Standards-Based IEP and Gap Analysis....................................................................................
Education Changes Your World!
College and Career Ready All Students All the Time Learning Standards Feedback Engagement
Relationships ourself
Professional Development Opportunities
Table of Contents Content Area Directory...........................................................................................................................................1-2 Professional Development Calendar....................................................................................................................... 3-4 Director’s Corner........................................................................................................................................................5 Instructional Support Services Directory...................................................................................................................5 Workshop Cancellation Policy....................................................................................................................................5 Workshop Formats......................................................................................................................................................6 Registering for a Workshop................................................................................................................................... 7-11 Workshops........................................................................................................................................................... 12-69 Ongoing Initiatives..............................................................................................................................................70-71
Content Area Directory English Language Arts Code Knowledge Reading Intervention for Struggling Readers in Grades 3-8.......................................................13 Code Knowledge Intervention: Follow-Up and Support.......................................................................................... 14 Mathematics Math Application: Literacy & Problem Solving in Math for Grades 2-HS.............................................................. 16 Problem-Solving with CueThink.............................................................................................................................. 17 Using the LEGO Simple and Motorized Machines and Mechanisms Kits.............................................................. 18 Common Core Algebra I Regents Exam Data Analysis...........................................................................................19 Common Core Geometry Regents Exam Data Analysis..........................................................................................20 Common Core Algebra II Regents Exam Data Analysis......................................................................................... 21 Customizing Modules and Module Lessons from A Story of Units (PK-5).............................................................22 Customizing Modules and Module Lessons from A Story of Rations (6-8)............................................................23 LEGOs for STEM - Using the MindStorms Base Kit..............................................................................................24 Instructional Strategies The Latest in the Global History Classroom: Regents Prototype Analysis, Inquires, and Geographical Reasoning..................................................................................................................26 LINKS - Day 1..........................................................................................................................................................27 Beginning Methods: Using Nature and Research in the Classroom........................................................................28 Advanced Methods: Using Nature and Research in the Classroom.........................................................................29 ART MATTERS: Finding Your Core.......................................................................................................................30 Introduction to Mindfulness in School: In Support of Relationships, Achievement, and Classroom Community............................................................................................................ 31 Evidence-Based Writing in the Content Areas in Grades 4-12................................................................................32 Mindfulness Level Two............................................................................................................................................33 Relationships for Learning.......................................................................................................................................34 1
Special Education Workshops
Professional Development Calendar
New and Returning CSE/CPSE Chairperson Training............................................................................................36 IEP Essentials: Parts and Process in Developing a Quality IEP..............................................................................37 Standards-Based IEP and Gap Analysis...................................................................................................................38 Progress Monitoring Student Growth: Methods for Evaluating and Defining Instructional Needs........................39
Stress, Trauma, and Poverty - The Impact on Students with a Disability................................................................40
Flipping Your Classroom: How To Get Started...........................................................................................44
Testing Accommodations: Computer Applications and more!................................................................................. 41
New and Returning CSE/CPSE Chairperson Training (Jul. 7, 8, 12, 13, 2016)..........................................36
Technology Planning, Assessment, and Skills Workshops
Create a Customized Online Learning Experience with Agilix Buzz (formerly BrainHoney)..................45
The Latest in the Global History Classroom: Regents Prototype Analysis,
On-site Technology Staff Development Opportunities.............................................................................................43 Flipping Your Classroom: How To Get Started........................................................................................................44 Create a Customized Online Learning Experience with Agilix Buzz (formerly BrainHoney)...............................45 Make the Most of a Digital Camera in Your Classroom (Online Course)................................................................46 Prezi: A New Way to Present (Online Course).........................................................................................................47 Using Google Drive and Google Docs (Online Course)...........................................................................................48 Create Custom Textbooks with iBooks Author........................................................................................................49 Using Animation Projects to Support ELA Instruction...........................................................................................50 Using Animation Projects to Support Science Instruction....................................................................................... 51
Inquires, and Geographical Reasoning....................................................................................................26 11
Make the Most of a Digital Camera in Your Classroom (Online Course)..................................................46
Prezi: A New Way to Present (Online Course)............................................................................................47
Using Google Drive and Google Docs (Online Course).............................................................................48
LINKS - Day 1............................................................................................................................................27
Math Application: Literacy & Problem Solving in Math for Grades 2-HS................................................. 16
Problem-Solving with CueThink................................................................................................................. 17
14-15 Create Custom Textbooks with iBooks Author...........................................................................................49 26
Beginning Methods: Using Nature and Research in the Classroom...........................................................28
Advanced Methods: Using Nature and Research in the Classroom............................................................29
Using Animation Projects to Support ELA Instruction..............................................................................50
You’ve Got the Whole World in Your Hands & More with Google Earth............................................................... 55
Using Animation Projects to Support Science Instruction.......................................................................... 51
Support ELA Instruction with a Student Podcasting Project...................................................................................56
Teaching Online with Agilix Buzz (formerly BrainHoney).....................................................................................57
Getting Started with GMail and Google Calendar......................................................................................52
Engage Your Students with Video Projects Using iMovie on iPad..........................................................................58
Create a Classroom Website with Google Sites...........................................................................................53
Using the Online Ensemble Video Management System.........................................................................................59
ART MATTERS: Finding Your Core (Aug. 8 - Oct. 20, 2016)...................................................................30
Coding for K-3, Using Scratch Jr. on iPad................................................................................................................60
Using the LEGO Simple and Motorized Machines and Mechanisms Kits................................................. 18
Get Started with Computer Programming with Scratch.......................................................................................... 61
A SMART Board Refresher........................................................................................................................54
Classroom Projects for the DCMO BOCES Media Festival....................................................................................62
You’ve Got the Whole World in Your Hands & More with Google Earth..................................................55
Engage Your Students with Video Projects Using iMovie on Macintosh (Level 1).................................................63
Common Core Algebra I Regents Exam Data Analysis..............................................................................19
3D Design Using the Free SketchUp Software (Level 1).........................................................................................64
Introduction to Mindfulness in School: In Support of Relationships,
Getting Started with GMail and Google Calendar...................................................................................................52 Create a Classroom Website with Google Sites........................................................................................................53 A SMART Board Refresher.....................................................................................................................................54
Achievement, and Classroom Community............................................................................................... 31
Make Music on Your iPad with Garage Band..........................................................................................................65 Music Composition, Recording and Editing with GarageBand on Mac..................................................................66 Video Projects Using iMovie on Macintosh (Level 2).............................................................................................67 An Introduction to Using the NAO Robot in the Classroom....................................................................................68 3D Design Using SketchUp (Level 2).......................................................................................................................69
September 20
Support ELA Instruction with a Student Podcasting Project......................................................................56
22-23 Code Knowledge Reading Intervention for Struggling Readers in Grades 3-8.........................................13 22-23 Teaching Online with Agilix Buzz (formerly BrainHoney)........................................................................57
Ongoing Initiatives
IEP Essentials: Parts and Process in Developing a Quality IEP.................................................................37
Principals’ Meetings.................................................................................................................................................71
Common Core Geometry Regents Exam Data Analysis.............................................................................20
Engage Your Students with Video Projects Using iMovie on iPad.............................................................58
Director’s Corner Dear Educator:
Introduction to Mindfulness in School: In Support of Relationships, Achievement, and Classroom Community............................................................................................... 31
Welcome to the 2016-17 school year! This summer and fall catalog provides several new offerings in ELA, math and other content areas. We are excited to bring you workshops that integrate LEGO Kits into math and science, two science specific workshops, and a workshop for Visual Art instructors. You will also find a renewed focus on relationships (Relationships for Learning in November) and practices to cultivate self-awareness and emotional balance (Mindfulness in School in August, September, and October).
Common Core Algebra II Regents Exam Data Analysis............................................................................ 21
Thank you for taking the time to review this catalog, and remember we are just a phone call away-
Using the Online Ensemble Video Management System............................................................................59
September (con’t)
— Kerrie Johnston, ISS Director
October 4
Coding for K-3, Using Scratch Jr. on iPad...................................................................................................60
Get Started with Computer Programming with Scratch............................................................................. 61
Introduction to Mindfulness in School: In Support of Relationships, Achievement, and Classroom Community............................................................................................... 31
Classroom Projects for the DCMO BOCES Media Festival.......................................................................62
Engage Your Students with Video Projects Using iMovie on Macintosh (Level 1)....................................63
Evidence-Based Writing in the Content Areas in Grades 4-12...................................................................32
Standards-Based IEP and Gap Analysis......................................................................................................38
3D Design Using the Free SketchUp Software (Level 1)............................................................................64
Make Music on Your iPad with Garage Band.............................................................................................65
Music Composition, Recording and Editing with GarageBand on Mac.....................................................66
Customizing Modules and Module Lessons from A Story of Units (PK-5)...............................................22
25 25
Customizing Modules and Module Lessons from A Story of Rations (6-8)...............................................23 A SMART Board Refresher........................................................................................................................54
26-27 Code Knowledge Reading Intervention for Struggling Readers in Grades 3-8.........................................13 November 2
Progress Monitoring Student Growth: Methods for Evaluating and Defining Instructional Needs...........39
Mindfulness Level Two...............................................................................................................................33
Video Projects Using iMovie on Macintosh (Level 2)................................................................................67
Stress, Trauma, and Poverty - The Impact on Students with a Disability..................................................40
Mindfulness Level Two...............................................................................................................................33
Testing Accommodations: Computer Applications and more!.................................................................... 41
Relationships for Learning..........................................................................................................................34
December 1
Code Knowledge Intervention: Follow-Up and Support............................................................................. 14
An Introduction to Using the NAO Robot in the Classroom.......................................................................68
3D Design Using SketchUp (Level 2)............................................................................................................6
LEGOs for STEM - Using the MindStorms Base Kit.................................................................................24
Code Knowledge Intervention: Follow-Up and Support............................................................................. 14
Instructional Support Services Directory Kerrie Johnston, Director................................335-1374 Bonnie Bartle, Secretary.................................335-1360 Staff and Curriculum Development Dianne Gizowski, Coordinator........................335-1350 Lorie Ostrander, Coordinator..........................335-1243 Sheri Welch, Secretary....................................335-1320 RSE-TASC Kimberly Matthews, School Imp. Specialist..... 335-1329 Laura Morris, Behavior Specialist..................... 335-1323 Celia Reed, Sp. Ed. Training Specialist...........335-1340 Rena Root, School Imp. Specialist...................335-1352 Sheri Welch, Secretary....................................335-1320 Instructional Technology Phil Sheridan, Director....................................335-1274 TBA, Secretary................................................335-1364 Chris Brantley, Technician...............................335-1201 Pam Brown, Technology Coordinator.............335-1279
Nate Beckwith, Technician..............................335-1338 Matthew Jones, Technician............................. 865-2666 Jeremy Loveland, Technician..........................335-1354 Tom Murray, Technician..................................335-1373 Dan Pedersen, Technician................................335-1201 Ryan Perry, Technician....................................335-1207 Rebecca Roberts, Ed. Tech. Prog. Spec..........335-1373 Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer.....................335-1369 Andrea Steele, Network Specialist.................. 335-1318 School Library System Susan LeBlanc, Coordinator............................335-1371 Ron Pike, SLS Technician...............................335-1372 TBA, Secretary................................................335-1364 Other Diane Aaronson, Arts in Education................ 432-4556 David Potter, Teacher Center.......................... 436-3920 Martha Ryan, Enrichment Services.................335-1292
Workshop Cancellation Policy In the event of dangerous road conditions, severe weather forecasts or a need for a workshop cancellation or delay, workshop participants are asked to call the ISS dedicated “Cancellation Hotline” (607) 335-1267; or go to our website Participants can easily determine if their workshop has been cancelled or delayed for the day. The announcement will be posted at 6:30 a.m. Registered participants will be notified of makeup dates as soon as they are scheduled.
Workshop Formats The DCMO BOCES Instructional Support Services Team is committed to providing a diversified schedule of professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators in our 16 component school districts and our BOCES campuses. The changing nature of instruction and assessment required by the implementation of the New York State Regents Reform Agenda demands that educators have access to a variety of professional development topics and formats. To assist participants in selecting those opportunities that best meet their needs and expectations, professional development activities are further defined using the following formats. Workshop: Some content and/or skill-based material will be offered by the presenter; the remainder of the session will provide group activities that may include brainstorming, discussion, sharing, or practice of skills, and product creation. Facilitated Discussion: Similar to a study group, teachers of specifically targeted content areas or grade levels will participate in small and large group discussions focused on such topics as student work, best practices, curriculum design and revision, and instructional strategies or materials. A facilitator will provide focus or format, but participants should come prepared to engage in full-session group discussion. Participants may be expected to bring pre-identified materials to the session. Online Workshops: Utilizing the BrainHoney learning platform, participants have 4-6 weeks to complete the course. The amount of time spent will
vary by individual and offering, but most are expected to take participants 6 hours to complete. Participants will not receive a stipend for this time. Clinic: Small groups working with a collegial leader will analyze and solve specific problems or learn specific techniques under authentic or simulated conditions. Study Group: A small group of individuals (ten or fewer), who agree to meet regularly for a predetermined number of sessions, will study an issue – its theory, the research, and practical applications. While a facilitator may be identified initially to organize the group, leadership is a shared responsibility among group members. The facilitator’s role is to handle the logistics, lead discussion on a prearranged reading or topic, perhaps provide an activity to foster collegial discussion and reflection, and produce a summary of the meeting for the group journal.
(607) 335-1200
6678 County Road 32
FAX (607) 334-9848
Norwich, New York 13815
Dear Educator: All registrations for the DCMO BOCES professional learning opportunities occur via My Learning Plan (MLP) a web-based registration system. You can view the catalog and register for current offerings at (click here) or if you prefer a calendar view (click here) DS=4-17280. You may choose to narrow your search by catalog (ELA, math, special education, etc), date, category (workshop, facilitated discussion, etc) or location.
Coaching: On-site professional development provides long-term support for individuals or small groups needed to implement instructional programs and/or practices. This may include focused classroom visits, co-planning, modeling, study groups, co-teaching of lessons and reflective consultation. Other: Each individual listing indicates session format. In addition, if there is a particular need we have not addressed in this series, simply give us a call and we will work to fulfill your district’s needs.
You will notice that all workshops, including RSE-TASC, are visible in MLP. For RSE-TASC workshops, location is important as some are offered in our region and others may be in Binghamton, Oneonta, or other locations. To learn more about an activity please select it by clicking on the title.
Visit us at Please visit our Instructional Support Services page on the BOCES web site at These pages now contain links to: a Arts in Education a RSE-TASC a Enrichment Services a Staff and Curriculum Development a Regional Summer School a The DCMO BOCES School Library System 6
The “Activity Details” section provides information similar to our traditional catalog page, but in a different format. It includes description, date(s) of offering, location, instructor, number registered, and a list of New York State Teaching Standards that are addressed. To register, click “enroll.” 7
We ask for your home phone number in case of an emergency cancellation. If you select “I am A Registered User” or “ users,” you will be asked to review your account information, then click “Update & Continue.”
At this time you will be asked to log-in or create a MLP account. If you have a MLP account, but do not remember your username and password, follow MLPs process to reset your account. Unfortunately, we cannot assist anyone with this process.
All users will again see the “Activity.” At the bottom click “I agree” and “Submit.”
If you are a new user you will fill in the registration form using the email of your choice. ****Caution: Be sure to choose the correct school district from the drop down list!!! It is critical to future registrations, and cannot be changed once you submit your registration. **** Then click “create account.”
Next you will see a Confirmation page. Please click “Return.”
Click the activity that you just registered for.
If you have already printed and faxed the Enrollment Form, you may disregard the reminder email below.
Now click “Print Enrollment Form.”
Upon receipt of a signed fax, participants will receive a second email confirming their registration.
Participants can check for delays or cancellations by calling (607) 335-1267 or by checking the BOCES website, We will also notify registered participants via email and/or phone.
For everyone, the Enrollment Form must be signed by the appropriate building and/or district administrator and returned by fax to Sheri Welch (607) 334-9848 to confirm registration. Participants will not be enrolled until this form is signed and returned. Once the form is received by Sheri, participants will receive a second email confirming their enrollment.
Participants who attend a workshop without having registered will be required to enroll via MLP after the workshop. Within two weeks, participants will receive a final email from MLP to verify attendance. This email can be used as evidence of attendance for district and/or professional development certification. Some presenters may choose to utilize the electronic evaluation option. If that option is selected the presenter will share further information. As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us!
Code Knowledge Reading Intervention for Struggling Readers in Grades 3-8 Presenters: Lorie Ostrander, Staff Development Coordinator Kimberly Matthews, School Improvement Specialist
English Language Arts
Dates: September 22 & 23, 2016 OR October 26 & 27, 2016
(Register here) (Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Hours: 12 Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Audience: It is recommended that you come as School Teams of Reading Specialists, Classroom Teachers, AIS Teachers, Principals, and CSE Chairs Description: This Code Knowledge Reading Intervention supports students who struggle to fluently decode text – they can’t yet accurately say the words on the page. Foundational alphabetic code knowledge instruction is part of K-2 Reading Standards. Some students take longer to learn the code and need additional instruction and practice. Participants in this workshop will receive diagnostic assessment tools, instructional resources, and lesson plans to provide targeted, standards-based, code knowledge instruction for individual and small groups of students in grades 3-8. These material are aligned with K-2 Skills Strand, but can still be used with students who did not receive Skills Strand instruction. It is recommended that this practice be adopted as a building or school initiative so students experience consistently articulated literacy instruction. Standards: • Demonstrate language acquisition knowledge • Use research-based practices/evidence of learning • Monitor student progress and adapt instruction • Use assessment data to monitor progress/differentiate
ourself 13
Code Knowledge Intervention: Follow-up and Support Presenters: Lorie Ostrander, Staff Development Coordinator Kimberly Matthews, School Improvement Specialist Dates: December 1, 2016 OR December 15, 2016
(Register here) (Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Hours: 6 Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Audience: Educators and Administrators who use Code Knowledge Intervention Description: These days are reserved for teachers and principals implementing Code Knowledge Intervention to reconvene for deeper learning and discussion. Lorie and Kimberly will review key principles and share what they have learned. The content of this day will emerge from work with teachers in classrooms through the fall. Participants will have time to share successes, struggles, and ask questions of Lorie, Kimberly, and each other. Standards: • Demonstrate language acquisition knowledge • Monitor student progress and adapt instruction • Use assessment data to monitor progress/differentiate • Reflect on practice to improve effectiveness • Engage in ongoing professional development • Communicate effectively to improve practice
ourself 15
Math Application: Literacy & Problem Solving in Math for Grades 2-HS Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: July 13, 2016
(Register here)
Enhancing Student Problem-Solving with CueThink Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: July 14, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Math, AIS, and Special Education Teachers
Audience: Teachers of Grades 2-12 Math
This workshop will focus on literacy in Mathematics. Discussion will be strengthened by engaging with both application/word problems and pieces of literature and/or articles that contain mathematical concepts and references. Connections to “Close Text Reading” in ELA and other content areas will be made. There will also be focus on the Standards for Mathematical Practice, specifically highlighting expectations and implications for Standard 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, Standard 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, and Standard 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Problems from across the spectrum of grade levels will be used.
In this workshop, participants will be introduced to CueThink, an innovative, peer-to-peer web and tablet program that provides a structured approach to math problem solving. CueThink uses George Polya’s “Four Phases of Problem Solving” to make rigorous and relevant tasks accessible to all students. Digital portfolios capture student thinking and inform formative assessment. CueThink supports several mathematical practices including the construction of viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of peers. You will experience all this and more, both as a student and as a teacher! Bring your preferred device (laptop, Chromebook or iPad - BOCES laptops will be available) and learn how you can #makemathsocial in your classrooms.
Please note there is no cost for exploring CueThink, and free trials are available, but for a full year of the platform, there is a per-student charge. BOCES is working to secure a contract so that districts can receive aid on this cost. Feel free to come check it out, with no pressure to purchase.
• Demonstrate content knowledge • Reflect on practice to improve effectiveness • Use researched-based practices/evidence of learning
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Use researched-based practices/evidence of learning
• Create an intellectually challenging environment
• Engage in ongoing professional development
• Engage in ongoing professional development
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Establish aligned goals/multiple pathways
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Design learning to connect prior knowledge
• Evaluate assessments and modify instruction • Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Use curricular resources to achieve student goals
ourself 17
LEGO - Using the Simple and Motorized Mechanisms Class Kit Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: August 9, 2016
(Register here)
Common Core Algebra I Regents Exam Data Analysis Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: August 18, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Elementary and Middle School Teachers of Math, Science, and Technology
Audience: Algebra I Math Teachers and Teachers supporting this course Description:
Description: In this workshop participants will learn to use the Lego Simple and Motorized Mechanisms kit to enhance their teaching of math and science concepts. Measurement, equivalency, rates ratios, area, average, angles, slope, and forces and motion can be illustrated through the construction and trials with the machines. Teachers will have an opportunity to work with the kit and explore learning opportunities. Note: This workshop is limited to 10 participants.
In this session, participants will review and analyze available data from the Common Core Algebra I Regents Exam(s). Participants will receive their own data, if they were the teachers of record for the exam, or district data if they were not teachers of Algebra during those exams. Discussion will focus on using the data to inform classroom instruction and curricular decisions. Discussion will be facilitated to support the exchange of instructional strategies and ideas among the participating districts. Standards:
• Use researched-based practices/evidence of learning
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Engage in ongoing professional development
• Create an intellectually challenging environment
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Establish aligned goals/multiple pathways
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Evaluate assessments and modify instruction
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
• Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
ourself 19
Common Core Geometry Regents Exam Data Analysis Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: September 26, 2016
(Register here)
Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: September 29, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Geometry Math Teachers and Teachers supporting this course
Audience: Algebra II Math Teachers and Teachers supporting this course
In this session, participants will review and analyze available data from the Common Core Geometry Regents Exams (based on availability). Participants will receive their own class data, if they were the teachers of record for the exam, or district data if they were not teachers of Geometry during those exams. Discussion will focus on using the data to inform classroom instruction and curricular decisions. Discussion will be facilitated to support the exchange of instructional strategies and idea among the participating districts.
In this session, participants will review and analyze available data from the Common Core Algebra II Regents Exams (based on availability). Participants will receive their own class data, if they were the teachers of record for the exam, or district data if they were not teachers of Algebra II during those exams. Discussion will focus on using the data to inform classroom instruction and curricular decisions. Discussion will be facilitated to support the exchange of instructional strategies and idea among the participating districts.
• Use researched-based practices/evidence of learning
• Use researched-based practices/evidence of learning
• Engage in ongoing professional development
• Engage in ongoing professional development
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Establish aligned goals/multiple pathways
• Establish aligned goals/multiple pathways
• Evaluate assessments and modify instruction
• Evaluate assessments and modify instruction
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
Common Core Algebra II Regents Exam Data Analysis
ourself 21
Customizing Modules and Module Lessons from A Story of Units (PK-5) Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: October 24, 2016
(Register here)
Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: October 25, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades PK-5, AIS Teachers and Special Education Teachers
Audience: Teachers of Grades 6-8, AIS Teachers and Special Education Teachers
During this workshop, participants will be introduced to a process for reviewing and customizing modules and module lessons in The Story of Units, the PK-5 Eureka Math Curriculum (or engageNY’s “The math modules”). Participants will take part in studying the outcomes of example modules and lessons, and will then use the process to help make decisions about possible adjustments to better meet the needs of the students in their classrooms. Materials from Eureka Math will be used for guidance, modeling, and practice.
During this workshop, participants will be introduced to a process for reviewing and customizing modules and module lessons in The Story of Ratios, the 6-8 Eureka Math Curriculum (or engageNY’s “The math modules”). Participants will take part in studying the outcomes of example modules and lessons, and will then use the process to help make decisions about possible adjustments to better meet the needs of the students in their classrooms. Materials from Eureka Math will be used for guidance, modeling, and practice.
• Reflect on practice to improve effectiveness
• Reflect on practice to improve effectiveness
• Use researched-based practices/evidence of learning
• Use researched-based practices/evidence of learning
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Engage in ongoing professional development
• Engage in ongoing professional development
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Design learning to connect prior knowledge
• Design learning to connect prior knowledge
Customizing Modules and Module Lessons from A Story of Ratios (6-8)
ourself 23
LEGOs for STEM - Using the MindStorms Base Kit Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: December 13, 2016
(Register here)
Instructional Strategies
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Hours: 6 Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Audience: Elementary and Middle School Teachers of Math, Science,and Technology and supporting staff Description: In this workshop participants will explore the LEGO MindStorms EV3 Robotics kit to see how it can be used to support teaching science, technology, engineering and math. This is a hands-on workshop with time to practice with the EV3 units, the instructional materials, and the programming platform. Note: This workshop is limited to 10 participants. Standards: • Connect concepts and engage learners • Create an intellectually challenging environment • Set high expectations/challenging learning • Use diverse instructional strategies • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
ourself 25
The Latest in the Global History Classroom: Regents Prototype Analysis, Inquiries, and Geographical Reasoning Presenters: Jenny Osowski, Otselic Valley Teacher
Presenters: Kerrie Johnston, Instructional Support Services Director
Mike MacDonald, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
Lorie Ostrander, Staff and Curriculum Development Coordinator
Dianne Gizowski, Staff and Curriculum Development Coordinator
Tim McDonnell, New York Geographic Alliance Monroe Communication College
Date: July 11, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Date: July 12, 2016
Hours: 6
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: BOCES Instructional Support Services Center, Norwich Audience: Social Studies Teachers
Hours: 6 Location: BOCES Support Service Center, Norwich Audience: LINKS Team Facilitators, new LINKS team members
Description: Morning: Jenny Osowski, Social Studies teacher at Otselic Valley High School Participants will investigate the Global History Inquiries available in the Social Studies Toolkit and discuss their implementation in the 9th and 10th grade classrooms. Session participants will also review the Global History and Geography Regents Prototype and how it connects to the skills learned in the inquiries. Finally, participants will have an opportunity to share resources and best practices for achieving success in the Global History Classroom. Afternoon: Tim McDonnell, New York Geographic Alliance, Monroe Community College What is geographic reasoning? How can it best be taught? Participants will engage in interactive activities for integrating geographic thinking into the global history classroom. A few outstanding technology tools will be shared. These resources include the GeoHistoGram (a time line of empires in history) and a CD on World Regional Geography with “clickable” PDF maps. All participants will receive resources to take back to their classrooms.
LINKS – Day 1
Description: As the facilitated regional LINKS session will be two days instead of three, it will be even more important that LINKS Team Facilitators and new team members are fully prepared for LINKS! This one-day session will provide participants an overview of LINKS to include the roles and responsibilities for all those involved. Additionally, the process of integrated planning will be reviewed in depth. That is, how do we collect and analyze data to identify why a gap exists (i.e., root cause) and select research-based solutions that result in a plan that is measurable, achievable, connected to student learning, time bound and progress monitored. We will also review the format, agenda, and resources for the regional LINKS session. Please come prepared with questions as well as recommendations for improvement. We ask that prior to LINKS - Day 1 each LINKS Facilitator obtain access to the SCRIC Instructional Users Reports via your district CIO. This log-on will allow you to view existing State assessment reports.
ourself 27
Beginning Methods: Using Nature and Research in the Classroom Presenter: Morrisville State College Instructor Date: July 26, 2016
(Register here)
Advanced Methods: Using Nature and Research in the Classroom Presenter: Morrisville State College Instructor Date: July 28, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: Rogers Environmental Education Center, Sherburne (meet in the visitors center)
Location: Rogers Environmental Education Center, Sherburne (meet in the visitors center)
Audience: K-12 Educators (Limited to 15 participants)
Audience: K-12 Educators (Limited to 15 participants)
This workshop is designed for educators that want to learn modified techniques used in wildlife studies to better engage students in K-12 and AP related STEM as well as art curriculum. Participants will gain hands on experience with passive, low impact collection techniques. Techniques can be modified to fit any grade level, outdoor skill level, and easily implemented in school courtyards, school grounds, and backyards with proper permission and consideration. Participants will have ample opportunity for discussion throughout the session and learn how to identify organisms.
This workshop is designed to build upon the techniques presented in “Using Nature and Research in the Classroom” for K-12 STEM educators. Participants will be guided through a field collection lab whereby participants will learn how to identify and sort organisms for quantitative analysis. The approaches used in this workshop can also be used for a variety of other collection techniques and will be discussed. Participation in “Beginning Methods: Using Nature and Research in the Classroom” is recommended but not required for this workshop.
The objectives are to learn about and participate in official and modified versions of passive wildlife monitoring techniques; and to identify/discuss special considerations for students and educators of various outdoor skill levels. Modified techniques will include: game camera use and analysis; cover board placement and analysis; dip netting for aquatic invertebrates/vertebrates and analysis; sweep netting; kick netting for aquatic invertebrates/vertebrates and analysis; artificial substrate baskets and leaf litter bags, burlap flap for insect collection; and track plates Note: Participants should wear clothing and shoes they do not mind getting wet, muddy, and dirty. Long pants and boots are recommended.
The objectives are to learn how to identify aquatic insects and vertebrates found in streams and ponds; learn quantitative tools that help analyze organismal data; and discuss modifications to field collection techniques based on grade level. Modified techniques will include: dip netting; kick netting; and leaf litter bags and artificial substrate baskets. Note: Participants should wear clothing and shoes they do not mind getting wet, muddy, and dirty. Long pants and boots are recommended. Lunch and instructional materials are included. The cost of the workshop is being paid by the Catskill Regional Teacher Center.
Lunch and instructional materials are included. The cost of the workshop is being paid by the Catskill Regional Teacher Center.
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ART MATTERS: Finding Your Core
Presenter: Lorie Ostrander, Staff Development Coordinator
Presenter: Carrie Mae Smith, Professional Artist, Assistant Professor at Indiana University Dates and Times: August 18, 2016 – 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Lunch provided) August 25, 2016 – 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Lunch provided) September 8, 2016 – 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. September 15, 2016 – 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. September 22, 2016 – 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. October 6, 2016 – 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. October 13, 2016 – 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. October 20, 2016 – 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Introduction to Mindfulness in School: In Support of Relationships, Achievement, and Classroom Community
Dates: August 24, 2016 OR September 28, 2016 OR October 12, 2016 (Register here) (Register here) (Register here) (Register here)
Hours: 26 Location: Golden Artist Colors Facility, 188 Bell Rd, New Berlin Audience: Art Teachers (Limited to 12 participants) Description: Golden Artist Colors, Inc., a worldwide manufacturer and innovator of artist materials, located in New Berlin, is co-sponsoring painting instruction facilitated by a Professional Artist. The Master Teacher Program will be guided by Carrie Mae Smith who will help participants explore a range of painting media and techniques to reinforce or establish their own voice. Mark Golden, CEO and Founder of Golden Artist Colors, “This program is to support our teachers’ professional art practice which is so often neglected because of all the other demands on their lives. Teachers who are practicing their art can’t help but bring their own creative exploration to stimulate the students they inspire everyday.” Note: The cost is $150 per person and will be billed back to the districts. Teachers are asked to bring their own brushes. Substrates and paint are provided. This workshop is limited to 12 participants. Registration deadline is June 28, 2016.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Hours: 6 Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Audience: All Educators, Administrators, and Staff Description: Mindfulness practices, which cultivate self-awareness and emotional balance, can benefit all students, especially those whose lives are challenged by adverse experiences or stressful situations. Mindfulness practices have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety; increase self-regulation and reduce problem behavior; support memory and learning; increase focus and self-confidence; and support relationships and well-being among students and educators. This workshop doesn’t just talk about mindfulness, it shows you how to practice it yourself and introduce practices in the school setting. Lorie will share the research, the rationale, and the practices. First, participants will actively engage in mindfulness activities: breath work, body awareness, movement, and guided imagery. Second, they will plan for sustained practice. Finally, we will practice languaging introductory activities for the classroom. Note: This workshop will be a prerequisite to Level Two workshops later this fall, which will be differentiated according to grade levels and provide more practices to use with students. Wear comfortable clothing suited for movement and stretching, which you can customize to the needs of your body. If you like, bring a towel or exercise mat to sit upon; you may choose to sit on the floor for some activities. Standards: • Demonstrate child development knowledge • Respond to factors influencing learning • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Create a respectful/safe/inclusive environment • Create an intellectually challenging environment • Manage learning environment • Use resources to create safe/productive environment
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Mindfulness Level Two
Evidence-Based Writing in the Content Areas in Grades 4-12 Presenter: Andria Crandall, ELA Teacher, Franklin CSD (Register here)
(Save the Dates) Presenter: Lorie Ostrander, Staff Development Coordinator
Audience: Teachers Grades 4-12
Dates and Audience: November 3, 2016 — All Educators, Administrators, Support Staff for (Register here) Grades K-5 Students OR November 17, 2016 — All Educators, Administrators, Support Staff for (Register here) Grades 6-12 Students
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
In college and the workplace, evidence-based writing is required for success. One must use evidence from research or experience to back an argument or report. This workshop targets writing skills relevant to each of the core disciplines. In this training, participants have opportunities to engage in authentic writing tasks, discuss how to best support students as they face challenging performance tasks, examine ways to spiral (or practice) writing skills all year, and reflect on practical ways to increase students’ ability to write well across content areas.
Hours: 6
Participants will:
We will update this workshop with more information after Lorie has nine more days of Mindfulness training this July!
Date: October 14, 2016 Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
• learn effective ways to support, manage, and assess student writing across the content areas • explore practical skills that help students make claims and synthesize ideas • scaffold and support students as they learn to analyze and incorporate text evidence into their own writing • engage in peer review experiences and plan for engaging students in peer review to develop critical thinking skills of strategic, independent writers • deepen their understanding of performance tasks and assessing writing
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Description: For educators who have begun practicing mindfulness themselves and have introduced some practices to their students, this workshop adds a second layer of practice, beyond the basics.
Note: Introduction to Mindfulness is a prerequisite to this workshop. Both workshops will be offered again in the spring catalog. Standards: • Demonstrate child development knowledge • Respond to factors influencing learning • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Create a respectful/safe/inclusive environment • Create an intellectually challenging environment • Use resources to create safe/productive environment
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Relationships for Learning
Presenter: Dianne Gizowski, Staff Development Coordinator Date: November 30, 2016
(Register here)
Special Education Workshops
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Hours: 6 Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Audience: All School Staff Description: Research continues to show that building positive relationships with students impacts school success. These relationships play a part in school climate, bullying prevention initiatives, and graduation rates. This workshop will re-visit some of the oldies, but goodies of research such as the 40 Developmental Assets, as well as explore some of the more current research being published by the American Psychological Association and Harvard School of Education. Participants will reflect on current practices in their own classroom, as well as in their buildings and districts. Participants will be offered ideas for developing positive relationships in schools, and have time for planning and group discussion. Standards: • Create a respectful/safe/inclusive environment • Reflect on practice to improve effectiveness • Connect concepts and engage learners • Respond to diverse learning needs • Set high expectations/challenging learning • Acquire knowledge of students to enhance learning • Respond to factors influencing learning
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New and Returning CSE/CPSE Chairperson Training Presenter: Celia Reed, RSE-TASC Training Specialist Dates: July 7, 8, 12, 13, 2016
(Register here)
IEP Essentials: Parts and Process in Developing a Quality IEP Presenter: Celia Reed, RSE-TASC Training Specialist (Register here)
Date: September 23, 2016
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Hours: 24
Hours: 6
Location: Sidney Area TBA
Location: BOCES Instructional Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: CSE/CPSE Chairpersons, Directors of Special Education, Principals, and Board of Education Members
Audience: Special Educators, Related Service Providers, Administrators, CSE Chairpersons, Instructional Leaders, Guidance Counselors, and Agency Staff, Parents
Description: • Understand the special education process from referral through reevaluation as delineated in NYSED Law and Regulations: Regulatory Foundations, Referral, Evaluation, Eligibility, Recommendation/IEP Development, IEP Implementation, Annual Review, Reevaluation, and Effective Meetings - including a segment on CPSE.
• Describe specific responsibilities as Chairperson of the Committee
• Model and practice use of an IEP graphic organizer to link a student’s present levels of performance, goals, and recommendations
• Outline practices that encourage parental involvement • Identify strategies for the Committee to make high quality decisions that will result in an individualized education program (IEP) that meets State requirements and will result in educational benefit to the student.
• Review each section of the IEP and what we should anticipate collecting, evaluating, discussing, and with whom • Learn how skills that address the NYSED standards are woven into the IEP process
• Evaluate an IEP you bring and set up a schedule and process for progress monitoring • Identify areas which may require clarification to ensure proper implementation. Transition and behavioral issues will be addressed.
Note: This 4 day professional development workshop was developed in collaboration with the NYS State Education Department to provide CPSE and CSE chairpersons with a best practices approach to the CPSE/CSE process and their role as a chairperson and is recommended by NYSED especially those in their position two years or less.
Region 7 Mid- South Special Education Technical Assistance Support Center
Region 7 Mid- South Special Education Technical Assistance Support Center
BT • DCMO • GST • ONC 37
Standards-Based IEP and Gap Analysis Presenter: Celia Reed, RSE-TASC Training Specialist (Register here)
Date: October 17, 2016
Progress Monitoring Student Growth: Methods for Evaluating and Defining Instructional Needs Presenter: Celia Reed, RSE-TASC Training Specialist (Register here)
Date: November 2, 2016
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Instructional Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Instructional Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Special Educators, Related Service Providers, Administrators, CSE Chairpersons, Instructional Leaders, Parents
Audience: Special Educators, Interventionists, Administrators Description:
Description: • Learn what is meant by “standards-based IEP” and the steps for its development. • Explore key resources for looking at the standards in different ways for different purposes. • Connect information about a student’s strengths and challenges with the NYS standards. • Learn the elements of gap analysis – what it take for the student to have meaningful access to instruction.
• Explore how progress monitoring data informs instruction and the IEP. • Learn about error analysis, curriculum based measures, and other methods of evaluation to build strongly targeted IEPs. • Find tools to compile data on student growth for periodic reports and for year to year “educational benefit,” demonstrating the value of the special education program.
• Develop goals that move students toward participating more fully in the curriculum. Note: Participants should bring IEP’s for one or two students to this workshop.
Region 7 Mid- South Special Education Technical Assistance Support Center
Region 7 Mid- South Special Education Technical Assistance Support Center
BT • DCMO • GST • ONC 39
Testing Accommodations for the 21st Century
Stress, Trauma, and Poverty – The Impact on Students with a Disability Presenters: Kimberly Matthews, School Improvement Specialist
Presenter: Celia Reed, RSE-TASC Training Specialist
Date: November 17, 2016
Lorie Ostrander, Staff Development Coordinator
Date: November 8, 2016
(Register here)
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Instructional Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Instructional Support Services Center, Norwich Audience: K-12 Teachers, Special Educators, Coaches, Principals, Counselors
Audience: Special Educators, Related Service Providers, CSE Chairpersons, General Educators, Administrators, Paraprofessionals (pm)
The work of Eric Jensen and others has illuminated the devastating effects of stress, trauma, and poverty on all children, and provided recommendations for research-based practices to support learners. This workshop will identify the impact of stress and trauma on student achievement, behavior, and relationships, and uncover the connection to special education. Participants will examine barriers to effective instruction and identify key strategies to moderate the damaging effects of stress and trauma on the brain through building supportive relationships, improving student behavior, and increasing student achievement. Within this workshop Lorie will model Mindfulness activities that can mitigate the impact of adverse, stressful experiences. She will lead participants through mindfulness experiences targeted at reducing responses to stress, increasing self-regulation, nurturing growth mindset, and building classroom community. Standards:
Part 1 morning session - Developing and documenting testing accommodations: • Plan to collect data now to inform documentation of student need in the IEP • Justify recommendations for accommodations • Locate critical information within the NYSED Test Access and Accommodations Guide Part 2 afternoon session - Implementing testing accommodations: • Use technologies for presentation (including “read-to”) • Use technology for response • Practice implementation of response (including “scribe”)
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Locate critical information within the NYSED Administrator Manuals
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Build staff capacity for IEP implementation
• Use diverse instructional strategies • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
Note: Participants should bring several IEPs and any technology currently in use.
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
Region 7 Mid- South Special Education Technical Assistance Support Center
BT • DCMO • GST • ONC 40
On-site Technology Staff Development Opportunities Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer
Technology Planning, Assessment, and Skills Workshops
Dates: Upon request – contact the DCMO BOCES Instructional Support Services to schedule Time: TBD Hours: 3 Location: TBD Audience: Grades K-12 Teachers Format: Individual Consultation or Group Hands- On Training Teachers can receive the specific training and support they need for the technology in their classroom by arranging for a visit from the BOCES technology trainer. Choose from one of the two following types of training formats and contact BOCES Instructional Support Services to arrange for dates and times. Individual Consultations On a pre-determined date our technology trainer will visit your building and work with staff during their free or prep periods. Districts would need to submit a list of individual teachers, the hardware or software they need training with, and their available times to Todd prior to his arrival at the district. Schools should plan for between 6-8 individual consultations on any single day. Group Hands-On Trainings On a pre-determined date our technology trainer will visit your building and work with staff during a common planning time or after school. We encourage schools to make a computer lab available for these on-site training sessions. Training Topics Available: Microsoft Office, Podcasting, Presentations, Desktop Publishing, Animation, Digital Photography, Multi Media, Web Page Building, Digital Story Telling, SMART Boards, Using the Internet, File Management, SMART Response, Web Conferencing, Computer Literacy, Video Production, Computer Graphics, Mac OSX Mavericks
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Flipping Your Classroom: How To Get Started Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: July 6, 2016
(Register here)
Create a Customized Online Learning Experience with Agilix Buzz (formerly BrainHoney) Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: July 7, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
The Flipped Classroom is a teaching model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions. In this workshop we will take a look at the techniques and technologies you can use to flip your classroom.
The online Buzz course management system allows teachers to create a customized online learning experience for their students that can be accessed anywhere, anytime on nearly any internet connected device. Courses can include assignments, materials, videos, assessments and more, keeping students engaged and on-task. In this workshop, participants will learn to create and organize course materials, learn to use communications features and how to use the built-in grade book feature.
Standards: • Use a range of assessment tools
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Manage learning environment
• Use diverse instructional strategies • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Use curricular resources to achieve student goals
• Respond to diverse learning needs • Use diverse instructional strategies • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Prepare students for assessments
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Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: July 11 through August 19, 2016 (Online) Hours: 6
Prezi: A New Way to Present
(Register here)
Date: July 11 through August 19, 2016 (Online) Hours: 6
(Register here)
Location: This course is being offered online via the BOCES BrainHoney system
Location: This course is being offered online via the BOCES BrainHoney system
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
This online workshop is designed for those who would like to understand the fundamentals of digital photography and apply them to teaching and learning activities. Topics covered include basic features of digital cameras, techniques for taking good pictures, and using a computer to organize and manipulate pictures. Many ideas for integrating digital photography into the curriculum will also be discussed and shared. This course will be offered online via the BOCES BrainHoney system and will be available from July 11, 2016 through August 19, 2016. Participants will work at their own pace and can expect to spend approximately 6 hrs. both on- and off-line.
Prezi is an online tool that is free for teachers and students to use for creating a new kind of presentation. Most presentation programs use a traditional “slide show” approach. In contrast, Prezi provides one giant workspace where all information is placed; the presenter zooms and pans to and from different text and graphic elements on the screen. This course is being offered online via our “BrainHoney” service and will be open from July 11, 2016 through August 19, 2016. Participants will work at their own pace and can expect to spend approximately 6 hrs on- and off-line
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students
Make the Most of a Digital Camera in Your Classroom
Standards: • Communicate effectively to improve practice
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Use curricular resources to achieve student goals
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
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Create Custom Textbooks with iBooks Author
Using Google Drive and Google Docs
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: July 11 through August 19, 2016 (Online)
(Register here)
Dates: July 14-15, 2016
(Register here)
Hours: 6
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: This course is being offered online via the BOCES BrainHoney system
Hours: 12
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Description: This online workshop is designed for those who would like to become an expert in using Google Drive and Google Docs. In this workshop, participants will begin by creating a Google account, then move on to using cloud-based word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings and forms. Features for sharing and online collaboration will also be a focus for this workshop. This course is being offered online via the BOCES BrainHoney system and will be open from July 11, 2016 through August 19, 2016. Participants will work at their own pace and can expect to spend approximately 6 hrs. on and off-line.
Description: iBooks Author is a freely downloadable program for Macintosh, developed by Apple, that enables teachers or students to quickly and easily create their own electronic books that can then be deployed on an iPad or a Macintosh computer. Features of the software include the ability to easily add text, photographs, diagrams, videos, interactive multi-media, assessments, customizable study cards and much more. Standards:
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students
• Manage learning environment
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Use curricular resources to achieve student goals
• Prepare students for assessments • Use curricular resources to achieve student goals
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Using Animation Projects to Support ELA Instruction Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: July 28, 2016
(Register here)
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: July 29, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Animation has traditionally been a time consuming and tedious activity, however by using new hardware and software that is available, students and teachers can now create animated projects with relative ease. In this workshop, participants will have hands-on experience with technology that anyone can use to create simple and fun animations. Examples of classroom projects will be presented to show how animation projects can be used to support ELA instruction at any grade level. Several free and low cost animation programs will be demonstrated.
Animation has traditionally been a time consuming and tedious activity, however by using new hardware and software that is available, students and teachers can now create animated projects with relative ease. In this workshop, participants will have hands-on experience with technology that anyone can use to create simple and fun animations. Examples of classroom projects will be presented to show how animation projects can be used to support Science instruction at any grade level. Several free and low cost animation programs will be demonstrated.
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
Using Animation Projects to Support Science Instruction
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Create a Classroom Website with Google Sites
Getting Started with GMail and Google Calendar Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: August 3, 2016
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: August 5, 2016
(Register here)
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of setting up a Google account, and how to use GMail and the Google Calendar. Topics being covered include, settings for your Gmail mailbox, reading and composing email, creating mail groups, settings for the calendar, scheduling events, sharing calendars, sharing events and more!
This workshop is designed for those who would like to set up a classroom website using the free Google Sites service. In this workshop, participants will begin by creating a Google account, then move on to using cloud based website building tools. We will begin by using pre-built templates to create pages and then look at creating pages from scratch.
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students
• Use a range of assessment tools
• Communicate effectively to improve practice
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students
• Communicate/collaborate with families
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Perform non-instructional duties
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
• Set high expectations/challenging learning • Use diverse instructional strategies • Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Prepare students for assessments • Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
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A SMART Board Refresher
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Dates: August 10, 2016 OR October 25, 2016
(Register here)
You’ve Got the Whole World in Your Hands & More with Google Earth Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: August 11, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
(Register here)
Hours: 6
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Hours: 6 Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12 Description:
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12 Description: This workshop is for teachers who have had training and some experience with a SMART Board and want to refresh their skills. In this workshop, participants will review the basic operation and use of the SMART Board and the accompanying SMART Notebook software. Tips and tricks for creating simple interactive activities will also be shared.
Google Earth is an amazing and free program that no classroom should be without. Apart from its obvious use in a social studies or geography class, Google Earth has applications for math, English, science and even physical education classes. Participants in this workshop will learn all the main features of Google Earth and explore ways to integrate it into their classroom activities. Standards: • Clearly/accurately communicate with students
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Demonstrate content knowledge
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Prepare students for assessments
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Support ELA Instruction with a Student Podcasting Project Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: September 20, 2016
(Register here)
Teaching Online with Agilix Buzz (formerly BrainHoney) Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer (Register here)
Dates: September 22-23, 2016
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 12
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades 4-12
In this workshop we will see how a teacher can encourage their students to write and speak clearly by using a classroom podcast project. Organizational strategies as well as hardware and software will be discussed.
In this workshop, teachers will learn to use the online Buzz “learning management system” to deliver instruction to their students online. Teachers will begin with the student experience and then move on to using the features of the system for providing materials and activities for their students. Topics include how to provide text and image based documents, providing links to web sites and other online resources, options for creating assignments and delivering assessments, using the online grade book and using a system of objectives to be sure the curriculum is addressed and aligned with Common Core Standards. The BrainHoney site can also be used to facilitate a hybrid style classroom that blends both in-class and online activities.
Standards: • Connect concepts and engage learners • Create an intellectually challenging environment • Engage in ongoing professional development • Respond to diverse learning needs
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Demonstrate content knowledge
• Design learning to connect prior knowledge • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students • Create an intellectually challenging environment • Use assessment data to monitor progress/differentiate • Respond to diverse learning needs • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Prepare students for assessments • Monitor student progress and adapt instruction • Use curricular resources to achieve student goals
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Using the Online Ensemble Video Management System
Engage Your Students with Video Projects Using iMovie on iPad Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: September 27, 2016
(Register here)
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer (Register here)
Date: September 29, 2016
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 3
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
In this workshop, participants will learn how to plan, prepare and implement a video production project in their classroom. Video projects are an ideal way to promote research, collaborative learning, technical skills, writing, creativity and more into nearly any curricular project. Participants will have hands on experience with using the iMovie software on an iPad, to edit video. Camera techniques, scripting, audio recording and editing procedures will all be covered.
In this workshop participants will learn the basics of using the Ensemble Online Video Management System. Topics being covered include logging in, setting up your profile, navigating the Ensemble interface, uploading video, using the media library and publishing your videos. Teachers using Buzz (formerly BrainHoney) will also learn to use Ensemble for managing their course video content. Standards:
• Clearly/accurately communicate with students
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Use diverse instructional strategies • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Use diverse instructional strategies • Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
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Get Started with Computer Programming with Scratch
Coding for K-3, Using Scratch Jr. on iPad Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: October 4, 2016
(Register here)
Date: October 6, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers, Grades K-3
Audience: Teachers Grades 3-12
Scratch Jr. is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games. Children snap together graphical programming blocks to make characters move, jump, dance, and sing. Children can modify characters in the paint editor, add their own voices and sounds, even insert photos of themselves -- then use the programming blocks to make their characters come to life. Scratch Jr. was inspired by the popular Scratch programming language, used by millions of young people (ages 8 and up) around the world. The interface and programming language have been carefully designed to be developmentally appropriate for younger children’s cognitive, personal, social, and emotional development.
Scratch is a FREE programming language, developed by the MIT Media Lab, especially for elementary age students. Scratch helps students (ages 8-16) to learn, think creatively, reason systematically and work collaboratively. In this workshop, participants will learn to construct simple programs using scratch and explore ways to use it in your classroom. Scratch is simple enough to be used by elementary students and complex enough to keep high school students engaged. Standards: • Connect concepts and engage learners
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
• Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer
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Engage Your Students with Video Projects Using iMovie on Macintosh (Level 1)
Classroom Projects for the DCMO BOCES Media Festival Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: October 12, 2016
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: October 13, 2016
(Register here)
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Each year the DCMO BOCES hosts a Media Festival competition in order to encourage students and staff in our component districts to use multi-media as an alternative to traditional written media. By becoming media producers, students and teachers become more intelligent consumers of the media they see and hear every day. The details of the rules and procedures for entering the festival will be covered as well as the philosophy and goals of the festival. Criteria used by the festival judges will be shared and techniques for incorporating student media projects into the curriculum will also be explored.
In this workshop, participants will learn how to plan, prepare and implement a video production project in their classroom. Video projects are an ideal way to promote research, collaborative learning, technical skills, writing, creativity and more into nearly any curricular project. Participants will have hands on experience with using the iMovie software to edit video. Camera techniques, scripting, audio recording and editing procedures will all be covered.
Note: Participants will need to bring a Mac laptop with the iMovie software installed. A limited number of Mac laptops will be available for those who do not have access to one. Please send an email to
[email protected] prior to the workshop if you want to reserve a laptop.
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Prepare students for assessments
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
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3D Design Using the Free SketchUp Software (Level 1) Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: October 18, 2016
(Register here)
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: October 20, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
In this workshop we will introduce participants to the free, three-dimensional drawing program SketchUp. Originally developed to allow users to create three-dimensional images of buildings for Google Earth, SketchUp is an easy to learn and use tool for creating three-dimensional images on the computer. Sketchup has the potential for being used in teaching science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), geometry, measurement, architecture, art and design. SketchUp designs can even be sent to a 3D printer to create actual plastic models of your designs.
The GarageBand app for iPad is one of quickest and easiest ways to compose music, even if you have never played an instrument. A wide variety of built-in instruments, combined with a unique user interface, makes creating music fun and easy. Ideas for integrating GarageBand projects into daily teaching activities will also be shared.
Standards: • Connect concepts and engage learners
A limited number of iPads are available if you cannot bring one. Please send an email to
[email protected] prior to attending this workshop to reserve an iPad if needed.
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
Note: Participants will need to bring an iPad with the GarageBand app installed.
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
Make Music on Your iPad with GarageBand
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Prepare students for assessments
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Music Composition, Recording and Editing with GarageBand on Mac Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: October 21, 2016
(Register here)
Video Projects Using iMovie on Macintosh (Level 2) Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: November 3, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 6
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
The GarageBand software that comes pre-installed on all Apple Macintosh computers, is a wonderful tool for recording, editing, practicing, composing and teaching about music. In this workshop participants will learn to use the main features of the GarageBand application and explore the ways it can be used by music teachers and students to engage in powerful teaching and learning opportunities.
This workshop is for those who have a fair amount of experience with iMovie or have attended the iMovie Part 1 training. In this workshop participants will learn about some of the more advanced features of iMovie including working with a green screen, the precision editor, using titles, working with music and other audio, and using the themes and trailers features.
Note: Participants will need to bring a Mac laptop with the GarageBand software installed. A limited number of Mac laptops will be available for those who do not have access to one. Please send an email to
[email protected] prior to the workshop if you want to reserve a laptop.
Note: Participants will need to bring a Mac laptop with the iMovie software installed. A limited number of Mac laptops will be available for those who do not have access to one. Please send an email to
[email protected] prior to the workshop if you want to reserve a laptop. Standards:
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills
• Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Prepare students for assessments
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An Introduction to Using the NAO Robot in the Classroom Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Dates: December 1-2, 2016
(Register here)
Presenter: Todd Rutan, Technology Trainer Date: December 6, 2016
(Register here)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hours: 12
Hours: 6
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Location: BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich
Audience: Teachers Grades K-12
Audience: Teachers Grades 6-12
BOCES Instructional Support Services has purchased a NAO robot to make available to school districts who may borrow it for a period of up to four weeks. In this two-day workshop, participants will learn the basics of using the NAO robot to support the teaching and learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) curricula. Topics covered include safety concerns, robot capabilities and how to use the Choregraphe software to program the robot.
This workshop is for those who have taken the SketchUp (Level 1) course or have had previous experience with using the Sketchup software. The workshop will pick up where the Level 1 course left off. Topics being covered will include and introduction to more tools and features allowing you to make more complex models. Sketchup can potentially be used in teaching science, technology, engineering, math (STEM); geometry; measurement; architecture; art and design. SketchUp designs can even be sent to a 3D printer to create actual plastic models of your designs.
Note: this training is required before borrowing the NAO robot for your classroom.
• Demonstrate content knowledge
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Connect concepts and engage learners
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Respond to diverse learning needs
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Set high expectations/challenging learning
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Use diverse instructional strategies
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy • Use a variety of approaches to meet student needs • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge
• Remain current in content knowledge/pedagogy • Engage students to develop multi-disciplinary skills • Demonstrate technology literacy knowledge • Use curricular resources to achieve student goals
• Use curricular resources to achieve student goals
3D Design Using SketchUp (Level 2)
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2016-2017 Principals’ Meetings: Establishing a Network of Support Description:
Ongoing Initiatives
Monthly Principals’ Meetings are held for the purpose of focusing on the Regents Reform Agenda; sharing timely and relevant State Education Department information; and sharing local experiences, procedures, innovative programs, best practices, and strategies for ensuring all students are college and career ready. The meetings serve as an especially important mechanism for maintaining ongoing regional communication between building principals and BOCES Instructional Support, Career and Technical Education, and Special Education Departments. Relevant information is also shared by guest speakers as appropriate. Facilitators: Kerrie Johnston, Director of Instructional Support Services, DCMO BOCES Lorie Ostrander, Coordinator of Staff and Curriculum Development, DCMO BOCES Dianne Gizowski, Coordinator of Staff and Curriculum Development, DCMO BOCES
Elementary, Middle and High School Principals’ Meetings September 19, 2016 October 20, 2016 November 14, 2016 December 21, 2016 January 20, 2017 February 16, 2017 March 23, 2017 April 25, 2017 May 23, 2017
9:00 – 11:00 9:00 – 11:00 9:00 – 11:00 9:00 – 11:00 9:00 – 11:00 9:00 – 11:00 9:00 – 11:00 9:00 – 11:00 9:00 – 11:00
BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Sidney Central School, Sidney BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Sidney Central School, Sidney BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Sidney Central School, Sidney BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich Sidney Central School, Sidney BOCES Support Services Center, Norwich