relations with CSC (software package Graphtalk AIA) administration of the
systems HP, NT and Oracle development OO of investment products
management of ...
Frédéric LONCA
Birth date Address Phones
01/11/1971 35, rue Wurth-Paquet L-2737 Luxembourg +352.45.93.66 (home, answering machine) +352.091.458.689 (mobile)
[email protected] web : French Single
e-mail Nationality Marital status
EDUCATION 1994 1991 1989
Engineering degree conferred in computer science (CUST Clermont-Ferrand, France) Mathematical « DEUG » (UFR Clermont-Ferrand, France) Baccalaureat « C » in mathematics and physical sciences (Thiers, France) LANGUAGES
French English
mother tongue fluent
German Luxemburgish
basic basic
Winterthur Europe Vie, Luxemburg Project manager – Head IT’s assistant budget, economic planning responsible for relations with suppliers and providers administration of the systems NT, Oracle and Exchange software and material installations development OO of investment products (software package Graphtalk AIA) business and IT process analyses and optimisation availability of the information systems
06/1998 till 11/2000
AXA Assurances Vie, Luxemburg Project manager - Head of IT investment products department relations with CSC (software package Graphtalk AIA) administration of the systems HP, NT and Oracle development OO of investment products management of a team of four programmers link between business and IT services availability of the information systems
06/1996 till 06/1998
Computer Science Corporation Financial Services Group, Paris, France Project manager - Responsible for site put in functional and technical production of the software package Graphtalk AIA functional and technical interface between CSC and the customer project management development OO of investment products 1st Regiment de combat aéromobile, Sarrebourg, France Analyst programmer - National Missions service rewriting of the application of management of the staff computer technical support training of the staff for the computer tools
11/1994 till 09/1995
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1994 (6 months)
Caisse Régionale de Crédit Agricole Centre France, Clermont-Ferrand, France Analyst programmer training : rewriting of the application of management of the accounts of a professional customers between two mainframes systems (Bull-CICS towards IBM-DB2). 1994 (5 months)
Laboratory of data processing of the university, UFR Clermont-Ferrand, France Analyst programmer Project : analysis and conception of application for production optical’s control (good location and qualities of the welds on an electronic circuit). 1993 (3 months)
National Institute of the Agronomic Research, Clermont-Ferrand, France Analyst programmer Training : determination and application of a process of characterisation of an ideal individual within a population (SQL requests and Splus statistical analysis). 1993 (5 months)
Laboratory of data processing of the university, UFR Clermont-Ferrand, France Analyst programmer Project : analysis, programming and study of efficiency of determinist and heuristics methods for the resolution of problems in scheduling (annealing feigned application).
Sports : hiking tour, swimming, volley-ball, karting Miscellaneous : movie theatre, computers, internet, mathematics teaching
Critical mind Availability Organisational abilities Easy communication Conscientiousness Knowledge of various information technologies domains Knowledge of offshore investment products
At the head of a team within your company, I will undertake to spread out and use the means offered in order to realise the objectives. I am convinced that my personal qualities and professional experiences would be an asset for the IT team and would enhance the services your company offers.
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