After consulting with his primary care provider, he was referred to stillwater medical ... solution into the bladder tha
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prostate health: for the men in your life
hen you use your garden hose, you slowly turn the nozzle to allow the water to begin flowing. As you continue to turn the nozzle, the pressure builds up and the stream flows stronger. While using the hose, all of a sudden the water stops flowing; you quickly look for a kink in the hose and release it. As soon as you release the kink, you are back in action and water flows freely. This garden hose analogy was how Kevin Slaikeu of Afton, Minnesota, described his bladder trouble. “Having bladder trouble was not only painful and discomforting, but it was embarrassing,” stated Kevin. “It impacted my ability to go to a baseball game or fishing with the guys.” Kevin was only 45 years old when he first noticed issues with his bladder. “No one should have to live like that,” said Kevin. “Going to the bathroom is such a part of your daily routine; it should be an easy process, not something you fear.”
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After nine years of pain, discomfort and embarrassment Kevin decided it was time to make a change. After consulting with his primary care provider, he was referred to Stillwater Medical Group urologist David Henly, MD. Kevin completed a bladder test and quickly learned that his prostate was almost closed, which was the cause of his bladder trouble. “I was lucky to have only a closure and not something critically wrong with my prostate,” Kevin said. After being presented with treatment options, Kevin elected to have the green light vaporization therapy for enlarged prostates. Men typically have this treatment performed when they have difficulty emptying their bladder. Dr. Henly broke down the procedure in simple terms and was extremely confident with the prognosis and outcomes, which made the whole process more comforting for Kevin. “It was a life-changing procedure,” Kevin said. “I could go to the bathroom normally again without embarrassment.”
blue light
Kevin Slaikeu, of Afton, MN - with his sons and grandsons.
Blue Light Cystoscopy is a new, state-of-theart imaging procedure available at Stillwater Medical Group that helps urologists detect and diagnose bladder tumors easier than ever before. It helps make the tumor more visible to the physician and enhances complete removal while decreasing the rate of a tumor reoccurring.
How does it work? When asked if he was nervous to have the procedure, Kevin replied, “I think any man would be nervous to have a procedure involving his manhood. However, I kept thinking what my wife went through with childbirth and this procedure was nothing!”
The urologist will inject a colorless contrast solution into the bladder that accumulates in cancer cells. The color will then turn bright pink or red when shown under a blue light.
Since his procedure, Kevin says he can work, play with the grandchildren and enjoy fishing trips with the guys, pain free.
The best candidates for Blue Light Cystoscopy are patients who are suspected or known to have bladder tumors.
kevin’s advice “Have the conversation with your son. Have a discussion about preventative health with your kids. I wish my dad was still here so I could ask him if he ever had to deal with the issues I am having. Don’t prolong any abnormality. Your body has methods of telling you something is not right. Life is too short to continue living in pain and discomfort.”
In the images below, the bladder tumor is essentially invisible under white light (left). The tumor can clearly be seen under blue light (right). ~ THOMAS STORMONT, MD urology / stillwater medical group Westfields Hospital & clinic
to learn more ABOUT treatment OF prostate conditions, PLEASE TALK WITH YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER OR contact: Amery Hospital & Clinic - (715) 268-8000 | hudson hospital & clinic - (715) 531-6700 | Stillwater Medical Group - (651) 439-1234 | westfields Hospital & clinic - (715) 243-2900 |