(scroll the page for downloading the smartphone app) ... http://www.venturaprojects.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/14032
Italia Centro di Capoeira Cordao de Ouro Milan and Milan Design Week from April 8th to 13th Bom dia galera, If you are coming to our Batizado, you should know that in those days will take place the Milan Design Week and the Fuorisalone. So If you like Design, art installations, artisanal productions, museums and so on, you could be interested in taking a walk in one of the suggested districts. General events information and transportations. • • • •
http://www.milandesignagenda.com http://guidafuorisalone.it/?language=en (scroll the page for downloading the smartphone app) http://fuorisalone.it/2014/ (Italian only, but useful for the map available here http://fuorisalone.it/2014/events/map) Local Transports smartphone apps http://www.atm.it/en/ViaggiaConNoi/Pages/ATMMobile.aspx
www.capoeiramilanocdo.it Milan Design Week and Fuorisalone guide – April 2014
Tortona district Nearest Metro stop: “Porta Genova FS” Green M2
More details and smartphone app http://www.tortonaroundesign.com/?lang=en http://www.tortonaroundesign.com/app
www.capoeiramilanocdo.it Milan Design Week and Fuorisalone guide – April 2014
Brera district Nearest Metro stops: - “Cairoli Castello” Red line M1 - “Lanza” Green line M2 - “Montenapoleone” Yellow line M3
More details and smartphone app http://fuorisalone2014.breradesigndistrict.it/?lang=en http://fuorisalone2014.breradesigndistrict.it/app
www.capoeiramilanocdo.it Milan Design Week and Fuorisalone guide – April 2014
Lambrate district Nearest Metro stop: “Lambrate” Green line M2
More details and PDF http://www.venturaprojects.com/ http://www.venturaprojects.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/140327-Ventura-Lambrate-2014_FinalFloorplan_RGB.pdf [PDF]
www.capoeiramilanocdo.it Milan Design Week and Fuorisalone guide – April 2014
Porta Venezia district Nearest Metro stop: “Porta Venezia” and “Lima” Red line M1
More details http://portaveneziaindesign.com/en
Municipal Museums (free entrance) • • • • • • •
Museo del Novecento Museo Archeologico Museo di Storia Naturale Musei del Castello Sforzesco Palazzo Morando Acquario civico Galleria d’Arte Moderna e al Museo del Risorgimento
Visit the Milan tourist guide page or download the PDF guide (suggested) [4 mb].
www.capoeiramilanocdo.it Milan Design Week and Fuorisalone guide – April 2014