It's undeniable that we would not be here today if not for the grace ...

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The main problem, the spark that led to the inferno of substance abuse, was that I was trying to live life my way, on my
It’s undeniable that we would not be here today if not for the grace and mercy of our loving God. As Melissa mentioned, over the past few years I have struggled with addiction. During this time I made decisions that I’m not proud of and those decisions negatively affected my marriage and home life. When I hit bottom I knew I needed help. The main problem, the spark that led to the inferno of substance abuse, was that I was trying to live life my way, on my own terms. I was relying solely on myself. And there was something missing. I had a hole I was trying to fill. Instead of looking to God for strength and comfort, I attempted to fill this hole myself, unsuccessfully. Treatment programs can be an effective intervention in substance abuse. In AA, step 3 says that one must decide to turn their will and their lives over to God, as you understand Him. It was always the last part got me. As you understand Him. It leaves the door open to interpretation. To some people in the program God was nature or the stars or the universe. This always seemed so empty to me. The planets and the stars were of no comfort to me. What I needed was the supernatural strength from the one true God, the God that created those planets and stars. And this is what I began to pursue. The road was not an easy one. I experienced triumphs and emotional setbacks. But, by the grace and mercy of God, I remained sober. Not only has God been instrumental in my sobriety, but he has orchestrated the healing of my marriage and my family. It is through Him that all things are possible. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.” I can say with no shadow of a doubt that we are standing here today because of this promise. God took this seemingly unfixable problem and used it for His glory. I am truly blessed to be standing in front of you all today to renew the vows Melissa and I made 10 years ago. Thank you for sharing this special moment with us.