1 Apr 2012 ... Nur Fitriyanti, 21011110060, 2013, Skripsi ini berjudul Wacana Media Indonesia
... Jurusan Ilmu Jurnalistik, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi,.
ABSTRAK Nur Fitriyanti, 21011110060, 2013, Skripsi ini berjudul Wacana Media Indonesia tentang Sikap Partai Koalisi terhadap Rencana Kenaikan Harga BBM Bersubsidi, Di bawah bimbingan Dr. Herlina Agustin, S.Sos., M.T., selaku dosen Pembimbing Utama dan Dandi Supriadi, S.Sos., MA. (SUT) selaku dosen Pembimbing Pendamping. Jurusan Ilmu Jurnalistik, Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana Media Indonesia mewacanakan sikap Partai Koalisi dalam menolak rencana kenaikan harga BBM yang tadinya akan diberlakukan pemerintah mulai 1 April 2012.Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik analisis wacana kritis model Norman Fairclough, Objek penelitian adalah empat teks Editorial Media Indonesia, “Partai Koalisi dan Harga BBM” (Senin / 19-03-2012), “Politik Bunglon” (Sabtu / 31 -03-2012), “Sengkarut Koalisi” (Sabtu / 07-04-2012), “Nada Sumbang Orkestra Koalisi” (Rabu / 18-04-2012). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada level teks, Media Indonesia lewat editorialnya mewacanakan sikap partai koalisi secara negatif. Pada level ini, Media Indonesia menunjuk partai-partai yang tergabung dalam Sekretariat Gabungan (Setgab) sebagai komunikator politik, Pada aspek identifikasi dan relasi, komunikan politik diwakilkan dengan kata, publik, masyarakat dan rakyat, Pada aspek intertekstualitas, teks editorial turut dibentuk oleh teks berita Media Indonesia dimana teks berita tentang sikap partai-partai koalisi terhadap rencana kenaikan harga BBM pada periode Maret-April 2012. Analisis level praktik wacana menunjukkan penulis-penulis Editorial Media Indonesia mempunyai pemikiran yang sama dengan Media Indonesia dalam mewacanakan sikap partaipartai koalisi dan telah mendengarkan hati nurani mereka. Pada level struktur organisasi, penulis menilai editorial Media Indonesia sudah menjalankan elemen ”Jurnalisme harus menjadi forum publik”. Dalam level praktik kerja, pada saat produksi teks Media Indonesia juga menjalankan elemen,”Esensi jurnalisme adalah disiplin verifikasi”. Pada level Praktik Sosiokultural, analisis situasional, institusional, dan sosial memengaruhi proses produksi dan konsumsi editorial Media Indonesia. Simpulan pada penelitian ini adalah Media Indonesia telah melakukan teknik persuasi politik yaitu dengan cara Penjulukan (name calling). Media Indonesia telah menjalankan elemen-elemen jurnalisme dalam proses produksi teks editorial, namun ada juga elemen yang tidak dijalankan seperti independensi dan proposionalitas dalam mewacanakan sikap partai-partai koalisi. Saran penulis kepada Media Indonesia adalah agar terus menjaga identitas dan ciri khas teks editorial yang terkenal dengan kelugasan dan ketajaman mereka dalam berbahasa, Namun Media Indonesia harus bisa independen dan proporsional dalam berpendapat.
ABSTRACT Nur Fitriyanti, 21011110060, 2013. The title of this research is Media Indonesia’s Discourse About the Attitude of the Coalition Party Towards the Increased Prize of Subsidized Fuel Oil Plan. Under guidances by Dr. Herlina Agustin, S.Sos., M.T., as main supervising lecturer and Dandi Supriadi, S.Sos., MA. (SUT) as Supervising companion lecturer. Journalism Science, Communication Science Faculty, Padjadjaran University, Bandung. The purpose of this research was to know how Media Indonesia discoursing the attitude of the coalition parties who declined the increased prize of subsidized fuel oil plan. Which suppose tobe imposed by the government on April 1st 2012. Qualitative method used in this research with a Norman Fairclough’s model of critical discourse analysis. The object of this study are four Media Indonesia’s editorial text during March-April 2012 which are; “Partai Koalisi dan Harga BBM” (Monday / 03-19-2012), “Politik Bunglon” (Saturday / 03-31-2012), “Sengkarut Koalisi” (Saturday / 04-07-2012), “Nada Sumbang Orkestra Koalisi” (Wednesday / 18-04-2012). The results showed that on the level of the text, Media Indonesia through it’s editorial discoursing stance of the coalition party that resisted the plan of increasing subsidized fuel oil price negatively, it was represented through the choice of vocabulary and grammar are used. In this level, Media Indonesia pointed the coalition parties as political communicator. In the identification and relation aspect, Political Communican reprsented by words “public, people, and citizen”, In the intertextuallity aspect, the editorial text were created by Media Indonesia’s news text. The Analysis of level of discourse practice showed the editorial writers had the same opinion as Media Indonesia as they interpretating the attitude of coalition party negatively and that’s why they’ve been given a chance to listen their own heart. In the organizational structure, Media Indonesia had been doing the elements of journalism;”It must provide a forum for public criticism andcompromise” In the production text level, Media Indonesia also had done the elements ” Journalism essence is a displine of verification”. In the sociocultural practice the situational, institutional and social analysis influenced the production and consumtion of the editorial text. The political institution of Media Indonesia which is own by politician also influenced how and why the Media Indonesia discoursing the attitude of coalition parties negatively Summary of this study; Media Indonesia did the political persuation technic which is name calling; Media Indonesia also did the elements o journalism, eventough there are some elements which not Media Indonesia done, like the proporsionality and the independency. Advice from author to Media Indonesia was to keep the identity and characteristics of the editorial that known with the straightforwardness and the sharpness of their proficiency, but Media Indonesia ought to be way more proporsional and independence from those their cover.