocaklı, Zeki Gokalp, Farklı Derinliklere Kadar Yapılan Ekim Sulamalarının Çeşitli Tarihlerde Ekilmiş Kışlık Buğdayın Verim ve Kalitesine Etkisi .......................................................464 Ali Ünlükara, Fatih Kocabeyoğlu Yağ Gülünde Kısıntılı Sulama Uygulamaları ile Damla Sulama Sisteminin Ekonomik Yönden Değerlendirilmesi ...............................................................................475 Abdullah Kadayıfçı, Ulaş Şenyiğit, Kahraman Kepenek Sera İçi İklim Koşullarının Belirlenmesinde Farklı Türbülans Modellerinin Karşılaştırılmalı Çözümü ...................................................................................................481 Bilal Cemek, Erdem Küçüktopcu Eskişehir Koşullarında Farklı Gelişme Dönemlerinde Sulanan Aspir Bitkisinin Verim ve Verim Unsurları Üzerine Etkileri .....................................................................490 Demet Uygan Kalibre Edilmiş SWAT Modeli ile Türkiye’nin Güney Kesimindeki Bir Sulama Havzasının Hidrolojik Bileşenlerinin Tahmini ................................................................498 M. Said Gölpınar, Mahmut Çetin, Hayriye İbrikçi, Hande Sağır Arazi Toplulaştırmasında Detaylı Bir Şekilde Hesaplanan Parsel Endeksinin Parsel Değer Sayısına Etkisi ..............................................................................................507 Ahmet Tezcan, Kenan Büyüktaş, Şerife Tülin Akkaya Aslan GAP Sulama Projelerinin Bölge Ekonomisi Üzerine Yarattığı Değişim Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme ..............................................................................................................513 Nesrin Baysan, Gonca Karaca Bilgen, Nusret Mutlu GAP Projesi Kapsamında Yaşamımızın Temel Kaynakları Olan Su ve Toprağın Kullanımı .............................................................................................................................520 Ali Rıza Öztürkmen Yarı Kurak Koşullarda Farklı Pamuk (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Genotiplerinin Verim ve Lif Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi ...............................................................525 Hasan Kakaç, Osman Çopur Antakya Sebze Ekim Alanlarında Rizosfer Toprakları Mikrobiyal Aktivitelerinin Yersel Dağılımları ...............................................................................................................537 Kemal Doğan, Sema Karanlık, Necat Ağca, Ali Sarıoğlu, Fesih Yabar, Türkiye’de Tarım Sektörünün Sera Gazı Salımlarına Katkısı ......................................551 H. Hüseyin Öztürk, Nusret Mutlu, Gürsel Küsek, Cahit Güngör




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Arazi Toplulaştırma Projelerinin Çiftçi Memnuniyet Düzeyi: Niğde, Türkiye Örneği ..................................................................................................................................559 Rengin Bayram, Hasan Değirmenci, Fırat Arslan Tarımsal Sulamada Güneş Enerjisi Kullanımının Tekno-Ekonomik Analizi...............565 Cahit Güngör, Gürsel Küsek, Ümran Atay, H. Hüseyin Öztürk, Şinasi Akdemir Göbeklitepe'den Günümüze Kadar Tarım Ve Topraklarımız .......................................574 Ali Rıza Öztürkmen The Effect of Light Transmittances of Different Colored Shade Nets On the Development of Tomato Plants ..........................................................................................583 Nefise Yasemin Tezcan, Hazal Ekizoğlu, Candan Korkmaz Water Stress Tolerance Breeding in Maize ......................................................................584 Şekip Erdal Assessment of Different Substrates, Nitrogen Rate and Irrigation Level On Yield, Quality and Nitrate Accumulation of Lettuce Under Greenhouse Conditions .............585 Köksal Aydinşakir Developments in Cotton Production Technology in The World and Turkey................586 Osman Çopur, Ceren Odabaşıoğlu Determination of The Suitable Points for Central Biogas Facilities with Geographic Information System Models: A Case Study in Gümüşçay District ...........587 Sefa Aksu, Ünal Kızıl Land Capability Evaluation for The Effective Agricultural and Erosion Control Landuse in The Maritsa River Basin On the Territory of the Republic of Bulgaria................................................................................................................................588 Vihra Stoinova, Svetla Rousseva, Diyana Nekova Determination of Trace Element and Heavy Metal Consantrations of Nilüfer Stream and Wastewater of Some Treatment Plants That Discharged to This Stream ..................................................................................................................................589 Saliha Dorak, Hakan Çelık A Geographic Information System (Gis) -Based Multi-Criteria Evaluation for Greenhouse Site Selection: Lower Euphrates Basin Case Study....................................590 Burak Saltuk, Ozan Artun Assessment of Water Management in Van Lake Basin ...................................................591 Caner Yerli, Üstün Şahin, Selda Örs, Talip Çakmakcı, Fatih Mehmet Kızıloğlu, Şefik Tüfenkçi Investigating The Structural Direction of Small Barns in Şanliurfa Region.................592 Arman Amak, Gökhan İsmail Tuylu




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Greenhouse Heating with The Energy That Can Be Acquired From Isparta Province’s Animal Waste ...................................................................................................593 Osman Gökdoğan Comparison of Sweet Cherry (Prunus Avium L.) Tree Water Requirements in The Regions of Isparta (Turkey) and Bydgoszcz (Poland)..............................................594 Ulas Senyigit, Stanisław Rolbiecki, Roman Rolbiecki, Anna Figas, Barbara Jagosz, Wiesław Ptach, Waldemar Treder Agricultural System Modelling and Its Applications in Precision Agriculture ............595 Sevim Seda Yamaç, Burak. Yılmaz Water Needs of Black Locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia L.) in The First Three Years of Growing in Different Regions of Poland ......................................................................596 Stanisław Rolbiecki, Wiesława Kasperska Wołowicz, Wiesław Ptach, Barbara Jagosz, Anna Figas, Roman Rolbiecki, Piotr Stachowski, Vilda Grybauskiene, Kazimierz Chmura, Krzysztof Dobosz Investigation of Production and Adaptation Potential of Quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd.) Plant in Niğde Province Climate and Soil Conditions..........................597 Burak Şen, Özgür Kıvılcım Kılınç Climate Change Prediction for Central Anatolian Region and Impacts on Agriculture...........................................................................................................................598 Burak Şen Determination of Plant Water Status by Leaf Monitoring Systems in Grape and Almond Crops Under Precision Irrigation .......................................................................599 Selçuk Özmen, Shrinivasa Upadhyaya, Francisco Rojo, Erin Kizer, Channing KoMadden2, Qingsong Zhang Usability of Shallow Groundwater in Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study from Turkey ..................................................................................................................................600 Aynur Fayrap The Determination of Photosynthetic Characteristic in Cotton Genotyping Tolerant and Sensitive to Drought in East Mediterranean Conditions .........................601 Berkant Ödemiş, Zekai Gümüş Soil Acidification and Cation Leaching Under 20 Years of Different Nitrogen Fertilization .........................................................................................................................602 Aleksandra Percin, Milan Mesic, Zeljka Zgorelec, Ivana Sestak Water Footprint of Silage Maize, Potato, Sugar Beet and Alfalfa Produced in Van-Turkey Conditions ......................................................................................................603 Caner Yerli, Üstün Şahin, Talip Çakmakcı, Selda Örs, Şefik Tüfenkçi, Fatih Mehmet Kızıloğlu




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Determination of Quality Changes in The Walnut Fruits Grown Under Different Altitudes ...............................................................................................................................604 Tuba Dilmaçünal Determination of Soil Erodibility in Different Land Uses of Semi-Arid Lands ............605 Sevinç Madenoğlu, Günay Erpul Effect of Bacteria Inoculation and Iron Application On Nitrogen Fixation in Soybean ................................................................................................................................606 Ali Sarıoğlu, Kemal Doğan Projects to Reduce the Impact of Climate Change On the Agricultural Sector in Turkey ..................................................................................................................................607 Gürsel Küsek, Nusret Mutlu, H. Hüseyin Öztürk Effect of Urbanization on Wastewater Formation ...........................................................608 Talip Çakmakcı, Üstün Şahın, Şefik Tüfenkçı, Caner Yerlı, Fatih M. Kızıloğlu, Fatih Ş. Erkuş Effect of Boron Foliar Application at Different Doses and Different Growth Stages on Yield and Yield Components of Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) ..............609 Cemile Ceylan, Hasan Haliloğlu The Effect of Supplemental Irrigation On the Yield and Quality of Barley in Semi-Arid Conditions .........................................................................................................610 Nida Yıldız, Ali Fuat Tarı Irrigation Systems Management in Urban Areas. Application to Valdebebas Park (Madrid) ...............................................................................................................................611 Freddy Canales IDE, Sergio Zubelzu MINGUEZ, Daniel Alberto Cardozo SEGOVIA, Leonor Rodríguez SINOBAS Anatomical Features of Tomato Cultivated Under Salty Irrigation Water ..................612 Meltem Tuylu, Gökhan İsmail Tuylu The Effects of Limited Salty Irrigation Water On the Anatomy of Tomato .................613 Gökhan İsmail Tuylu, Meltem Tuylu, Selçuk Söylemez, Hatice Nurhan Büyükkartal The Role of Subsurface Drip Irrigation On Water Productivity for Cotton Production ...........................................................................................................................614 Öner Çetin, Neşe Üzen Use of Open Source Microprocessors in Agricultural Structures and Irrigation .........615 Ünal Kızıl, Sefa Aksu, Levent Genç The Sustainable Utilization of Post-Harvest Agricultural Waste for Environmental Protection ..................................................................................................616 Ioan Visinescu, Daniela Trifan, Marcel Bularda




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Integrating The Agricultural Territory in The Spatial Planning Process in Bulgaria................................................................................................................................617 Milena Moteva Research of Soil Moisture Dynamic in The Recultivated Plėgai Landfill ......................618 Vilda Grybauskiene, Gitana Vyciene, Roman Rolbiecki, Stanislaw Rolbiecki, Wiesw Ptach Heavy Metals in Irrigated Alluvial Soils of Low Dniester Meadow of Moldova...........619 Tamara Leah, Nicolai Leah Analysis of Carbon Footprint Calculated from Emissions in A Sheep Barn Operated in Bursa Region ..................................................................................................620 Ilker Kılıc, Busra Yaylı Evaluation of Irrigation Management in Isparta Province Irrigation Cooperatives ........................................................................................................................621 Murat Cengız, Yusuf Uçar Forecast of Soil Water Deficit and Irrigation in South-Eastern Romania ....................622 Elena Mateescu, Oana-Alexandra Oprea, Aristita Busuioc, Alexandru Dumitrescu, Daniel Alexandru Distribution of Potential Soil Loss Values and Wind Erodibility Groups (WEG) of Areas under the Effect of Wind Erosion in Manisa-Akselendi Plain ........................623 Kezban Şahın Taysun, Alaettin Taysun, Nejat Özden The Use of Family Labor by Gender of Sheep Farms: A Case Study of Isparta Province in Turkey .............................................................................................................624 Aslı Dalgıç, Vecdi Demircan Recent Methods for Biotechnological Control on Pest Insects .......................................625 Erhan Koçak, Şevki Ertürk, Mehmet Oğuz Yaman The Effects of Mycorrhizae and Phosphorus Doses Applications on Plant Growth of Maize in Volcanic and Alluvial Origin Soils ................................................................626 Kübra Sedef İraz, Ahmet Almaca Comparative Analysis of The Influence of Different Doses of Vegetal Bio Stimulator on Agricultural Productions ...........................................................................627 Daniela Trifan, Marcel Bularda, Emanuela Lungu, Ionel-Alin Ghiorghe Studies On The Influence of Doses of The Plant Bio Stimulator and Solid Organic Substrate on Improving Soil Fertility ...............................................................................628 Daniela Trifan, , Marcel Bularda, Emanuela Lungu Comparison With Some Mathematical Growth Models of Leaf Area Development of Bean Grown (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Under Different Irrigation Regimes ................................................................................................................................629 Sultan Kıymaz, Ufuk Karadavut, Galip Şimşek, Kübra Soğancı




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Differentiation of The Irrigation Regime on Soils With Groundwater Supply from Dammed River Plain .................................................................................................630 Ioan Visinescu , Marcel Bularda , Daniela Trifan , Development of Irrigation Program Using Leaf Water Potential in Royal Table Grape Variety in The Mediterranean Region ..................................................................631 Yeşim Bozkurt Çolak, Attila Yazar, Serpil Tangolar, Gülşen Duraktekin, Engin Gönen Determination of Concrete Compressive Strength and Reinforcement Situations in Construction Elements in Agricultural Constructions................................................632 Naciye Aygen Özhan, Kenan Büyüktaş, Ahmet Tezcan Determination of The Heating and Cooling Degree Day Values of Laying Quail Henhouse by The Degree Day Method ..............................................................................633 Sedat Boyacı, Gökhan Filik, Ayşe Gül Filik Estimation of Long-Term Reference Evapotranspiration Using Limited Weather Data in Sugar Beet Plantation Area from Middle Anatolian, Turkey ...........................634 Sevim Seda Yamaç Assessment of Agricultural Water Use in Irrigation Schemes of Dsi 15th Region .......635 Belgin Çakmak, M.Sevba Çolak Effects of Different Zinc and Iron Doses On Yield and Some Yield Components of Nc-7 Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)..............................................................................636 Çiğdem Boydak, Orhan Kara, Rasim Arslan, Ayşe Nuran Çil, Abdullah Çil, Seyyid Irmak The Effect of Humic Acid on Some Elements Uptake Within Cadmium Accumulated Zones .............................................................................................................637 Gizem Aksu Changes On Soil Biological Activity with Respect to Irrigation, Mulch Application and Calcium Fertilization..............................................................................638 Kemal Doğan, Sefer Bozkurt, Ali Sarıoğlu, Necat Ağca, Ekin Şakar Soil Microbial Activity Alteration with Respect to Combined Application of Olive Mill Wastewater, Heat Treated Vermicompost and Cattle Manure ..............................639 Kemal Doğan, Ali Sarıoğlu Ekin Şakar, Sema Karanlık Effect of Deficit Irrigation On Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Watermelon ..........640 Gülşen Duraktekin, Yeşim Bozkurt Çolak, Günsu Atağ, Mete Özfidaner, Alper Baydar, Engin Gönen Using A New Trend Analysis Method to Determine Average Temperature Trend in Antalya.............................................................................................................................641 Mete Özfidaner, Duygu Şapolyo, Fatih Topaloğlu




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Comparison of Measured and Estimated Evapotranspiration of Pomegranate Grown Under Mediterranean Conditions ........................................................................642 Cihan Karaca, Köksal Aydınşakir, Nazmi Dinç, Dursun Büyüktaş, Ruhi Baştuğ, Begüm Polat The Contribution of Farmers to Irrigation Management for Agricultural Production in The Red River Delta Vietnam ...................................................................643 Nguyen Thi Hai Ninh, Philippe Lebailly, Nguyen Mau Dung Impact of Irrigation on the Dynamics and Leaching of Nitrate Nitrogen in Soil .........644 H. Dakak, Z. El mouridi, B. Soudi, R. Moussadek, A. Zouahri, H.Yachou, A. Ghanimi Determination of Soil Fertility Conditions in Dense Kiwi Growing Areas in Yalova City ..........................................................................................................................645 Mustafa Bıyıklı Şirin Tuna Özlem Bengü Daş Kılıç Simulation of Irrigation and Reservoir Storage in The Develi Basin (Turkey) Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (Swat) .................................................................646 Nada Jouma, Filiz Dadaser-Celik Water Quality of Agricultural Drainage Systems in The Develi Basin in Turkey ........647 Burak Peker, Sukru Taner Azgin, Filiz Dadaser-Celik Industrial Symbiosis Application in Animal Operations: Bursa Case Study ................648 İlker Kılıç, Hatice Delice, Sinem Sofu, Burak Yıldız Effects of Soil Erosion on Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystem in A Watershed .....649 Necla Koralay, Ömer Kara Water-Yield Relationship of the Pickled Cucumber Under Different Irrigation Levels and Mulch Applications..........................................................................................650 Gonca Karaca Bilgen, Aynur Özbahçe, Tuğba Yeter, Ceren Görgişen, Pınar Bahçeci Alsan, Kadri Avağ Determination of Irrigation Tendency of Siirt Regional Pistachio Producers ..............651 Yusuf Aydın Burak Saltuk The Effect of Different Water Level with Water Stress On Yield and Quality of Sunflower Under Konya Conditions .................................................................................652 Arzu Gündüz, Oğuz Gündüz, Mehmet Ali Dündar, Osman Çağırgan, Şerife Çay Using Opportunities of Precipitation Maps Generated by Trmm and Gpm Satellite Products for Water Budget Calculations ...........................................................653 Sakine Çetin, Eyüp Selim Köksal , Emre Tunca Using New Developed Agros Software for Irrigation Management Purposes ..............654 Eyüp Selim Köksal Automatic Solar-Powered Irrigation System in Greenhouse..........................................655 Murat Yıldırım Muzaffer Yücel Yakup Kılıçarslan




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Irrigation Automation Controlled by Plc and Movable Solar Panels Following Azimuth Angle to Gps Coordinates ...................................................................................656 Muzaffer Yücel, Murat Yıldırım Enhancing Production of Tobacco in Macedonia ............................................................657 Romina Kabranova, Karolina Kochoska, Robin Mavroski Determination of Water Quality of Irrigation Water Sources in Taraklı District of Sakarya ............................................................................................................................658 Saliha Dorak, Samet Yılmaz, Barış Bülent Aşık The Effect of Irrigation Water Amount on Water-Yield Relationships of Eggplant ...............................................................................................................................659 Mahmoud Al Ali, Cafer Gençoğlan , Serpil Gençoğlan The Effect on Fuel Consumption and Modern Agriculture in The Rural Areas of Land Consolidation Projects ..............................................................................................660 Müge Kirmikil, Dilara Aydus Physico-Mechanical Properties of Pellets Made of Peach Pit and Lignite Coal Dust ......................................................................................................................................661 Orhan A. Atay, Kamil Ekinci, Serdar Üçok, Hüseyin Kaçar, Barbaros S. Kumbul, Ali Aybek Determination of Optimum Irrigation Time in Days by Using Plant Based Measurements .....................................................................................................................662 Engin Gönen, Yeşim Bozkurt Çolak, Attila Yazar, Çağatay Tanrıverdi, Sertan Sesveren Assessment of Water Usage and Consumption of Livestock Enterprises in Bursa Region ..................................................................................................................................663 Seyit Uguz, Apti Onuk, Ercan Sımsek Investigation of Yield and Quality Parameters of Three Different Fertilization for Red Curly Lettuce in Floating Culture .............................................................................664 Esra Okudur Determination and Analysis of Drought Effect with The Help of Gis and Meteorological Measurements in Firat-Dicle Basin.........................................................665 Ömer Faruk Karaca, Kadri Yürekli Estimation of Sediment Yield by Artificial Neural Networks in Relation to Flow and Meteorological Measurements in Euphrates-Dicle Basin-A Case Study of Adiyaman .............................................................................................................................666 Ömer Faruk Karaca, Adil Koray Yıldız, Kadri Yürekli Evaluation Spectral Properties of Sunflower Throughout the Growing Season ..........667 Emre Tunca, Eyüp Selim Köksal, Sakine Çetin, Nazmi Mert Ekiz, Ufuk Çoban, Hamadou Balde




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Fuzzy Logic Analysis of the Effects of Soil Salinity On Soil Fertility in Irrigated Areas ....................................................................................................................................668 Yeşim Ahi, Korkmaz Bellitürk, Hüseyin T. Gültaş Determination of Water Use, Yield and Quality of Pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo L.) As First and Second Crop ..................................................................................................669 Ali Ünlükara, Ramazan Bakır Estimation of Net Irrigation Water Demand Under Possible Climate Change Scenarios: Case of Menemen Sol Sahil .............................................................................670 Zafer Ali Serbeş, Umut Okkan, Şerafettin Aşık Determination of Nutritional Status of Banana Orchards in Alanya Region ...............671 Merve Durnaoğulları, İbrahim Erdal Evaluation of Drought Occurence in Bilecik's Using by Standardized Precipitation Index Method ...............................................................................................672 Murat Karaer, Hüseyin T. Gültaş Effects of Different Boron Concentrations on Germination of Bread Wheat Cultivars ..............................................................................................................................673 Hayrettin Kuşçu, Ezgi Kurtulmuş, Bilge Arslan, İpek Karakuş, Emir Kumraltekin, İdil Eylül Uçan, Mehmet Can Aşık Evaluation of System Performance of Left Coast Irrigation Community at Seyhan Plain Sample...........................................................................................................674 Nigar Anğın, Volkan Çatalkaya Determination of Cover Management Factor (C-Factor) in Agricultural Lands and Its Relationship with Ndvi ..........................................................................................675 Melis Özge Pınar, Günay Erpul The Effect of Biochar Obtained from Pruning Residue of Oil-Bearing Rose on Flower Yield and Essential Oil Content of Oil-Bearing Rose .........................................676 Abdullah Arın, Hesna Ruveyda Aydın, Sabri Erbas, Ali Coskan Nutrient Composition and in Vitro Anti-Carcinogenic Activity of Knotweed (Polygonum Cognatum Meissn.) Plant Extracts ...............................................................677 Handan Saraç, Taner Daştan, Ahmet Demirbaş, Sevgi Durna Daştan, Tolga Karaköy, Hasan Durukan Nutrient Composition snd In Vitro Anti-Proliferative Effects of Different Extracts of Red Poppy (Fam: Papaveraceae, Glaucium Grandiflorum Boiss.&Huet Var. Grandiflorum) Plants ..........................................................................678 Handan Saraç, Taner Daştan, Hasan Durukan, Sevgi Durna Daştan, Ahmet Demirbaş, Tolga Karaköy, Effects of Different Paclobutrazol Applications On the Plant Growth of Fuchsia .......679 Deniz Hazar, Ömer Faruk Bora




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Effects of Irrigation Water with Different Salinity and Leaching Fraction On Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) Growth, Yield and Drainage Water Quality ...............680 Fazilet Erdem, Sema Kale Çelik Effects of Different Irrigation Water Levels and Vermicompost Doses on Micro Nutrient Uptake of Lettuce Plant ......................................................................................681 Ali Coşkan, Ulaş Şenyiğit Effect of Nitrification Inhibitor Application Under Broad Bean (Vicia Faba L.) Vegetation On Nodulation, Nodule, Root and Shoot Total Nitrogen Concentrations and Nmin Values in Soil ..........................................................................682 Hesna Pamiralan, Mustafa Gök Influence of Leonardite Incorporation On Nitrification and Nitrate Ammonification ...................................................................................................................683 Hesna Ruveyda Aydın, Fatih Kural, Abdullah Arın, Cennet Yaylacı, Ali Coskan Determination of Transpiration Rate of Winter Wheat by Using Stable Isotope Mixing Model Under Different Irrigation Regime ..........................................................684 Sema Kale Çelik∗, Ufuk Türker, Sevinc Madenoğlu, Bülent Sönmez Determination of Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat Genotypes Collected from Isparta and Burdur Locations .................................................................685 Demet Altındal, İlknur Akgün Use of Olive Oil Sector Waste in Greenhouse Heating ....................................................686 Asuman Ceylan, Berna Kendirli Determination of Water Stress with Thermal Camera and Ndvi Sensor in Tomato Plant .......................................................................................................................687 Gokhan Camoglu, Kurşad Demırel, Levent Genc, Arda Akcal, Ilker Eroglu, Ahmet Boran, Hakan Nar Change of Pepper's Turgor Pressure According to Irrigation Levels ...........................688 Gokhan Camoglu, Kurşad Demırel, Levent Genc, Fatih Kahrıman, Arda Akcal, Hakan Nar, Ahmet Boran, Ilker Eroglu The Effects of Drip Irrigation and Water Retention Barrier on Water Use and Yield in Rice.........................................................................................................................689 Hakan Nar, Gokhan Camoglu, Kursad Demırel Techniques for Monitoring Plant Water Stress ...............................................................690 Hakan Nar, Gokhan Camoglu, Kursad Demırel, Levent Genc Investigation of The Effects of Different Irrigation Levels on Plant Properties of Zinnia ...................................................................................................................................691 Kursad Demırel, Gokhan Camoglu, Arda Akcal, Levent Genc, Hakan Nar The Use of Leaf Pressure Sensors to Determine Water Stress in Different Ornamental Plants ..............................................................................................................692 Kursad Demırel, Gokhan Camoglu, Levent Genc, Hakan Nar




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

An Artificial Neural Network Model for Prediction of Heat Requirement for Greenhouse Tomato Production in Soilless Culture in Adana Climate Conditions .....693 Ali Çaylı, A. Nafi Baytorun, Adil Akyüz, Çağatay Tanrıverdı, Sait Üstün Geospatial Analysis of Parsel Size Before and After Land Consolidation Projects: A Case Study of Kernel Density from Aşağisümenli Village in Malatya, Turkey ........694 Fırat Arslan, Hasan Değirmenci The Importance of Crop Potation in The Agriculture of The Republic of Moldova ....696 Nicolai Leah, Tamara Leah Nitrate Pollution and Its Possible Causes in Kayseri Drinking Water ..........................697 Nuray Ates, S.Sule Kaplan-Bekaroglu, Filiz Dadaser-Celik Spray Cooling for Bovine Barns ........................................................................................698 Sefa Aksu, Ünal Kızıl Drip Irrigation for Pear Orchards (Pyrus Communis) ....................................................699 Funda Dökmen, Yeşim Ahı, Daniyel Durmuş Köksal Determination of The Current Situation of The Vegetable-Fruit Drying Plant Using Geothermal Energy in Kırşehir Province and of Its Development Possibilities...........................................................................................................................700 Selma Boyacı, Sedat Boyacı, Güldane Gürdal Effect of Salinity and Drought Stress Conditions on Enzyme Activities of Plants .......701 Alper Güngör, Ömer Taş, Gürkan Bilir, Ahmet Can Olcay, Hakan Arslan, Deniz Ekinci Effect of Different Irrigation Water Salinity on the Antioxidant Enzyme Activity of Purple Carrot (Daucus Carota L) Plant .......................................................................702 Alper Güngör, Gürkan Bilir, Ömer Taş, Ahmet Can Olcay, Mehmet Altun, Hakan Arslan, Deniz Ekinci Land Consolidation – The Needs and The Gaps in Bulgarian Agricultural LandUse Management .................................................................................................................703 Milena Dimitrova, Moteva Georgi, Dimitrov Kostadinov Approximate Cost Calculation of Aquaponics and Hydroponics: Antalya Province Case ......................................................................................................................704 Esra Okudur, Türker Bodur The Effects of Different Colors of Cover Materials On the Development of Greenhouse Cultivation: Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa) Sample ............................................705 Funda Tunçbilek, Atılgan Atılgan The Changes in Agricultural Sector, Problems and Opportunities Created by This Change in Turkey .......................................................................................................706 Gürsel Küsek




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Maize (Zea Mays L.) Response to Irrigation Scheduling and Nitrogen Rate During Extreme Weather Under Climatic Conditions of Eastern Croatia ...................707 Marković Monika, Josipović Marko, Šoštarić Jasna


Suggested Citation (Önerilen Kaynak Gösterimi):

Çetin, M., Aksoy, H., Önöz, B.; Eriş, E., Yüce, M. İ., Selek, B., Aksu, H., Burgan, H. İ., Eşit, M., Çavuş, Y., Orta, S., 2018. Deriving Accumulated Precipitation Deficits from Drought Severity-Duration-Frequency Curves: A Case Study in Adana Province, Turkey. 1st International Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation, Proceeedings and Abstracts Book, Antalya, Turkey (, 26-28 September 2018, ISBN 978-605-81136-0-2, pp. 39-48. st


1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Deriving Accumulated Precipitation Deficits from Drought SeverityDuration-Frequency Curves: A Case Study in Adana Province, Turkey Mahmut Çetin1*, Hafzullah Aksoy2, Bihrat Önöz2, Ebru Eriş3, Mehmet İshak Yüce4, Bülent Selek5, Hakan Aksu6, Halil İbrahim Burgan2, Musa Eşit7, Yonca Çavuş2, Selen Orta8 1

Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation, Çukurova University, Adana, TURKEY Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Maslak, İstanbul, TURKEY 3 Department of Civil Engineering, Ege University, İzmir, TURKEY 4 Department of Civil Engineering, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, TURKEY 5 General Directorate of Water Management, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Ankara, TURKEY 6 Department of Meteorological Engineering, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Atakum, Samsun, TURKEY 7 Department of Civil Engineering, Adıyaman University, Adıyaman, TURKEY 8 Department of Construction, İstanbul Ayvansaray University, İstanbul, TURKEY



Corresponding Author e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: Drought is a natural phenomenon and integral part of climate variability. It has been a fact that drought event develops gradually without being noticed, causes insidious natural hazard and serious harm. Therefore, it is a must to characterize frequency, severity and duration of a drought. The objectives of this study were three-fold: 1) to show versatility of standardized precipitation index (SPI) for 6- and 12-month timescales in order to explore both wet and/or dry periods and precipitation thresholds for the onset of drought by using relatively long-term monthly precipitation data; 2) to develop drought severity-duration-frequency (SFD) curves; 3) to find a way for drought severity transformation to precipitation deficit for different return periods and drought durations. Monthly precipitation data of 87-year record length from Adana meteorological station were used in the study. SPI series of the two timescales were concordant with the historical drought experienced in the region. The 6-month moving cumulative precipitation thresholds varied between 125 mm (in October) and 487 mm (in April); it was 630 mm for the 12-month timescale. The longer a drought duration happens, the higher precipitation deficit is expected for timescales considered. SDF curves were helpful in delivering 6- and 12-month moving cumulative precipitation deficits for drought durations and return periods. Keywords: Drought duration, severity-duration-frequency curves, precipitation deficit, standardized precipitation index (SPI), k-month moving cumulative precipitation.

assessment is necessary for the implementation of the drought action plans to ensure sustainable water management in critical periods of water shortage. To this end, it is important to quantify drought characteristics by using local data. A number of methodologies (WMO, 2012) have been developed for monitoring drought in spatial and temporal extent. Severity, frequency, location, duration and timing are among the most outstanding characteristics of droughts. WMO and GWP (2016) points out that those characteristics

Introduction Drought, as a natural and environmental phenomenon, is an integral part of climate change as well as climate variability. Its characteristics and consequences are subject to variability in different climatic regions. On the other hand, it is not an easy task to monitor and forecast a drought event even if it is imminent. More importantly, it has been a fact that any drought event with D-month duration develops gradually without being noticed, and causes insidious natural hazard and serious harm. Therefore, drought risk




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

may be identified by utilizing drought indicators and indices. In this regard, drought indicators/indices may be a useful tool in order to support drought preparedness plans and risk-based drought management policies in drought prone regions including Mediterranean landscapes. Drought conditions are governed by drought indicators which are meteorological (precipitation and temperature), hydrological (streamflow, groundwater and reservoir levels, and snowpack) and agricultural (soil moisture). As for indices, they are primarily used to provide quantitative assessment of drought characteristics. In this manner, WMO and GWP (2016) underlines that indices provide useful communication tools for end-users, decision-makers, ordinary users, public, etc. Although Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was indorsed as the standard by WMO (2012) to determine meteorological drought via the Lincoln Declaration on Drought Indices (Zargar et al., 2011), there are, apart from SPI, a number of drought indices in use at the present time. However, as stated by McKee et al. (1993, 1995), Guttman (1998, 1999), WMO and GWP (2016), and the others, SPI can be calculated on as little as 20-year’s data; furthermore, it is flexible and easy to use in practice, allows calculations for timescales of up to 24 months. Hence, SPI series can be used in drought monitoring and characterizing droughts in drought prone areas. Based on above reasons, in drought characterization studies, SPI is commonly applied as an indicator of drought severity. However, Rahmat et al. (2015) pointed out that decision-makers and end-users may often have difficulty in understanding the derived drought information, due to the fact that the output is too technical. Saghafian et al. (2003) emphasized clearly that frequency analysis of droughts which is in the form of severity-duration-frequency (SDF) curve is complex as well as difficult. In order to overcome those shortcomings, tangible drought information such as precipitation deficits in the units of mm versus sum of negative deviations of Z-scores (Saghafian et al., 2003) should be provided for ordinary users.

The objectives of this study were threefold: 1) to show versatility of standardized precipitation index (SPI) for 6- and 12month timescales in order to explore both wet and/or dry periods and precipitation thresholds for the onset of drought by using relatively long-term monthly precipitation data; 2) to develop drought severityduration-frequency (SFD) curves; 3) to find a way for drought severity transformation to precipitation deficit for different return periods and drought durations. Materials and Methods Study Area and Data Source Adana province is located in the southern Turkey. It is under the Mediterranean climate regime (Figure 1) and characterized by extensive agriculture. The region receives abundant rainfall during the autumn and winter periods (between December and April). However, rainfall is extremely scarce during long summer season (between May and November). Long term annual mean rainfall is about 645 mm with a mean temperature of 19.2 °C (1927-2017) in the province (

Figure 1. Location of the study site in Turkey (Adana meteorological station, Zone #: 36, Lat: 37.0037o N, Lon: 35.3432 o E) Monthly rainfall data of Adana meteorological station over the period of 1929 to 1915 (87-year) was obtained from General Directorate of Meteorology. The data were checked for likely errors before they were utilized in the study. Standardized Precipitation Index McKee et al. (1993) developed the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) with




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

the purpose of identifying and monitoring spatial and temporal behaviour of droughts. In this regard, multiple time scales (McKee et al., 1995), from 1-month to 24-month, may be used. Due to its simplicity in use and calculation WMO recommended SPI as the main meteorological drought index (WMO, 2012) to the national meteorological services to monitor and follow drought conditions. SPI series of Adana station, covering period from 1929 to 2015, for k = 6-month and k=12-month timescales were calculated by using the latest Windows/PC version of SPI program (SPI_SL_6.exe) described in detail in WMO (2012). Precipitation threshold levels were defined by using the association defined between SPI of k-month time scales and the respective k-month moving cumulative precipitation series, Pk, i.e. 𝑷𝒌 = 𝒇(𝑺𝑷𝑰𝒌 ). At the end, the k-month moving cumulative precipitation threshold [𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒌 (𝒎𝒎)] was directly obtained from the graph or by substituting 𝑺𝑷𝑰𝒌 = −𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 into the association. At this stage, due to the fact that mild drought category is a halfopen interval (Table 1), SPIk is assigned to 0.01 which is immediately below 0.00. For the sake of safety as well as simplicity, this precipitation amount is arbitrarily regarded as the threshold precipitation (Rahmat et al., 2015) for the k-timescale here after.

Table 1. Classification of SPI values (McKee et al., 1993) SPI values (0.00 , -0.99] [-1.00 , -1.49] [-1.50 , -1.99] ≤ -2.00

Drought category Mild drought Moderate drought Severe drought Extreme drought

Frequency Analysis and Severity-DurationFrequency (SDF) Curves It was assumed that 87-year record length is well enough for drought characterization regarding record lengths of meteorological stations in Turkey. Therefore, annual maximum series (AMS) approach (Eris et al., 2018) was adopted in the present study. Based on the literature (French and Jones, 2015; Eris et al., 2018; Aksoy et al., 2018) Log-Pearson III (LP3), two- and threeparameter lognormal (LN2, LN3), two- and three-parameter Weibull (W2, W3), twoand three-parameter Gamma (G2, G3) and three-parameter generalised extreme value (GEV3) were selected as candidate cumulative distribution functions in the frequency analysis for 6-month and 12month drought severity series of different durations (Ds). In order to conduct a reliable frequency analysis, drought severity series of at least a minimum of ten points (French and Jones, 2015) were used in this study. French and Jones (2015) were examined the performance of candidate probability distribution functions by evaluating the Anderson-Darling (AD) goodness-of-fit test. Drought severities for any return periods (2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years) were estimated from the determined probability distributions by treating zeroes indicating the years without any drought in the severity series. Details of the treatment of zeroes in hydrological analysis can be found in Haan (1977) and Eris et al. (2018). Drought severity values of T-year return periods (𝑺𝑷𝑰𝒌𝑻𝒓 ) for any duration of k-month timescale were converted to precipitation deficits (𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒌𝑻𝒓 )in the units of mm by utilizing the approach of 𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒌𝑻𝒓 (𝒎𝒎) = 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒌 (𝒎𝒎) − 𝒇(𝑺𝑷𝑰𝒌𝑻𝒓 ).

Drought Classification, Defining Drought Duration (D) and Severity A drought event or period starts only when the SPI values in consecutive months are continuously negative in any run, and ends when it becomes positive (Paulo and Pereira, 2006). Drought categorization was done based on the SPI values in Table 1. In order to derive drought severity-durationfrequency (DSF) curves, drought duration and severity were defined for each event for overall Z-score time series, i.e. SPI values, of 6-month and 12-month timescales. Hence, the sum of negative SPI values, which measures drought severity (S), in any run length (D) was defined and tabulated for frequency analysis by following procedures given in Saghafian et al. (2003), Paulo and Pereira (2006).




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

to continue, longer rainy periods are less persistent in a time scale of 1-month. However, rainy periods are observed more than drought periods for the remaining timescales. Albeit the SPI was reliable and more consistent in detecting droughts for different time steps, it should not be used solely in comparison studies to present a drought index. Dogan et al. (2012) pointed out that the 1-month time step is irrelevant in arid/semi-arid regions because seasonal rainfall deficiencies are common there

Results and Discussion Observed Drought Occurrences This study produced SPI values for multiple time scales of 1-, 3-, 6-, 9-, 12- and 24- month by utilizing 87-year monthly precipitation data. Drought occurrences for each drought category (Table 1) were computed as the percentage occurrence of each event with respect to total number of observations in the series of the k-timescale. Table 2 shows the results at multiple time scales and drought categories. While drought conditions are more likely

Table 2. Observed drought frequencies/occurrences in Adana station for multiple time scales Drought category Mild Moderate Severe Extreme Wet

SPI classes [-0.99, 0.00) [-1.49, -1.00] [-1.99, -1.50] ≤ -2.00 ≥0.00 Total

1-month 38.2 7.7 2.7 2.0 49.4 100.0

3-month 32.1 9.2 4.3 2.7 51.6 100.0

The frequency of severe and extreme droughts was 7% for the 3-month time scale which is useful for basic drought monitoring. However, percentage of extreme drought occurrences are greater (3.6%) for the 6-month timescale, suitable for monitoring agricultural impacts (WMO and GWP, 2016), in comparison with extreme droughts of 1- and 3-month timescales. On the other hand, the longer the timescale, the less drought frequency for categories of severe and extreme drought observed in the region, indicating that droughts last longer, and becomes persistent -hence long durations. Because SPI values for 12 months or longer are suitable indices for hydrological impacts (McKee et al., 1993), severe drought events inevitably cause higher drought magnitudes at any drought duration, resulting in rather the high precipitation deficits.

Drought occurrences (%) 6-month 9-month 12-month 33.8 33.9 34.5 7.8 8.8 8.3 4.0 4.4 4.4 3.5 2.5 2.3 50.9 50.4 50.5 100.0 100.0 100.0

24-month 38.2 4.9 2.4 4.3 50.1 100.0

for different return periods and durations regarding agricultural and hydrological droughts, respectively. A plot of SPI versus time is indeed informative with regard to variability of drought sequences as well as drought severity. As seen in Figure 2, drought events are more frequent with short duration lengths for k = 6-month timescale in comparison with k = 12-month timescale. Because the longer the record length and the higher k values, the more conspicuous drought periods with less severity appears in the SPI series. This means that the increase in the timescale have a smoothing effect on individual drought severity but an increasing effect on the drought magnitude over the period of D-month duration. This is true for the 12-month timescale (Figure 2). Results show that the most severe drought (SPI = -2.85) is for the 6-month timescale in July of 1987. However, for the 12-month timescale the SPI value is the maximum (-2.79) in February 1973. Contrary to the drought severity, maximum drought durations were found as D = 32 months and D = 59 months for the 6- and 12-month timescales, respectively. The findings highlight that different timescales are worth

Variability in Drought Events with Time Scales SPI values enable the users to make retrospective drought analysis. In this study, timescales of 6- and 12-month were chosen to derive accumulated precipitation deficits




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

studying to define drought severities, durations, magnitudes and intensities. Dogan et al. (2012) tried to determine the effect of timescales on drought detection using six drought indices, and they concluded that the SPI was more consistent in detecting

droughts for different time steps. Consequently, the longer a record continues, homogeneous and with no missing peaks, the more is its value enhanced, particularly in drought assessment studies.

Figure 2. The effects of time scales on temporal variability of SPI, fluctuations of wet and dry periods in Adana province In this study, drought periods were successfully determined by SPI method for the 12-month timescale. For example, albeit the drought duration was only D = 13 months and its intensity was about -1.51 (severe drought) in the period December 2013 - December 2014 (Figure 2, k=12month shown with an arrow), drought event was newsworthy

( 9/yarim-asirlik-mezarlik-ortaya-cikti) in the daily newspapers by highlighting that the lasting drought event in the region caused to recede water levels horizontally about 500 m in the Seyhan dam, hence dwellers would be able to see submerged cemeteries after 58year. Surprisingly, conspicuous drought years and periods were also addressed in




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

Akbas (2014) by using different drought indicators and indices. On the other hand, the same drought cannot be followed conspicuously in k=6-month SPI runs, showing the importance timescales in drought identification.

CurveExpert (Version 1.40), the threshold rainfall for 12-month timescale was found as 630 mm. This threshold precipitation indicates onset of a drought event in Adana province if the observed 12-month accumulated precipitation at the end of any month is less than the threshold value. The lower the 12-month moving cumulative rainfall compared to the threshold value, the more severe drought happens in the region. On the other hand, precipitation thresholds differed in each month for the 6month timescale precipitation series, indicating that the relationship between SPI6 series of each month and corresponding 6month moving accumulated precipitation data was resulted in rather different parameters of Gompertz function. Graphs of SPI6,i versus SPI6,i, where i stands for the month, corroborated different rainfall thresholds by months. Rainfall threshold analysis results were depicted in Figure 3.

Precipitation Threshold Levels It is not an easy task to predict a drought event a month or more in advance for most locations (Palchaudhuri and Biswas, 2013). However, retrospective analysis of drought events by using runs of SPI values may be useful to derive tangible information for end-users and/or decision-makers. To this end, the relationship between the k-month moving accumulated precipitation and the corresponding SPIk values was investigated by regression analysis. It was seen that a sigmoid function of Gomperts fitted well the data (r > 0.98) for the 6- and 12-month timescales. By using the Gomperts curve and its parameters which were determined in a comprehensive curve fitting system of

Figure 3. Variation of precipitation threshold levels [mm] by months in Adana province It is important to highlight that rainfall thresholds are consistent with the general climatologic characteristics of the region, varying from 125 mm (in October) to 487 mm (in April). For example, hydrological year ends at the end of September and starts on the 1st of October in Turkey. Therefore, October is the most critical month regarding drought incidences. For this reason,

precipitation threshold was found as the minimum (125 mm) in October. It means that if the 6-month moving precipitation accumulation, i.e. from May to October, is less than 125 mm in October at any year, ordinary-users or decision-makers would know that a drought period has already started. However, no one knows whether it will persist for a few months, years or more.




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

October, November and December are critical months regarding rain-fed agriculture in the Mediterranean landscape; for example, wheat season starts in this period. Consequently, any drought event, irrespective of its category (i.e. mild, moderate, severe or extreme), prevents seeds from sprouting. As seen from Figure 3, precipitation threshold was the highest in April which is considered as the end of wet season in the region. For this reason, any 6-month moving accumulated precipitation less than 487 mm at the end of April might be considered as the onset of imminent agricultural drought spell.

suitable frequency distribution for drought severity analysis for Adana station. Many years were found to be without any drought events when drought severity data series were examined. For the 6-month timescale, the number of years without any drought was 5 out of 87 years for D = 1 month, 75 for D = 13 months, indicating noticeable decrease in the data points which is disadvantage of frequency analysis. Likewise, for the 12-month timescale, the number of zero-rated drought years varied from 15 (D = 1 month) to 77 (D = 23 months). By taking into account zeroes indicating the years without any drought, drought severities corresponding to the return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years were estimated for drought durations of 6and 12-month timescales, and were then tabulated. In order to derive precipitation deficits for durations and return periods, drought severities need to be converted into the units of precipitation. To this end, threshold values and relationship between SPIk and k-month moving cumulative precipitation (Pk,) was used. For example, drought severity estimates were transformed to the precipitation deficits by using the following relationship, which was solely and exclusively developed for Adana station, for the 12-month timescale:

Drought Severity-Duration-Frequency Curves and Deriving Precipitation Deficits Frequency analysis was done on the series of drought severities with different durations for 6- and 12-month timescales. Any drought duration having at least a minimum of 10 points (i.e. drought severity values) were used to conduct a reliable frequency analysis (French and Jones, 2015) in this study. For the 12-month timescale, drought duration varied from 1 month to 59 months. However, data points in the series were found less than 10 while D is greater than 23-month. For this reason, frequency analysis was conducted on the series of D < 23 months. As for the 6-month time scale, the same analysis was repeated for the drought severities taking into account the fact that number data points in the series is ≥ 10. Due to the inherited character of the 6month time scale, the first 13 durations were found to have sufficient data points (n ≥ 10) to conduct reliable frequency analysis, while maximum duration was found as D = 33 months of the only one data point. For all durations of 12-month timescale, three-parameter generalised extreme value distribution (GEV3) fitted all the data well. Similarly, the 6-month timescale drought severity data gave a good fit with GEV3 distribution for 12 out of 13 durations. Contrarily, data of 2-month duration fitted with the two-parameter Weibull (W2) distribution. Based on the frequency analysis, it is concluded that GEV3 is a

𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒌𝑻𝒓 = 𝑷t − 𝒂 𝒆𝒙𝒑{−𝒆𝒙𝒑(𝒃 − 𝒄 𝑺𝑷𝑰𝒌𝑻𝒓 )}

where 𝑷t is the threshold rainfall of 630 mm, a=2.22E+04, b=1.27E+00, c=8.01E-02. For instance, when duration is taken one-month, the expected 12-month moving cumulative rainfall deficits for 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years return periods are 139, 226, 269, 313, 340 and 363 mm, respectively. The same calculation procedure was repeated for durations of 6- and 12-month timescales. Results are given in Figure 4. As mentioned tacitly before, the theorem of total probability was used in this study in order to estimate T-year drought severities by taking zeroes into account. As seen from Figure 4, estimation of 12-month moving cumulative rainfall deficits with 2-year return period was theoretically impossible for the durations greater than 6-month




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

(Figure 4). As can be seen in Figure 4, it is also true for 5-year return period of

durations greater than 12-month.

12-month moving cumulative rainfall deficit ( Severity, mm )

1300 1100 900 700 2 5 10


Threshold rainfall=630 mm Time-scale: k=12-month

300 100 0






Drought duration (D, month)

6-month moving cumulative rainfall deficit (Severity, mm)



Return period: 5 years


Time-scale (k) =6-month




350 300


250 200




100 50 1


4 Drought duration (D, months)


Figure 4. Twelve-month moving cumulative rainfall deficit-duration-frequency curves (upper) and 6-month moving cumulative precipitation deficit of 5-year return period versus drought durations (below) This particular characteristic might purely be attributed to the Mediterranean climate preponderant in the region. Drought events, lasting for 12 months (D = 12 months), cause 12-month cumulative 833,

954, 1053, 1108 and 1154 mm rainfall deficits for 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 year return periods, respectively (Figure 4), which are all rather high compared to the 645 mm mean rainfall of the station. It seems




1 International, 14 National Congress on Agricultural Structures and Irrigation 26-28 September 2018 Antalya

difficult to recover such a drought with a year. This indicates that such a drought event may cause serious harm to the different sectors of economy, in particular agriculture, in the region. On the other hand, if the 6-month timescale is considered, drought severity, hence cumulative rainfall deficit, becomes even more important in order to make reasonable agricultural drought assessment. As seen in Figure 4, the 6-month moving cumulative rainfall deficit in any month increases with drought duration. However, to some extent, there seems to be a kind of temporal clustering which is directly linked to time scale as well as temporal distribution of rainfall, i.e. inherited characteristic of climate in the region, indicating that the pattern of rainfall in a given drought duration is of great importance. The estimated 6-month moving cumulative rainfall deficits with 5-year recurrence interval are 88, 105, 112, 146, 165, 189, 213, 236, 241, 251, 259 mm for SeptemberOctober, November, August, July, December, June, January, February, May, March, April, respectively. Put another way, supposing that rainfall totals from May to October is less than the threshold rainfall of October (125 mm in Figure 3), it can then be considered as a signal of the onset of a drought event. If this drought event lasts for one-month, the expected deficit rainfall with 5-year return period will be 88 mm. It is important to emphasize here that the severity (magnitude) of that drought is S = -1.94 (in SPI unit (Saghafian, 2003)) with the intensity (I = S/D) of I = -1.94, categorised as “severe drought” according to Table 1. It is also understood from this example that driving of SPI based drought information is too technical and difficult to understand by practitioners or end-users including decision-makers. Instead of this, deriving threshold rainfall values and rainfall deficits in the units of mm with different durations and return periods will be more meaningful to the end-users.

causes insidious natural hazard and serious harm. Therefore, characterization of the frequency, severity and duration of a drought event is of great importance for the end-users. In this study, 6- and 12-month timescales were studied to derive precipitation deficits with different return periods and drought durations. Based on the results, following conclusions can be drawn:  Historical drought events were successfully characterised by using the SPI. It is able to figure out wet and/or dry periods, and is a useful tool to define precipitation thresholds for 6- and 12-month timescales.  Record length is of great influence on the frequency analysis in order to conduct a reliable probability analysis. GEV3 is a suitable frequency distribution function for drought severity analysis for Adana station in the Mediterranean region.  Representative drought severity-durationfrequency (SFD) curves were developed. In this regard, treatment of zeroes is of great importance in order to make reliable drought severity estimates for a pre-defined return period.  Threshold rainfall values and rainfall deficits in the units of mm with different durations and return periods were successfully obtained. It is believed that this kind of information is more meaningful as well as informative to the end-users and decision-makers compared to SPI based severities and/or intensities. Acknowledgment This study is a part of project entitled “Analysis of Low Flow and Drought in Hydrological Watersheds” funded through the Turkish National Meteorological and Hydrological Disasters Program (TUMEHAP) under Turkish National Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (TUJJB). Additionally, financial support was partially received from Cukurova University Academic Research Projects Unit (Project No: FUK-2016-5655).

Conclusions Drought is a natural phenomenon, and develops gradually without being noticed,




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