itc and codevelopment between catalonia and senegal - Center for ...

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Nov 20, 2007 - telephony system regulated by the National Telecommunication Company - .... necessary to take into account the call-centers, called in Spain ...
ITC AND CODEVELOPMENT BETWEEN CATALONIA AND SENEGAL By Papa SOW and Rosnert Ludovic ALISSOUTIN Abstract: Over the last years, the Information Society has been popularized thanks mainly to the Information and Telecommunications Techologies-ITC. The effect and the impact of the ITC surpasses territorial borders (Not to mention transnational ones) increasing with the multiple socioeconomical interexchanges of information. The countries of reception like those of origin of the migrants have become zones of intense exchanges of information between families remaining in the home country and the "Diaspora" living abroad. From interviews and multiple observations, this article seeks to demonstrate how the Mobile phone and the e-mail can, by encouraging a nonstop codevelopment, represent tools of political and socioeconomical transformations in the places of origin par excellence. Thanks to these tools, there are regular exchanges of information between immigrants settled in Spain and their "counterparts" based in Senegal. The article aims to highlight the "instrumental" function that the mobile phone and the e-mail can play in the remote microcoordination of codevelopment through interexchanges of information, testimonies and perceptions. The need to access ITC, on behalf of the immigrants, could be useful for a better insertion and permanent contact with the country of origin. Consequently through codevelopment, the ITC can bring about the succesful implementation of important resources and economic growth in the home countries. Thanks to the ITC, the basis of accumulation and distribution of the resources can be reinterpreted in a different way. Keywords: Information Society, Spain, Catalonia, Mobile Phone, Email, Senegalese, Culture of link, Distance Relations, Codevelopment, Senegal.

The French version of this article has been already published in 2009 in the book Communication Technologies in Latin America and Africa: A multidisciplinary perspective (Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol and Adela Ros Híjar, edition, IN3 and MNS), Section 3: Shaping migratory cultures, Chapter 12, pp. 319-342. 

Marie Curie Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, University of Warwick, UK. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] For more information about Dr. Papa Sow and his works, see his webpage: 

Professor and Associate Researcher URF of Law University Gaston Berger Saint Louis Senegal. E-mail: [email protected] For more information about Dr. Rosnert Ludovic Alissoutin and his works, see his webpage:


BACKGROUND Senegal has one of the most significant densities of mobile telephony in Africa. According to the data of ITU (2008), the ratio of cell subscribers in relation to the landline was 22, 7 % and 8, 35 % of the population have used the Internet. The turn of the century saw the publication of inportant literature on Senegalese ITCs (Guéye, 2002; Tall, 2002; Thioune, 2003; Diop, 2003; Guignard, 2004; Cheneau-Loquay, 2004 and 2005; Guéye, 2004, Mbarika and al. 2005). Nowadays, there are 4.389.133 holders of SIM cards and subscribers to the mobile telephony system regulated by the National Telecommunication Company - SONATEL (ARTP, 20091). That is to say a little more than half of the Senegalese and foreign citizens registered on the national electoral file. The country has an important organization - UNETTS - National Union of the Holders of Telecentres and Telephones of Senegal – which, in 2009 gathered together the holders of telecentres exceeding more than 5.500 members (ARTP, 2009:6). Three big Companies ORANGE, TIGO and EXPRESSO at present dominate the lucrative ITC market of the country with telecommunications accounting for 8% of the economy’s national growth. According to some specialists, the ITC sector is has a faster growth rate than the traditional sectors (Agriculture, Fishing, Tourism, etc.). The competition in which, the national and international network providers are engaged has had a direct impact on the consumption and services deriving from the mobile telephony, leading to an inrease in price competiveness making calls abroad cheaper. The minimum price of the prepaid cards is only 1000 FCFA, about 1 euro 50 cents. In addition to these prices, it is even possible to share the prepaid cards, which in Wolof are called sèddo, a special formulae and offer made by the network providers. At present, the sèddo system has practically replaced the Telecentres. The system and the costs of communication have become more and more accessibe to the extent that the huge number of costumers obliged the SONATEL system, through its PNN - National Plan of Numbering - which is regulated by the ARTP - Agency of Regulation of Telecommunications and the Post offices, from October 7th 2007 to add 7 figures to the mobile telephony as well as the landlines which now have 9 figures2. The figures speak for themselves, revealing that the gap which exists between the mobile phone users and those subscribed to the landlines is very high. Internet: everywhere for everyone. Already a reality is the new slogan of SONATEL which at the end of 2009 sold the Internet connection at relatively very low prices. In the same year, SONATEL provided Internet to more than 40.000 users (ARTP, 2009:13)

Migrations, ITC and development The relations between migratory flows and networks of communication have changed drastically over the last years. In only ten years, communications have gone through a boom and acceleration never seen before. This article about the relation between migrations, ITC and codevelopment is an illustrative example of what Portes (1999) called the "globalization in below". The capacity of African immigrants generally to develop strategies, far from their country of origin, entering fully in distance relations while mobilizing strong social connections has led to the emergence of a new phenomenon in the heart of the Information Society.


See ARTP report, 2009 (p.9): 2

See Rewmi Newspapers of June 2nd 2007, read the article: “The telephone passes of 9 figures in October, reminds the ARTP”.


There is a strong competition between network providers which offer lower prices and the development of the remittances for the migrants. With mobile phone and e-mails, it is possible to make tied contacts with counterparts (often the family, close acquaintances, etc.) and codevelopment partners. This kind of "virtual cultural link" has become visible and very dynamic with the high usage of ITC by migrants. This situation is in fact likely to strengthen the role of the Diaspora3 in the development of the places of origin. This should allow researchers to investigate the cognitive dimension of this new issue. Indeed, a virtual link exists between the connectivity deriving from mobile phones and e-mails, the development of being part of a big "diasporic community" and the commitment of the immigrants towards their places of origin. Besides, the fact of being capable of representing the new dynamics of transnational mobilization of the migration gives consistency to the discourse on the globalization, the multiculturalism and the "end" of the distance management of social relationships. As such, this article tries to encourage a critical discussion on a vision of codevelopment from the understanding of the technological relations which exist between mobility and development. The immigrant is a person who is at the same time here and there, connected to his/her history, friends, to and networks. Such contemplation may lead to a new theoretical framework which regards the relations between the country of origin and the settlement country not only in terms of remittances, skills and knowledges but also in terms of codevelopment here and there or between here and there. The communication systems between these actors are hypermediatized and increased thanks to mobile phones and e-mails, tools which are today the most easily accessible and easy to handle. This simultaneous communication, while appealing to a strong sense of being member of a "diasporic community" tends to capitilise on, mobilize and articulate local and distant skills and aquaintances. It also helps in the speedy drafting of, often very worthwhile projects of public interest, in the places of origin. It is important to realise however that if the "culture of the virtual link” is at present most visible and most dynamic because of ITC, particularly through mobile phones and e-mails, it does not explain the same “link culture”.

Use of the ITC by the immigrants settled in Catalonia The Senegalese community living in Catalonia is one of the most representatives in terms of the volume of persons4 from the so called "sub-Saharan" Africa. With the policies of family regrouping and settlement, certain immigrants have been joined by their families. So, a dynamic Senegalese community has grown and there are now intense networks of relations being woven between Catalonia and the country of origin. In the main, these networks have become possible thanks to the various information exchanges and the multiple channels of communication by which they have developed. 3

The African Union defined the "African Diaspora" as: “[consisting] of people of African origin living outside the continent, irrespective of their citizenship, or nationality and who are willing to contribute of the development of the continent and the building of African Union”. See report of the expert meeting on the definition of African Diaspora : Over the last years, the United Nations Task Force launched an initiative which aims to gather immigrants of the Diaspora qualified in a vast network of promotion for the development of the ICT in their home country. The initiative is known under the name of Digital Diaspora Network and it aims to promote the Objectives of the Millennium Challenge. For more details, see: .html 4

At the end of 2007, the population of the Senegalese was estimated at 15.307 individuals according to data supplied by the Secretariat for the Immigration of the Catalan government. To draft this article, the authors have conducted in depth surveys with immigrants in Catalonia. Observations and interviews have


One of the most important channels is represented by the ICT and particularly the technologies of banking (via the remittances) and the telephony (landline and mobile). The remittances which are often sent are intended either to help the family remaining in the country or to realize development projects. Most are made through banks.The oldest and most frequently used banking and system channels include among others the convoyages5 and the International banks: Western Union, Money Gram, Money express, Money Exchange, and the mobile phone operators. Although the African migrants remittances market, toward Sub Saharan Africa, remains predomminantly Senegelese, over the last years we also have noted the active presence of certain Spanish banks such as Banco Santander Central Hispano BSCH-, Banco Popular, Caixa Catalunya, "La Caixa", Banesto, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya ArgentariaBBVA-, Bancaja, to name but a few6. In Catalonia, the banking transfer services (via ITC) offered to immigrants generally and to Senegalese in particular are diverse and varied. "La Caixa", one of the leading business banks in Catalonia, to cite one example, has put at the disposal of immigrants a service called Nous Residents and wants to target many nationalities7. The services offered include: transfers, opening of step or saving accounts, loans mortgages for acquiring a house in the country of origin, savings and offers of renting, life insurance, e-commerce, remittance cards, etc. The discourses of the "sociologists of immigration" have often focused on the remittances without sufficient regard for the use which the migrants make of phones and the e-mails. Nevertheless, an open access to information can avoid the marginalization of the immigrants and allow them to make up-to-date choices in order to improve their livelihood and well-being. The revolution in telephony (and especially the mobile phone) and the exchanges of e-mails have strongly contributed to spreading information more widely and to a sharing of knowledge. In the "Immigrant communities" (and particularly among the Senegalese who are the object of this study) the mobile phone and e-mails allow them to reduce their social and spatial isolation, as well as the obstacles which they often face. The lack of information about immigrant networks and their channels of information and communication built up through the mobile phone, for example, limit the knowledge which the settlement societies have of them. In spite of the immigrants' strong presence in that part of Spain and the big infrastructure of telecommunications which covers Catalonia, there are very few in-depth studies on the relationship between immigration8 and ITC (Ros and al. 2007). In Spain, until now,

also been realized with Senegalese technicians who have a specialist knowledge of the theme and established in Dakar 5

It is the fact of sending remittances through an "informal" friendly network without paying any commission. It is necessary to point out that during the year of 2006 only, the immigrants established in Spain sent officially around 6.800 million euros to their countries of origin [See the South American Newspapers: La Voz de Nuestra Comunidad of November 16th , 2008, on page 16]. 6

From this long list, we shall quote: Telegiros, Giroexpress S.A, Envia Telecomunicaciones S.A, Quisqueyana Iberia, Inc., Ungiros Internacional, S.A, Save Money Transfer Spain, Inc., etc. It is also necessary to take into account the call-centers, called in Spain locutorios, which operate both at telephony and remittances levels. 7

Financial services offered to the immigrants by "La Caixa" can be consulted on the following Internet pages: See also the Integra program on the web page:


every year, a survey is carried out on equipments and the use of ITC in households. According to the National Institute of Statistics of Spain, in 2009 more than 67 % of foreigners used the Internet in their homes (INE, 2009: 5). In most of the existing studies, the methodological limitations often complicate the interpretation of the results. The comparison between the native and the immigrant population is often very complex. Researchers are still not interested in the differences of attitudes between immigrants who use the ITC and even less so on preferences and technological tastes in the context of immigration. Through tools such as the mobile phone and e-mails which have now become indispensable in the countries of destination, immigrants manage to maintain family links and a distant cooperation in an immediate way. Moreover, most of these migrants, often by being at the origin of the setting-up of the cell phones their own places of origin have became the anonymous bearers of the local development message in remote regions and households. By establishing a strong “culture of link” through the mobile phone and the e-mails, the migrants succeed in maintaining their distance logics. They activate everyday connections which are similar to closed relationships which can stand from expression of feelings to distance control.

The mobile phone and the e-mail objects of cultural and social construction The mobile phone represents a tool which can help increase the capacity of memorization. By upsetting the connections, it has introduced new behaviours, modes of expressions and representations which impact more and more on a large number of people. Contrary to its technical vocation, the cell phone is becoming a culturally and socially constructed object, whose dynamics particularly within the framework of interexchanges raises an array of questions. The mobile often remains the reflection in action of the realities which it represents. The current "anthropology of the mobile telephony" for a long time centering on techniques or the history of communication tools, reveals that research has evolved litttle. A methodology appropriate for the mobile and e-mail in close relationship with the issue of the emigration remains to be established. Lately, some sociologists and anthropologists (Beaudouin et Velkovska, 1999; Anis, 2000; Castells, et al. 2005; Horst et Miller, 2006; Smith, 2007) have tried to rehabilitate the social utility of the mobile phone and the e-mails in social sciences. Their numerous works show the development of an innovative field of research where the cell phone and the email appear as tools of full investigation in order to understand the contemporary Information Society. The mobile phone and e-mails offer researchers from the various disciplines the possibility of observing an exchange of views rich in meanings through the effects which they infer and the discourses (voiced or written) which are produced. The possibility of analyzing the discourses and of producing new interpretations can represent a new field of research. Moreover, the variety of disciplinary entries of recent works (Horst and Miller, 2006; Agar, 2003) devoted to the mobile phone and to the back home immigrant places, as well as they recover from the public or private sector, demonstrates the richness of an object of research which lends itself as much to an economic or sociological analysis as to a study of territories and uses. The analysis of the representations and the use of the mobile phone in immigrant background often 8

At the Spanish State level, it is necessary to note the report of Fundación Telefónica in 2006 on Los medios of comunicación in the experiencia migratoria latinoamericana which can be checked on the following link: nes/pdf/ Los_medios_de_comunicacion_en_l a_exp a.pdf In Catalonia very few studies have been done on this thematic.


stand out from the ambiguity. There is indeed a social construction around a technological tool (the mobile phone) which is a bearer of modernity, of discourse, of social representations and collective myths and which make the user acts (Harper, 2001 and 2003; Katz et al. 2002; Ling, 2004; Castells et al. 2005). In the countries of immigration as well as in those of origin, the mobile phone sometimes remains a tool with which, space, time, status, equipment, personality, etc…contribute to the construction of a discourse (Mbow and Tamba, 2007). In general, access to the communication services and to the mobile phone in particular was widely recognized as an important contribution towards the development of the country of origin and especially for those of African migrants (Chéneau-Loquay, 2005). Often even in the places of origin, the level of penetration of the mobile phone has increased in an exponential way. We thus have to deal with emigrants or "candidates for emigration" already widely sentisised to the novelties of mobile telephony and its practical use.

The Senegalese immigrants, ITC and the Codevelopment at distance This article is based on an exploratory analysis of the practices of codevelopment (Naïr, 1997; Riccio and Grillo, 2003; Aumüller, 2004; Ostergaard-Nielsen, 2007; Fauser, 2007) in operation via mobile phones and e-mails by Senegalese immigrants between Catalonia and Senegal. The analysis takes into account a certain number of elements emanating from the results of participatory observations and interviews which show in addition to the crossover between the “culture of link”, the relations at a distance (codevelopment) and the dynamics of transnational mobilization. The "culture of the mobile phone" is not a recent one among the Senegalese immigrant community. Many interviewed immigrants give the impression that they have possessed o mobile phone for several years. Their everyday actions are thus completely registered in a particular context of the "Information Society". The mobile phone represents a basic tool for an indispensable connection between the immigrants and their country of origin. It reflects a relation of continuous communication in time. As a tool, it shortens the distances between the settlement country and that of origin thanks to their ability to create strategies of implication in the daily life in both or several places. The mobile phone manages to represent simultaneously an individual tool and interpersonal, “communitarian” communication used more and more frequently, allowing constraints in the material infrastructure to be overcome. The mobile phone stood out as the simplest and most economic way to do so. Its impact was immediate in the Senegalese community and became more and more accessible in terms of cost and even availability. Powerful companies such as Movistar and Vodafone have already assumed a prominent position in the Catalan-Spanish market and have also targeted immigrants. More than half of those interviewed said they were with the Movistar Company the remainders were with Vodafone and Amena/Orange. More than the quality of the services, it is often the affordable prices which attract the immigrant costumers. Many people affirmed to being subscribed to two companies at the same time for reasons of economy rates, work and family. Until very recently, “to codevelop” or even communicate with a country of origin were not considered easy because of the heavy costs (Post, fax, telephone, etc.) incurred by the immigrants. Amongst the difficulties presented in this this sector, we can quote the ineffectiveness of postal correspondence, which is in the main irreguar and oldfashioned; the non-existence of communication which often creates a considerable loss in the spreading and the follow-up of information. Worse still, the deficient 6

infrastructures in the places of origin (often in very remote villages far from Senegalese big city centers) were, for a long time, one of the biggest obstacles to the speed of distribution of information. The lack of communications was for a long time a contributory factor causing blockage and disorganisation in the transmission of information. Often the immigrants did not manage to meet deadlines, nor did their counterparts, in their places of origin, succeed in honoring their commitments towards the beneficiaries of the codevelopment projects. The introduction and use of mobile phones have already had a remarkable impact notable in the level of daily practices of codevelopment and improvement of the management and control of information in the places of origin.

Managing the projects of codevelopment at distance through the e-mail and cell phones The management and follow-up on an assembly line of individual codevelopment projects and often even “collective” projects, reveal the important and innovative role which the mobile and email play in the daily "construction" and preservation of links with the places of origin. There is a strong sociability through an intense network which has as a starting and returning point these tools which are capable of making and unmaking the links and relations of solidarity. The mobile and e-mail represent for Senegalese immigrants (and their Catalan countpartners) not only objects of mediation and preservation of the emotional link with the country of origin, but also tools which convey the information and the situations of how people live from day to day in Senegal. Because the level of training to manage the mobile or email presents little handicap, it does not represent an obstacle when bulding up a network of social relationships within the community, the places of origin and especially the Diaspora. This is demonstrated with one of the first e-mails of the ATZUCAC9 organization (based in Catalonia) sent to Ndoyéne (Senegal), its Senegalese counterpart within the framework of a project dealing with rural electrification: ----- Message d'origine ---De : Atzucac Senegal