IT-intensive value innovation in the electronic economy: Insights from
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... 400 field sales employees equipped with laptop computers who travel to ...... Kraar, L. "Acer's edge: PCs to go" Fortune, v132, n9, Oct 30 1995, pp.186-194.
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Middlesex University London, Middlesex University Business School .... Cost-oriented firms (hereafter: COFs) try to gain high market share so as to improve their.
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Jan 28, 2015 - So: innovation policy needs to be more explicitly recognised on all political sides, as a key arena for democratic struggle and social choice.
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nature of these services as well as winning business models is still open to .... The mobile phone is now more than just a functional piece of technology to ... each other to attract customers; the value of the network increases with number of.
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May 16, 2017 - [email protected] ..... entrepreneurial capitalism (radical innovations, marketing new products) and big-firm capitalism ...... Angeles, CA while the Type 7.2 cities include Seattle, San Diego, CA, and San Francisco.
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The Porter Hypothesis. Diffusion of innovations theory. Regulation & Innovation. Environmental Innovation. Hypotheses. Methodology. Empirical model. Results.
Key words: networks; global pipelines; international collaboration; innovation ..... innovative firms do not tend to introduce new products, services or processes in.
Available online 2 September 2016. This research focuses on a little studied area within the future of global sustainability, that of grassroots ecopreneurs.
IT-intensive value innovation in the electronic economy: Insights from
IT-intensive value innovation in the electronic economy: Insights from Marsh... Omar A El Sawy; Arvind Malhotra; Sanjay Gosain; Kerry M Young. MIS Quarterly ...
IT-intensive value innovation in the electronic economy: Insights from Marsh... Omar A El Sawy; Arvind Malhotra; Sanjay Gosain; Kerry M Young MIS Quarterly; Sep 1999; 23, 3; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 305
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