accrcd tailon process by ISO 17025 siandard in dry-cufed ham and dry-cured shoutder: 1) senso¡y analysis with an exhaustive trai¡ed sensory panet (QDA quan ...
ISO 17025 ACCREDITATION TO DETERMINE THE SENSORY QUALITY AND FOOD SAFETY IN DRY-CURED HAM AND DRYCURED SHOULDER. L. Lorido, L. Sánchez-Montero, M. Asensio, D. Caballero, N. Martín, C. Fernández and A. Silva Servicio de innovación en productos de origen animal (SIPA), Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres, España
The Innovation and Analysis in Animal Source Foodstuffs (SiPA) takes part of the Support research Services of the University of Extremadura (SAIUEx). The service offer has been adapted to the demands of the companies. The ISO 17025 standard is the single most important standard for calibration and testing laboratories around the world. Laboratories that are accredited to this international standard have demonstrated that they are technically competent and able to produce precise and accurate test and/or calibration data. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Nowadays there are three analysis techniques which are in accreditation process by ISO 17025 standard in dry-cured ham and dry-cured shoulder in the SiPA service: 1) sensory analysis with an exhaustive trained sensory panel (QDA: quantitative descriptive analysis). 2) determination of Salmonella spp and Listeria monocytogenes by PCR-RT (Polymerase Chain Reaction Real Time). 3) determination of numerous acaricides by GC-MS (Gas Chromatography -Mass Spectrometry). RESULTS • Figure 1 shows a spider chart with the average intensity of the different sensory attributes evaluated in Iberian drycured ham by the sensory panel in the process of accreditation. •Figure 2 shows a positive result of Piperonylbutoxide in a fat sample of Iberian dry-cured ham. •Figure 3 shows the Ct values of Listeria monocytogenes obtained by the PCR Real Time in Iberian dry-cured ham.
Figure 1. Sensory evaluation of Iberian dry-cured ham.
Figure 2. GC-MS results
Figure 3. PCR-RT of Listeria monocytogenes
The obtaining of the accreditation for these three analysis techniques by the SIPA will results in an important development and a tool for companies to produce higher quality and safer dry-cured products.
gth l¡ternationa Symposi!m on lhe N4ed¡iená¡ean P¡9
November20l6, Portaleqre
Aulores: Laura Loridor Anlo¡io Silvart Lourdes Sá¡chez-l\,4oniero1; [4aría Asefsioli Daniel Caballero i Noela ¡/lafÍnri Carlos Feffándezr IUn versldad de Extremadura Serv clo de Análisls
e¡ proctucios de Origen An mal
Abstract:The Innovation and Analysis n AnimalSource Foodstuffs (StpA)lakes pari oflhe Support research Servlces ofthe U¡ivers¡ty of Extrcmadura (SA UEx) The servce offer has been ¿daoted to rle deT¿ro< or lhe conp¿'rr.r. Nov!¿d¿ys lhFr^ ¿-e th ee ¿ravsr\ te.hnque¡ wr¡t- ¿re in accrcd tailon process by ISO 17025 siandard in dry-cufed ham and dry-cured shoutder: 1) senso¡y analysis with an exhaustive trai¡ed sensory panet (QDA quan arve descript¡ve anaysts)i 2) delenn¡naUon al Salmonella spp and L¡sbna nanocytogenes by PCR-RT (potymeÉse Chain
Reacton Rea
Tne) and 3)
numerous acaricides
bv GC-MS
Chromatography-¡/lass Speclrometry). The tSO 17025 standard is ihe sngé most impodanl sla nda rd for ca bration and lest ng la boratories arou¡ d th e woftd. Labor¿to es lhat are accre¡iieo rc this inleffaional standard have demonsfated that they are lechnicaly compeieni and abte io produce prec se and accurale tesl and/or ca ¡bration data. fhe obtain ng ofthe accreditation forthese three a¡alysis lechniques by the S PA wil resulls in an impotant devetopment and a loot for companies to produce higher q!alty ¿nd safer dry cured producis.
Keywords: ISO 17025, Sensory qual¡iy, Food safety, dry cured prodrcts